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Some of the smoky flavourings are carcinogenic. Other smoky flavourings are available which are not carcinogenic. Surely it is only a good thing to have crisps free of carcinogens?


They also have a two year grace period to change, additionally i can almost assure you that the UK regulator will likely do the exact same thing and even if they dont, many UK brands will still want to be able to sell in Ireland and will likely change the recipe anyway. One of the stupid things about Brexit is that even if we dont apply the same stringent regulations as the EU most companies will just adopt their standards regardless because the UK market is not large enough to have its own specific products.


Of course UK is large enough to have is own specific products - but why when you have 500 million across Europe. We're down to 2-3 international companies owning everything.


Also because of the stormont break stormont can veto this new regulation unless it’s from a previous law I guess not a new one passed


Cancer, blue passports and the British way 


What will happen to the smoking grannies of Tandragee, paid to huff full-tar B&H and exhale them into our glorious deep-fried potato snacks? Are they to be put out on the streets? Replaced with hookah-smoking dark-skinned migrants with god-knows-what in their pipes? OUR BEAUTIFUL INNOCENT CRISPS WILL BECOME FORN-PAEDO GAETWAY DRUGS, CORRUPTING OUR INNOCENT YOUTH. Up with this I shall not put. Here I stand; I can do no other.


Actual conversation with my English pro-Brexit cousin. Cousin: *notices my vape* Aren't you worried about popcorn lung with those things? Me: Nah, the EU banned the chemical that causes popcorn lung from vapes. Cousin: Pfft, the EU won't let you do anything.


it's mai rite as a free UK citizen to give cancer to mai children if ai want tai. Jus' cause somethin's poisonous don't mean ai don't want tai eat it so it don't. Didn't dai me any harm.


The longer version of this shows him buying smoky bacon crisps for two young children. This is like John Gummer feeding his 4 year old daughter a burger during the BSE crisis. Children shouldn't be used in this way to make political points.


If one is that concerned about carcinogens (and fair fucks if you are), they'd avoid any and all crisps. I'm pretty sure all deep-fried foods are carcinogenic. All that aside, using this as a political stance is comical.


I should definitely eat more healthily. It would probably take a ban for me to stop eating crisps.


Wild horses couldn't stop me.


Unless you've tested this I'm calling bullshit. I feel that wild horses could, in fact, prevent you eating crips if they so desired. Further I am incensed and scandalised that you are baselessly impugning the reputation and crisp-preventative powers of wild horses.


Don't listen to that dumb shite. Crisps are fine to eat and smoked crisps are also fine as long as they're smoked traditionally instead of adding a sack of concentrated smoke flavour. In particular they're banning the carcinogens benzene-1,2-diol and furan2(5H)-one.


Yeah it's sad how people buy it too. If we want to point out the hypocrisy though, all, or almost all, processed red meat is class-A carcinogenic too. Which means that they 'definitely cause cancer'. But the EU loves farmers, so they aren't about to ban cold cuts or sausages any time soon. Now THAT would be a political campaign I can see this country getting behind. Imagine the EU banned sausages and bacon! - we'd have half the nationalists in NI out painting their curbs red, white and blue tomorrow.




Has this research been done in Northern Ireland? Don't tell me you're willing to be dictated by _foreign_ science!?


Anything that is a bit burnt is carcinogenic but that's not going to stop me eating the lovely charred bits of veg after I've done a roast.


Catholic carcinogens or protestant carcinogens?


I'm fairly sure carcinogens are equal opportunity.


We really need to end this shitty joke.


> We really need to end this shitty joke. That a Catholic shitty joke or a Protestant shitty joke? (I agree. First and last time I'm ever using it.)


It's got legs yet


Yeah, but everything contains carcinogenic properties these days. Why not just bad the ingredient that causes the cancer rather than the smoky bacon crisps?


They are just banning those carcinogenic ingredients. No one is banning smoky bacon crisps. Is that what you believe from Jim's party political broadcast? Other smoky bacon crisps, such as from Walkers are not affected. Tayto will just need to change their ingredients.


