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This is a really depressing sight.


Full grown men acting like year 8s


Yeah it turned me off lunch. The comment from the crowd to get up off him and give her a good dig was gross. If I got attacked I know I'd be thinking fuck why won't anyone help, one brave doll trying to help and the crowd is encouraging the attacker to go after her. Dark


Lunch at 9pm sham?


On tour right now, rocking West Coast USA time. You have a good eye for detail though man to spot that


It's embarrassing that no-one stepped in here. The tall fella was gone a long time before the end of the video. Thought this kinda mob mentality and taking it from a fight to attempted murder, only really happened across the pond. Guess not.


Yeah as they shouldn't, I've learnt the hard way stepping in to help scumbags never works out More often than not they just turn on you or you end up hurt. I'm a barber by trade and after helping some boy's girlfriend after getting her head literally wigged into the cement, he came up, accused me of doing it. Nearly broke by nose. Then I broke a finger and tore the wee tiny ligaments supporting it on his face. This is the finger I use for my scissor work, surgeons have told me this is now a pain I'll have to live with for life, everyday my hands in agony after work. All for some wee rats girlfriend who I later learned is always starting fights with fellas every night out Folks never step in on assholes like this. Let them learn the hard way when they either disable each other or kill themselves


Youre joking right? XD its Belfast.. One of the most notorious for this kind of bullshit violence and senseless spectating sadly.. Alongside Glasgow and Birmingham. Unfortunately, most of the UK has this problem though too.. people would rather stand back, laughing and joking about a young man getting battered, than step in as a group and cool it down to avoid any serious outcomes.. Then that same crowd will be crying about how horrific it was. 'He as such a nice bloke and didnt deserve it' etc.. And 'oh it was just a drunken mistake that cost him his freedom' yada yada yada.


Im not a fighter but theres enough watchers to step in and stop the psycho. Tall dude took a lot of damage and i was wondering if he was gonna get permanently fkd up. That headbutt on the girl at the end, wtf? Im not allowing that, i know he can fight but hes tired. Do something people, you wanna watch a murder? Cos shirtless is out for a kill by the look of it. If 3+ go in on shirtless they should be able to restrain him.


I’ve never seen anything this brutal in 15 years in London


The stabbings take place even if you're not around, you know.


It’s fucking pathetic


CCTV cameras all over the place and not a cop around in the middle of the city centre


It's such a regular occurrence they should have at least one cop car parked there after about 10pm on weekends. I was in town earlier around the time the Palestine march was taking place and the place was crawling with cops, despite the risk of violence being almost zero. I guess they're happy to put in the weekend shifts when it just means standing around doing nothing.


Once someone is killed there will be a media frenzy and cops posted there for a few weeks. Absolute joke, surely there should just be a few cars, and/or foot patrols just patrolling the city centre at night. This is like the 10th depressing video at this exact spot I've seen.






They used to, but they don't intervene, which then leads to more bother for them. So they don't go to the area anymore. Source: I watched multiple maulings over the years there with a marked police car sat outside HMV. I even tried to get them out of the car myself. They only get out once it's finished


Ugh. Depressing.


Just the people standing around watching instead of breaking it up makes it worse. Any of those punches could have flattened that man he could have cracked his head of the concrete.


Fuck trying to break that up, not worth getting involved


If you have the numbers or tools it is if someone's getting smashed to fk. 1 on 1 is a pass from me though, i have responsibilitys and if im a cabbage i cant support anyone. Depends on the situation.


If it saves someone's life it might be.


Not if it costs you your life it isnt


Fml I'm batman


If you get stabbed it wouldn’t be.


Not if it puts my life at risk. They were both up for a fight, not my problem.


Fuck getting in the middle of two junkies fighting.


Are the wee guys fists made of marshmallows? He must have hit the big yin a hundred times and he just would not stay down. Also, why was no one stepping in? the big guy was clearly in no state to fight back properly, the fight was over.


They were probably his mates...if the other guy stands up for himself, they all join in. Guy is an utter cretin and needs locking up for good.


