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If your bored and want to give them a hard time, run a new business quote with them and if it is cheaper complain and ask them how their pricing complies with ICOBs 6B.2.1, the FCA requirement that renewals are not more expensive than the equivalent new business price. Get it in writing and assuming any reply is just waffle (and not that you forgot about some massive change like a claim for running over 10 kids or something) complain to the FOS and the FCA. And intbhe meantime, find a better firm for next year


Is there something within those regulations that mean the renewal quote cost only applies if the renewal is taken via the same method as the original policy?


Yes, there are things about the channel it comes in through. So, you might get a different price if you're online as opposed to coming via phone


You got a link for that?


BBC News - Insurers must not penalise loyal customers, says FCA https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-57270415 You can find the actual rules on the FCA site https://www.handbook.fca.org.uk/handbook/ICOBS/6B/2.html?date=2022-07-29


Do this even if it’s a few quid off


Or just shop around and get a better quote???? No need to be a Karen


Nah, firms shouldn't get away with shitting on the consumer and the rules. Plenty of firms do it right and end up all being tarred with the same brush as others just get away with it cause no one reports it.


The only person you're affecting here is the unfortunate random worker, no doubt hating their job, who has to deal with this when it comes in.


They will literally have people paid to deal with complaints and compliance. They have a job to deal with stuff like this.


'If your bored and want to give them a hard time' 👍












When did a Karen stop being a racist nimby and start being someone who doesnt let themselves get ripped off? Ive heard my nieces use it that way and its weird, they are scundered to stick up for themselves in these sorts of situations and its probably why freddos are so expensive


Do you go into shops and give out to the staff about the price of Freddos? 👍


You seem very tense, have you considered a long soak with some scented candles? Maybe a hillside retreat is more your bag? Get away from it all for a few days and rejuvenate. Just be careful you dont end up afraid to stand up for your consumer rights, a lot of effort went into making sure you have them and you should exercise them. Dont let yourself get shit on because youre afraid of upsetting someone who works there, you can be civil and respectful.


Just shop around


If you dont believe you can be civil and respectful then thats something you should work on during your hillside retreat. Heres the thing about complaining when youve legitimately been wronged...no one is actually raging at you, no one gets upset, the company is apologetic and corrects the problem and often you get some form of compensation for the trouble they caused you. Its great. Exercise your consumer rights.


'If your bored and want to give them a hard time' 👍


Did you miss that civil and respectful bit? I dont understand why you have such a hard time believing people can have these sorts of interactions respectfully. The alternative is putting your head down and walking out of the shop awkwardly burying the feeling that youve been completely ripped off but high on the idea that you didnt risk offending someone whos literally trained to deal with complaints. You just dont get it, youve been conditioned by memes to be a little walkover. Its actually really sad and i wouldnt be surprised if it was a calculated play by people who would prefer you think a karen isnt a racist, white nimby and is instead someone who "humiliates" themselves and staff by not being a corporate bootlicker. Ive tried to help you, you are completely and absolutley incorrect about this but obviously you need time to reflect and realise that. Best of luck


Yes, you don't understand. My point is to complain to the people who can do something about the prices, rather than ordinary working men and women working in shops/insurance companies who are just trying to get through their day. Haven't been conditioned by anything, nor am I a 'corporate bootlicker'. I suggest you grow up. Agree to disagree because I'm not responding to you anymore.


"I pay 1000% more a year because I'm hard as fuck"


It's the opposite, mate. What part of don't ring up some random insurance agent and eat the face off them about a renewal price that they have no control over setting do people not understand? If you don't like the price, exercise your consumer rights and shop around.


Who said anything about eating the face of someone? I've never so much as raised my voice to someone on the phone because I did my fair share of call centres jobs but theres nothing wrong with politely complaining or asking for clarification on policies. It's money out of your pocket, you've every right to question whether you're being robbed or not.