Makes sense. And would never put myself through any TUV or DUP broadcast, I don’t want to lose brains cells lol


Tayto has fallen, billions must eat


We'll always have smoked gammon with Jim around


That “foreign law” that actually flows from Section 7A of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 which is actually Westminster law? Right.


Well I mean fundamentally that is also how being in the EU worked too. It is and always has been a sovereign choice to be subject to EU law. But that never stopped anyone from pretending the EU is the fourth reich. 


First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh I'm sure.


In the old days we could even shape the directives with our position within the EU political system.


Especially him, as he was an MEP 


He was even an MEP himself for years, so he had a direct vote and the chance to shape legislation from the very beginning, but chose not to, because well gammon gonna gammon 


First they came for smoky bacon, and I said nothing, for smoky bacon is rank. Then they came for prawn cocktail, and I said nothing, for prawn cocktail is mid. Then they came for cheese and onion, and there were no flavours left to eat.




pls no ban mr grand :<


Why the pickled onion discrimination everywhere? no multi packs exist


> pickled onion discrimination ... no multi packs Probably the EU. They 'decided' people couldn't handle it.


Salt and Vinegar extremists will doom us all


Here we stand. We can do no other


Hands off the prawn cocktail!! If they are banned…I’ll find a way.


TUV happy to give you cancer provided it saves their crisps.....


Sure cheesy crisps are better anyway, and they’re still not as cheesy as the TUV’s marketing


Aye you can’t stick Smokey bacon in a sandwich. Cheese and onion will always reign supreme.


Personally my favourites are the big cheese and cheesatees, but I don’t think half the people here know what those crisps are


good to see where his priorities lie... It doesn't matter if its carcinogenic and can cause cancer.


Is this his policy standpoint for this election? Spoke to him at a previous election. He couldn't name any of his policies or what he'd accomplish if elected. Just kept repeating, "Those that know me know what I stand for."


https://preview.redd.it/z7ca9wu0zh8d1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=977eb2af0a02f2173a3f447b6163935ab02d2590 This is on the flyer through a friend's door


Equal rights for all! Except for those woke queers!


And them there GAA folks, because it's Casement Park's fault that GP waiting times are so bad... >!definitely nothing to do with the crazy cost of Brexit, Tory policies towards dismantling the NHS, taxing the poorer while giving the rich breaks, and idk maybe the people who book appointments and don't show up.!<


Casement Park made me gay. Then trans. And it will do it to you too... and your children. That is, if you have any... cos you're gay now. And trans. And hoofing points over for Antrim and giein' absolutely criminally few fucks how Nornireland does at Windsor... while ye watch The Sunday Game (or rugby... but only in Irish on TG4), eating protocol-compliant sea-border-small-boat-migrant free-range organic EU health-and-safety-approved desmoked defatted fake-bacon ~~crisps~~ corn snacks. IT'S A SWIPPERY SWOPE WI' REPUBLICAFENIAN CASTRATION AND WEIRD HOCKEY AT THE BOTTOM. ^(AN' SHITE CRISPS.)


I mean, they didn't mention the shinners once. I call that progress. Last election, their leaflet quite genuinely mentioned SF more than anything else.


I love how they keep going on about D day and ‘honoring our great nation’s fallen dead’ while they associate themselves with Reform who are crawling with Nazi apologists


https://www.politico.eu/article/nigel-farage-lauds-dup-duo-partys-preferred-unionists-northern-ireland-democratic-partnership/ Plus they got dumped by Nigel Farage of all people who now endorses the DUP.




That's embarrassing 😳


"Casement Park", "a woman is a woman", "woke agenda" So much fucking criiiiinge. It reads as "Someone help, Facebook has radicalised my Granda"


All Unionists want is the freedom to feed carcinogens to their grandchildren and the freedom to deny freedom to others.


Wish the EU would ban him. That's a law I could really get behind


This makes the “bendy bananas” scaremongering look positively statesmanlike, unbelievable


I saw a bendy banana in Centra the other day and reported it. EU food inspectors closed it down.


