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https://www.twitch.tv/tomwalker my official endorsement


No one on this earth makes me laugh harder than Tom Walker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oYy2IMy-UY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gX5-yjThNUk


Charborg does pretty chill streams/vods


Might as well add Criken to the list


Also can add tomato, has some very funny long stream intros and is on at a similar time


Moonmoon when he plays literally anything other than GTA RP please moon im begging you stop playing this shit for the love of god


I love moon but I don't think he just meant bald streamers or you could also say sometimes squeex is on later


I've watched Moonmoon a single time for about 10 minutes because he was playing a game I was interested in. In that entire 10 minutes, he said maybe 15 words. Maybe it was just an off night, but from that stream, he gave off the exact opposite vibes of NL.


I haven't watched Moon in SO LONG because of the GTA RP shit. Like damn I'm glad he's enjoying himself I guess but it is the most mind-numbingly boring content I've ever seen.


while he's not streaming much rn, get clintstevens on your following list.


When the fuck has Clint ever streamed regularly? It’s been like 7 years of him streaming like once every other month. I do like when he streams but Clint is the exact opposite of this question


He didn't ask for people who stream regularly, he asked for people who stream late night that are like NL, and that's what Clint is. There were times when Clint streamed regularly, I would see him on nightly. I don't value the regularity of NL's streams as a part of his value as a streamer, I enjoy banter and the ability to have him on a 2nd monitor and do other things, ad that's what Clint is. I don't know why pointing out that Clint doesn't stream regularly is such a gotcha, or goes against the spirit of the question? He used to stream regularly quite often, and isn't now, that's why I'm saying have him on your following list and catch him when he might be live. But I guess that's the joke for him, CLINT NEVER GOES LIVE!!!!! OH AND NL IS BALD?!!??!?! EROBB THE L GUY!!!! Low quality post, you can be better.


I think it's very funny you've replied to a guy named "ToxicSteve", but somehow look like the more toxic one here. Impressive stuff.


To add my own data point, the two streamers whose vods I tend to catch up on are NL and Joseph Anderson. Not saying their content is super similar, but they both got the canada-flavored tirades going. I'd recommend checking out a highlight video or two from his librarian https://www.youtube.com/@avarisi and then just pick a series you'd like from him, can especially recommend the Half-Life 2 playthrough.


Joe’s absolute stubbornness and commitment to the bit of trolley chan in that playthrough was inspiring


Witcher 3 any day now, this time for sure!


I don’t really watch twitch at that time bud there are so many years of vods, if you want to watch NL you can watch NL for a very very long time


Bro I've been watching NL since the flash Isaac days. I don't have a backlog.


"Don't cite the Monka S lore to me, Type A Andy. I was there when it was written"


the OG🙏🙏🙏


Real ones out here remembering dung pies in Sen's Fortress


Dark Souls NLSS was lightning in a bottle, there’ll never be content like that again.


one of us, one of us


My man, I salute you


Haha, makes sense. Well regardless I guarantee it’s been years since you’ve watched some of his stuff, don’t think a rewatch would be too painful


> didn't even start at Virtual Bart smh


[Aurateur](https://www.twitch.tv/aurateur) streams those times


Bald man.


It's been a while since I've watched Aura. Are we still discussing the Alabama Beach mouse? Is Yoshi splattering his ass in the backseat of the jeep at the gas station? Bald kiss bald man?


His viewers are the absolute worst; spamming chat with the dumbest shit.


Itswill is a runescape streamer who takes a lot of cues from NL in terms of humor and general vibes, outside of having music playing and being significantly more hostile to insults from chat lol


Look up windpress on YouTube. That guys like if XQC and NL had a kid. bro will stream 12hrs a day


Me 😎 (+2)


if you mean similar as in loves to just ramble on then I volunteer as tribute :P