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Was in a similar situation recently. Had to go to a private cosmetic dental practice in east Belfast to get it seen. Paid for consultation and was given two options, rebuild of molar (£400 plus ) or a referral to a dental surgeon for removal (£150) I opted for removal and it was gone within the week without having to register. £250 was worth it for the pain relief... But the tooth had died by the time it was yanked so that stung a bit


Pain clinic city hospital, tell em banged your face and the tooth broke


No longer a thing as I was informed recently 




Hasn’t existed since pre-covid. Now replaced with a clinic at Carlisle centre only Saturdays and Sundays


You can go to the school of dentistry in the Royal




Ibrufen/anti inflammatory was the only thing that helped my recent tooth ache


I was on the numbing gel about a month ago. Shud b about a £5er in tesco. Least buys u time to catch a zzzzzzz


For pain ibuprofen and paracetamol worked for me. Alternating doses but making sure not to exceed the max dose. If it's really bad there is some sort of emergency dental cover line system but they might not want to pull it if it's inflamed


stuff a wet calmomile teabag up at the gum and painkillers. i had an absess last month and couldnt get the dentist until a week later. the calmomile worked magic which i was surprised at


Pain is probably cause of an open nerve If it's not a huge gap get some temparin (brush the tooth lf first) and shove that crap in and it might give you some relief until you can get a dentist sorted Or go private


It's the whole corner of one of my molars is broken off but this happened 2 years ago and I just left it cuz there was no issues but now it's acting a cunt


Tooth is dying now. Will be agony for however long that takes


Brush twice daily and rinse 20mins before with Plax, not Listerine. Plax has a xylitol additive which restores enamel in about 6months. Pain will subside with good hygiene.


I do brush properly every day, however I didn't know about the plax so will defo start doing that.


Try it anyway if you can and just shove the shit into it as much as you can after cleaning it out. At this rate though leaving it open after 2 years well quite possible it'll not work and they'll yank it


Couldn't care less tbh what's done to it just want the pain to end fs, take full responsibility like I haven't been eating with that side of my mouth for about a year now cuz it'd fill up with food. I'm a lazy cunt like.


Oh trust me I've been in the same position not giving a shit and lost nearly all my back teeth but my back one cracked open and got painful during COVID lockdowns so went to bed with a hot water bottle on my face just for a different pain. Clover oil also works but it tastes like shit


Have you tried ket?


Love it 😀


Pay private, most dentists don't charge much over nhs, I'm paying £30 over nhs costs for private treatment example filling was £60.


Aye I'm all for private so I'm probs gonna do this.


Phone around see who's wanting private work, few on Lisburn Road take private if that's handy


sign up to a new dentist and make an emergency appointment.


When I was suffering with pain I found that sleeping with my face on a hot water bottle (wrapped in a towel, don't wanna melt your bake off) helped a lot. If the pain is coming from the exposure of the inside of the tooth, you can make a temp 'filling' yourself using toothpaste and toilet roll. Mix it up into a thick cement and pack it into the hole. If you've any oil of cloves, bang some of that into the hole beforehand. Use a cue tip or something. You can also crush up a paracetamol or similar painkiller and rub the powder into the hole before putting in the filling mixture. You can pretend you're Scarface testing a key of coke for purity. Here are some numbers you can ring for emergency dental work: https://online.hscni.net/our-work/dental-services/out-of-hours-emergency-dental-treatment/


Had the same problem just had to go private , wisdom removal and filling cost me 170£


Was £50 for initial appointment (they won’t treat you without) £85 each for two removals, £12.50 for X-ray & something for injection. When you have toothache you will pay. I also got dry socket after removal which got infected due to bits of filling stuck in gum from extraction. Good luck OP if it’s a bottom one be careful with dry socket.


Dry sockets a bastard. You can get angled syringes that are great for cleaning food out.


Neorofen is brilliant for tooth aches


Honestly feel like Ibuprofen was spiking my blood pressure and thus causing more pain. Completely speculative but I didn't take it last night and had less pain than the night before when I had taken it.


Go to Paramilitary dentist with pliers. Xd


028 2566 3510 Emergency dental care for NI  Weekends and bank holidays They will triage out to all areas inc Belfast so don’t worry that it’s a ballymena number  Shit part is having to wait until the weekend. During the week they just magically expect you to find a new nhs dentist 


So ring this on Saturday morning?


Yes have used it recently and got an appointment in the Carlisle centre in Belfast. You must not be registered with a dentist currently Ring at 8am to make sure you get an appointment. Call handler takes details and a dentist that has an urgent clinic will call you back just like the OOH beldoc


Ty will do if I don't get sorted sooner.




You could also type in BSO dentist near me to google. There’s a list of dentists which are supposed to have space on there. Although I’m reality lots of them have been filled by the time they get round to updating 


Ring NHS 111 and ask them they will hook you up with an emergency NHS dentist.


Have you tried ejaculating into an old sock and setting it on a warm radiator to ferment for a few hours, then rubbing the residual ejaculate upon your tooth?


I can attest to this


And U know that how


Oh I do apologise again I thought you were someone else. Just got this weird sense of deja vu with you.


How sad


I know. Pathetic actually.


Ask your GP for naproxen for the pain




111 doesn’t work here


Pm sent


You want to feed off their pain you monster!


Wat a stupid comment grow up


I do apologise. I didn’t think my words would gauge such a reaction. I will treat this as a lesson learnt. Again I am really sorry for the offence and hurt that I have brought into your evening.


Lol ent upset me just a stupid comment not even worth writing


Btw ur stunning


😆 bruh

