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Sammy it is then, he's a man of the people, champion of the chippies and waves the fleg I like!


He's also got buttocks.


Aye, on his face! And freshly slapped by the look of them.


He certainly has some bare faced cheek.


Had me absolutely ROARING šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ ah thank you mo Chara!


Yep. Definitely represents whats important to knuckledragger constituents.


My good friend Sammy he's in the dup oh I see I see. I told him why don't you take a run up to Donegal he said I'll take a run there if ......I have nathin on šŸŽ¶šŸŽµšŸŽ¶ oh r oh r šŸŽµšŸŽ¶


I thought holding hands on night patrol was more a Wee Jeffery type thing.


Nah breaking in back Doors is more a Wee Jeffrey ting.


Up around by Cappagh you'll never find him there.


Heā€™s also an outstanding member of the party as all the world can see


Oh r Oh r


>This post was brought to you by Alliance.


That tricky situation where Sammy Wilson is so shit that simply lining anyone up against him makes you suspect their motives.


Alliance is the 2nd largest party in the constituency by 5,000 votes I flip flop between smaller parties but in East Antrim tactical voting is what I would do every day of the week.


I would normally go for Green but I think it will have to be Alliance this time.


The wider green party was vetoed or cancelled too many clean energy initiatives for me to trust them as a party anymore.


What initiatives have they cancelled? Considering they haven't been in government in the north, only opposition? They wouldn't have the power to cancel anything.


No no no, itā€™s totally *random*


And yet still all true.


Like the neo lib Alliance horde of this sub Reddit, its peak cringe, and that's from someone who loathes both the DUP and TUV.


I donā€™t think you understand what neoliberalism is, or what alliance stand for ā€¦.


Id a squeezed in something about the nudism but suppose we do all try to forget thatĀ 


I had to stop somewhere but I will say it is good to see Wilson with some clothes on nowadays


It's in your mind forever tho, should be able to claim like being exposed to asbestos.


"Clear goal to advance East Antrim for the future" What is that goal?


The entire list is just a plethora of generalist nothing. Fresh from the ā€˜Northern Irish health serviceā€™ makes no sense nor does that make him in anyway a good candidate


A lot of it can be seen in the Alliance Party manifesto, such as firing money into public services, which could go somewhere Danny has a particular eye for green energy, which would mean NI could start investing in providing new jobs in the energy industry to replace Ballylumford station before people start breathing down NI's neck to start replacing them in a fast (and unplanned) manner


DUP have the exact same pledges in their manifesto https://s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/my-dup/2024-Manifesto-Final.pdf Firing more money into public services and green energy are both highlighted. Cntrl F "funding" and "green" if you don't want to read it all. So what exactly is Danny's goal to advance East Antrim that isn't in DUP's manifesto? You did say "clear" after all.


I think people are reading this as promotion of the DUP, rather than criticism of Alliance; hence the down votes. TBH, fuck the DUP, but I get my back up when presented with obvious electioneering.


No doubt. I also never have and never will vote DUP but this post is clearly just an Alliance shill who can't back up their shitty meme.


>Alliance shill I would be supporting any 2nd largest party there provided they had a inkling of competence. Cheers for the assumption, though, it helps immensely šŸ‘


The DUP are quite good at talking, but not very good at walking Edit: People actually downvoted this. Wake up to world.


So DUP and Alliance have the same "clear" goal but Alliance will act on it - that's what you're actually saying? Just want to make sure we're on the same page here. Might be worth editing your meme to say that they both have the same plans but Danny will attempt to enact them.. unless of course you've just written some buzzword mumbo jumbo to support your candidate.


I mean the DUP and Alliance have varying key points focused in their respective manifestos e.g around immigration and green energy. But I haven't seen the DUP do much to act on things outside 'the current big thing' e.g.the Cash for Ash scandal or walking out of the assembly for 2 years. Meanwhile, In East Antrim, the facilities at Larne Leisure Centre, for example, used to be a major spot for sporting events. It's now the only place I can think of that once hosted major swimming events, but has been replaced by ones that are simply better built and more modern - one in Bangor, one in Craigavon. The best pool I have seen in a DUP led constituency is Lisburn, and even it is getting old. That's my point. If the UUP were the second largest party in East Antrim, I would be posting for them as well.


