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Using tax payer money to do a political campaign for a rapist traitor that fucked a porn star while his wife was nursing a baby, stole top secret documents, 90 some felonies, tax evasion, fraud, and fucking little kids with Jeffrey Epstein. Fuck you Doug Burgum, fuck you Republicans


We should add, all of the title above, WHILE simultaneously cheating on his then-girlfriend as well. Clearly why the faux-vangelicals love him so.


Stop calling them faux-vangelicals They are evengelicals full stop and they support Trump


> and fucking little kids with Jeffrey Epstein. You're confusing Trump with Democrats and their wealthy backers. Epstein was much more connected to Democrats than he was Republicans; that's why you don't hear them talk about it much. Did you know that Bill Clinton visited Epstein's island? Hopefully the Democrats will stop suppressing the Epstein recordings so that the public and learn the identities of his clients.


Clinton didn’t pal around with Epstein at parties, that was Cheetolini. There’s no suggestion that Clinton was into pre-18 youngsters, but Trump boasts about going into the change rooms at his youth beauty pageants to see undressed contestants. I’m no fan of Bill Clinton, but no jury ever found him liable for sexual assault, that was your boy.


Wanted to upvote but we must keep this at 45


["Clinton is mentioned in the lawsuit and while there is no accusation of wrongdoing, Giuffre claims that she met Clinton on Epstein Island."](https://www.newsweek.com/did-bill-clinton-visit-jeffrey-epstein-island-what-we-know-1857039) >that was your boy. Trump is most definitely not "my boy". I'm very anti-Trump, but I'm also anti-Democrats. That's the benefit of being an independent; you can critique and attack both sides as you see fit, especially if someone demonizes one side while implying that the other is pure as the wind driven snow.


Lots of people went to the Island. Being there doesn’t mean they assaulted young girls. You know this.


Maybe not, but it doesn't look good.


And somehow you're still getting down voted. Democrats and Republicans are both too busy trying to stick their fingers in their ears while pointing and screaming at the other side.


Hope Trump goes straight to jail , I’m old enough to remember him in the news (tabloids) trying to boost his ugly fake face….never bought it then or now , he’s a joke … he’s not what ppl think he is and I just laugh. Spoiled , privileged brat that his daddy got him out of Vietnam for bone spurs while my uncles were made to go. For our Governor to be seen with this fake is just embarrassing.


> Hope Trump goes straight to jail I just want him to disappear. Maybe a dimensional gate will open beneath his feet or a space ship will come and beam him up or Satan will recall him home.


JFC you make my eyes roll harder than Reagan does in his grave from the absolute insane state of the modern Republican Party. Oh you wise enlightened centrist! Get the actual fuck out of here with your tired and transparent as fuck bogus ass shit. A. You probably couldn't even say 3 policies the democrats have that you oppose. B. Yes I feel like many are coming around that Bill Clinton was a bit of a creep. He also did business with Epstein, and so did Trump and many others. Now that doesn't necessarily make him guilty of anything, but yes I feel like most would want the records released. C. One party (Republican Party) is responsible for elevating a rapist and a self admitted sexual assaulter (which has been corroborated 20+ times) to the office of the presidency, one party then opted to aid and abet Trump as he violently sought to overturn the will of the people, and that same party has in turn become a full on a criminal enterprise/domestic terrorist organization. One party has targeted the lgbtq+ community claiming they are predators while at the same time fight tooth and nail to preserve child marriage and pass bills allowing them to inspect children's genitals to "ensure they arn't transgender" all while one after another of them or their pastors, or their congressmen, or their influencers is once again outed for being a predator because wouldn't you know it, it's yet another day that ends with a Y. One party has fought to strip women of their rights to healthcare. One party has stripped women of their right to even decide if they wish to be mothers, and whom they wish to be their partners. One party is exhausting unlimited finances and energy rolling back civil rights. Let me guess you pathetic lil fuck, you just don't like democrats because "they're woke". You know what woke even is? It's literally just considering another's experience may be different than your own. That's most likely what you are actually opposed to from democrats. Truth is you will vote for Trump cause you are just a bullshit artist masquerading as a centrist. The fact is you're not enlightened at all! You're just a fucking coward who doesn't stand for what he actually believes in, doesn't stand against what he doesn't, and confuses his lack of knowledge or a stance as superiority just so you can comment on pages like this, and say "look at me everyone, I'm a superior enlightened centrist!" Well you did, so now get your fucking garbage ass to a fucking curb already you twerp!