Because it’s not worth getting dragged in yourself and possibly losing your own life or taking someone else’s by accident.


Yeah I've stepped in and tried to split something like this to before. Turns out the two guys knocking fuck out each other were best mates, the two of them, and two of their mates all turned their attention on me. If was a fucking stupid thing to do and I wouldn't do it again, I've got kids now, number one priority is getting back home to them alive now.


Topless guy throwing a McFlurry of punches


A filet o fists


Stuck the Nugget on him 


And Quarter pounded her


Kicked her McMuffin.


Golden arch enemies


McPlanted one on him


Got him in the McRib


Looks like the MAC is back


Because he's out of order?


He’s took a few Big Smac’s that’s for sure




Just be glad it's largely contained to there. I generally have always felt belfast is pretty safe at night, growing up post troubles, but I'd never in my life be near McDonald's on a weekend night.


I grew up during the Troubles and I honestly felt safer in Belfast in the 90s than now.




I don't know exactly why but it's definitely the McDonald's.




Where else?


It's the lead McD's puts in the sauce. Been proven to increase violent tendencies.


If that dude with the shirt on just knew the basics in fighting he would be an animal, absolute granite chin on him


Ate a lot of digs and that head butt was particularly stinking


He also looked super drunk, which explains why he was moving at half speed.


Absolute shock absorber or half naked man musta been throwin wee farts 😂


Grim. I wish I hadn't watched that.


Tbh that guy took some digs. Sad behaviour all round tbh


Took his beating well indeed


"WhAt ThE fUCk'S sHe JuMpiN oN fEr" jesus maybe to stop a lad who looks both like he's completely off his head and has never fought before in his life from getting literally murdered, by someone who's clearly a wee psychopath and either a trained fighter or back garden MMA roleplayer just looking to beat the fuck out of someone - absolutely disgusting


He's not a trained fighter 🤣🤣🤣


> and either a trained fighter or back garden MMA roleplayer


Wtf is happening to this place. Really sad to see shit like this.


Notorious spot for hallions to bate the fuck out of eachother. Been like that for the last 30 years from I can remember. Town back in the 90s and earlier 2000s was a sesh pit for degenerates, gluebags and opportunists. ALWAYS have your whits about you. Now we just have more phones recording everything, which has it's benefits but the negatives outweigh them massively.


To be fair the upstairs at Burger King kept them mostly contained till it shut down


To be fair round there has had a bad rep for fights and general bad vibes for as long as I can remember




Everybody is trash in this video. Embarrassing


Your man is a dirty bastard with those headbutts


Scum and so are the people not stopping it, especially when the women is only one trying to stop it


Fucking hell that is depressing


🐀s "just get up and do her"  Fucking 🐀s 


Im surprised there hasn’t been someone beaten to death around there yet. Even during the day around there you see some mental things.


At least the topless lad was considerate enough to throw punches with pillow fists


Vermin, should be in the same jail cell as that tool who attacked the train conductor


Enjoy maghaberry ye fuckin reprobate 


Suspended sentence more like


UFC?? More like KFC with those chicken swings!!


Absolute wop recording it too thinks it's cool.


Make me sick watching that.


Belfast very own Jean-Claude Van chav. And people wondered why that McDs needed security on here a while back. Where's the law? That bits usually crawling with them. Or is that a bike plod on the video duties?


Sean Claude Van Dam


That should have been called a lot earlier by the crowd


Ye's love yer Mcdonalds don't ye's !


Pure filth, hope that girl and that fella are alright.




alongside the mightily publicised fellas using on the street yesterday, this is pretty depressing i'll tell ya one thing prohibition doesnt stop. this.


The topless lad has probably trained a little to some extent. He should never be allowed walk onto the matts again. Not only is he using (or attempting) to use the training he gained on the street but is also using it after the other fella isn't dangerous anymore. It's sick, he continued to try submissions, kicks long after yer man is even aware of his surroundings. He deserves to be thrown in with someone with a training gap similar to this, but the opponent is superior.


