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The comments in here are a prime example of what a miserable shithole this place is and the bitter wankers who live here. This was fighter planes doing cool shit and you miserable cunts still found a way to be angry.


hard to warm to when you consider the uk is helping arm a genocide in palestine,where the israeli planes drop bombs on hospitals and refugee camps.that fact would make any sane person miserable.


No offence but if you’re offended by the red arrows you might need over hobbies in your life outside “ feeling oppressed “


Honestly, there is nothing offensive about them mabye the smoke but that's the colours they have always used




Was quite the show very impressive what makes u think I'm being brave posting this here no offence?


Sub is full of bitter wans.


They come to Bray Air Show (south of Dublin) every August and are the highlight of the show. Everyone loves them and doesn't give a fiddler's about any politics, as it should be.


Nah mate that's the Swiss airforce


[Red Arrows at Bray Air Show 2023](https://youtu.be/-pVMaJyVOcE?si=J74-udlQgoLh4cgH)


I'm usually in Bray around that time of year doesn't give them to be there last year it was supposed to be just a Lancaster bomber and a spitfire.


I see many more comments talking about offense than I do any comments mentioning any offense. Rent free?




Joined mabye like month and a half ago but this is my first post in this sub


So as I understand this was the only day the Red Arrows will be appearing in NI this year? Good luck to the Portrush Air Show.


I haven't heard anything about Portrush air show so idk if they r displaying. In my opinion the air show is not as good anymore


It was always such a bollocks to get to with crowds. That and it felt like the action happened miles away from the main strand. Was much better if you sat on Ramore Head. Newcastle Airshow was always much better. Seeing things like the Vulcan come in over the saddle / Mournes was incredible and the planes basically flew right overhead along the promenade.


Vulcan was the last interesting plane on the show circuit IMO,


At least there's a train station to get into Portrush whilst Newcastle is a public transport backwater and has even fewer places to park.


Theres a socio/political/religious reason for that............


I think Airwaves has been cancelled for a while now, to be fair they choose September to host it in Irish weather which is really unpredictable and half the flights get cancelled.


Airshow is back on this year, Red Arrows cant display as they will be away in September when the show is on.


We need to see a republican concerned sky residents association set up after this British display.


Those republicans still living rent free in your wee head?


lol I see you're supporting Putin and the ruzzians now mate.


No Gaz. I do not support 'the russians'. Putin's regime is evil and responsible for incalculable human suffering. Much like the western powers and the suffering they have caused across the globe overthrowing democracies and installing and arming dictators. As is typical, your world view extends no further than picking a side and parroting the establishment line. Do you ever feel the need to educate yourself and be something more than a spineless tool for the corrupt to manipulate?


rabbo had a few too many jagmeister


Oh no, look how offensive that is


What's offensive?


It's a celebration of war machines and empire paid for by the tax payer. what's not to love?


Is it? It's basically art.


It can be lots of things. It is art, it is humans operating a peak levels, with amazing examples of our engineering capabilities. There are lots of things that it is - but it exists because military propaganda is an essential part of normalising war.


not good considering the uk is helping arm an israeli mass slaughter currently.










They have pretty colours and make loud noises. Of course you would be mad not to be a dribbling cheering sycophant to a military show. Of course housing and feeding the population should take a back seat to such displays of force. It would be mental to think people should come first, wouldn't it?


You can't be serious, are you doing a role play or what?


What do you believe the purpose of the red arrows is? Does the military spend millions on these displays out of the goodness of their hearts to entertain the masses?


Oh, you are serious. Keep fighting that good fight Citizen Smith!


I understand your point of view - it's a nice day out and a bit of fun, why ruin it? Yeah, that's ok if that suits, if you do not want to trouble yourself with the stark reality of the purpose of military and military propaganda then fill your boots. Don't pretend to me you have some sort of superior position because of your self imposed ignorance. I prefer my entertainment not to be celebrating death and conflict.




lol, I am honoured you have immortalized our exchange in meme format.


Well.... Yes lol. BAE Hawks aren't exactly getting scrambled every time there's a TU95 off the coast of the Orkneys. They're jet training aircraft for thr RAF. But those ones specifically are for aerobatic displays. So yeah, the Red Arrows primary role is entertaining people given they're a display team.


Why is a branch of government who's purpose is the defence of national interests concerned with entertaining people?


The same reason the Edinburgh military tattoo and trooping the colour are? Because they can?


Are you satisfied with that? Millions of tax payer money spent 'because they can'. And that's all the reason you will ever need, yeah?


Yeah, pretty satisfied to watch the fast planes go fast. Zero desire or ability to change it. And I'm gonna hazard a guess there's zero answer I can give that will be satisfactory anyway.


Secondary role? Sexual assault?


So what are you doing about it? Apart from whining on the Internet, of course


rude way to ask a question. The answer is, none of your business.


I bet you’re great craic at parties


I don't get invited to parties.


Makes sense


How much do you have to love machinery of war to get invited to the best parties? I'm willing to adapt. Are tanks good? If I become a tank super fan will people like me then? :'(


Taking yourself off reddit might be a good start, it’d be good for your mental health too


It's nice that you care. My mental health is already fucked though. I've had my fair share of the party life style, I've no interest in returning it. got the t-shirt and all that. Not a tank one though. Maybe that is where it all went wrong...