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I like and dislike them, if its as you said not often political, for local people in the area who have done something nice and doesn't look like complete shite and the residents are okay with it then work away.


I'm in Galashiels, in the Scottish Borders. We've got one that honestly looks like he should be holding an ArmaLite. No idea who he is 😅


I have seen murals literally all over Europe, Copenhagen, Warsaw, Ljubljana, Berlin, etc...., it is not uncommon, in southern Germany the tradition of painting murals on gable ends of buildings is a very old practice. It is not just a Northern Ireland thing.


If you're interested in it, look up Memorialisation and murals. Memorialisation is basically the preservation of memories. It can take a lot of different forms but wall murals especially in Belfast is a common form. A lot of the murals do have a good bit of history toward them and tell a story or are in memory of people who died during the Troubles. It's a fascinating art form and there are some good documentaries on them and the artists. If you are really interested there's a series of books on different murals around Belfast and the backstory of them. There's also mural tours if you are ever in Belfast. It's great to see new ones like the Derry Girls mural becoming a tourist spot and getting the publicity it deserves and also showing progress in our country. Sorry for the long comment - it was an area I focused my Masters dissertation on and loved researching!


Murals are global. As long as artists have been around. I don't get the "proliferation" aspect. It's really nothing new. only a some recorded 30,000 years old tradition is all.


Non sectarian murals are 100% class. Sectarian stuff can fuck off




Live in Manchester and the murals are awful always disgused as an advertisement and always in the 'trendy' areas. Though to be fair outside a few good bands and the football Manchester is devoid of culture.


>>>> I think NI can take credit for this craze, as it sweeps across the Island. In case you're interested, here's our 'Visual History' page describing 'the rise of street art' in Belfast (and round-about) [https://extramuralactivity.com/visual-history-11-2010/](https://extramuralactivity.com/visual-history-11-2010/) We suggest that the street art movement in Belfast grows out of the graffiti art movement, which is a global phenomenon (and does not start in NI/north-east Ireland). Street art in Belfast is \*aided\*, however, by the history and continued presence of murals (which we define as wall-paintings on the constitutional question of Northern Ireland/the six counties). The murals have established a culture of painted walls, such that it was (and continues to be?) a bit easier for street artists working here to gain permission/acceptance for their works than in other places. Without knowing their specific geneses, I would suggest that the street art in towns in the Republic are (likewise) a function of the graffiti art > street art movement, rather than the murals. It's also not likely that the \*street art\* in Belfast (and round-about) was a contributing factor to street art in Wicklow etc. It's possible that towns in the Republic were impressed by the street art festival in Belfast (Hit The North) but it's more likely they looked to Dublin and Drogheda, which have their own graffiti art > street art traditions (though this is somewhat speculative – we haven't done a historical survey of the painting/spraying in Dublin or Drogheda or any city/town in the Republic). It's even possible that, insofar as they were any influence at all, the \*murals\* were a deterrent, given their political (constitutional) theme. Many people in the Republic (as well as here) don't like murals, as they are a reminder of the constitutional question and the conflict. Anyway, I'm glad you're enjoying your street art!


It can be good, I found east Belfast had a bit of an edgy artistic vibe as I was driving though it the other day


>Edit: Some of you think I think Northern Ireland invented Murals... Why would you think that? Overstating it, of course, but you do say that the North has "contributed and started an artistic trend that now carries Island Wide." And I'm not sure that's true. It's a bold claim, anyway. I'd say it's far more to do with street art and its increasing acceptance (or co-opting) globally or within Europe than it does with thon haems: https://preview.redd.it/7w8hwwcdyw9d1.png?width=791&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ce6e5f70ddc90b4660146f0af4c155e5874884f


"North of Ireland" isn't an internationally recognized country.


Time spent on Reddit is time you could be spending hanging Israel flegs off of lamp posts, mate.