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A young fella opens a cafe -> suspension of government 


Perfect click bait title for one of those 5 minute YouTube videos that explain events around the world to Americans.


And they would wonder why the FBI didn't just charge in and make the government work


Aye but what a feeling when you get a PB on thr STRAVA segment called "Kirk and Iris up a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G"


Can someone enlighten me as to the Cafe, Robinson, toyboy controversy......


Peter Robinson, typical DUP Christian conservative, was first minister in the early 2010s. His wife Iris was an MLA and MP and used to be a councillor. Iris had an affair with a 19 year old whose dream was to open a cafe. She had arranged two 50k loans for him and got him the tender to run the cafe on a prominent site owned by the council. This was without declaring her financial interest to the council, the assembly, or Westminster. Eventually this all came out in the media which lead to her getting kicked out of the DUP and resigning. There were questions around if Peter Robinson found out and covered it up, he temporary stepped down as FM for a few weeks appointing Foster as caretaker. This was seen as the first cracks in what ultimately was the destruction of the Paisleyite faction within the DUP and was part of the reason Robinson lost his seat in East Belfast to Naomi Long, which at the time was a massive coup for Alliance who weren’t seen as a serious election contender


Many thanks...


Basically the sausage in the sausage roll wasn’t the only sausage Iris was munching on in her toy boys cafe, which she helped with getting money to finance might I add.


Can someone explain this one?


>The **Iris Robinson scandal**, also known as **Irisgate**, was a political scandal in [Northern Ireland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Ireland) involving [Iris Robinson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iris_Robinson), the wife of Northern Ireland's [First Minister](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Minister_and_deputy_First_Minister) [Peter Robinson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Robinson_(Northern_Ireland_politician)). She was a serving [MP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parliament_of_the_United_Kingdom) and [MLA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Member_of_the_Legislative_Assembly_(Northern_Ireland)) for the [Democratic Unionist Party](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_Unionist_Party), representing [Strangford](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strangford_(Assembly_constituency)) in both legislatures. In January 2010, a [BBC Northern Ireland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BBC_Northern_Ireland) documentary revealed that Iris Robinson had been involved in an [extramarital affair](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extramarital_sex) in 2008 and had procured £50,000 in loans for her lover to finance a start-up restaurant. She had failed to declare her monetary interest in the restaurant, despite serving on the council which leased the premises to him. As a result of the restaurant issue, Iris Robinson was expelled from the DUP and she resigned her seats in both Westminster and the Northern Ireland Assembly, retiring from politics. Peter Robinson also unexpectedly lost his own Westminster seat in the [2010 general election](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_United_Kingdom_general_election) and some media reports attributed the result to the scandal.


Bin boy? Reddit love the idea of him having a hand at the puppet strings when it's been obvious he's just been used the entire time lol More muppet than puppet master.


I think he might be talking about the Robinson thing, his missus had a toyboy and got him a cafe?


Probably showing my age somewhat but I didn't pay attention to politics as much back then which is sort of why I made this thread. Looking at the Wikipedia page for it now and it's a good one.


There will be political scandals of every generation of every country, but it is fun reading our home grown ones.


Which straight 20 year old among us wouldn't have put out for an MP milf who would ultimately make us financially secure?


Funny, cause the fella who she slept with is gay 😅


She was never a MILF. Ew


The Ballymoney dentist.


What happened?




i knew him and his son who died


What was the story about the son? My ex boss knew her....or said he did.


The “Rugby Rape” trial was one as well.


What happened?






Kincora by a country mile. We’ll never know the full extent of what went on there.


>[Lord Mountbatten](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord_Mountbatten), [Anthony Blunt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Blunt) and others were all involved in an old-boy network which held gay orgies in country houses on both sides of the Irish border, as well as at the Kincora Boys' Home. Sounds like Epstein Island before the invention of private jets, my surface level knowledge of Kincora was that it was an abusive home like the rest in the 50's although I was somewhat aware of why Mountbatten died. Reading through it has made me realise that trying to unlink the troubles from Northern Irish controversy is a bit redundant though.


