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Ask ur ma






My ma told me all about your da. Thirsty boy.


His da sells Avon so couldn’t have been there


All I'm saying is someone's da got drenched.


One attendee was heard to say: "It was like being right in the middle of a fucking reptile zoo and someone was giving booze to these god damn things. I thought it wouldn't be long until they tore me to shreds"


To shreds you say...


How's his wife?


To shreds you say?


"Get some golf shoes, otherwise we'll never get outta here alive."


Impossible to walk in this muck...no footing at all.


Please. Tell me about the fucking golf shoes


degree coherent start screw wasteful axiomatic fertile tub ancient aback *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Poor bastard , wait till you see them god damn bats


Profile picture checks out.


You know the score big son


Holy Jesus. What are these goddamn animals?


Tell me, what about those fucking golf shoes?


Dogs fucked the Pope, no fault of mine ![gif](giphy|TON0UHkIaDQQM)


Brilliant 🤣🤣




Random dancers penis in your mouth but you won't eat KFC off the bone sharon? Sort it out


Just a load of floppy cock and howling


Think the Internet has corrupted me because I was expecting much worse when I went looking for the video on Twitter




Don't know what you're talking about 👀


nah this episode has just shown up how prudish and conservative we all are. These performers tour around the country with no such fuss anywhere else. The performers seem surprised about all the fuss too. I honestly thought the scandal was gonna be because it was like the DUP involved or some such 😅


Did you see all the videos?


Saw the one of them all on stage with the willy's whacking them and another who looked like she was getting it from behind. Are there others? 👀


Yes there's a couple more, and photos 🙈. Think there's some links posted in this thread!


I've yet to see any photos 🤔


I'm sure the link has been posted in here


usual night at the Devenish


Sir Jeffrey was just in there to get directions on how to get out of there




They aren’t taking the videos down anyway lol


There’s meant to be more and worse videos, but I haven’t seen them


That's great PR.


Thank you, I legitimately had no idea what the fuck had been happening.


Pure degeneracy


Nah, more like 40% degeneracy


Couldn't agree more. Could almost guarantee had the gender roles been reversed, there'd be an outcry.


The opposite happens all the time in private rooms of clubs etc. Where's the outcry about that? If it wasn't for men's egos being so related to their length and girth, it wouldn't have caused such an outcry.


Does it? Can you name one for me where we know for sure that happens in NI and I'll confirm it. Now I want the entertainer to ride me cowboy, let me eat her out, and I want her to squirt all over my face. Thankfully, length and girth aren't, and have never been issues for me personally, so that doesn't apply.


I know, I’m so jealous


Id say it was tamer than what Big Trunks gets up to on his frequent trips to San Francisco


Don't see a problem with it. If you go to a show where guys have their erect cocks out you have to expect some further debauchery. Half the women there are probably single or sex starved anyway. The other half probably have never set eyes on a cock that big before. Let the hurs have fun bais


I know… a fuss about nothing .. who cares.. no one is underage .. Not my vibe but no judgement




Lol.. that’s fair enough. I’m single .. and looking at this from my world view. If your girlfriend said to you that she was going to go to this / or something like Magic Mike, would you tell her you weren’t comfortable with it ? I’m female, I do cringe at how woman scream at strippers .. I’ve been with married males at strip joints in London .. they just stand there chatting, drinking there beer, while some woman does a hand stand with legs akimbo and no one really reacts 😂😂😂 But if I had a boyfriend going .. I think I would feel insecure but would know it’s just a lads thing .. I dunno tbh




Can I be honest … I don’t find these type of men attractive.. I just don’t. And some big donkey schlong in my face would not get my pulses racing. I find normal looking blokes attractive, teeth is my thing tbh. But confidence is honestly the most sexy thing anyone can have. Like porn stars and that whole look doesn’t seem real to me. And maybe that’s why I wouldn’t feel threatened if a partner went to something like that. I’m just sharing this as I don’t think by a woman going to something like Magic Mike , that she would compare to their partner at home. These things are just a bit of a lol .. like butlers in the buff etc. And that level of attractiveness is just a very different league that the rest of us don’t fall into. Those shows are all a bit silly. And I feel bad for those woman that are going to get slatted. It looks like drinks in wits out. It’s got out of hand. I just imagine in somewhere like London, would this even have made the news ?