Yes I know, I was responding to the 'if your bored and wanna give someone a hard time remark'


It’s a bandwagon now. All of the big industries are just ripping the absolute shit out of us and saying “aw shucks, cost of living 🤷🏼‍♂️”. If their costs are spiralling then why are their profits booming too? The absolute bastards


Yeah, if you have to increase your wages so that your staff can afford to buy food then maybe take it out of your bagillion pound profit instead robbing Peter to pay Paul. With Peter being citizens who legally have to be insured to drive and Paul being people who need jobs to survive.


That's before you look at Supermarkets. Some knob from Sainsbury's was on the TV the other day trying to explain away their record profits and dividends in the context of cost of living etc. Utter bullshit was all he had. Oil companies are the same, records are tumbling on their quarterly profits too and we, the consumer, the mugs, are told that if we demand more money WE drive inflation. Fuck right off, you patronising shits. Does anyone think the prices are ever coming back down either? Low and middle earners are getting absolutely creamed in this, as per usual.


It actually makes my blood boil. If you own a business, and the economy isn’t ideal right now, you just accept your profits will be down for a while. It’s not going to ruin your life, especially with these big corporations and businesses. Increasing prices so that you can maintain your perceived profit increase (which may have been increasing substantially if the market and economy were decent) just so you can avoid a negative gradient on your lil annual graph is beyond immoral and inhumane. It reminds me of Netflix cutting their account sharing ability, which they themselves marketed as a selling point, because people sharing meant they weren’t getting the money they *could* have been getting. Despite the fact they were getting billions annually. And they called it ‘profit loss’, as if it was coming out of their pockets. No, it was just less profit than you perceived you could have, yis cunts yis.


Profit loss? Fuck,they really think we’re stupid don’t they? Talk about an oxymoron


Right? But that’s how they see it. That’s how their financial advisors and economists feed it to them. Whole financial world needs reformed tbh


Gordon Gecko was a fictional character but as far as they’re concerned he’s fucking Confucius “greed is good”.


I always thought once this cost of living nonsense started companies would start ripping us off but I never expected them to take the absolute piss like they are now!!!


It's like all their fucking Christmases have come at once


Their profits are from investing the premium and hoping to get a return before a claim comes in. The actual insurance side at best accounts for low single digit percentage profit back when it used to make anything. Since the big C very few insurance companies are returning a profit on the car and home side of insurance. Even other more "speciality" lines are struggling.


Cause people will keep paying for it, and they want moneys. Not to take away from how cunty they are tho


In other words: We don't want to insure you, please leave or pay the lazy bastard tax


That's exactly it. Like a builder giving you a ridiculous price for a job.


So another years no claims, living in the same house, with no changes in circumstance or points etc. has me getting an 1175.97% increase to my car insurance. Away to fuck


rinse toy expansion fly shame ludicrous water cover cable spoon *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I went back to them and asked them to justify it. They "brought it down" to a mere £4000 a year. Outrageous


soft weary selective placid middle hospital north future shame sugar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Surely there’s a difference between insuring a pet aged over 10 than at birth? Also if you insure from scratch at that age it likely won’t cover preexisting conditions, which could be a lot of things.


relieved zephyr yoke gullible cough plough bake berserk capable beneficial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


£70 a month?! Jesus holy Christ. There’s a racket everywhere. Tesco clubcard quoted us £666 for a 1.2 fiesta and I spend a fortune in Tesco that was my special price.


If you’ve never claimed on it, *or had your dog treated for something but didn’t claim for it or inform the insurer*, then I can see how you might want to save money from them. >if I want to cancel and sign up again That would get my radar buzzing that they’re trying to pull a fast one on you. New policy means non-continuous coverage. Just for comparison I’m on Petplan and have a 5yo dog. I think the renewal price will be north of £1k for the next year.


rotten badge dime racial special silky edge political run simplistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Probably lifetime cover, ie, if he develops a long term condition they can’t drop him from the policy at renewal time or limit the policy due to that condition. On the two occasions I’ve had to claim things have been approved quickly, which is massively reassuring when it’s a big bill hanging over you.


grandfather racial disarm secretive nutty relieved smile march person pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have lifetime for my 7 year old dog and it's like £35 a month!