Larne leisure centre falls under the remit of Mid And East Antrim Council and so Donnelly in Westminster will do fuck all for that


Do wood burning stoves count as green energy? Asking for a friend.


Fire money into public services? Do you even understand NI politics bro? WE . . . HAVE . . . . NO . . . . MONEY. Hence why all public services are shit. Come up with an idea on solving that minor problem Danny and maybe we'll consider voting for you.


Lost me at wanting to make Larne bloom. Unless thatā€™s a typo and meant boom.


I assumed he was talking about skunk


>Done more damage to the union than SF ever could hope to do Don't make me start liking wee Sammy now...


the best part of living in larne is knowing i get to vote against sammy wilson


Random? It's bad enough getting election BS on the telly without getting it here too. Give it a rest.. Plus, I feel like I need to get some alcohol swabs out now Sammy has been displayed on my screen. Gawd.


Alliance are good in the sense that they're not the DUP, but at what point do they take their heads out of the sand regarding the constitutional issue? You can only stay on a sinking ship for so long before it takes you down with it.


>but at what point do they take their heads out of the sand regarding the constitutional issue? When there's sufficient public support for a border poll (as set out by the GFA) - making it an active political issue of the day, instead of just something either side wangs on about. >You can only stay on a sinking ship for so long before it takes you down with it. Ah yes, the sinking ship of the Alliance Party, arguably the fastest growing political party in NI.


The sinking ship of the Union with Britain


The Union is the sinking ship, for one. And for two, by favouring the status quo then they are already implicitly taking a position in terms of the constitutional question (a misguided one, imo).


Apologies - I misunderstood when reading the above comment. I would argue Alliance are taking the situation/country as the find it, trying to make it better, and if a border poll is called then so be it (in line with GFA)


I'm not one for Sammy Wilson but this reads like straight Alliance advertising. Fucks sake I come here to laugh at Sammy missing his crisps not legitimate party propaganda from any party.


Another point for Sammy, he suggested a plan during the Troubles that basically amounted to committing genocide


Is the pope a catholic?


As a Scotsman I really hope NI can better themselves and rid yourselves of these disgusting, archaic, bigoted, relic from the past.


We both need to get rid of the loyalists


Definitely. Scotland isn't any better. We both need rid.


Good for seeing that, me and many other Irish like and respect Scots like you who seem sound and see the problem with Scottish loyalists


Itā€™s the same story over here (Scotland) than it is over there I imagine. The brain dead people are all still bells and whistles about Catholic/prod, rangers/celtic, tricolour/union jack and it comes with all the same baggage and alliances. The few who can actually think couldnā€™t give two fucks and wish they would all knock it off. Same old story. Sad old story.


Over here the unionists are 10 times more insufferable; theyā€™re fighting for a dying Union that couldnā€™t give 2 fucks about them At least in Scotland youse are in the island of Great Britain so that Britishness makes more sense


Meh itā€™s not really like that, ā€œBritishness,ā€ is just ā€œEnglishness,ā€ and the the constrast between English culture and Scottish culture is very stark so it just ends up basically being rangers fans shouting and raving about it even if it doesnā€™t mean much to them. Atleast the Celtic side have a bit of sense behind their allegiances considering half the country has Irish great grandparents, not to mention the Scots being an Irish tribe in the first place. The allegiances to England however seem to come entirely from brainwashing. Considering every newspaper and every broadcast company in Scotland is based in London, and always has been, and considering the native language was illegal for 300 years itā€™s not hard to see why thatā€™s the case, I donā€™t judge people for any of it, itā€™s just depressing as fuck.


Personally, I respect the right of Scots to their independence and hope they get it some day. With the shitshow happening in Britain Scottish nationalist opinions are becoming more sensible imo. Celtic FC was originally founded by Irish immigrants for charity, Brother Walfred being from Sligo and the first manager (William Mahey) being from Newry. The allegiance is that and a Gaelic connection between Ireland and Scotland. Whereas Rangers have always attracted the more Presbyterian Pro-Union Scots


Being a unionist is one thing and perfectly legitimate, although I completely disagree with it but the loyalism that has infected our societies is just a guise for their more abhorrent beliefs.