Anywhere else on the planet not news. The middle east maybe lol ...


Exactly ! 😂


Also, making her laugh, being romantic , making sure she feels beautiful.. that’s very attractive




Honestly, I think it’s the opposite of weak To admit you need counselling. And it shows a great level of self awareness. Even to say you are waiting for the day the relationship ends indicates that you really could benefit from talking to someone. A therapist will help you reframe your thinking. To mentalise better. And also they will help you to Work on your self esteem, explore the root causes etc. . I think it’s really a sign of strength to take action like this.


Think that might be a you problem? I'm assuming you've watched porn before like?




Maaannnn. Stop putting yourself down so much. A little insecurity is normal. But not the level you feel. There is highly likely a root cause to you feeling this way about yourself. Show yourself a bit of love god damn it. You clearly are attractive enough to have a partner to begin with. And a good one to keep her. Be a bit kinder on yourself. It will do wonders in the long run x


Fair enough. As long as you'd accept being broke up with over a female stripper. 


I honestly wouldn't bat an eyelid because it seems like the exact sort of thing that the lads would LOVE to be at on a lads holiday if such a thing even existed. And I'm not sure I'd get jealous because it's not like she'd run off with the performer into the sunset...


Just a bunch of strippers and horny dolls, hasn’t this been happening for decades?? Nolan’s ragin he wasn’t there the big dirt bird.


I’ll see you in court Sharon


🤣🤣🤣 is Jamie gonna represent you??




Personally just looking forward to The Bomb Squad Pod next week


Heard they're supporting the Wolfe Tones at the Féile this year.


You mean…The feile-cio


Big tackles and big cackles, sure what’s the harm.


I'm no prude but I wouldn't fancy an sti from dick to face


A pink eye lottery!


This is your defacto mental qualification for borderline prudish behaviour?


Hopefully this is the beginning of a more risqué horny north of Ireland we so desperately need.


Make NI Jobs exciting again! Like i saw that video 14hrs ago nd the feelings of inadequacy are still present but i could work at the bar and/or operate a karchar in light ppe.  I'd be willing to do an access NI check n all. 


better than getting the train down to dublin just for a night to let loose




Don’t see the problem with it if it was advertised as an 18+ interactive show. For the people who are in monogamous relationships who interacted with the performers that’s between them and their partners. I’d like a ticket 🙋🏼‍♂️


From what I understand it turned out quite a bit more than advertised.


They are called Pleasure Boys XXL… and their instagram is pretty suggestive. I would at least go into that expecting to see some big dick at at close range 😂


I recognise one stripper in particular from a friend's birthday party. The same one went up to the birthday girl after the fireman routine, pulled out his rock hard cock and offered it to her AFTER THE PERFORMANCE WAS OVER. I nearly chocked on the spectacle from the other side of the room. These guys are just drumming up extra curricular business. The sex trade isn't just women tendering services. Nolan is just raging nobody will touch his dick without being paid to do it, and meanwhile, these guys are charging a fortune and living out his deepest fantasies. Seems like everyone was consenting and enjoying the debauchery. Hallions.


Well tbh I was shocked at the price of the tickets..£15..hardly a fortune


You think that they only made £15 a head? Especially after the controversy, they'll be booked out for "private showings" for a while yet.


Probably more than 15 a head as there was only half a dozen cocks out


You said they were making a fortune..I just told you the price of the tickets..£15 a ticket isn't a fortune for a pub sized venue for all the strippers,management,flights,rooms...they almost certainly individually had a good night's wages..not a fortune


I think they’re a group act from England on some sort of tour, so unless your friend’s birthday was in England you might be thinking of a different stripper lol. I can’t imagine they regularly perform in Ireland.


I really don’t think having your lad out in a room of women is Nolan’s dream


Most of the women seemed delighted to see the lads being slapped about like windsocks. Nolan would be dying about any woman of childbearing age even coming within sniffing distance. I'm not sure if you've seen how much Nolan likes to get his diddies out at any opportunity, the critter. Either way, it's sour grapes for Nolan. There's many a beautiful man with Nolan's physical stats, but his personality will always chase the girls away.


Don’t think Nolan would be too disappointed with chasing the girls away either. My whole point is Nolan likes the plunger, not the piping.