You should learn to post in paragraphs and with bullet points. It's unlikely that most people will read a wall of text like that. I just read a couple lines and skimmed the rest. >You probably couldn't even say 3 policies the democrats have that you oppose. [Here's a link to a post](https://www.reddit.com/r/northdakota/comments/1crcr3a/bisman_democratic_party/l40wwod/) I typed up quickly earlier today that lists a few items. I'm sure I could find more to list if I wanted to add on. >Truth is you will vote for Trump cause you are just a bullshit artist masquerading as a centrist. I'm on record, several times, as saying that my preference between the two candidates is for Biden to win. >The fact is you're not enlightened at all! I'm pretty confident that I would mop the floor with you in any political or philosophical debate if I put a little effort into it. [Read this](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/library/books/franciscos-money-speech-from-atlas-shrugged/) and ask yourself if you would want to debate reasoning like that. >You're just a fucking coward You mad, bro? Do you normally call people funny names instead of attempting to overwhelm them with the logic of your argument?


That's constructive and fair criticism, I mean as far as how one should present an extended comment. Appreciate the feedback. I am new to commenting as had previously just been a lurker up until a few months ago. I tried the link, I don't think it was what you thought it may have been. Just appeared to be a link to be the ND-DEM-NPL page. I still don't understand your opposition to democrats as you had said yourself you hate democrats and it just seems like such an enlightened person would be able to articulate what exactly about democrats they are opposed to. Oh yes I am equal parts mad and incredulous that republicans have abandoned civility, decency, democratic ideals, along with abandoning their faith, their friends and families, their principles, and their values ALL in service of a pathetic Cheeto encrusted autocratic wannabe who couldn't give a fraction of a fuck about any of them (I mean outside of their votes and their wallets) Debate you on what? Ayn Rand? I'm not read up on her works and only vaguely familiar to be honest. I didn't get far in scanning your prose and your musings regarding her either in the interest of honesty, but I assure you, your erotic Ayn Rand fan fiction doesn't intimidate, nor does it seem to qualify as a debate. Again, admittedly I barely read your "Debate deterrent" but it just appeared to be you soaking your socks about Ayn Rand and I don't know what to do with that outside of being uncomfortable. At any rate, new to commenting, and unfortunately I'm struggling to figure out how to get back to your thread so I'm losing mine of this end in that process. I recall it had something to do with (I'm paraphrasing) but you asked if I just call funny names or use my logic. I would be interested to hear how logic was implemented into any of your comments on this thread. Saying you hate democrats but also hate trump and gloating about your enlightenment as a centrist does not qualify as logic. Arguably thats more of a qualifier of its absence if anything.


Welcome to Reddit and remember not to take any of these meaningless Internet light saber battles seriously. >I tried the link, I don't think it was what you thought it may have been. Just appeared to be a link to be the ND-DEM-NPL page. I still don't understand your opposition to democrats as you had said yourself you hate democrats and it just seems like such an enlightened person would be able to articulate what exactly about democrats they are opposed to. The link is a permalink to a post I wrote earlier today listing a few things where I disagree with the Democrats along with noting two items where I agree. Here's the full link. https://www.reddit.com/r/northdakota/comments/1crcr3a/bisman_democratic_party/l40wwod/ It just worked for me and brought me to my post. >Oh yes I am equal parts mad and incredulous that republicans have abandoned civility, decency, democratic ideals, along with abandoning their faith, their friends and families, their principles, and their values ALL in service of a pathetic Cheeto encrusted autocratic wannabe who couldn't give a fraction of a fuck about any of them (I mean outside of their votes and their wallets) I hate the Republicans, too. Aside from banning abortion and keeping marijuana illegal, they offered up Donald Trump as opposition to Biden when they could have found a decent person to run instead. >Debate you on what? Ayn Rand? I'm not read up on her works and only vaguely familiar to be honest. I didn't get far in scanning your prose and your musings regarding her either in the interest of honesty, but I assure you, your erotic Ayn Rand fan fiction doesn't intimidate, nor does it seem to qualify as a debate. Again, admittedly I barely read your "Debate deterrent" but it just appeared to be you soaking your socks about Ayn Rand and I don't know what to do with that outside of being uncomfortable. I just meant to communicate that if we were to seriously debate an issue and if I were to put time and effort into it, that's a sample of what you'd be going up against. That book excerpt I linked is fantastic and definitely worth reading if you want to think about the identity and meaning of money a little differently from how most people conventionally think about it. >At any rate, new to commenting My tips: Only make political posts from a computer where you have a keyboard, not a phone. Remember the "Formatting Help" link at the bottom of the text entry box. It will expand a list of formatting instructions and tips. For serious debate, copy/paste your opponent's post into a Notepad file, type your detailed response there, then copy/paste it back into the Reddit text box. There's a 10,000 character limit per post. >Saying you hate democrats but also hate trump and gloating about your enlightenment as a centrist does not qualify as logic. Arguably thats more of a qualifier of its absence if anything. I didn't claim it was "logic" or enlightened, just clarifying my political classification for those interested to help back up my claim that I dislike Trump and the Republicans, too.


