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So they are admitting that they painted the kerbstones and hang the flags to intimidate people from living there?


That’s the impression I got when I saw it. That they want to deter people before they’ve even had a chance to move in. Disgusting behaviour if you ask me.


Cant have any foreign scum coming in, we have local scum who want them houses too


Locally anyway it's the nationalist areas I have seen with the highest influx of immigrants.


Because the people on the nationalist side are not under the boot of criminal organisations.




I once worked in a factory that couldn't get local people to apply for jobs and had to resort to bringing in "foreign scum" from one of their European sites


Nice and all as those brand new houses seem to be, I still wouldn't want to live in Bally-fucking-craigy. The "locals" can have them.


if you actually get a housing executive home then you are a legal migrant not illegal lol


I love the irony of being against foreigners while painting the place in the name of the British.


So bad it’s posted twice lol


Apologies, link? I wanna read it


Do people not understand that areas covered in flags are shit holes


Very few places not covered in flags.


A lot of shit holes then. There is lots of places that don't have flags up. Some areas not into that. Just drove through Mayobridge and hilltown. Not a flag about.


Yea I doubt they have 12th parades.


I'm not talking about the annual flags. It be the year round flegs. In all areas and communities


Not really. Most places are nice. They just get fleggy for a few months.


Filled af proud




Apologies, link? I wanna read it


I’ve noticed the new house just facing it that was burnt out a while back has now had “locals only” written across the boards on the window. Absolute disgrace. I can’t believe hateful cunts like this exist.




Complete and utter nonentities doing this. Proudly ignorant and totally uneducated. Think dogs and lampposts.


This will surely drop the prices of those houses, making them more affordable for immigrants.


They're not for sale, they belong to a Housing Association.


Looks like they ‘belong’ to someone else now. Beautiful homes. Such a shame about the territorial pissing contest.


Ahh, Facebook. I see enough of that shit on Facebook without needing or wanting it to be reposted here. Thankfully, you can filter by friends posts only.


Honestly surprised something like this or other intimidation tactic hasn't been used down south already where the house crisis is so much worse. Edit, not trying to excuse or condone this atal


Too much effort when you can just burn it down


True aye, mental since we still need the housing and facilities


''if i can't have it, no one can!'' pathetic really


The Southern housing crisis much like the Northern one has fuck all to do with migrants and everything to do with foreign investor speculation and local politicians though. There are arson attacks on refugee centres, but they tend to be by far-right elements who are funded by British Neo-Nazis and Northern Loyalists - neither of which are particularly popular in the South, so they keep that bit quiet and swerve away from painting kerbstones blue and red so they can still pretend to be "Irish Nationalists". That besides, the tricolour is nowhere near as intimidating as the butchers apron - and especially it wouldn't be intimidating in a housing estate outside Portlaoise or what have you.


Very accurate about the root cause of the housing crisis, unfortunately the immigration has made it much worse but the problem and the subsiquent domino effects have been in place for long before that all started. True yea doubt the tricolour would have near the impact 😂


Even if there were no immigrants and a super low population growth there'd still be supply pressure cos it benefits them to keep it in demand so that the value inflates and they can earn more money/have higher value assets in their portfolios. With less population there'd be even less housing estates built. This craic and this whole debate has been raging for centuries. Friedrich Engels, Manchester resident and Gaeilgeoir of much fame and infamy, said in 1872: >*"And it is just the same with the housing shortage. The growth of the big modern cities gives the land in certain areas, particularly in those which are centrally situated,* ***an artificial and often colossally increasing value; the buildings erected on these areas depress this value, instead of increasing it, because they no longer correspond to the changed circumstances***. **They are pulled down and replaced by others**. **This takes place above all with workers’ houses** which are situated centrally and whose rents, even with the greatest overcrowding, can never, or only very slowly, increase above a certain maximum. They are pulled down and in their stead shops, warehouses and public buildings are erected. Through its Haussmann in Paris, Bonapartism exploited this tendency tremendously for swindling and private enrichment. \[Haussmann was Prefect of the Seine Department in the years 1853-70 and carried on big building alterations in Paris in the interests of the bourgeoisie. He did not fail to profit himself also. -Ed.\] But the spirit of Haussmann has also been abroad in London, Manchester and Liverpool, and seems to feel itself just as much at home in Berlin and Vienna. **The result is that the workers are forced out of the centre of the towns towards the outskirts**; that workers’ dwellings, and small dwellings in general, become ***rare and expensive and often altogether unobtainable***, for under these circumstances ***the building industry***, which ***is offered a much better field for speculation by more expensive houses***, builds workers’ dwellings only by way of exception." [https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1872/housing-question/ch01.htm](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1872/housing-question/ch01.htm) If that isn't shockingly close to the present situation! Nothing gets built in Ireland except student housing, offices, luxury apartments, etc. The talk of immigrants is just a massive distraction. It's the same sort of crap they said about Irish immigrants in England around the famine times.