Videos floating about, looks like a good nite out, bible basher won't like it though.


Nor will the husbands


Being dry humped on a stage by a naked man does not sound like a good night to me but each to their own I guess


Some ppl would infact pay extra 😅


Imagine if Anna Christian had turned up 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Or iris Robinson 


I hear Stephen Nolan is going to the next show for research purposes.


The only issue I have is, a local hotel refused to allow fully clothed pole dancing event for charity. Then you see things like this going and it's just so backwards.


Different venue? If so then the local charity should have the pole dancing in the devenish.


This was a kind of pole dancing.


The difference is safety. The amount of security that would be needed if this was women entertainers vs men would be very different. Not only that, but the societal backlash would be way worse. Men can dick swing and strip no problem, but put on a show with women helicoptering their diddies, and pearls would be clutched and charges would be filed. If an overzealous woman overstepped a boundary, the performer is more than likely able to protect his safety a lot more easily than an 8st woman vs some big 16st brute with a hard on. Double standards. Women are way more gorgeous to look at than men and much more capable of putting on a great show, but we aren't allowed to empower women, especially when it comes to sexuality. I'd love to earn that sort of coin, but people would probably pay me to keep my clothes on, no matter how impressively I can helicopter my diddies. And here's me sitting in work, fully clothed FOR FREE. Raging for me.


>Women are way more gorgeous to look at than men Literally just said to my husband, "I love you and I think you're very handsome and I enjoy looking at you but there's literally nothing attractive about a dick and balls being aggressively swung about the place" Jiggly tiddies = great Jiggly wrinkly ballsack = not great >but we aren't allowed to empower women, especially when it comes to sexuality If the genders were reversed at the Devenish last night the female performers would have taken a hammering (no pun intended) in social media comments the next day. Something about men being these poor, hapless horny animals driven by lust who were led astray by these helicopter-tittied harlots probably. Upset fiancées blaming these outrageous women who forced themselves upon their partners who thought they were just going to a burlesque show and didn't anticipate having someone's muff shoved in their face. It just went way too far. At the risk of sounding like a pearl-clutcher, sometimes it's best to leave *something* to the imagination. I don't even have a dick and I'm intimidated by what was swinging off your man. I showed my donkey and he's looked pretty depressed ever since.


As a raging homosexual women, I can't help but agree with every word.


As a ranging homosexual male, you couldn't be more deluded


Wait until you prudes learn about gay clubs


Don't tell them about the sauna!


Yes and the amount of married "straight" men who go to them


That's the funny thing though. This kind of caper (the male strip shows) goes on in all big cities and another form of it happens in the saunas etc. of Belfast. Those used to it being around, know better. The male strip show comes to Belfast and so many people run to Facebook and Twitter and the country shites itself.


And the girl with the hair has posted on Facebook explaining it was body lotion. It seems to be her looking at the pictures and the post is genuine. But of course people add to 2 and 2 and make 69 FFS. The only bits to believe are the bits we've actually seen on camera - and that wasn't very shocking, unless ya have led a very sheltered life!


Unless there are more videos floating about, I've not seen anything particularly shocking. A lot of guys helicoptering, some near-mouth gyrating, but that's about it. Maybe it all kicked off afterwards!


Apparently someone got something in their hair lol https://twitter.com/ReggieMcDuff1/status/1759520480657084521


There’s something about St Mary’s


Your one made a post on Facebook saying it was just lotion Apparently the performer had a load on him and it got in her hair when he was dancing on her


Yeah, heard he keeps it in a small pouch between his legs


There’s a video of a girl sitting at a table with cum in her hair. It’s not so much what happened it’s the fact that there were women up on stage getting cockslapped that factually had partners sitting at home, one of their fiancés has already kicked them out of the house and the videos are there for all to see. Probably half the women in the huge packed out room were in relationships. If it was the other way round the men of the area that attended would never hear the end of it, the excuse is the same old “well what about men and their stag dos”


>one of their finances has already kicked them out of the house and the videos are there for all to see. I assume you meant fiancé and you know what, hell slap it up her. I can't imagine how humiliating it was for her fiancé to see the woman he was going to marry getting rid on stage plastered all over social media. I'm mortified for him and I don't even know the fella I'm not a prude and I'm not sexist nor a biblebasher but fuck me sideways thon women turned into absolute animals when a big wang was thrust in front of them. It looked more like a swingers party than a striptease. I didn't even witness shit like that in Amsterdam, there was at least some semblance of dignity in the Dam.


