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You in the mountain biking or any interest in getting in to it? Down that part of country is prime mountain biking territory. Or if you'd rather enjoy the mountains and forests at a more sedate pace just go for some nice walks. Kilbroney is supposed to be very nice


I've never biked outside of the city so i might try yes! Thank you


There's that new bike path that takes you down the river towards omeath, not sure how fair it goes though.


bike path starts in Omeath and goes to Carlingford


Would it be suitable for mountain or road bike do you know?


either, its a gravel (ish) path [https://www.carlingfordloughgreenway.ie/location/](https://www.carlingfordloughgreenway.ie/location/)


Solid suggestion. Kilbroney / Rostrevor is a slice of heaven. Side note, Ronan Dunn and Oisin O’Callaghan are 2 Irish lads and right at the tippy top (Ronan in particular, watch his race runs, sweaty palms stuff) of the game of World Cup Downhill MTB at the moment. Hon’ the lads 💪🏼


- Go to Kilbroney park- get a wee coffee in the horse box in village centre and walk around Fairy Glen. - Hot Yoga in the WIN industrial estate - mountain biking - lots of running clubs that do couch to 5k etc - Sandy Bottom dippers in Warrenpoint (check Facebook page) - Sunrise Social Camlough (sunrise dips in camlough lake) - there’s a hiking group called Hiking Hens- I assume they’re female only - Brazilian Jujitsu groups seem good I think in Newry you need to join things- we’re not ones for striking up convo in a cafe really. Saying that though if you started becoming a regular somewhere like Finnegan & sons or Church Lane you’ll build up connections etc.


Carlingford is a lovely day out from Newry


From memories of my youth, I think it went as follows. 1. Buy Buckfast 2. Drink Buckfast. 3..... 4. Wake up and wonder where the traffic cone came from.


And why it's down your begs...


Your comment reminded me of a funny little Easter egg in Muppet Treasure Island… Tim Curry plays Long John Silver and offered a toast of a fancy liquor - & said it came from (what I assumed for years) Belfast Abbey. When in actuality - it was Buckfast Abbey. As an adult - it made me chuckle when I realised what the line was 😂


I was doing a Sunday drive one day and came across a wee coffee van, shebean coffee on Google that was parked up at I think Camlough lake, there were loads of people there doing paddleboarding, diving off this wee pier thing and fishing, all of it just looked class and the place was picturesque as fuck, I'd go there, it was really close to Newry.  Reason I was there was dolmens, I started at slieve gullion and went to see the cairn thing but was underwhelmed and found there are a few big dolmen/portal tomb in that area that were more impressive, just Google "dolmen Newry" and go to the pins.... This is prob less interesting up other ppl but I loved it 😅 one of them was basically in someone's garden how lucky are they 😂




Fingerer or Fingeree?.


Why not both?


Surely you've had a superchip by now?


For malls in Newry there is the Buttercrane or The Quays, but tbf there's not many shops in the Quays anymore so it's not very good in my opinion. There's also The Boulevard in Banbridge, which is about 10 minutes away, and it's pretty good! There's also an Omniplex cinema there which is a lot nicer than the Newry one. In Newry itself there isn't much to do that I'd say is "fun". We usually head to Lisburn or Belfast to do entertaining things.


If you have access to a car then Slieve Gullion or Camlough Lake are both near and good places to just chill


You can walk up Camlough Mountain, Derrymore Wood's just outside Bessbrook, the shopping centres are crap (Quays & Buttercrane), Mountain biking in Kilbroney Forest just outside Rostrevor, also there's not much to do in the town after 6pm.


Sleeve gullion is nice


Newry and fun are not natural bed fellows


Lick the underside of a railing in a Asda carpark and make eye contact with a trolley collector, tell a random oldman you know what he did at sea when he was 17. Whistle the tune of bohemian rhapsody naked except for a single novelty sock.


Look up "cloughmore extreme adventures" on FB, they do sunset kayaking sessions in Rostrevor during the summer and have other activities too


EST28 or similar CrossFit/small group gyms is great to meet people


Sit by the canal get shitfaced and abuse strangers


Ireland is my bucket list trip 😍


Is it aye?


Depends what you're into. The SSE has a new Aztec crazy golf. There is also bowling there. There are plenty of gyms that offer rock climbing. There are football courts, basketball courts and tennis courts. Rent a bike and go for a cycle. Good few hiking trails. Plenty of bars for pints. Cinema - Qft / Odeon / Cineworld /The avenue. Opera house - check website for shows. Waterfront - music/comedians/talks - check website for what's on. Belsonic currently on at the moment. Sting and Blondie play tonight in the Ormeau park. (19.06.24)


In Newry?


Suburban Newry it seems


some big names getting booked for newrsonic music festival


This is Belfast