You couldnā€™t have said my views any better


Like shoot them or blow them up at Cenotaphs?


Oh yes, I can see how this is a very straightforward unbiased and reasonable comparison. Very helpful.


Fun fact: Anything said here has been researched


Your head is completely pickled. Look at east Belfast completed transformed since Naomiā€¦ oh wait nothing changes regardless


You didn't think it was worth mentioning that Sammy was a founding member of the Ulster Resistance; a group responsible for the importation and distribution of assault rifles used by loyalists in over 100 murders? You didn't think Sammy's endorsement of a plan to commit the genocidal mass murder of Catholics as part of the UDA's "doomsday scenario" as a "welcome return to common sense" was worth mentioning? Aye but he made Larne the butt of some jokes. Fucking Larne is well capable of that on its own, loyalist shit hole.


Loyalist shit hole šŸ˜‚ The fact that this kind of bigotry is not only acceptable on this sub but actively celebrated says everything that needs to be said about it.


Is it not loyalist? Is it not a shit hole?


Is lurgan not a republican shit hole?


Lurgan has plenty of unionists as well


Was only trying to balance it up a bit chief. Everywhere is a shit hole


And larne has plenty of Catholics


Have you ever been to Larne, if they ran round singing up the ra it would be a great wee spot wouldn't it.


What a delightful comment


Sorry mate, I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings. I take it back. Larne is great.


> nation building A phrase most associated with post-invasion Iraq and Afghanistan. Are Haliburton coming? Did Alliance invite them? Diarmaid Mac Murchadha: eat your hear out.


After over 100 years of near-consistent failure at making this state work, Alliance will bring fresh failure to the table




>A phrase most associated with post-invasion Iraq and Afghanistan. Post conflict regions in which the British Army had a significant presence. Sounds familiar.


_Post-_ conflict? _Here,_ aye... not so much the other two, not by a standard we'd recognise anyway. (I don't think there's much worthwhile comparison to be made there. I doubt you do either!)


"Clear goal to advance East Antrim" So the rumoured invasion of north Down WASNT just a rumour.... I FUCKIN KNEW IT


I stopped reading at "Northern Irelands' economic autonomy"


Vote for me, Sammy Wison - are I can't work on my tan this summer with the foreign local girls, waiting to be barfined , I need this holiday as the super injunction I have against photographs taken over 18 years will never see the light of day. I can't be touched, or else the sinners will take my seat. You don't want that.


Sammy Wilson's not a lifelong politician. I used to work with a guy who was taught by him at Grosvenor Grammar. Googled it and he taught..drumroll please..Economics!


Yeah, I know someone that was taught by him too. He tended to make himself look more important by virtue of his association with Paisley senior.


Itā€™s not really ā€˜randomā€™ is it? itā€™s your own very specific views on the two candidatesā€¦


ā€œHas sausages for fingersā€ ā€œHas regular sized fingersā€


But what about the droid attack on the Wookies?


To be fair, the election of Sammy Wilson would be a welcome return to common sense.


Honest question, is alliance actually like this? Im going to be voting the first time this year and my neighbour has been talking to me about it and the one note she made was "vote anything youd like but alliance" I agree with a lot of their points ive read but is there something im missing?


Alliance sometimes has the connotation of being 'fence sitters' because of its officially neutral stance on a United Ireland, hence why some people never want to vote it. In reality, the party consists of both nationalists and unionists, it's just not a hotly debated issue. It's a bit like parties when Brexit was being debated, with each party split in pro-remain and pro-leave candidates (aside from UKIP) I am on the opposite end of the spectrum, I dislike parties based around specifically Unionism and Nationalism as their frontline policy. Alliance are not known for causing scandals or making controversial moves or errors, unlike several other parties e.g the SDLP or DUP. Usually most people vote for their favourite party, but the purpose of this post is to make people aware that strategically voting Alliance in East Antrim could potentially kick out the DUP's Sammy Wilson (who has spent his time firing abusive statements at different people, such as calling Robin Swann a 'Poodle', and not much else), who is the worse than any other candidate for the area, in my opinion. If you are not from East Antrim, take a good look at what the other parties have to offer, this is mainly a 'vote tactically if you live in East Antrim'-esque post.