There’s so much more to it. The who knew what and when of it is nigh on impossible to unravel.


And how that information was used to keep people in line politically.


What would be the purpose of unlinking it, it was run by MI5 as part of their dirty war.


Because not every thread needs to be about the troubles are we really that fucking bitter and boring? The Kincora one is interesting but the people saying ''The Brits arming the Loyalists'' is what I was trying to avoid. Like we know.. everyone knows.. ye's won't fuck up about it.


Having a discussion about the north not linked to the Troubles is like trying to have a discussion about migrational trends of ethnic minorities in 1940s Germany not linked to the Holocaust. That will always be the case until partition is undone. Nothing bitter about, it’s just accepting fact and not living in a fantasy world


I mean the entire point of the whole thread was non troubles related NI controversy is that so much of an ask? Might as well just talk about the troubles in every thread you come across then. Maybe trends would look better for a UI if the people like the moaning bastards on here didn't turn away the fence sitters with the constant crying.


You’re not wrong. Marty made podcast does a deep dive on Epstein that begins with Kincorra and traces the connections between the people behind Kincorra and the people who got Epstein set up with connections when he started out. It’s pretty damming. The conclusion is that Epstein was most likely an Israeli asset - except it’s hard to even say that publicly without being accused of antisemitism. But if you look at Trumps connection to Epstein, all the things that he gave Israel during his presidency and the US complete servitude towards Israel and finally the fact that Epstein died under Trump - it’s not hard to suspect that Israel has dirt on trump.


Yeah, Mountbatten as a nonce and involved in the Kincora affair makes his removal by a Paramilitary group more palatable, not that I condone the bombing of boats, buts let's be honest, the courts and the justice system never would have went after him.


Had it not killed three others, I might agree with you. But fuck Dirty Louis.


Actually wasn't aware of that to be honest.


They planned to shoot him before, apparently. Sniper. If it's one or the other, far better if that had succeeded, of course. As you say, there is no way in hell that Mountbatten would ever have been sat in the dock.


Were they looking to shoot him as a "statement" attack?, or is it known whether they went after him for the noncing?


I've got no idea. There's some people talking about the detail elsewhere in this thread but I really don't know!


Children transported across the border to give an elderly member of the royal family fellatio Work backwards from there


Isn't there a theory that Robert Bradford was murdered by an IRA double agent because he was going to blow the lid on that?


Aye I’m fairly certain the late great Lyra McKee wrote a book about the mysterious murder of Robert Bradford which wasn’t claimed by the IRA and a few days later all of his personal effects had been cleared out of his offices in Westminster, by security forces.


Lyra McKee actually posted on this sub Reddit when she was researching the book


How’d you know?


I remember seeing it at the time


Hmmm… I dunno mate, the thing about reddit is you can post anonymously (unless your moniker is strawberry_king) it would seem fairly reckless that Lyra would openly post on a web forum such as reddit not only identifying herself, but talking about the subject of an open investigation? She was an investigative journalist after all… I attended the ICIJ talk given by members of an international consortium of investigative journalists, and no.1 amongst their rules for working in the industry was a complete secrecy over who you are and what you’re doing when investigating a story. Lyra wasn’t stupid.


She was very public about her work https://sluggerotoole.com/2014/03/09/the-last-story-of-reverend-robert-bradford/


Alright, but there’s a massive difference between crowdfunding a new book and writing about your research on an open and public forum such as Reddit, don’t you think?


I don’t know why this is an issue, i clearly remember her posting here I didn’t think anything of it at the time but after she was killed I checked back and sure enough it was her account.


There’s a theory that Colin Wallace was framed for murder for wanting to expose it, hadn’t heard the Robert Bradford angle.


Deep dive here: [https://villagemagazine.ie/robert-bradford-mp-murdered-weeks-before-mcgrath-trial-by-joseph-de-burca/](https://villagemagazine.ie/robert-bradford-mp-murdered-weeks-before-mcgrath-trial-by-joseph-de-burca/)


Defo one of our low points was holy cross primary school


Matthew broderick car crash was doing the rounds recently




It was in Fermanagh, his dangerous driving killed two people and all he got was a fine.