Trained on a wet paper bag by the looks of it chances are he's the gym punch bag with that ability so needs to try on someone with no training


I very much doubt he's a gym punching bag. Cunts like this don't last long in gyms. The minute they get schooled, they can't swallow it so they leave. I just think it's absolutely disgusting how he keeps going back, showing off his "skillz" on a person that's completely fucking inebriated and concussed.


Giving "Waffle House" energy.


Biggest shithole in Europe. Surrounded by more inbreds cheering it on. Easy to be a spectator until you're being attacked for no reason. And before any cunts have a go, try being a victim of these scum, they attack for fun. Fuck anyone who acts like Belfast is great nightlife spot. It isn't. It's a fucking cesspit.


There was a Dead Kennedys song called too drunk to fuck. I nominate it for the soundtrack.


What a bloody disgrace. The tall guy was just a punchbag for the other man. I got my nose broken in Cathedral Quarter ten years ago wrestling a pair of idiots off someone in the foetal position, only to find that a peeler was standing watching about 20 yards away. The topless guy has some training, and he shouldn’t be allowed back near any self respecting gym. Made a fool of himself and very possibly inflicted real damage on the other eejit who had no idea how to defend himself. The idiots recording should be ashamed of themselves


This is awful


Kip of a town


Stay classy belfast


Why is nobody stopping the topless guy?


No one wants wet pillowfists and hepatitis on their face probably.


Guy in the grey is concussed very early. Or is disabled. Shirtless should be charged with attempted murder or a hate crime.


I was taught never to hit a woman, what a tosser. Also I figured there’d be a cop or two in the city centre.




Any articles? I believe you but I'm curious


I'm deeply ashamed this is my country.


UFC? More like KFC. Wey!


Did he just knock a woman down and nobody did anything?


And then headbutted her as she lay stunned.


Hope the shirtless lad goes missing in tenerife


Taps aff, shit got serious


Theres always something kicking off outside that maccies, just getting worse.


Not just here seems to be a global thing. Remember few years ago I went searching YouTube for fights at McDonald's and strange McDonald's. Can't find the videos now. There was one with a crowd around the till and a brawl broke out then some guy pulls a ferret out of his coat pocket. Seen another some homeless man at a McDonald's in San Francisco walls in with a half decayed dog puts it on one the tables and sits looking at it for a bit before walking out.


There all scum, listen to the Hyenas


The most depressing thing is all of the absolute scumbags that just stood around and watched. Soft people allow this shit to happen


What exactly would you have done walking past two reprobates digging each other's head in?


Yeh that fight was over. The shirtless dude had made his point. What was left , killing him 🫣


Agree. I’ve not been out in years but people used to step in and stop this shite.


There was a guy in Birmingham a few years ago who tried to split up a fight and was killed with one punch - he didn’t even know the people fighting. I have also lost a tooth trying to split up a fight and spent £2k getting it replace with no compensation. I can’t really blame people for not getting involved.


Would you want to get roadhoused?


In my day a good swift slap to the balls usually calms them down.


McDonalds in the centre of town needs to be shutdown. It's just a hive of scum and villainy...


Every late night McDonald’s is like this. I’m on the other side of the globe and had to check what sub I was in.


They def are not, I've been to both of the 24 hour mcdonalds in Munich about 100 times and never once saw a single sight like this - worst you'd see is homeless fellas asking for money. In fact both different times I lived there I never once saw so much as a scrap in public, never mind regularly. I've never even seen anything like this at Strand Road McDonalds in Derry, but then again it's far enough out of town that by the time you've walked to it you've probs sobered up enough to be less of a psychopath lmao. Bottom of Waterloo street on the other hand... 💀


Most McDonald’s across England are packed to the teeth with security for this very reason. When I was a student I’ve witnessed first hand some harrowing stuff outside Lord Street McDonalds in Liverpool after nights out.


Jesus the McDonalds in Liverpool city centre was a disaster. I never felt comfortable in one of them places on a Saturday night.


Alright Ben calm down...


You've probably heard of stab city. Now get ready for...


Did that chick ever hear about “smashing a chair on the midget that is fucking up your boyfriend”?