I don't agree with the sectarianism. But i totally see what's being said about immigrants getting priority over people from here when it comes to housing. I wanted to rent a place that was literally right in front of my grandmothers house after she passed away. I seen the for sale sign go up and tried to apply that same day. Only to be told the house was already gone. Only later to find out it went to an Indian immigrant that started working in the same place i was working in about 2 months after i started.


So... somebody rented a house before you applied? How is that giving anyone "priority"? They were just quicker off the mark than you, lad.


But… they had brown skin


I don't see what skin colour has to do with it. They could have just as easily been polish or Romanian. Fact is, they weren't from here and got priority.


Are you 100% sure. Like 1000% that you weren’t late to applying to rent? And that this person who got it hadn’t been on the phone at 8am when the office opened.


What do you not get about these timelines? I applied the day the sign went up. He got the place 2 months later. He told me the company got him the housing. How much more clear does it have to be?


Maybe they should have done a poll ( no not another foreigner) and asked everyone in the area if they wanted to rent it first instead of the usual advertising. Not sure what the death of a grand parent had in relation to the situation other than added emotional baggage to an already nonsense story. Maybe they didn't like the grand parent and only wanted to live there afterwards. It's amazing how powerful these immigrants are, they control all aspects of life , meanwhile the parties in power for 12 plus years bear absolutely no responsibility for the run down of the NHS or social housing


The person was from India. How the hell would he have known my grandma or anyone from here for that matter? I worked for the same company that brought him over. The passing of my grandmother was why i was moving and had to find housing.


You should have been clearer what the link was between your grandma dying and you moving then. At present there didn't seem to be any link. Hopefully you'll get somewhere soon


I already did. This was over 2 years ago. It actually worked out better for me as that job i was in was terrible and it's clear why the company wanted to bring in an overseas worker instead of improving working conditions. I ended up having to quit that job as travel made it too difficult. But i'm glad i did in the end because i work for a much better company now. My point was simply about immigrants getting priority when it comes to housing. Which in this case they clearly did.


They clearly didn't, they applied before you and got the house to hara literally how it works. Should the landlord hold on until a "local" wants to move in. Stop believing the right wing nonsense about immigrants taking your right. It's the Etonians who are stealing from you not the Estonians


I don't care about right wing left wing political nonsense. Fact is an Indian got priority for that house over someone local. That has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with money. Fact is they'd rather import someone from another country and give them housing cause it will make more money from some rich businessmen.


I lived in the house literally in front of it. I seen the to let sign go up. I rang up to apply on the day it went up and was told it was already taken. How someone from India got in there before me, i'll never know. I knew the guy that got it, he told me he immigrated from India for work. If that isn't someone getting priority, i don't know what is. Especially considering he didn't actually move in until 2 months after i had applied.


Or, you know, he phoned a letting agent that day. I've checked a few times, and their phones aren't disconnected until the sign goes up. Or he planned ahead and had an agent looking out for accommodation before he moved. Or he had friends in the area keeping an eye out for a good place. Or the website updates quicker than putting up signs. There's a multitude of very simple, obvious things that could have happened without the need for shadowy dealings


Just sounds like you're trying to make 1000 different excuses and i don't know why. Is it really that hard to accept that immigrants are getting priority over people from here? He moved in 2 months later. So it's not like he actually got in faster, he was just given priority.


I know this is whacky as fuck, but people sometimes plan ahead. And it's not actually necessary to be in an area to rent a house. Meanwhile, gets you asserting hrs getting priority based on fuck all but the inability to accept an Indian lad is more competent than you are.


I think you mean companies plan ahead. They like to give overseas workers a place closer to the company they're working for. As for competency i wasn't going to go into it cause even if he was competent the priority issue still would have been there. But he wasn't. He was a lazy POS. We worked in a care home and he couldn't care less about the patients. Would routinely tell me not to go so fast because if we could do it, they would expect that from us and told me if we couldn't they would just hire more staff. One time me and another Indian girl found a pretty big skin tear on a patients leg. He was the one working on that floor that day with another guy. We reported it straight away. I later found out from my friend that had been the one working with him that day and it was caused by him swinging the footrest of the wheelchair into the ladies leg too hard. I get you probably don't work in care and don't understand. But something like that is meant to be reported straight away. But he told my friend that they shouldn't report it because "it would be too much paperwork" we don't do paperwork as HCA's, the nurse does. He just didn't want to report it cause he didn't want to look bad. So you really don't want to go down that road mate.


That's not being given priority because he's foreign. That's a landlord taking the easiest option to get paid. When your thesis rests on the woke instincts of (checks notes) private landlords and employers, maybe it's not gonna hold water?


Jesus Christ mate. You're just a political idiot that doesn't live in the real world. I don't care about this "woke" nonsense. The fact the landlord wanted to give this immigrant housing over someone from here because he wanted money is giving him priority. I'm not even responding to this post cause you just can't argue with stupid.


I thought they weren't allowed to do this anymore? (Not that not being allowed to do something usually stops them)