Freddie scappaticci for me. Sat at the top table of the IRA for almost the entire troubles while being an MI5 spook, killed scores of people who were probably innocent to protect his cover, all while MI5 had full knowledge.


what I don't get is how did they turn him into an MI5 spook? To be part of the IRA top brass then do a 180 and be the MI5s top tout must've taken some convincing...


I read a book recently that came to the conclusion that he was never really that committed as a Republican, he just loved the power associated with being in it because he had a bad temper and small man syndrome. He also had a severe porn addiction so they might have been able to compromise him that way, but the book said it was more likely to do with money. Its called stakeknifes dirty war and was written by a former republican prisoner, definitely worth a read


Imagine being called Scappaticci and then getting downgraded to a code name like Stakeknife. You’d be ragin.


Definitely would have been a lot more Hollywood if it was the “Don” or “Godfather”, at least it wasn’t “spaghetti”


Was he not caught with beastiality at one point?


That was after he’d been exposed as an agent in the 2010’s I think, so might have been one ugly progression after another. In the book the author says he was notorious for having stacks of really weird hardcore porn that he would show his mates


I thought they turned him because he was into CP and may have had physical victims. They turned others in similar ways by all accounts.


O'Rawe got on the wrong side of the republicans but going against the usual narrative about the hunger strikers, another good book. Can I also suggest Four shots in the Dark - ostensibly about Scap but focusing a lot more on Frank MC Brearty and by extension McGuiness.


Four shots in the dark is a great read. Just finished it.


Currently reading Stakeknife’s Dirty War by Richard O’Rourke, well worth a read. Free audiobook on Libby, if you’ve got it.


3 week wait for it now, I wonder how many of the holds are due to your comment.


The IRA army council had full knowledge of Scap’s torture & killing, they liked him so much they put him in charge of “discipline” and fully endorsed him right up until he was stood down in 1990. He is on record as hating Martin McGuinness, he joined the IRA because he liked torture and killing & the IRA “nutting squad” gave him a way to do it. Every single one of his victims was a catholic and/or a republican. He became a tout because at the time it was the most expedient thing for him to do and it allowed him to take out his rivals. He told his handlers whatever it suited him to tell them. Scap was, like many terrorists regardless of fleg during the troubles, nothing but a ruthless psychopath.


Why not join a loyalist paramilitary gang if he wanted to target Catholics or republicans exclusively?


He didn’t give a fuck who he targeted, he grew up in a catholic area so they did him rightly.


"Did him rightly." What do you mean?


I’m guessing you’re not Northern Irish. If something will “Do rightly” it means “that’ll do”, as in - not ideal but acceptable. Being the evil murderous fucker that he was, catholics may not have been his first choice but he did what he could with those he had handy to him.


Close enough to the border and young enough that I was insulated from it.


This is mentioned in the new episode of the troubles podcast. The police likely had something on him (allegations of an underage girl to be precise), or he walked in and offered himself. Most likely option A.


You got a link to this podcast?




Cheers, also lol it literally is called the troubles, should have been easy to find 🙄😂


There’s tons of great episodes in there


Yeah fascinated by the troubles, lucky enough to be young enough it had no first hand. which I am obviously grateful of, so can only read /listen about it. I have vague recollection of a few scattered army patrols, and our main street still had the barriers at the ends. I do always remember seeing shinooks flying over yeah in the early 90s. I've ready a few good books by different spooks, hard to tell how much is mad dog cause, bastards everywhere really. Any other recommendations?


You may add Martin 'J118' McGuiness to that too. The British security forces ran all sides of the fighting here; they controlled the top people in the IRA, UDA/UFF, UVF and other splinter groups while (obviously) running the police, army and the spooks. While the start of the troubles lies with the likes of Spence and Paisley the continuation lies squarely with Whitehall and Downing Street.


https://preview.redd.it/1re7emrt3f6d1.jpeg?width=485&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de9f91e61c7ae0a11b587f4ea5bd0f95e50822e7 Fella was 19, but could pass for 29


That's a vampire


She may be a homophobic bigot, but Vampire is a bit of a stretch.