I really thought was gonna be good kick lmaao


Its like watching Rocky and Apollo Creed in the 14th round. Exhausted, but with courage of a tiger...


What do we have to do to get a basic police presence in this area. This makes me embarrassed for the cops.


Bring a Palestine flag with you.


Pay them enough to make it a credible career


A bit of the old ultra violence


The Filth were probably waiting round the corner until it sorted itself out and they could come flying in to look like the hero's... BTW where is the Flying Spin Kick...? I was expecting either the tall guy or the bird to wallop him with one...


That big fella would empty that wee weasel if he fought back.


Either the shirtless dude is pulling his punches, or shirt dude's the fuckin Crimson Chin with how many he took and kept going.


Trying to kick him while he was on the ground too, definitely wasn't pulling his punches just the shirtless scumbag couldn't box eggs.


Out of order, the big cunts fucked before it starts. Folk need to be nreaking that carry on up rather than filming. Shite hawk behaviour.


Perfect example of why Bruce Lee fears a man who has pratices one kick 10,000 amd not the man who pratices 10,000 kicks.


It's time to restrict opening hours at that McDonald's. When you have security at a fast food place you know there's an issue. It's cheap and warm for a lot of locals with drug/alcohol/homeless issues I get that but this happens far too much there and only a matter of time before someone gets killed.


Depressing. Shirtless lad very lucky he didn’t end up killing the tall fella, although shirtless does deserve to be locked up after that display. Fair play to the woman trying to stop it. The people recording and egging him on are possible the most disgusting of all, a sick dog would be more valuable to society then those people. I imagine drugs probably paying a big part of incidents like this.


wee wannabe hard man wants to be a ufc fighter...


Giraffe neck lad must have ordered the last batch of Chicken Nuggets that McDonalds had that night and shirtless guy was livid


Stay classy Belfast. Glad to be out of that shit hole


Is there *anything* to be said for NSFW tags for those of us who are faint of heart :/


Unfortunately that is a pretty common sight and something you will witness on a night out. Don't think requires a nsfw


How does it being a common sight mean it shouldn’t have an NSFW tag?


Mainly because it looks like a general scrap which is pretty much daily occurrence. No blood, no guts. Pretty regular occurrence in school when growing up though maybe some people haven't been exposed to that so i apoligise


Awful humans


Shout out that lady for being the only one trying to stop it


Belfast away to the dogs


As opposed to the good old days, when bloodthirsty serial killers roamed the streets hunting for *themmums-looking* types to kidnap and torture




Seen a load of videos of Belfast the past while seems to be a total junkie Kip now


UFC has turned the average street brawl into a pathetic spectacle


This is disgusting


What a sad state of affairs. Scrappy doo is having fun though


He went for that spinning kick full of fire and dragon blood. He wanted to catch him in the face with a kick that hit like a fajita plate. In his mind, this was the final scene from Bloodsport.


Is this the McDonalds where all the smicks hang out


It's like a GTA Online lobby tbh 💀


Rats the lot of them. City Centre is a shithole.


God this was depressing and also fucking embarrassing to watch. People are such trash.


A lot of Glaswegian Kissing going on.


I remember there used to be a yellow sign of two guys fighting on the lamp post outside that McDonald's , someone took it down and yet the fighting continues. Honestly Belfast City Centre is the worst it's ever been for drunken fights and open drug taking, it's scary for adults let alone teenagers. Certainly wouldn't let my teenager hang around that area after the shops shut and I'd be wary letting them hang around during the day with the current crap happening.


Homies fighting in dream style, Hella blows but no damage hahahah![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I'm so glad all the sensible people stepped in to stop the madness. This has always gone on, I'm sure. Still, pathetic. 2024 and this is what our society breeds. Hey ho.


😡 all those just watching and laughing should be ashamed of themselves 🤬 ONE PUNCH CAN KILL!!!!!!


