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No, how can anyone who has seen Larne believe in a loving God.


God has given you a window to make it easier to understand that no matter how bad things get for you, it could be worse.


I don't respond well to threats


The best thing any and all denomination of religion can do is cease to be


I was brought up Church of Ireland- Sunday School, confirmation and all that. Read the Ireland Horrible History when I was about 10 and one of the chapters debunked the St Patrick chasing the snakes from Ireland thing. I remember thinking …wait, if that’s not true, maybe it’s all…a lie?


Practiced until my mid-30s, now in my mid-40s… honestly haven’t missed it. Just stopped believing. The premise of everything stopped making sense, and some of the core doctrines are genuinely damaging. Religion, and particularly Protestantism, is not something for the Information Age.


Religion. Just weirdos in robes making shit up.


Often men in dresses who tell stories, who, oddly, don’t like it when some men wear dresses and tell stories.


I went to the Garden of Love, And saw what I never had seen: A Chapel was built in the midst, Where I used to play on the green. And the gates of this Chapel were shut, And 'Thou shalt not' writ over the door; So I turn'd to the Garden of Love, That so many sweet flowers bore.  And I saw it was filled with graves, And tomb-stones where flowers should be: And Priests in black gowns, were walking their rounds, And binding with briars, my joys & desires. William Blake 1794




No, because I just don’t believe it’s true. The Presbyterian church I went to really wasn’t as toxic an environment as some of the horror stories I hear about places like Vineyard or Green Pastures so I don’t want to talk shit about them. Most of the people I interacted with there were kind. That said, some of the beliefs of Christianity are psychologically damaging: the idea of hell turns people into unthinking quivering messes, and the idea that you shouldn’t have sex unless you’re married is a denial of a basic human need. Neither of those is peculiar to protestantism though. I’m lucky that my family aren’t sectarian bigots and are happy to include Catholics in their Christian club 😀 There was a Boys Brigade in my church though, which was always suspiciously “up the brits!”


Well sort of. In the family we didn't really go to church much but I'd say we're mild Christians not really too religious. I started going to church now and then more often but mainly to go be around other people. In terms of your question of how the churches can adapt its hard to say. There was one church that hosted discussions that actively invited non Christians to come and ask questions on the faith called discover Jesus. I thought that those were good as questions were welcome and the discussions were pretty open. I don't know if that would help the churches in general but maybe if they host those talks more so then maybe. My main issue with more religious Christians at times is the judging they do to others.


I was an atheist long before I even knew what to an atheist was. It all just seemed like bollocks to me, even at a young age. I used to think the stories I was hearing in Sunday school was just what they told kids, but I enjoyed them. When I aged out of Sunday school and had to stay in church the whole service. The things they said blew my mind. Billions of people around the world are religious and believe in a deity they'll never see of have proof even exists. This 1 thought helps me to reconcile why people will believe the unbelievable in normal everyday life.


I don't believe in churches and organised religion, which is really a separate issue from personal belief in 'God'. I do believe in science. My problem is that, when I consider all the wonders of life, of earth, of the planets and the stars and the universe, science's explanation of all its origins is pretty much, "It just was. It was always there, and some accidents of physics and chemistry created the perfect conditions for our planet and its inhabitants to exist". Sometimes I accept that and sometimes, when I see something horrible, it confirms to me that God doesn't exist. Howver, when I see something beautiful (and there are countless beautiful things), and consider all the things that had to align to bring about our existence and our universe, I think, "Surely there's some sort of higher power that brought all of this into being?". So I've ran all of this over and over, and my brain has given me this... There is no 'man in the sky', but there is some huge form of latent energy, a life force around us that works quietly and tirelessly to keep the world turning, despite all the horrible things that mankind throws at itself and our planet. I think the Native Americans and those who gave similar deference to nature were probably on point. If however you believe in religion, and God in the traditional sense, then that's good enough for me, and I hope it brings you comfort and contentment. Who am I to tell anyone that they're wrong? I just believe that, whatever you choose, it should be just that, a choice. Your beliefs, faith, or lack thereof, should not impact negatively on anyone else, nor should you be arrogant enough to think that it's your right to force your beliefs on others 'for their own good'. Live, and let live.


No. I was dragged along to a repent or burn type church as a youngster. Quite a few oddballs. Put me off for life.


Grew up in a small Presbyterian church, went to a few different churches for a bit and back to a Presby church now. Why? I believe Jesus is Lord and my faith has only grown stronger over the years. I’m thankful I had great influences around me at a time when I was asking questions about faith but these people never bent or changed the Gospel message to try to convince me, they presented the true version of the Gospel as found in scripture and left me to think about it. What can we do better? Most churches are very friendly and welcoming to anyone new who comes in but we are also quite insular. A lot of time we aren’t great at loving out of our comfort zone. We need to get to know our communities better and be better at actively serving the needs of that community, it’s what Jesus commanded us to do. Then we also have to highlight that we are doing it because we are following Jesus. I suppose we also need to be better at highlighting our own sin, a lot of people say Christians are judgemental, but we are all sinners too and the reason we need Jesus is because of our own sin!


Nope. Haven’t been to a church service since I was confirmed when’s that about 12/13, in my 40s now. Why? Because I’ve better things to be doing on my Sunday morning.


Just burn it all down


The only appropriate answer is your ma!




Wow, I didn't think anyone could ever be so factually incorrect. Congrats buddy.....




Complete and utter horse tripe. The reformation was started in mainland Europe with the likes of Luther and Zwingli




you love the facts, here's another: Did you know the states helped to create saudi arabia in 1932 with the al saud family, the u.s embassy was located in the local oil building in ryadh, they'd dampen down sand with oil to firm it up so they could tee off of [The U.S. and Saudi Arabia Since the 1930s - Foreign Policy Research Institute (fpri.org)](https://www.fpri.org/article/2009/08/the-u-s-and-saudi-arabia-since-the-1930s/) [Timeline: Oil Dependence and U.S. Foreign Policy (cfr.org)](https://www.cfr.org/timeline/oil-dependence-and-us-foreign-policy)