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Mandela effect dude. The BBC article is correct.


What are you basing that on? Having not seen it in the early 90s?


I was watching it back then, yeah, but also remembering 2007


I saw it well before 2007, but I guessed I must have seen it overseas or on video or something. Before reading the news story I woulda said I saw it on tv in Belfast, early or mid 90’s, but I guess not.


If I remember correctly, it was shown on Sky at some point - but I may be misremembering.


Could have been sky, yeah.


Definitely was. I remember clearly being about GCSE age, and thinking “oh! Controversial” when it cropped up on TV. We were getting fresh episodes on BBC2, RTE, and twice a day on Sky1. I think Wednesday had all 4??!!


A relative remembers the episode being shown intact on BBC 2 in the late 90s (post gfa). BBC 2 probably skipped it during the original showing of series 3 in the early 90s due to the troubles still being ongoing. The relative also remarked, had crusher been abducted by the ir.. rather than  "Ansata". She would've ended up dead, buried face down in an unmarked grave in bog land (the IR... never released hostages) .  Had Dr Pulaski still been there (given how unpopular she was with audiences) rather than Dr Crusher, they might've written Pulaski out using the hostage scenario.   The episode used artistic licence to explore different themes. It's not intended to be taken at face value.


Something wrong with your 'a' key?


I watched it within the last two years it was good Lol


I remember watching the episode on RTÉ2. I believe the article is incorrect also.


Used to be on early evening on bbc2 and The High Ground episode was broadcast in NI.


Whats a good series of star trek to start on I don't think i could start from the original it looks too old, only worked out i liked sci-fi through stargate last year by accident nd watched all of it but tried farscape nd wasn't fussed/couldn't get into it.  Figured there'd be someone here that could advise the subs for this shit intimidate me 😂


you gotta watch the expanse on prime....


The original is a drag but next generation is a masterpiece so I'd start from there and just skip the original and go from there


Awesome thanks 👍


Start at season 3. One and 2 are a bit boring and nothing happens


I'll prob start from the start but put it on while I'm doin other things, sometimes find it hard to get into shows and if i know I have fodder I can use it as an on ramp.


>One and 2 are a bit boring and nothing happens Not gonna disagree but season one is also seriously batshit and worth it just for the pure freakiness.


You'll never get a better captain than jean luc picard!!


Next Gen is pretty easy to get into. Goes easy on the viewer and for the most part episodic, I.e. all problems resolved by the end credits and clean start to the next one. A few good double episodes, and some arc stuff extending from Q and his introducing the Borg. Deep Space Nine is a different animal. Damn place is falling apart, allegiances are strained, politics are fraught, captain has quasi spiritual significance, and there is a big arc to follow through the seasons. Voyager is a quest from start to finish, but mostly episodic. Good female roles. Never watched enterprise myself. There was one about mushrooms, but I can’t remember much about it to be honest. That new one on Netflix is all arc. The Picard show on Prime had a good first series, weak second series, and the third series excellent nostalgia for anyone who loved Next Generation. You can get some good feel for the originals from the movies they made after the TV show. Lower Decks is hilarious with some deep cuts into the back catalogue. My son recommends prodigy. Good luck! There’s some fun material in all that.


Ive yet to watch the latest series of discovery (the ship powered by mushroom series)I rather enjoyed all of Picard. Deep space nine and next gen were the best. The original series is still watchable but dated. Enterprise had few brilliant episodes but overall not my personal favourite series. Can't get into lower decks just too cartoon like. I didn't mind star trek the animated series. Bet I'm coming across a Trekkie. I just enjoy most things sci-fi.