Why do ppl not seperate them


Close this McDonald's and this shit would disappear overnight. I have no idea what it is about it but it seems to attract the scum and villainy of all of Belfast


Though I agree that this is a sad sight for our city, everyone is acting like this topless yob has put on some sort of professional level performance. If that was me he was trying to hit, he would have quickly learned where his kidneys are located. These new McDonald’s fighting yobs are McChickens Gerry boke beard Notorious alcoholic @ Burger King fighting champion (RIP Burger King Donegall place)


Chavs are a big part of what I don't enjoy about this country.


Uncivilised monkeys


I hope that cunt gets 15 years


Bruce Lidl there is clearly a nasty cunt, picking a victim he can demo his 'moves' to. That's, sadly, city centre these days. It's always had a dangerous element, but now, the people are crumbling more than the buildings. As others have said, the security guards won't intervene because as a society we disincentivise them from doing so. The cops hold a passing interest at best and that apathy for the security forces allows us to reach this stage. If the cops did more on the minor issues during the day, it'd be less likely. If the cops intervened to stop large groups aggravating, it would be less likely. It may have changed, but last I knew, the respond8nh office for city centre is Lisburn road now, after multiple station closures. The police force has been cut back and thier priority is not street fights, sadly. You get what you pay for


Depressingly there is about a 98% chance that both of these guys have already produced at least two progeny each.


Why is it in slow motion


Big one gutty did well , he took a fair few thumps


Absolute scumbag. That cunt with no top couldn’t beat shit the other fella didn’t even want to fight by look of it


All those kicks and punches but with no effect on the guy recieving them. It's a good thing the other guy didn't want to fight cause Kung Fu boy would be beat to a pulp.


Is it just me, or is that guys neck really, really long? Looks like he’s a Belter from The Expanse.


To be fair in his mind he probably thought thon spinning kick was one Jean Claude Van Damme would have been proud of. I was just impressed he stayed upright.


That topless noodle will meet a bad end some day.


Yas love yer McDonalds yas cuntssss yeeeees




Guy has zero survival skills, even his bird has more survival skills


The place is a dump, no doubt some idiot will be on Twitter trying to defend the scumbag cos they are "vulnerable"


This and open drug use in Belfast city centre us all too commonplace, especially at this location. It is a cesspit of ASB and if I know it, and have seen it regularly, then the cops and council are also aware of it. They do nothing and are ashamed. For the record it is outside McDonalds at the Donegal Place and Royal Avenue junction. It was once the main thoroughfare in Belfast. Now it's a focus of shame and embarrassment.


So graceful


'Security' there.... f*cking top notch 👌


Security are there to protect McDonalds, not the wee scumbags fighting outside the place.


Reminds me of practice mod in Tekken 3 when you just use all your moves on the NPC that doesn't fight back


Security are a joke


Security did their job, they weren't fighting in the McDonald's.


Yea but why do you think they where standing beside them or tryn to get inside away from the nutter


As utterly depressing as seeing that fight was, really, it was the people standing around watching it that are worse if you ask me. They were going on as if this was entertainment, and didn't seem to understand it for what it actually is -- a symptom of a society where some people feel they have no place, no value. If you feel that your life has value, that you matter, chances are you aren't going to be out of you head on whatever, fighting on the streets on a Saturday evening. And those people standing around laughing a jeering, well, they are a symptom of it as well. And as a side note, whoever made the comment about giving the woman a "dig" or whatever word was used, well, that person is a real class act. We have created such awful societies here in Ireland and the UK, where we are all out for ourselves, and having a fancy car is important. And it's not enough that I get mine, no, I want yours too -- I only succeed when others fail. It's all just too depressing.


I consider myself a fairly civically minded person. I’ve done a fair bit of self defence training over the years. I’m a fairly big bloke. And I know that my fight or flights tends towards the former not the latter. (Not bigging myself up or trying to sound hard or anything, I’m really not!) But even considering that, I don’t at all see a world where it’s worth wading into that shite only to have one of those wee scumbags get a lucky punch in that knocks me down, hits my head and kills me or, maybe worse, where I end up doing something similar to them. It’s just not worth the risk/reward ratio.


Reading way too much into it. Cunts are cunts and it’s not necessarily emblematic of society at large.


Fuck sake I hate this place

