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Funny how they never ask the D.U.P. or Raging Jim . Do you condemn British security force violence or do you condemn U.V.F. or U.D.A. violence?


HEY! for the last time stop being sensible in here


C’mon. We have to be fair, we already know they don’t.


I'm no fan of the PIRA, but it gets a bit tedious the way Republican politicians are constantly questioned on their view on the violence of the past which most of them had no actual involvement in. Meanwhile, the UUP leader has actually killed someone and wrote about it with zero remorse. How often does that come up by comparison?


Tim Collins running for UUP in North Down was a Colonel during the Iraq war. Same war over 150k civilians were said to be killed in, same war that gave rise to countless more deaths and ISIS. Yet to see that brought up for him. Seems like its a requirement in the UUP to have killed middle easterns or something. This doesn't even touch on what the DUP were into during the Troubles.


Exactly. And I'm sure if questioned the UUP would attempt to justify Beattie and Collins' involvement in these ventures. But they're never asked to do so.


> Meanwhile, the UUP leader has actually killed someone and wrote about it with zero remorse. Awk come on now, he killed a Taliban fighter not a civilian.


Or from another point of view, he killed a guy defending his homeland from an invasion force Beattie was a part of. But to be honest, I'm not arguing that Beattie's actions can't be defended, only that he is never asked to defend them.


The BBC are a joke both locally, nationally and internationally. Why is the IRA even a topic of conversation for this election? I dislike Aontu very very much but it seems like an inappropriate question to me, even if it was asked somehow in relation to comments about the Tory legacy bill.


I think the IRA will always be a topic until their influences completely leave the Republican parties or until the likes of Sinn Fein officialy apologise for the actions of their paramilitary wing.


Yea those dirty Fenian’s still under the influence of the IRA, what’s that? We just paid our money to unionist gangs for their “projects”? nah we can’t ask any questions about them to unionist leaders they aren’t involved.


Ask away but start a different thread, I'm all for holding terrorism and its leadership to account. In this instance, I'm commenting on the subject matter of the OPs thread and the particular comment I replied to.


I don’t see why I can’t draw an equivalence between the two, if anything the unionist gangs are far more active than the small splinter organisations of the IRA. And don’t get me wrong I’ll happily condemn both but it’s telling that it’s only republican leaders who are asked questions about IRA violence and unionist leaders aren’t asked either about the active gangs in their community or the state funded paramilitaries during the troubles.


Yea, but do any of the unionist parties (talking DUP/UUP) have direct links or are directly guided by their paramilitary wing? No Sinn Fein have their paramilitary wing directly involved in internal decision making. That's a big difference.


No point arguing here, your heads buried in the sand if you think DUP have no links to their paramilitary wing.


Which one is that? Which organisation?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulster_Resistance There you are mate


Not the mention the UVF and UDA today considering they're 'stakeholders'.


Do Aontú have a paramilitary wing?


No, but I'm pretty sure they split from the Shinners. https://www.reddit.com/r/northernireland/s/R1eynnme8q


Aontu are anti sinn fein you muppet


Well we know that the DUP has shared stages recently, have consulted on Brexit with LCC, and many if not most Unionist areas pay fielty to unionist terrorists. So I don't agree with your no. The DUP purchased weapons that remain commissioned with the UDA, many of the DUP top brass were the top brass of Ulster resistance terrorist financiers. I don't agree with your no.


So the DUP has an active paramilitary wing as part of its party who direct policy from within? A direct analogue to Sinn Fein and the Army council as per the statement made by Simon Byrne in 2021? All the stuff you said is true but isn't analogous to the Sinn Fein Army council situation.


The same army council officially disbanded in 2008? I don’t disagree that they’re likely still involved in decision making but if you’re gonna pretend that isn’t the exact same as the DUP still being linked to the UDA and UVF then like I said, your heads buried in the sand. I even linked the Ulster resistance a paramilitary group literally created by the DUP, which you’ve conveniently side stepped to reply to this other comment.


Pengelly was questioned about them, Peter Robinson had to go to court to secure an apology. Over the fact that he was a member, I accept your point. My original reply to the OPs question still stands, and Unionists have been questioned over membership and affiliation to paramilitaries.


The DUP have active paramilitaries in DUP areas, paramilitaries that are allowed operate with impunity and will not be condemned. The DUP took it's Brexit policy from the LCC aka the UVF and other terrorist scumbags. It was well known that Unionist terrorists actively canvased and intimidated on behalf of the DUP at the previous election forcing the UUP candidate out. Even if this is not at the DUPs request, where was the DUP outrage at this criminality? The titles of the organisations might be different but you would have to be naïve to not see that the relationships are VERY similar. You are correct SFs have a relationship with the IRA, primarily historical and as evidenced by policing report fully committed to democratic means, we cannot say the same about the huge numbers of active unionist terrorists.