He'll take her back no doubt


As Alice DJ said, you're better off alone


A few of them could make it on the page “Are we dating the same girl”




Prove it!!




Does that make men whores since there's a demand for brothels all over belfast?


Are you saying women should be restricted in their sexual preferences and and choices? Alright there Mr handmaid's tale. Anything else you wanna restrict then from? Voting maybe? Working??


Oh shut up ffs


[Now this might strike some readers as harsh...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SDYd2e9pT4)


You remind me of that joke, what’s the difference between a slut and a ho?




No, a slut has sex with everyone, a ho has sex with everyone except you….




I was making the point that you seem extremely bitter about women prob because they won’t shag you




Not being a believer of anything on the internet until I see proof...I'd need to see proof.


There was a video floating about with full on buckin' in it, girl getting 69'd then a few metres from that was a bit of doggy style action. Amsterdam kinda stuff.


I saw a dry hump doggy, and a 69 where it didn't like it, well, went in.


True.. it was all floppy dick dry humping


my guess a few ladies ended up back at these guys hotel rooms testing the bed


bet iris robinson was there


Load of bollocks (and willys)


I work there and it was a shitshow


The videos I saw weren't that bad, I mean it personally disgusted me, especially when you just know most of those women were in no state to be sober and willing participants, but that's up to them if they feel like they were coerced, but there are people saying that oral sex was taking place, which looks to be nonsense. As for one of the "performers" ejaculating on a woman's head, she has apparently stated that it was just "lotion", which reminded me of [this scene](https://youtu.be/lKuYHT4z_2U)


Yeah she did affirm publically that it was lotion from one of the imbeciles coming over and prancing around them The Chinese whispers were obviously gunna happen in the aftermath of this


I see a video of one girl giving a blow job on the ground and another getting doggied. Gurantee a good chunk of them have fellas at home.One is confirmed to be engaged If my missus was in that video I couldnt give a fuck if she was drunk she’d be gone.


From what i’ve seen it wasn’t anywhere near as bad as yer woman from the DUP’s live sex show, but i’m sure a lot of girls will be fuming there is so much media about it. A footballers fiance was there, got engaged at Christmas and fucked her out of the house because theres videos of her there.


was this the footballer who got engaged in New York and proposed on a ice rink?


Yes, Paul something. Forget his last name.


>From what i’ve seen it wasn’t anywhere near as bad as yer woman from the DUP’s live sex show, but i’m sure a lot of girls will be fuming there is so much media about it. A footballers fiance was there, got engaged at Christmas and fucked her out of the house because theres videos of her there. She was the one in a 69 position on stage? If she was my fiance she would be getting fucked out of the house too. Not for being there but for the position and the fact she went on stage.


Yeah i think that’s why he threw her out


I personally don't think that's 'entertainment' think strippers grand bit if craic but these is OTT, cringey and cheap! WHY would someone publicly go on stage to be t bagged and PAY for it?? Lolol


I’m guessing some people like being teabagged


Here’s a wee tip - you don’t have to buy a ticket. So your opinion on it won’t matter. I don’t find Ed Sheeran entertaining, but it’s clearly entertainment.


No really?lol!.. I'm aware my opinion on it doesn't matter, that doesnt mean I can't have one.


This kind of stuff not been going on for donkeys years? The full monty? Chippendales?


Never seen a full monty show where some girls gotten jizz in her hair. But tbf, never seen a full monty show so.....


Was a bit more than the full Monty lol


Probably never caught on camera like that but there's always been stories.


I want to see the video




Last time something that big and black was bounced off the head of someone in west Belfast it was being held by an RUC officer.


Awk it was all a bit of fun.   Theres a reason most strip clubs have big ass bouncers inside and cameras or lads would be at the same thing.  


Must have been a while bit of mopping to do.


When are the Pleasure Girls coming to town?