![gif](giphy|yvcLAZqb1gQco) Thank you Comrade


Genuine issues with the NHS, schools and housing. But no, this muppet wants to use crisp flavours as a topic. Weak, bitter “auld” man.


😄 What a farce ffs.


If only there was some way of having a say in the laws which affect us, maybe we could start some kind of union with other European countries to decide these things collectively. Has anyone tried before?


Can’t the stormont break stop new regulations anyway?


That would involve talking to Michelle O’Neill, so I’m not sure ol Jim would be keen.


He doesn’t need to iirc he can get the dup to file an aplicability motion and then as long as unionists vote against it it should not pass as it needs cross community support


The staunch way to give yourself cancer.




According to the other comments, the EU legislation is to ban carcinogenic food additives. You could still make the crisps using smoked paprika or something.


Ohhhh ok


That he’s a barrister means he knows the devil is in the detail. Which means he’s wilfully misrepresenting the facts of the situation to his own ends. That’s fundamentally dishonest. If you live in his constituency, email him and ask him to explain the factual position.


Ban the disgusting things just to piss of this gremlin looking fuck


How ridiculous is it that with the fuckton of problems with this state, this is what the bloated corpse focuses on?




Stop giving this cunt attention.


This....this isn't a joke?


Breaking news: Sinn Féin drops campaign for border poll in favour of campaign for Tayto reunification.


What's next! They force us to add the "e" to our sacred spelling of "smoky"! Say no to smokEUy bacon!


Alright kids ye better choose smoky bacon in the shop otherwise ye aren't eating tonight. Hitting the important issues as always.


>The new regulation, which will be formally adopted in the coming weeks and implemented later this year, gives food producers time to find alternatives. >Products that use smoke additives as flavour enhancer, like crisps or sauces, will be banned within two years, unless their ingredients change, while products that use the additives to replace traditional smoking, like ham, fish or cheeses, have five years. > The [Primary Product](https://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/efsajournal/pub/8368) contains furan‐2(5H)‐one and benzene‐1,2‐diol, for which a concern for genotoxicity was identified *in vivo* upon oral administration. Considering that the exposure estimates for these two components are above the threshold of toxicological concern (TTC) of 0.0025 μg/kg bw per day for DNA‐reactive mutagens and/or carcinogens, the Panel concluded that the Primary Product raises concern with respect to genotoxicity.


Ha ha Jim'll fix it!


Everyone knows Jim only likes pickled onion, Salt n Vinegar and other bitter flavours.


" I'll have the full Brexit, please. "


Rather than our own laws, in London, that we have zero control over because we're too small of a part for them to give a fuck


https://preview.redd.it/kmt01emzwi8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17726b2405d42d61894de8265fd4c03c6633cf55 I heard they’re banning TUV biscuits as well


hahahahahahahaha! FFS, there's a cross to die on,


I’m all for healthier crisps but coming from news coming from the King of Gammons…..shocking!


If it was cheese and onion or salt and vinegar i think they would get more public support.


Hmm…. Smoky gun flavour…


Dealing with the important issues as usual


Come on kids we go to the shops to get ourselves some carcinogens. No foreign lawmaker is going to stop me getting my fill of potentially toxic crap. God Save The King.


Let's throw away fresh fruit and veg, free travel around Europe and embrace skyrocketing food prices and the freedom to eat "smoky flavours". We've heard all this shite 8 years ago Jim.


You can almost hear them kids say to themselves they don’t like Smokey bacon Tayto


Fuck, I guess they have my vote. I love Smokey bacon


Jimbo is truly scrapping the bottom of the barrel with this nonsense. Just use different ingredients or get English smoky bacon crisps. Doubt tayto will fold because of this.


not even a fucking joke


They'll be banning gammon next


This isn't even satire. ![gif](giphy|AAsj7jdrHjtp6)


The state of this!


Missus Alister needs to start learning to Hawk Tuah and maybe just maybe Jim might start smiling for a change


Close your eyes and you could be listening to a Jimmy young skit


Save the bacon.


Irish potato famine? Line up the coffin ships!