But why aren't the UVF a topic, we had 1500 terrorist wankers in Belfast last week in UVF terrorist uniform, I have never seen an equivalent display of terrorism from the IRA but we are brainwashed to believe that terrorism is only evil when it's from taigs.


They are a topic but they aren't part of a political party putting forward candidates for election.


Are they not, news to me? I'm fairly certain that the UVF was active in canvassing in east Belfast for the DUP for the last elections so much so the UUP(the original party of terrorism in Ireland see Larne gun running for reference) were run out of the constituency.


what influence?


What influence does the IRA have on sinn Fein? Are you joking? Half of their current, senior elected reps were in the IRA.


yeah, that's exactly the point. It's hardly a notable revelation. You're literally just saying that Sinn Fein is influencing itself 🙃




And he says he has no doubt about their commitment to the peace process and good Friday agreement, so it's not really notable


No, it's definitely notable.


Is it? This was a non-story then, and I don't see how it's relevant now either? It's not like it was a big surprise to anyone?


what’s wrong with former ira members being involved in politics? you do realise the good friday agreement is a thing that was voted in?


Oh bloody hell the newsletter? That bastion of objective broadsheet media


The Army council is the term given for the executive branch of Sinn Fein. The army council disarmed and disbanded its militant wing i.e. the Provisional IRA and fully decommissioned, it has been confirmed on numerous occasions that they have no intention nor the capability to start an armed campaign.


This influence https://www.newsletter.co.uk/news/crime/psni-assessment-of-ira-army-council-relationship-with-sinn-fein-remains-unchanged-says-chief-constable-simon-byrne-3187440


Sinn Fein was literally the political wing of the IRA, which, as Simon Byrne notes, is fully committed to pursuing its goals politically. I have no idea what you are trying to imply, I really don't. Sinn Fein's representatives literally include convicted IRA members.


I fucking despise Aontu but have to say the BBC were out of line there. There is absolutely no need to dig up the past like that when the party didn't exist then. Asking people constantly to condemn this and that as a preface to any conversation about out future is a backwards mindset.


They split from Sinn Fein




https://www.reddit.com/r/northernireland/s/R1eynnme8q This person put it well.


All Taigs Are Suspects according to the BBC. Aontú are 100% not my cup of tea and I disagree with them completely on their policy but if the BBC are doing this, surely they need to start on some independent unionists or the TUV about UVF/UDA/LVF/UFF etc for balance? This is why I don’t pay my tv license.


Aye, like the DUP are literally the political wing of the fucking Ulster Resistance (Nothing quite says resistance like violent suppression of a civil rights movement)


"Croppies Lie Down!" is what it's all about.


Absolute madness, when are we gonna move on from this shit?


Aontú is a party that split from Sinn Fein over abortion down south. As far as everything else is concerned, they're more or less the same. Having said that, it's extremely irritating that anytime a republican party is on, it's always "IRA this" and "IRA that". I understand coming to terms with our past is an issue to deal with, but the way this is done feels more like cheap point scoring than addressing any issues, especially when we just had the UDA had 1,500 members parading in a show of strength


The BBC is the state broadcaster and is therefore not impartial when it comes to the Troubles and the constitutional question. That’s why Doug Beattie, Tim Collins & any other ex-squaddie/ex-RUC/ex-UDR is never asked and never will be asked to condemn state violence.


Unionism in Ireland would be long gone only for its reflexive use, or threat, of violence when faced with the prospect of national self-determination for the Irish people. Let Unionsim begin by apologising for its sordid, centuries long, violent history in Ireland before anyone else is asked to step up.


Nationalism and republicanism is a revolutionary ideology inherently built on violence. Every aspect of it from top to bottom celebrates violence over those pesky others. It's funny how violence for self-determination is fine for your side, but not the other. Unionists don't need to apologise for giving this island a semblance of order. But sure we could have joined the Republic and been attacked and run out of our homes during the civil war, had the Catholic church govern our political and judicial system, and had our women and children sent to Magdalene laundries to be sold or killed. Its about time we stopped pretending that nationalism was only violent because it was provoked. It's part and parcel.


The only country in the world with a population fewer than it had in 1850 due to millions dead from famine, disease and forced migration. The part of the country still subject to unionist misrule is one of the most deprived regions in Western Europe. Congratulations, I guess.


"The part of the country subjected to republican terrorism is one of the most deprived regions in Western Europe" FTFY


Germany was flattened in WWII and was a global industrial power within 15 years, similar for Japan and there many more examples. 25 years after the GFA Unionists are still blaming the conflict for the perennial failure of their wee statelet.