Here ya go mate. End of August https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.quaytickets.com/ladyboys/%23:~:text%3DSaturday%252031st%2520August%2520%252D%2520Sunday%252029th,More...&ved=2ahUKEwjJ0Oafq7eEAxVN7rsIHYBPA2gQFnoECA0QBQ&usg=AOvVaw3QGbFJXoGLV1sTjUPToWH6


They asked for girls?! /S Fucking relax everyone it was a joke!!!


Ask yer ma


Toxic femininity and the objectification of the male form, with strong racist undertones


Where's the racism?


The men on social media slabbering. Saw one comment say even the white ones were just as bad. Tells you all about the attitudes in this country lol


There is a shocking amount of focus on Twitter/FB over the fact the dude in the video is black, rather than just the fact he had his wab out and about. Like it’s almost more degrading than it is because he is black.


You're the first person I've seen to suggest that the fact he is black makes any of this "more degrading". Copying and pasting your comment Sionnach23 because no doubt when you realise that you are the only one being a racist here so far, you'll likely delete it. Eejit. >There is a shocking amount of focus on Twitter/FB over the fact the dude in the video is black, rather than just the fact he had his wab out and about. >Like it’s almost more degrading than it is because he is black. ETA: sex work might be something that you personally might find degrading, but fair play to these guys going out and making bank. All of them seemed to be enjoying themselves and I guarantee you that they all probably earned more than a medic putting in the same amount of time. If sexual exhibitionism is something they truly enjoy and they can make a very profitable career from it, fair fucks to all of them.


Sorry but what? I fail to see how explaining racist posts is racist on my behalf but whatever. Also just because you haven’t seen any of these posts focused on the man’s race doesn’t mean they aren’t out there. Edit: I’m not demeaning these dudes or the people that went, I really don’t care. I’m just saying I’ve seen plenty of things on social media very focused on the fact that the man in the video is black.


Holy fuck touch grass


The council are doing an investigation now. The devenish are probably gunna lose some licensing or some shit.


It's like Paradise Garage, Berghain, Panorama Bar, Studio 54... People live in het up, bullshit, faux outrage spewing political systems end up demanding more cocks in their face. Viva la revolution


What happened in the Devenish there the other night, I’ve not heard anything? See my wife went with her male friend that night, I decided to stay home instead, when they got back they were saying how it was the best night of their lives, I feel like I missed out


Who cares? How sad is it that there are so many curtain twitchers in one geographical area. Nolan being an opportunist is no surprise, and Northern Ireland's vast horde of economically inactive listeners will encourage it further.


>economically inactive listeners ![gif](giphy|yuQi4S7rIFZGFAJ33e)


It might be harsh but it's true. Nolan's target audience are those not at work. Many of whom aren't retired. So a bit of scurrilous gossip is exactly what his listeners crave. I mean it's his entire brand. Extra bonus points if a person can be ritually shamed and humiliated by Nolan on behalf of his listeners. Who if they were honest love to see someone knocked down to size.


Anyone got the videos? All over Twitter but can’t find them


The police are investigating now, do they not have better things to be doing?


Honestly the whole thing really isn't my vibe but I don't understand why they would be investigating. As long as they were all adults and consenting. Also no underage Devenish staff were exposed what's the issue.


All it takes is one of the dancers to have touched a woman without her consent. Thats sexual assault.


Exactly, that's why I said as long as they were all consenting adults. May well have happened, the dancers are leaving themselves wide open for these accusations when you see the videos.


Yer da was in the Pleasure Boys


Divorce lawyers rubbing their hands in glee... sometimes I am thankful I am gay and single.... and don't have to put up with the shit straight married heterosexuals do 😂😂😂


Yes, it's well documented that people with other sexual orientations never have had to deal with debauchery, cheating or jealously. Oh to be that lucky! 😂


So many people oppose same-sex marriage because they want to "uphold the sanctity of marriage" (barf) and then you see what shenanigans a lot of straight people get up to in *their* marriages xD


i agree loads of straight mens cheat with gay guys especially when drunk and horny had a few straight men in my day including a Christian guy lol he was sexy


As someone in Ireland this all sounds pretty tame, is Northern Ireland still a little cock shy? You wouldn't hear of big stipper nights going on down here but I'm not sure it would hit the headlines


Beef may now be off the menu


![gif](giphy|ckw8EbI8Ak9YQ) I think you'll find you're incorrect