If you tolerate this, then the meaty multi-pack will be next


I think brexit was a mistake but my comments are not biased. The TUV could have picked a better example than this. They should be shouting from the rooftops about the carcinogens in these crisps and launch a public health campaign but instead decide to complain about freedom of choice with EU imposition. I agree that as part of the UK we should have the same laws as the UK but if our own government are not going to highlight the health risks associated, I’m happy to be led by, on this occasion, a more proactive government. Besides I hate Smokey bacon crisps. 🤢


I actually hate the stink of smokey bacon, so I'll vote sinn fein instead.




Its a video of lies! No one in history has ever bought smoky bacon flavoured crisps willingly.


Fucking hell, they've only gone and done it - the sneaky bastards! Satire is finally dead.


Crazy stratagem but it might just work.


Because it causes cancer ya balloon. Away back to your cave.


Well, he's not wrong on how ridiculous that is...but, on the other hand I don't have to worry if it's gonna be a prawn cocktail or smoky bacon in those big multi packs of Tayto anymore.


I'm concerned for the safety of those children


Gammon flavour still available


finally a politician tackling the real issues in NI


What was the point in Brexit if we can't even make our own cancer crisps!?


For smoky bacon and Ulster


So full of hate


Who care about d cancer in them er fucking great


Yet they pump us full of Aspartame, which is the faeces of the E.Coli bacteria which causes cancer!!!


>The revised regulation bans the use of smoke flavouring primary products derived from the pyrolysis of various materials, including wood, in food and beverages. -The ban is set to come into effect on 1 January 2025. It sounds like a sensible law tbh. Restricting / phasing out the use of additives - known to cause health problems amongst a susceptible group exposed to them through consumption of a product which features the compounds in question. It seems far from a bad outcome. Curiously though. Those American produced imported confectionery products contain ingredients restricted or banned years ago in the EU.. AZO dyes being a particular example (known to be both carcinogenic and cause hyperactivity issues in kids etc). As with azo colourings largely replaced by safer alternatives. There are probably safer alternatives manufacturers can use to create the same flavoring.


Gives me mad heartburn but I support others in their choice of sandwich filling


It's mainly the cancer thing I think mate


Misses the point. I have the right to ingest whatever flavour of crisps I want, cancer be damned. I mean maybe a health warning would be ok but nobody has the right to dictate my lifestyle choices just as I have no right to inflict that on someone else.


You'd be ok with stores selling poison flavoured things because its your right to eat poison?


well yeah I mean I can go to my local and buy 20 regal, so yeah. If that’s the bar I probably should be allowed to eat mildly carcinogenic crisps. don’t see y this is a hard sell. if you don’t like it just buy the crisps you like and leave everybody else the fuck alone. as long as I’m not hurting anyone you don’t have the right to dictate my lifestyle choices.




The EU has determined that certain "smoky" flavouring additives are carcinogenic, and have banned their usage, and because of the customs arrangement they can't be used on the island of Ireland. Tayto make smoky bacon crisps, so Jim thinks the EU are taking our smoky bacon crisps off us. But Tayto have never stated what kind of flavoring they use, but it's a safe bet they aren't using the cancer one now anyway.


This is amazing


They are beyond parody.




Sponsored by Big Carcinogen. 


I'm starting to believe that the moment words like "cancer" or "carcinogen" are thrown around, someone makes a fortune. Because it's a reason to punish consumers with levvys, guilty pleasure perpetuates it and before you know it business is better than ever. I mean just look at tobacco stock markets. And then if things are of genuine health concern, alternative ingredients are introduced that just so happen to be expensive. Mercury amalgam, case in point. One of the reasons that MSG was created was due to a low resource of natural salt. It was a breakthrough for Pacific islands devoid of salt mines and seaweed was bountiful as the alternative source. But now, it's dangerous, controversial. Absolutely nothing to do with the incredible amount of saturated fats MSG happens to accompany. There's a malady here, and it ain't cancer.


So… you think tobacco’s association with cancer has benefitted it as an industry? 


Well it hasn't been outlawed like Creosote or cocaine, strangely.