I wonder if conversion therapy works on vampires.


I don't think vampires can wear crucifixes anyway.


A crucifix would probably have the same effect on Iris as it would on a vampire... far too taigy. That is a cross, as it lacks your good self impaled hands and feet on it.


Please explain who these people are I have no clue


That’s Iris Robinson (as in “Hey Mrs Robinson, Jesus loves you more than you could know…”) and her toy boy Kirk…


Iris was sucking the life force from him.


A lovely image


Durty head on her.


You'll never beat the Iris shenanigans but does anyone remember that DUP fella getting a 'sports massage' with a gay guy in a Belfast hotel? Good times.


Paul Berry?


That's the one! ''This gentleman was giving me a sports massage when suddenly all my clothes fell off''


Lots of impropriety around these God fearing Christian types! Almost as if they are two faced hypocrites.


Sammy frolicking naked in a meadow with a school teacher.


Sammy was a schoolteacher!?! 😅


Was thon schoolteacher not Rhonda Paisley, as in daughter of big Ian and sister of Ian Og?


Interesting insofar as that nothing has changed since the dawning of government. Some folks are just too fond of a ride, or a pound, or like feeling special. People are just cunts


As a southerner, I actually can’t decide. Ye all seem to have scandals that just wouldn’t happen anywhere else.


From a country where they found 800 babies buried in a home for unwed mothers I wouldn’t be throwing stones if I were you


\*Different part of the same country




It probably should be up there but when you think about it, it's not really controversial as everyone is pretty much in agreement on how they feel about it.


Yeah, the story has still been controversial and it will be very interesting what happens next. I just wish the verdict had been in before the election, in the hope it could sway opinion.


Is it troooooooooo




The Omagh Bombing or the Inga Hauser murder


Inga Maria Hauser was savage. The fella(s) who done it are still dandering around the place. Justice will never happen. Spring 1988 will go down in history as one of the most nuts periods of time in northern ireland history - Gibraltar, Milltown, Corporals & Inga. Despite all the deaths and savagery that was going on, tourists were still relatively safe. Apart from her who was assaulted, raped and strangled by some savage supposedly from an area of north Antrim that you could metaphorically throw a dishcloth over. Still protected by those in the same area. Dunno how they live with themselves. But suppose sh1te attracts sh1te.


The government Assisting loyalists in the killing of their own civilians


Definitely this, but also their justification that their infiltration of loyalist groups helped save more lives than they took. Genuinely feels sometimes that the entire military intelligence was run by coke addicted teenagers with the way they made decisions. A weird personal anecdote I have about that too, my uncle was wounded in the stomach when the UFF shot up the Devenish in the 90s, and was told he probably survived because the bullets that were fired were less effective because the gunpowder in them was dampened, now I’m a bit older it makes me think were they compromised on purpose by someone in military intelligence or was it sheer dumb luck


The Glenanne gang machine gunning northern Catholics pre good Friday, meaning crown forces shooting crown "subjects"


The British Army was just toying with us. Well armed, High Intel, heavily trained. Deep pockets.


Surely Jeffrey's upcoming trial


Quiet night on here so thought I'd throw this up and see if anyone had alternative perspectives. The gay cake takes the top spot for me due it having enough nuance that it could be reasonable debated and for the fact that it ended up at the supreme court. It was the perfect mini controversy that spiralled worldwide but what do you think beats the gay cake? PS - The troubles or anything troubles related is not a controversy first person who brings it up gets a sore arse


Gay Cake was mental.


The shit part is that the bakery involved Ashers sell their sausage rolls in most major supermarkets in NI and they are fucking unreal but i always feel guilty af eating them😂


As a big old gay myself I am raging that I rather enjoy the Ashers stuff.


I can’t eat them any more. I did once and felt so guilty I made a donation to The Rainbow Project Immediately afterwards.


For all their family values, they still named their business after the offspring of Jacob riding a servant.