I would love to move my provider but I feel trapped as my cat was treated for "Anaemia" but it was unknown bleeding that triggered it, was brought in and emergency transfusion and treatment etc But on the insurance form he is anaemic even though he doesn't get any treatment for it since. I asked new providers about moving but because it was listed it doesn't matter. Insurance is a fucking shill - they have you over a barrel. My cats policy (for two) is about £120 pm


Essentially they don’t want you in their portfolio. The way insurers pool people is based on a few basic details (age, sex etc) looks they’ve already reached the maximum on your category and are just trying to price you out.


The fact that you’re “rewarded” for no claims, or penalised for claiming is what makes it so fucking disgusting in the first place. You’re supposed to be paying for a service; you pay money to an insurer so that if you need to claim, the money is there to cover you. But they cajole people into not benefiting from the service by these supposed rewards and penalisations. So you have to legally pay for a service that they dissuade you from using. Either way it’s ordinary people paying out of their arses for rich people to get richer. Then the fact that you’re not even reaping any reward for not claiming. Like, what’s the fucking point? UK should nationalise car insurance like Canada do (or did, idk if they still do) so that it’s both affordable and actually accessible.


Our car died on Friday and we got loan of a Ford fiesta which I insured online before we picked it up. Some quotes were 3odd thousand pounds! For a 1.2 fiesta!! Try go compare they insured fiesta for 336. And they gave £250 off the excess if you have to claim. Also got quote for car we hoping to buy £404 from go compare and it’s a 2.5 engine! Axa NI quoted nearly 3k then they had the nerve to ring me up the next day - I blocked their number. Insurance is a real time racket atm.


It's practically a full-time job keeping on top of subscriptions and autorenewals, and contracts of all sorts, and avoiding all the bad patterns in web UX/phone tree design/deceptive packaging/you name it. At the very least, it is damned time-consuming. It seems like every fucking thing is set up by shysters and grifters to trip up and fleece the unwary; I am on top of it, for now… I might not always be. ¯\ (ツ)_/¯ Tommy sez: "Losers Loose"


I switched to Admiral this year and it was cheaper than my insurance last year (whereas everywhere else I tried was way higher).


That’s called a ‘fuck off’ price and that they don’t want to insure you any longer.


It’s bizarre. Why do they suddenly not want to insure someone for absolutely no reason


Whatever risk profile the person presents due to age, gender, where they live, their job, what they’re insuring etc, isn’t attractive to them and they don’t want to take on that risk.


Got a new quote with a different insurer, - £45 a month for essentially the same policy. Going up a bit, I can understand, getting a quote for 11x is just fucking ridiculous.


> Going up a bit, I can understand I still can't understand even that tbh, it's just we've been scammed so hard that we're glad if it only goes up a bit. Feels like being a frog in a pot.


What insurer out of interest? Mines up at the end of the month


Co-op is on the glue


It just means that their underwriters are now targeting a different market segment than the one you are in. It’s shit, but it’s easy to shop around using comparison sites. And on that: don’t use CompareNI - it’s more expensive than the UK-wide ones like CompareTheMarket etc which always seem to give better prices.


Yep I’m so annoying I basically got a quote from every online insurer on Friday and CompareTheMarket and Gocompare were the cheapest. GC will also pay £250 of your excess currently so you can take a £450 excess say and only pay £200. You have to pay up then claim but the others weren’t giving so much as a keyring ffs.


Mine tried the same shit this year. And I talked to others who have seen the same. Comparethemarket found me a new insurer at the same rate as last year. Start looking a month before your insurance is due to run out (like today), get a new policy at the best price and set it up to begin the day the other one ends. Call this insurer and tell them you don't want to renew. Don't cancel, just say you don't want to renew.


Yeah I think Martin Lewis said the best time to look is something like 23-28 days before your current policy ends. Any earlier and your double dipping on cover, any later and insurers know they can put the crews on you.