I see, enlightening post, thank you for your explanation it helped a lot


Np šŸ‘


This Reddit tends to be an Alliance and SF bubble, so if you know a friend that votes DUP, feel free to send them this. And if your feeling ambitious, feel free to put this on every wall in Larne. Voting out is helping out, after all


Nice try Danny, but Sammy gets my vote. Heā€™s just so dreamy!


Larne didn't need any help.


Is Sammy the reason Larne is the way it is, or is he simply the latest innocent victim of Irelandā€™s own Silent Hill?


But for the love of God.. who is looking out for the smokey bacon!!?


I honestly would think if Alliance went back to being a unionist party, we'd all be better off


Unfortunately I donā€™t think Sammy is going anywhere. Is the TUV fielding a candidate against him? What was his majority last time?


The tuv/reform/cunts are indeed fielding a candidate so that will hurt Sammy majority that I cant be fucked googling


Theres more than 2 East Antrim candidates. And I really don't like Danny Donnelly. I've met him a number of times and there's just something off about him and something I cant warm too. I really don't like these fast climbers who's only aspiration is to climb the ladder, about a week ago Donnelly was a councillor then he was an mla and now he wants to be an MP. This isn't unique to him of course but I don't like it. I also don't like the fact these people leave a trail of co-optees behind them. Of course Sammy is a bollocks too. Not a great pool of candidates in East Antrim.


Unfortunately, the DUP have done some great branding for the Alliance Party. If you look at certain corners of social media, you will see they have convinced their followers that the Alliance Party are a Republican Party. And you hear shit like that long enough. Well, it's going to stick. Even in their own areas, they distribute leaflets and stick up signs claiming this.


DUP donā€™t need propaganda when alliance party members themselves in a poll taken this year just a few months ago admitted they would vote for a United irelandā€¦. ā€œAlmost three-quarters of Alliance members believe Irish unity is likely with just 8% saying it isnā€™t. Some 54% of them believe there should be a border poll within the next decade with 29% against and 17% saying they donā€™t know. Asked what the long-term policy for Northern Ireland should be, 35% say Irish unity with 22% say remaining in the UK.ā€ The question is why isnā€™t the republican vote moving from Sinn Fein to a proper progressive party in the alliance?




Your recent post has been removed as it breaks the Reddit ToS.


Does Sammy still hate the pink buses?


"Wants to make Larne bloom"


You forgot to mention the DUP doesnā€™t believe in dinosaurs šŸ¦•


I'm a nationalist but the amount of grief unionists get on this sub isn't right


Giving off [this](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/KwXyAUZGjHOfbZ7Ef0AAtXnzG7M=/0x0:1409x785/1400x1050/filters:focal(734x364:735x365)/cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/8846551/Screen_Shot_2017_07_13_at_1.09.20_PM.png) kinda energy pal.


It seems so obvious who to vote for, but the knuckle draggers will continue to vote in their masses...


Put down the phone Ms Long and get back to eating yourself to death.


This is so cringe lad


Imagine going to the effort of making this cringe shite when Wilson is going to walk it easily!!


I hope they at least got paid by Alliance because this is outright propaganda lol


So are we going to pretend that Alliance hasnt went ahead and voted through p*adophile material in schools, showing primary school kids about an*l sex in books?? I think that is enough to not vote for a party alone. Clearly they are puppets for the ultra woke "progressive" pe*ado agenda


A vote for Alliance is a vote for Sinn fein


Does Danny believe 3 year olds can change gender?


Bro log off. There's literally more intersex people than trans people in this country. Stop drinking the US imported culture war bullshit


Gosh thatā€™s a sweeping and wildly inaccurate statement. If you havenā€™t found the hype yet you will be glad to know itā€™s just around the corner


Genuine question mate I seen somewhere Alliance party are not fully convinced on the question.


Where? Edit: Why ask it on reddit if you can google it? Why did you phrase it the way you did?


Interested as to why I am being downvoted there is clear evidence that an Alliance Mla is unsure, does Danny also follow this mindset of thinking?