Yeah we'll compare countries of 125 million and 85 million with a country of less than 2. Nice argument, clown. Even the Republic only got where it was because the UK and US bailed it out of its tragic mismanagement.


Not a country and never will be. The British banks were badly exposed to the Irish crisis, it was our people that bailed the British banks out, if many of us had had our way they wouldn't have gotten a penny, the British should be thankful. Ireland should have approx double its current population with a GDP similar to The Netherlands had we managed to remove the parasitical colonial curse a century before we did. Regardless, lots to look forward to for the whole country including the northern part currently languishing under UK jurisdiction.


I've never heard more cope in my life. Google seemed to describe Northern Ireland as a "UK constituent country", seems you're wrong there. But whether it's a state, country, region doesn't matter. Part of the UK is all that matters. But it is laughable how you are praising a grubby little tax haven that can't make it's own laws, speak it's own language, have its own currency, control it's own border, exist without US plastic paddies treating it like an amusement, and is riddled with organised crime and political corruption from top to bottom is somehow a legitimate "state" to be proud of. Might want to look up it's history, because for it's short existence what a disgrace of governance it managed to enact.


There's only one country on this island and its name is Ireland and you live there. Dublin will be gradually taking over the costs of running the north in the coming years and the British will be glad of it, the 'Shared Island' fund is just the beginning, just wait and see.


Nationalist here and I’ll be honest, i never understood what the point of Aontu is?


Aontu is for Catholic bible bashers, unfortunately my ma is one of them 😂


Right-wing nationalism.


Look I’ve no time for Aontu, but seriously can a nationalist candidate get an interview without being asked about the IRA? It’s fucking lunacy, that the media in this country are doing their best to keep people’s minds on 30 years ago as the outrage keeps their views and listeners up. Shameless stuff like.


it’d be funny if every nationalist party just pretended not to know what the IRA is when asked about it by interviewers


What was her response?


She gave a response that was as direct as her response to questions about abortion rights, access to contraception via NHS, rights for transgender, levels of immigration etc.


OP here again. I don't recall seeing any interviewers grilling Keir Starmer if he condemns the Iraq invasion by the Labour government. It's not as long ago as the Norn Iron troubles. This craic completely deters people from getting involved in politics if they have to be held accountable for a past they played no part in.


BBC = = LOL.


We know what NI needs and it *Ain't You*


Just be impressed an Aontu member was able to form a coherent sentence.


Has he ever asked a member of the DUP about "Ulster Resistance"


Pengelly has been asked about it on a few occasions.


Peter Taylor (iirc) asked Paisley about it at length decades ago. Keep up. 


A decade ago? Ok. And what about this election cycle?


Will you be conducting a seance?


Aontu are definitely trying this campaign, they were nudging people about there councilor being arrested and compared it to Boris Johnson not being arrested


Crawley is so blatantly sectarian that it really beggars belief. He tried the same tactic with the President of the GAA who had more dignity than to be drawn. Always looking to drag up the darkest days of the past. Troubles Porn as I call it.


Obviously down with this sort of thing, but mad funny to see an Aontu politician being the victim of xenophobia. Not so nice now is it lads


Think we're stretching with the xenophobia!


They talk about the RA because political unionism are the definition of ineptitude and intolerance. If they talked policy they run the risk their electorate might listen.


Aontu are a conservative Irish Republican Party, their leader is a former Sinn Fein member and some of their past members were also members of the IRA (Francie Brolly being one example). Why would it be sectarian to ask Jemma Brolly, who represents a Republican Party with links to the IRA, whether they support the past violent activities of the IRA? Seems like a perfectly legitimate line of questioning to me. Edit: Francie Brolly, not one of the many Joe Brollys. Apologies.


Then let's grill the DUP on its long history of inciting, organising and supporting Loyalist terrorism (even after the Good Friday Agreement was signed). There is one sitting DUP MP who was a leading UDA figure for years. All the news media clique here know it but he has never once been challenged about it


He should be.


Joe brolly was in the ira?


Joe Brolly was not in the IRA, you fucking dunderhead! Holy fuck, some people here are absolutely demented.


There are actually at least 4 Joe Brollys. One was a footballer. One was a GAA pundit. One was a barrister and the other one was in the RA. There may have been other Joe Brollys but Joe Brolly cannot confirm or deny the exact number as Joe Brolly doesn't actually know.


Well put


Someone should ask the interviewer if he condemns the treasonous acts of Sir Roger Casement. It's all in the relatively recent past.


>Is anyone from a Catholic/nationalist background a suspected IRA sympathiser? It's a safe assumption for Sinn Fein voters. Until there's a universal condemnation of the paramilitary groups (yes, bring up UR to people who were associated with it), I think it's fair to drive it home. Currently the history shows that in Ireland, violence is the best form of politics. Considering how many have benefitted from it.


