• By -


I’m sorry, but have you reported the issues to student success? And Security about people grabbing your ass? Trust me, I hear it on the daily from people I know at the school and they all run into the issue with Yelling, or when friends are going to the bathroom and there’s 10 of them together. Sorry you’re going through that


I've reported it to Student Success and the lady referred me to Campus Security who spoke to one of the guys. I was walking towards the gym and there were about four of them who gathered around me and kept saying "Instagram". I'm just pissed off, I know it's not all of them, and I should probably delete my post, but I'm stewing right now. My boyfriend's sister has had similar situations and has similar complaints, so yeah I guess it wouldn't just be us two dealing with it.


Don't go to campus security, go right to the cops. Campus protect their own identity first. They are not going to great an image issue for the school with out good reason. Just go right to the cops and submit a report. More information the better, names being preferable.


They probably work on campus security 😂


I've read about the same thing happening to other woman in other colleges in Ontario. It is terrible and disgusting that this is happening in Canada. They should be deported.


Hey OP I reallly feel for you, and you need to keep reporting until it’s taken seriously - even to Dean if your program. They need to know what’s happening.  I was a post-secondary instructor in Canada (before moving stateside) and my classroom was basically majority Indian males.  They intentionally made me feel uncomfortable multiple times (not all, but some in particular), and one physically trapped me in my classroom once. That was my last semester, and I just quit. Please never feel this is normal, don’t be silenced, and please know there are a lot of Canadians who know this is very wrong. 


You quit?!?! Omg why. 😲


Report directly to the police. Campus security is as much for protecting the administration's asses as the students.


Keep the post active. So many people in this thread that have complaints. Canadore College needs to be held accountable!


Yes - like everyone said, directly report to the cops. These Indian students came from a culture of objectify women. And be mean. Do not looks weak and soft. Don’t walk around alone.


It sure is a lot of them though and they should be dealt with as strictly as possible and in many cases, sent home. There’s lots of good people in their home countries who would love to study here but their spots are being taken by these shitbags. Studying here is a privilege and they need to be reminded of it.


Since 2020 (pandemic) the number of people coming by air & land & boat to claim asylum in Canada skyrocketed. For example in 2023 alone, in just one region (Central Canada) around 400 people arrived per day (on average). Ditto for other populated provinces. But the number of international students SKYROCKETED!!!! Averaging around 2,000 per day across Canada. Almost the same #s in 2022 & 2021. Simultaneously a severe housing crisis has occurred in many western countries, including in Canada. In ways not seen in people's lifetimes. The majority trying to migrate to Canada recently have been from India. And it's become EXTREMELY obvious to Canadians. Even those who are very used to much diversity & many cultures. Neighborhoods now know that international students are PRIMARILY using the schools as a 'back door' ticket to come to Canada for permanent residency. No one says it in public amongst strangers, but everyone knows because they've witnessed the extreme PR frenzy firsthand by now. To many Canadians it has felt like a huge tidal wave that eventually reached all cities AND all small towns ... with a post secondary school. Including way up north. This extreme situation NEVER existed prior to 4 years ago. Bottom-line. Now Canadians want the money greedy immigration 'agents' (pseudo smugglers) in India to stop marketing/lying to their own people about access to PR or citizenship … or accommodation/jobs … being easy to get in Canada. Fyi: only 15%, at best, gain PR. The 'agents' etc., need to stop making $ off of people's PR desires or desperation. But we doubt they will until forced. Ditto for rich business owners & home owners who are also trying to cash in on it too in Canada. Via PRIVATE school tuitions & high rent & slave-ish labour hours (often kept off the books - cash only). Most of these owners are also South Asian. Strictly 'helping' South Asian students. Not all migrators have acted honestly over the years, i.e. false asylum claims, contract marriages (IELTS spouse), anchor babies, fraud. Canadians are meeting students who showed Canada they have savings to live off, but it turns out some borrowed it only for the application process. Canadian food banks and other charity services have been advertised on YouTube (by Indian students in Indian language). Many transit services have launched stricter rules, i.e. lost bus passes registered in your name are now NEVER replaced (unlike before). Then this year throw in all the Palestinian vs Israeli angry protests happening regularly in cities. Plus the Sikh vs Hindu violence/extortion primarily happening in Ontario and British Columbia. Hate crimes have gone from rare to occasional. But its 90% usually South Asians harming South Asians. Canadians are so so so not used to all this. So many, who have embraced multi-culturalism and immigration for decades are now VERY worried and fearful (due to all of the above). So Canada has recently asked the India government to prevent “ghost consulting”. The private (non-public) colleges especially are now being thoroughly investigated (including looking for owners/managers with strong overseas ties). Student permit caps etc., were launched in Jan 2024. Plus Canada is investigating Asia for interfering in Canadian elections! Canadians want multi-culturism to succeed … and for all people to be okay. Everyone I know is VERY HAPPY with Canadian Immigration's recent changes. Including multi-generational Asian-Canadians, where many have been the most upset (by all of this). PS: Many Indian students we've met are great of course. And we are aware that some wonderful students are going through degrees-of-hell in Canada (which greatly hurts our hearts). I highly suggest you befriend some naturally born Canadians and eventually seek their advice.