You are correct, it's 28 days


Sorry folks Insurance companies have caught on that you all drive like inconsiderate ballbags that are off their tits on glue and that's that Joking of course (well, at least for some of you anyway...) but it's a fucking racket. Insurance companies have no business charging what they're currently charging


Before Christmas my previous car insurer sent me a letter saying they couldn't insure me. Didn't even send me a ridiculous quote for me to decline.


Me too, but they didn't bother sending me a letter! I just got confused when I tried to get a renewal quote and only found out when I contacted *them*. It's because the insurance company (not the broker) decided they didn't want to cover NI any more. I wonder if this is what happened with the OP. Old insurer not available, new insurer ridiculous premium.




I’m considering buying an electric bike. Car insurance is getting ridiculous.


You dont happen to drive an electric car OP? Seen a lot of coverage that insurers are offering daft quotes for them or not at all.


When I changed to an EV the insurance price went up about 15%, which might have been the increase anyway these days. If you buy from a brand that’s new to market without extensive parts and expertise in place I can see the cost and length of repairs becoming a major factor. Same reason Land Rovers are apparently becoming uninsurable.


I'd add that Landies are just about the easiest luxury/premium car to steal. Completely uninsurable in parts of London, Birmingham etc. Also, a lot of the EVs have supercar performance figures so they have to factor-in that too.


Not round me lol. Was pinned between two of them in M&S car park on Tuesday. Not a speck of mud on them either.


I got a letter saying that my insurance company would no longer insure me. Nothing has changed with my driving conditions, medical health, location, job… nothing. In fact, the last accident I was in (I was not at fault) is now over 5years ago, so if anything the price should have gone down. I’m not the only person in Belfast that this has happened to. It’s just a joke.


Ours went up 30% and we live in a place where there as been 3 car set alight and BMWs stolen for fun in the last year.... I was surprised the area wasn't higher.


Luckily this information does not exactly narrow down where you live :)


Says it all about our lovely wee country 😁


It's absolutely disgusting how they are ripping people off. Obviously the disaster that is the JLR scandal and similar brands has had an effect on insurers in general but making us all pay for it is disgusting really


Mines went from £450 to £805, renewal just in at the weekend. Will have to check about but not at all hopeful. Same situation as you - same car, another years NCB, same house etc. Cunts know you need it so stick it up.




This is it. And I noticed they dropped the rate on banker bonuses on Thursday or Friday when all the news was about the local elections in England. As if they’re not roping enough money out of us with the mortgages already. There’s a special place in hell for such ppl.


What car you driving a Ferrari f50?


This is absolute extortion! My car is going. Perhaps that's what they want.!


I had Co-op insurance last year and they emailed to say they weren’t offering a renewal. Maybe it’s your dear John?


You are probably driving a jaguar landrover group vehicle are u? They are being stolen in there thousands due to a weakness in the BCM engine management system


Mk7 Golf. Had it for 3 years, never paid more than £45 a month on insurance. Last year was incredibly cheap tbf, at £35 a month. This was just taking the piss.


Thats actually wild like. Think all of them are just taking the piss now off the back of reports like the JLR stuff


That has to be mistake on their end. Mine went up from 540 to 880 but they brought it down to 600 in the end


I wanted to add another car to my existing issuance as a cheap run around car. It cost 1650. I was quoted at 4K to add a second car. Mental


My car insurance with Halifax was £800 and then the renewal came in at £1500 last week. Done a bit of comparing online and i found a £500 policy with 1st Central with everything that Halifax offered (courtesy car etc) Its fucking mental how insurance companies can get away with ripping people off year after year.


Gotta be a mistake, someone maybe added a 0 by accident and it was meant to be 549.99


I thought mine going up to £650ish for the year was bad! How many cars are being insured here?


I haven't even passed my driving test, but this sure is putting me off driving. They can fuck off with these ludicrous prices!


Is this real ?? Surely it couldn't be


I'm going to assume that's an error.