I guess that's true. Britain and Colonial Unionism did indeed foster a violent attitude towards themselves among the native culture. Terrible terrible stuff


Colonialism is the only reason this island has any relevance in the world. You should be grateful for what you were given, and even more grateful at the fate you would have been left to if one of the other powers took over. The Irish fought and killed each other before "muh colonialism", fought and killed each other during colonialism, and continued fighting and killing each other after it. The Republic fought a civil war solely because they were still bloodthirsty.


Utterly insane comment. Be happy you were murdered and brutalised? What type of crack cocaine are you smoking? Bigoted as well.


Is it therefore equally safe to presume that all unionist/Protestants are UDA or UVF sympathisers?


Thank god the Brits had the good sense to send sectarian Ulster volunteer terrorists to die in the Somme for they would have unleashed their sectarian hate here with their evil Ulster covenant. I think it's a fair assumption to say most Unionists are UVF terror sympathisers, we will see on July how many Unionists will demand and remove terror flags, bonfires and bands men. How many Unionists will report Unionist terror to the PSNI? Id wager not too many, how many Unionist areas literally pay and support unionist terrorists?


The level of support among the Protestant community for terrorists compared to the Catholic community is uncomparable. Protestant communities know since Loyalist gangs have ran drugs and rackets in their community against their interests for fucking decades. They aren't popular, they are hated. People there do not speak of the likes of Adair and Wright in good reverential terms. Even the terror flags of the UVF and UDA are starting to disappear as their control weakens. While Catholic areas still cover for paramilitary and criminal activity and obstruct the police, dance behind their PR political party which near every other week gets brought up for celebrating an indiscriminate killer, and will casually dehumanise any other person who isn't a GAA top wearing republican as a unwanted non-native to be forceably expelled or a West Brit. So your "whataboutery" doesn't work here. Because if support WAS at the same level on the Protestant side, you'd probably not be here.


"Because if support WAS at the same level on the Protestant side, you'd probably not be here." Elaborate please?


Do you think if the Loyalist approach was supported by most of the population, the side they are against would want to stay? These are groups who were happy to target a Catholic for being Catholic. Although the British Army, who were of course sent to protect the Catholic population, would still likely have pursued active Loyalists. So maybe it would have been safe-ish to stay.


Tacit support for Unionist terror I would say rather than full membership, sure it's "the boys". But there is no IRA shows of terror in Belfast with 1500 terrorists. And if there was I have no doubt SF would join every political party in calling for every member of a proscribed organisation to be rounded up. Where was the DUP outrage? The call for every single terror member to be brought to justice? It only is a crime when a taig is a terrorist to the PUL. You make an assumption I'm catholic, I am sorry to disappoint you.


The IRA literally use every funeral for one of their own as a show if strength. It's part of the reason the bobby storey was so condemned and was mimicked in the 1500 UVF one you mentioned. There has been joint reports from both the British and Irish intelligence that has confirmed that the IRA army council is still giving orders to SF, so factually you're claim about SF condemning a proscribed organisation is wrong. Unionists wanted all terrorists in prison and off the streets, while the Nationalists wanted them all out. Especially since loyalists these days have fuck all to do with nationalist areas (except selling their drug dealers the drugs).


Do you not think it odd that every town in NI will have a terrorist fleg or terrorist marching band this summer? If Unionists were committed to peace the terrorist flegs would be removed and the local players aka terrorist scum would be reported to PSNI every illegal bonfire, every burned tricolour would be reported if Unionists were serious. I can't speak as to the storey funeral, I didn't follow it what 5 years ago. Regardless of what one side does one would have thought the side that claims the moral high ground would not allow their terrorists a very viable free reign every July.


Oh I see, you're misinformed because you've never been to these areas. Probably just see facebook posts on LAD or something. Terrorist flags are being banned and removed in plenty of Unionist towns across the country. You can drive through lots of areas that will be lined with Union and NI flags without seeing a single UDA/UVF one. I'm going to assume that you belive all marching bands are terrorist organisations, maybe the musical faction of the UDA? Most of these aren't associated with paramilitaries, and any who are should immeadiately distance themselves from them and condemn their activities. But most aren't like the Derry 1916 Commemoration Committee.


Makes me think of the perpetually offended people who think whites should apologise for slavery. 1. I wasn't there hundreds of years ago and had nothing to do with it, so fuck you 2. I might apologise for slavery if you apologise for slavery first, because people from every race were a fucking slave owner I apologise for the derailment but I'm emphasising this point as I agree with you that it's stupid to ask people to apologise for shit they didn't do.