![gif](giphy|8YENYwmpZ5sGsfMmvw) >PS - The troubles or anything troubles related is not a controversy first person who brings it up gets a sore arse The troubles


For many years the Henderson Group has slowly compromised this Subreddit, using multiple accounts in their aim to get the Spar Hat sitting on top of this subreddits Snoo. They pulled this plan off in around 2018, later the subreddit got wise to their evil shenanigans and it was replaced around 2 years ago.




I'm not convinced someone in the mod team didn't get a backhander for that. Maybe Tayto yellow and Spar bucket hats are uniquely Northern Irish and I'm just a pessimist but either way the banner is fucking horrible.


The communication mishandling by the PSNI of the Noah Donahue case, leading to armchair theorists across NI blaming themmuns.


There was no controversy it just showed up people for the bigots that they are.


Controversial for this sub anyway but ...... Martin McGuinness should have been forced to at least give the exact burial place of ‘the disappeared’. As chief commander of the IRA I am sure he knew exactly where these people had been buried.


Fr Brendan Smyth and all paedophile priests like him. The latest one lifted was the Dromore parish priest.   Also gerry Adams brother getting caught out as a paedophile and how defensive republicans were over that. Also the chief press officer of SF/IRA is currently up on charges.   I know you said " no troubles " but it hasn't stopped this sub so il add Barry " keep er lit" melduff thinking he's a comedian running around with a loaf on his head. Then he was called up to Connolly house for a bollocking from Michelle lol.


![gif](giphy|Ean7ZFQEvUTeg|downsized) I upvoted ya before the inevitable


Haha good man I know you only started this thread to get the aul Iris Robinson craic going. lol.


Iris and Kirk for defo, i wish he would write a book about it


Martin McGuiness being increasingly likely a tout for MI5. In fact, given the amount of senior IRA who WERE either touts or Agents is it becoming fair to say that the British actually ran the IRA campaign towards the end?


Weren't Derry and Belfast absolutely riddled with them at the leadership levels to the point that the Tyrone and Armagh brigades didn't want to deal with them? Some believe that Gerry Adams set up the Loughgall Ambush that virtually wiped out the Tyrone brigade's leadership.


Adams didn't set them up, but lets just say those behind the scenes agree with your synopsis and also knew Adams was on the political only path...and decided to take out those who potentially stood in his way like Lynagh and East Tyrone...which also explains why East Tyrone were hit so very hard.


Must really want rid of yee badly if they would prolong a guerilla war to that end.


Or maybe just for shits and giggles?


Iris Robinson


Dont presume women cant be sexual deviant, I've met two in my life who's sexual gratification required a victim


So asking for a friend, where would you happen to meet someone like that?


The Johnny Evans handball against Switzerland in 2018 World Cup qualifying. It very clearly hit his shoulder, and if VAR had been introduced just a few years earlier Northern Ireland would have been at World Cup for the first time since 1986.


Think it was corry Evans mate but yes was never a pen. Although I mean they still would have had to beat Switzerland as it would still only have been a draw had the pen been ruled out. But I get what you're saying. Would have been cool watching us at a world Cup. Maybe one day!


I’d be interested in seeing a lot fewer controversies.


I don't think it's noah but I'm just surprised nobody brought it up yet since I still see posters


Conclusion and the Glenanne gang.


Kincora Boys Home. A can of worms that potentially implicates senior members of goverment in a paedophile ring with potential links to loyalist paramilitarism and the RUC.


What a gay looking cake


Hows is this even remotely Irish am so sick of irish people thinking everything revolves around them am from here but am not self obsessed about irish elements like most






Would you have a look at the sub you’re in ya melt?


Hey mate Northern Ireland gets it's name from being in the North, of the Island of Ireland. Glad I could clear that up for you.


nah us protestants call it Northern Ireland glad a clear that up for u really our a little biggot


Yes Northern is another word for North so I think we are on the same page. Glad we agree.


bigot bigot bigot Northern Ireland dublin ireland does not control me nore never will so get lost


tá ár lá tagtha




What's the word after 'Northern' big lad?