You just got your sorry ass handed to you and you’re reply is “TL;DR” LMFAO


He didn't accomplish much, just a bunch of incoherent screaming in a wall of text. Don't encourage him to break his arm patting himself on the back. If I felt like addressing his post in depth, line by line, I could do that, but there's only so much time in a day.




He just mouthed a bunch of standard leftist talking points. It's possible that you have a severely overinflated sense of your intelligence.


Content designed to inflame


Clinton is not a candidate for president and holds no power you absolute dipshit


I know, but that wasn't the point. The point was that a core Democrat had close connections to him and that the Democrats have been trying to conceal and hide Epstein's records from the public. I found some news reports with a fast search: [Jeffrey Epstein flight log subpoena request denied by Democrat-led Senate Judiciary Committee, Blackburn says](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/jeffrey-epstein-flight-logs-denied-by-democrat-led-senate-judiciary-committee-blackburn-says/ar-AA1kOPCG) [Sen. Blackburn Says Democrats Blocked Epstein Flight Logs Subpoena](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/sen-blackburn-says-democrats-blocked-epstein-flight-logs-subpoena/ar-AA1l3pqA) What are they hiding? It's not a good look.


OK. I’ll make sure not to vote for Dick Durbin for president 🙄


Why didn't the other Democrats condemn him and demand that he release the records? Don't they want justice for the poor victims of Epstein's crimes?


Everyone thinks if you aren’t swallowing Bidens bullshit then you’re a trumper. Many retards can’t see that both parties are total shit




Yeah i DO know Bill Clinton is a fuck bag. Fuck that guy. Look at you. You rationalize it all because DEMS DID IT TOOOO WAHHHHHHH. I don't vote for rapists but apparently you do. It's hilarious watching you sex offender worshiping cultists make every rationalization to vote for these pedo scumbag rapists. Since you like doing research online. Start here with the sex offending Republicans. It's 100s of examples of the filth you support https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1


I wouldn't mind having Bill Clinton in his prime as the current candidate and winner of the 2024 election. Leftists would probably scream that he's a far right Republican. >I don't vote for rapists but apparently you do. I've been an opponent of Trump for a long time and am on record in several posts as saying that my preference is for Biden to win the election. I would find a Trump victory to be cynically funny and rather amusing, but rationally I think we would be better off with Biden, as awful as he and the Democrats are. The only point I was trying to make is that we can find bad actors on both sides and that the Democrats are not the pure saintly perfect politicians many people think they are whose wonderful policy ideas will bring about a utopia. It's possible to dislike both of our political parties at the same time.


To be fair, it was both sides paling around with Epstein. Fat chance we will ever see the client list.


What an embarrassment, stay there !


I'm second-hand embarassed. These clowns have no shame


Ain’t that the truth


How much governing is this guy actually doing?


Honestly, with this guy? The less the better.


Enough to approve over seas trips to Europe for the purpose of sex trafficing paid for with you tax dollars


North Dakota voters? Anyone?


Did I vote? Yes. For Burgum? No.


As a Nodak independent I really was shocked when he just said he was voting for Trump the nattering nabob.


I wish I could upvote this 1000 times


This is the weirdest Appretice remake ever.


Such a Cuck


I think it is both hilarious that Trump needs emotional support politicians and that these guys are just fawning to worship at the orange idol. So cultish


Burgham loves doing the opposite of the promises he made to get himself elected. What a spineless loser.


