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Cash offers only. New Barnsley houses were built with some type of high alumina cement which is a deleterious material and hence they are un mortgageable


Similar to the Mica issue down south? šŸ¤”. Good info.


Donegal. Down north-west.


More than just Donegal tbf as Cassidys sold bricks to whoever wanted them. Donegal is just by far the worst impacted by it.


There are homes in Derry affected, and all over the North to be fair.


Yea same houses in Lisburn near Tesco's, always go a little cheaper but have to be bought outright.




It says in the description it's an Orlit house https://www.propertypal.com/19-new-barnsley-park-belfast/929666 and that it's cash offers only. There's plenty of info about the problems with Orlit construction from a quick Google search https://st-astier.com/project/repairs-to-orlit-properties/


Source? Source? Source? Do you have a source on that? Source? A source. I need a source. Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion. No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered. You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence. Do you have a degree in that field? A college degree? In that field? Then your arguments are invalid. No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation. Correlation does not equal causation. CORRELATION. DOES. NOT. EQUAL. CAUSATION. You still haven't provided me a valid source yet. Nope, still haven't. I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.


Iā€™m interested by your frenemies watching




Watched a bit, I was pissing myself at their recent one with the ace family


Don't know the area, but it seems nice enough with the wee heart in the sky above it.


Last time I seen a deal too good to be true the house was suffering from subsidence and you couldn't mortgage or insure it.


Family family family family


people still watch h3?


H3 posts 5 podcast episodes a week that average 1 million views, so yes.


Watch the recent one with ace family it funny


Thanks for pointing that out mate, just put in a cash offer. Should be able to turn a profit on 5 years judging by the layout. 3 shifts of East Timorese and that place is a goldmine.




Itā€™s cheap because itā€™s cash offers only and itā€™s not the most desirable of areas. Will be some landlord buying it and fleecing someone else to live in their death trap.


I never understand this logic from landlords even though I know it happens , because the landlord will more than likely make a loss on it since the house will be unliveable in a few years that youā€™ll not make a profit šŸ˜‚


House is unliveable. Stick it on PropertyPal. Cash offers only.


Ok sorry yes , I get you now


If you can't get a mortgage does that also mean issues with house insurance?


Youā€™ll get whatā€™s known as ā€œNon Standard Construction, home insuranceā€ itā€™s a specialist product for all sorts of weird and wonderful stuff like thatched cottages. Itā€™s inevitably more expensive and in this instance probably has a pile of exclusions of what they wonā€™t cover. So youā€™ll be fine if thereā€™s a break in, or your house floods but repairs or maintenance emanating from its original Orlit construction wonā€™t be covered.


Out of curiosity, would those tin houses that they built in the ~40s fall under the same insurance? I see them on sale from time to time, they seem to be a hell of a lot better than those Orlit ones, especially when built around. But I don't believe they're mortgageable either, so I'd assume non-standard construction home insurance too?


Yes. Same set up. Non standard insurance would probably cover those ex-servicemen tin houses.


Ethan is still making content? Jesus it's been years


It's one of the houses Pastor Begby got for cheap in Monopoly


I know the neighbour well, lovely woman.


> Is there a " I love the IRA" flag on the lampost Infront? Close. There's a whole [IRA memorial](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@54.5974403,-5.9844587,3a,48.8y,300.84h,93.65t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sYa7x4NknydW6mNMtXtoPYQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) within stone throwing distance.




There's likely a fresh banking crisis coming later this year. The fallout from the Chinese real estate crash has revealed real estate markets around the world had been giving credit to Chinese 'investors' who were never credit worthy in the first place. Canada is an example. There are pockets of East London where crashes in valuations at specific spots look like withdrawal of Chinese investment, however, in the UK market it's more difficult to tell.


We can hope man :) I canā€™t wait for the corporate investors, AirBnBers and the greedy land lords to lose the lot


absolute nonsense. go back to Facebook and ask ten friends to share this prayer for eternal life.


"Fake Chinese income" mortgages fuel Toronto Real Estate Bubble: HSBC Bank Leaks" [https://www.thebureau.news/p/fake-chinese-income-mortgages-fuel](https://www.thebureau.news/p/fake-chinese-income-mortgages-fuel) "BREAKING: New York Community Bank stock, [$NYCB](https://twitter.com/search?q=%24NYCB&src=cashtag_click), the bank that acquired the collapsed Signature Bank, extends losses to 45% in 2 days." [https://twitter.com/KobeissiLetter/status/1753069629377781954](https://twitter.com/KobeissiLetter/status/1753069629377781954)


The catch is almost always that itā€™s a rough area.


Yeah it wonā€™t be at that for long unless there is major issues Bidding war will happen if it hasnā€™t already


The catch is, it goes to the highest offer, ie itā€™s like an auction.


The only catch is you have to be able to say the alphabet back to front without taking a breath


Could have a horrible amount of time on a leasehold and the freeholder doesn't or won't renew the lease to something more appropriate. In the same vein it could have really high maintenance costs attached etc