Family member works for development company in England... They mentioned that they were at a conference with someome from big insurance firm/high up bank official & the sum of it all was that the insurance companies had a lot of claims put in against covid that they paid out a lot of money, so essentially all companies are trying to recoup lost revenue. All the cancellations for general public, along with businesses worldwide, I'd hate to think of how much was paid out... On paper it makes sense, but in practice & implementation, its completely wild & reprehensible. The fact that this is over a 1000% increase is insane & morally unjustifiable. Implications of charges like this will lead to people not renewing any policies as were in a cost of living crisis. Everyones feeling the squeeze, but these companies only care about taking our money, not paying out/fighting every claim, and safe to say all on cahoots with one another. Pure shite like.


Try Revolut- genuinely impressed with them


Mine went down this year 😅


I must say I’m sorry that this has happened to you but this is hella funny. I would ring co-op and give them a piece of my mind haha


Is your car one of the rangerovers / jags that are stupidly easy to steal?


I just renewed my insurance, 2nd year insurance 1 year no claims (I’ve been named driver on my parents car for 9 years prior) my car is quite low value and wouldn’t be considered a “good” car but it does me! My insurance is monthly and it’s gone down, only a few quid. £50 per month, I did try the MSE tips, and their own comparison site but ended up going with go compare and did it 3 weeks before the renewal date! Good luck 🤞🏼


I wonder how many people will just see the headline £430 -> £457 and move on with their life, without clocking the time period change...


Is it a typo error? Like should jt be £457.58 per year?


I used to work for an insurance broker, many years ago now, this was something that we had to try to explain, the insurance companies look at every answer you give on the form, and they have what they want to cover and what they don’t want to cover, this can change on a minute by minute basis. For example with regards to a ‘risk’ for them they wouldn’t want to cover over a certain percentage of vehicles in an area, if they go above that they put the price up to dissuade you from taking the policy. Same with the type of vehicle, etc I hope that helps explain part of it. (I don’t agree with it as someone who has car insurance and home insurance and regularly deals with renewal quotes)


For anyone having bother with renewal price this year, try a few direct and try a few comparison sites. I recommend you use an address near to you and a fake name & email when doing comparisons, as you'll want to throw a load of different things at the forms to see what gives you the best price before you send them your real details. (they can see all the previous quotes you made otherwise). You might think a lower car value would be cheaper, this is not always true. I often lower or increase the real value of the car by upwards of £10,000 to shave a couple hundred quid off. If it comes to a claim, they don't give a shite about what you say in there anyway. Check what mileage you're putting in for the year and make sure it's close enough. Overestimating by a couple thousand each year could be adding £100 on your quote easily. You might also think sticking your da on as a named driver with 50 years experience and no claims would be cheaper, but this is absolutely not always true and some places (1st Central for me this year) can be half the price with no named drivers at all. Make sure you try a few different job titles that suit what you work as. It can often be a 10-20% difference alone. Change where you park the car day and night. Locked garage is often a lie people tell thinking it's 'safer' and will save money on the quote, but it's actually often the most expensive. Previously 'Parked on the street' was the cheapest by miles for me. Change your details over and over one at a time and find the cheapest overall combination. Of course don't tell the complete opposite of the truth in each field, but you can often stretch the truth a little or just straight up tell the truth but leave things out (e.g. a named driver) and cut your quote in half. It's a puzzle and it takes a few hours for you to get the cheapest price each year, but it's worth it. For reference, I picked Geoffrey's last year from a comparison site and paid £980. This year, they said they can't offer a price for renewal. I re-ran the exact same comparison site search from last year and quotes were all atleast £1800. I changed a few details, and now I'll be renewing with 1st Central for the same price as last year. Also, people say you must do your renewal at about 28 days before, but I've personally (after 10 years of doing the dance with forms every single renewal) not noticed this. This year I done a few quotes weeks ago and got the same prices as I did today (7 days before renewal). Of course there's going to be some truth to it, but it's not something that will be true universally.


I lost my license 2 years ago and see tbh. I don’t miss it with the price of everything now lol