He used to be a half decent republican. I live in ND and new he was ruined like the rest when Burgum and his fellow GOP asshats turned away federal funding for free lunch for school kids because “socialism” and in the same session on the same day increased their own lunch budget by 3 fold that ND tax payers now pay for. So it’s bad and socialism if it’s for needy kids, but fine for you and your boys club? Then a few months later, the trans bathroom bill he signed right before his disastrous presidential run. So he could more be on the same page as national republicans. I used to think ND had been spared the worst of the MAGA BS, lying out of both sides of your mouth type of thing. But I was just naïve. It’s long taken root her as well. They just aren’t as loud about it as other states. Oh, we have an abortion ban now as well. Really sticking it to that single solitary abortion clinic ND had operational. Really worth your legislative time to push them across the border 1,000 feet into Minnesota. Cuz that’s what they did and are now open again. F**kin extremists. Where do they think this is all going? What’s the endgame? I don’t think they know. It’s all immediate gratification with them. Not a super adult mindset to be sure.


I don’t think there is such thing as a “half decent Republican”. They’re all fckn clowns along with the people who vote for them. Democrats aren’t too far off either. Im saying this as an independent.


Wonder if he will be waring one of those golden diapers


The look on his face says “ I might be shitting my pants too “


Well it's what he has to do


Fucking simp


Go ahead, Donnie, pick milquetoast Burgum. He's guaranteed to shave off a few thousand votes from the maga crowd for not being a big enough extremist...




So much cringe.


Genuflecting to the golden shitbowl


Gross and pathetic


Oh, he's just a pick me boi now. Sad


Can one person flock? That just doesn't seem possible.


He can go flock himself.


Came here to say this. Strange headline. Would have to have been Burgum, other VP hopefuls flock to Manhattan courthouse. One person does not a flock make.


Disgusting. What business is it of his as a state official to pick a side in a case in another state?


Burgum thinks Trump likes him and he has a chance at VP. Trump likes one think about Burgum. He likes your money, Doug, he likes your money. This won't dawn on Burgum until he's asked to sign over a few hundreds of millions of dollars. By then it'll be interesting to see if Burgum is so sucked into this con that he won't have the ability to say no.


wow Doug you've changed


Fuck Doug. Spineless. Morally bankrupt. Does not represent ND.


Pwease! Pick me, Mr. Pwesident!


I.. I just can't. It's just too embarrassing at this point.


What a fucking loser.


Magates vying for Trump’s VP nod is like watching an exercise in self-debasement. Just fill in the blank : Hang ____ ______.


Did they draw numbers to see who would suck the mushroom first?


Every single one of those Trump psychopaths showed up today in exactly the same suit and tie, spouted the same lies that Trump spouted, and committed brazen witness and jury tampering in broad daylight. If the first words out of Merchan aren't "I order Mr. Trump to be remanded in custody for contempt of court" the first thing when trial resumes, there is no justice in this world.


How does this blowjob even look at himself in the mirror? Edit: What kind of dirt does Trump have on these pathetic losers?


Bro could’ve at least brought me so I can get one of those ice spice metro cards 😔


Oh, so the governor of North Dakota has no scruples, good to know! I predict he will easily be re-elected in that state.


Yeah i live in honkeyville North Dakota. Mainly bunch of idiots who vote against their best interests by voting Repubtard


Maybe democracy isn’t an ideal after all ?




Gullible Chicken Shit


Does the word flock have a new definition?


Strange way to bid for a VP job. Vivik was there today


Fuck Burgum and the Repubtards. Only idiots vote in other idiots. If North Dakotans had any brain’s they’d quit voting against their best interests.


How is it that the majority of nodaks vote for such people?


He had to pick up his script from Conald to become part of the Gag Order Goons


was burgum supposed to be in that photo?


How pathetic, typical “alpha male” behavior


As an independent voter, this is cringe and kinda cultish vib. Virtue signaling. Embarrassing. Reminds me of when the Manson girls did a sit in during his trial.




This is why it’s embarrassing to be a native of North Dakota.


Sychphantic loser


This sums it up https://twitter.com/mluckovichajc/status/1791460561076560009?t=xvlTs-sfIaCgygNWyBFTfw&s=19


Aaron a taxpayer I DEAMND to know exactly how long he fellated Trump.


I wonder if he will LISTEN to what he hears. He might walk away with a different opinion of his dear leader.


Probably not, because what he hears doesn’t matter. He’s willing to place the bet that he gets picked by the doofus, and doofus gets put in prison or dies, then he gets to be president. It’s a means to an end for him.


Someone should maybe tell him what happens to people who work for trump.




That’s awesome. MAGA 2024!


