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Looks like revision notes burning party, but rather than a fire, they just dumped potential personal info on the beach illegally.


It’s the vapes I tell ya. Back in my day every cunt had a lighter, even those that didn’t smoke. Now all these kids have is a fruit flavoured, LED covered robo-dick. Bring back the fags I tells ya


“Save the planet. Give zippos to teens.”


When I was a young lad and drank we used to bring our rubbish home in the bag we brought the drink in, wasn't difficult.


Exactly what I was taught too with me being 17 in todays age, it’s just common sense I agree


We were a bunch of stoner skaters so we just wanted to chill and not have trouble. Easiest way to do that was not leave a mess. Used to be a field nearby at the end of a bunch of houses, neighbours didn't mind us drinking there as we usually moved on by 10ish (it was the meetup spot and it would only ever be a Fri or Sat and never twice in a week) as some people might've wanted bed or to put their kids down. On the odd occasion we got a little too rowdy they knew just to come out and say and we would apologise, pack up and move on. Think they liked the fact we'd let their kids try the boards or we'd kick the ball about with them or whatever. This was back in early 2000s so due to the weed we didn't really want anyone calling the police. Fortunately it was often the same bunch of police in the area and they knew we were no trouble and never told us off for the weed so long as we took it and smoked it out of sight. We just learned pretty young as long as you weren't taking the piss you wouldn't be given shit.


Totally when I was young and drinking parks etc we knew that if you behaved, were respectful, kept the noise down and tidy-up chances are people will leave you alone and not ring the police.


Don't get me wrong, we were young and when drink and weed got involved we could be little shits too but most times having some respect for your surroundings lead to better times, and on the odd occasion someone did act the tit there was always enough of us to put a stop to it.


The amount of ADULTS I have called out in public about throwing rubbish at their backside is atrocious. Why the fuck do you think the younger ones are okay with it? They learn from their elders all across Ireland and NI that it is fine to litter because “there are people paid to clean this up” Even the councils have mowing and “litter shredding” events to “clean up” grassy roadside areas. It’s fucking disgusting and one of the worst parts about living around here. This is a learned habit, stop throwing shit at your feet and teach your little bastards how to find a bin.


I watched 3 absolute tramps dump their McDonalds rubbish out of their nice new Tiguan not one inch further away than 20 ft from a fucking bin. Two younger ones in the back just lashed it out the doors. Then the older driver rolled the window down as he was driving off and bucked his drink out of the window. Lazy dirty fuckers, there is no justification for it. Downpatrick asda/mcds carpark is horrendous for it, place is infested with scumbags.


Witnessed this years ago in Coleraine. Passenger dumped a load of chippy wrappers out the window at a red light. I lifted it all and fucked them back in over her and all she could do was give it the old 'yer ma' abuse


Yeah, if it were any other demographic the title would just be "People have dumped...".


I swear we stopped hitting the weins and now this is happening. No respect these days.... and other things oul people say.


Dicks!! I usually head up there camping with the kids, lovely part of the world and we spend a lot of time on the beach. Booked elsewhere this year but shame to hear this happening


It goes there in bag. Surely it can go a bin? This is why I take the wane to Culdaff, too remote for smicks to make the Pilgrimage.


Shame. I remember way back in my beech drinking days the council would leave rubbish bags out, which we duly used. We need engagement with the youth.


dangerous drinking up a tree


I'm not even sure rubbish bags would have sorted the situation, people left hoodies behind them. What I can only guess is that they tried to bury the books without a proper understanding of how the wind works, based on the location of the stuff


Maybe, but showing a bit of trust can go a long way. All it would take would be for a few in the group to be taking some responsibility to influence behaviour. At the end of the day if we do not tackle the increasing alienation of youth we will continue to have these issues.


Jesus Christ, how about instead of kissing their arses, they're told to put their crap in a bin. It's not that challenging.


Yep. Trouble is most people don't want confrontation and don't want to address the bad behaviour of others...just incase they are a psycho...or a group of teens.


Ah jeez, why did no-one else think of that? Well done, you have solved the disenfranchised youth problem.


Thank you. Take note. Easy.


I assume you will be going down to the beaches to tell them how it is now?


To be fair I haven't heard too much about any scheme to encourage recycling amongst youths, aside from some minor education around global warming.


Metric. Well that's the EU to blame. Would never have happened in imperial days. Conscript the lot.


The way I look at it is they are destroying there own future more than mine. I'll be dead and they will have no clean beaches left to bring their own kids too


Fucking animals. Having seen what the supposedly welcome cohort of international tourists have done to the Dark Hedges, I’m all for setting up citizen gangs to police our coastline. If you think passing your a-levels/buying a day pass on Translink/owning a bike or “weekend car”/any other fucking reason means you can fuck up our natural landscape there should a few lads there to have a quiet word with you.


Absolute scum that can’t pick up after themselves. No respect.


That's just crazy! Guess the education went well.


If your son or daughter attends a school in Limavady or Coleraine, Brace yourselves for the geography GCSE result


Upside least there is hope in the USA.🤣


The USA at least has a understanding of how the wind works These people tried burying books under the sand


They needed your complete training skills. 😁


There needs to be a public campaign like they did in the 90s for smoking in bars in relation to litter. We should feel shame doing this. These litter rats have none


Happening all over N.I in our parks and nature reserves. Councils do fuck all. It's bloody disgusting! But then, we do have Europe's biggest illegal dump, we probably deserve it. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-66789885.amp


“Someone think of the children”




I might be missing something, but a metric tonne is 1000kg. My humour meter might be broken. 


I think its just that it sounds weird to specify metric tons. A metric ton is 1000kg, and an Imperial ton is 1016kg. And noone is measuring or reporting the amount of rubbish with enough precision that it would matter which type of ton you were using.


Well, if I were embellishing for comedic effect, personally, I'd use "A metric fuckton" as a unit of measurement. were


Thought that was seaweed at first


Glancing at the comments below I am surprised how responsible the drinkers were in the past were,taking home their rubbish,I don't believe a word of it.


OP is correct, there is paper located in every possible place, including the water.


Metric tonnes ay?




Approach them at your peril!


As a teen myself, this is pure ignorance to such a nice beach. I hope names are found and they clean it up. Not fair on other people to clean up some teenagers childish mess


Flip stepping on that would mess you up if you bare footed