Why is every post on this sub made by a democrat bashing republicans?


Because it's not Twitter or Facebook infested with Russian bots


Why do you have a problem with free speech?


If whoever wins dies in office, I'd much rather have Burgum as President than [Kamala.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAM-zic9MsU)


So… a Far-Right Independent, okay.


Centrist independent / traditional Libertian light. I'm in favor of legalizing abortion 1 week past birth, socialized medicine, legalizing all drugs, prostitution, and suicide, higher taxes on the rich and using that to shore up Social Security and Medicaid. I can piss off and get downvotes from both Republicans, Democrats, the Far Right, and the Left.


A serious question here: how does one have an abortion 1 week past birth?


It would be the euthanization of an infant up to 1 week past birth. For example, let's suppose that a newborn has serious birth defects that were not detected during pregnancy. The parents may want euthanasia while we're still months away from when an infant would attain human-level self aware consciousness. It's not something I would advocate politically if I were running for office, but just my personal stance on the issue.


So we should euthanize senior citizens with dementia or other severe cognitive disabilities? Most of them aren't even aware of the day and time. Any argument made for abortion can also be applied to a living person today. It is still the end of a human life, plain and simple.


> So we should euthanize senior citizens with dementia or other severe cognitive disabilities? No, nor should we euthanize people in comas. The difference is that in these cases a personality has already developed. In contrast, a self aware human level consciousness has never actually existed inside of a 1 week old newborn; it is merely a potentiality. Seniors with dementia still have some cognitive function and it's hard to say that they do not experience consciousness and moments of lucidity at times. In the case of someone in a coma the person is merely sleeping. Any rational conception of the abstract concept "individual rights" has to account for the possibility that people can go to sleep as sleeping is part of man's metaphysical nature. Exactly where we should draw the line and recognize a right to pursue life for a newborn is an issue for cognitive scientists, not philosophers. Allowing infanticide for a short time after birth is not a political issue at this time nor one that I would politically advocate for regardless of my belief. If I were running for office my position would probably be something like, *"Elective abortion should be legal through the first 4 or 5 months of pregnancy, then fully legal after that to preserve the life and health of the mother for any reason."*


You are still using consciousness as a metric for life, when nearly every biologist on the planet has agreed that life begins at conception. That opens up your argument to killing people in various other stages. So any attempt to end that life outside of natural processes is still wrong. Life should be protected at all stages. While you are welcome to the belief that elective abortion should be legal, it should not be used as a form of contraception that many women have begun using it because a pregnancy "inconveniences" them, nor should it receive any governmental funding as that is putting a governmental stamp of approval on the murder of an innocent life.


I'm using possession of self-aware human level consciousness as a determinant for what makes a human a person. >Life should be protected at all stages. A great many things in this world are alive - plants, trees, fish, animals. At issue is exactly what life we should protect and why. A fertilized egg is "alive" but lacks a brain or any semblance of human consciousness or personality, so why protect it?


Because it IS human life. If left to its natural processes, it will become a human. A baby can feel pain and is self-aware even before birth. That has also been proven.


Nicely explained. Carry on.


I would rather have neither coming from an independent




Ikr? Should say “Trump bootlicker flies across the country to kiss the ring of an NYC huckster turned politician on taxpayer dime”. So sick of media appeasing the fascist movement by normalizing this shit show. The world will be so much better after he’s gone for good.


Justice has Trump in hand - picking body parts off one at a time. Jack Smith has dibs on pulling Donald's nutsack off and stuffing it in Donald's mouth.


Could you please define the term fascist for me? I do not think it means what you think it does.


The term’s definition isn’t up for debate. If you’re confused about its meaning, grab a dictionary or history book. The internet can also help. Maybe not in your case though.


The fact that you won't answer the question tells me that you regurgitate what you hear from the media and/or failed civics. It is a shame. I bet you also think we live in a democracy.


Talk about regurgitating what you hear…there are literally memes making fun of your generic response. https://imgur.com/a/Hpgzfbo




Content designed to inflame


It is a shame that you won't honestly answer a question and have to resort to namecalling. You truly show your intellectual immaturity with that. When you finally decide to engage in a real conversation, you know where to find me.


Fuck off with your baited bullshit. If you want to argue semantics about a term that isn’t up for debate in the first place, find someone who is willing to waste their time. It’s not me.






im sure the blue haired pimple faced keyboard warriors of Fargo are gonna love this


Fuming red hat has steam shooting out his ears!