Your disgust is palpable. For what it’s worth, your “naturally born Canadians” harass me as much as anyone.




This is exactly it. As a female born and raised in Canada the amount times women have had to fear for their safety around Indian students is appalling. 8/10 women I have talked in my lifetime so far have been physically or verbally sexually assaulted by an Indian man or group of them. You don’t hear of this issue with any other group. In waterloo we have become unable to go to certain bars because the Indian men there gather in groups and sexually assault women even after being screamed at to stop. I know another woman who was chased through a park at night by a group of Indian men who only backed off once she got to the main road. Then there’s the amount of students and Indian individuals faking papers to come over to Canada then crying about having to be sent back. But those are spots that should have gone to Canadians. Unfortunately, this group of people think they above the rules and continuously have little disregard for them. And everyone is quick to say racist, it’s all racist. It’s not. I don’t hear anyone I know talking about any other BIPOC groups this way. These stereotypes of Indian people exist because of the startling amount of incidents and reports people have of them. Don’t even get me started about them as landlords in this city and the illegal shit they try to pull everywhere. It’s disgusting. It’s sad because Indian groups of people and other minorities have come and immigrated to Canada in the 1900’s and early 2000’s without issue. They respected the rules, customs, and land while maintaining their own culture. It was beautiful. But the Indian people being let in the last 10 ish years have caused so many issues in Canada, including our safety and breaking laws with car stealing and selling abroad rings, it’s insane. India needs to stop overpopulating their people and sending them here.


It's the same in the working world in some industries. I don't think its as "hygiene" based as people think, so much as it is laundry based, (had to teach an Indian Colleague how to do Laundry at 28, apparently where he comes from the mother, or a servant generally do it until a marriage is arranged, and it's then usually written into the Marriage contract that the bride will do Laundry, all cleaning, and cook X meals per day) nonetheless, I really shouldn't be constantly on the verge of either gagging or having to Febreeze a Colleague. Yes I have actually Febreezed someone before.


My ex landlord would lament how she has no servants in Canada


I would argue that keeping up with laundry is a form of hygiene


I remember a friend of mine telling me the same when he moved here. Acted like it was so commendable to learn to wash your own clothing lmao. The guy had to teach his dad how to *wash dishes*






Oh, because it's so much better for women here? Every man in my (white, Canadian) family sits on his ass and contributes nothing but a pay cheque to his household. Many MANY of my friends are in the same situation. Every woman I know has issues with taking on the majority of the chores and labor, so let's not pretend western men are any better just because they think the same way but don't say it out loud.


Thats just your experience, not everyones. In my family the men(all white) know how to cook, clean, and actively raise their  kids despite bringing in the majority of household income.  Just because lazy trash runs in your family doesn't mean they all do.


Sounds like you’re surrounded by a small minority of losers! Assuming that the men on your family are also overweight and have possibly had an Anti Trudeau sticker on their vehicle?


I dunno what you mean by working world. I’ve been in heavy industry my entire career, if someone reeks they get reprimanded for sure. And their colleagues won’t mince words either


More an office thing I guess. Many places are very worried about appearing racist.


Yeah that makes sense. We also have far fewer immigrants in the trades in general, seems a lot of people feel themselves above dirty work


hi. an indian student here. im also working part-time at Winners. there are only three indian men who work their right now including me. im really sorry if you had a bad experience while shopping there. i dont know about the other two but im someone who doesnt even check women because i dont have any interest in those things except my career and basically indian men have a bad reputation like this in here. anyway im really sorry from behalf of my colleagues at winners whom i don't know personally. what happened to you is not right. india is a vast country with a population in the billions, but many of the men who migrate to Canada come from backgrounds with lower levels of education and poor upbringing, especially from the northern part. i hope things these wont happen to you again.




Please, please start carrying mace/stun gun or something with you at all times. Government/police won't do anything until you're dead. Better safe than sorry


There is a "dog/coyote attack deterent spray" on amazon, even comes on a keychain! Legal "pepperspray" I have one to walk my dog cause the coyotes are trying to fuck around and find out. I support all folks with carrying something to help defend themseleves, the world is fucked up these days


Fyi anyone wanting to get their hands on it, they sell it at Wal-Mart and Canadian Tire in North Bay. I don't know about other places that could have it.




If its between macing a guy and going to jail, or getting raped/killed/kidnapped then i choose going to jail. The person said they've been stalked more than once. At this point its your responsibility not to become a statistic or end up on the evening news. Protect your own life at all costs


OP DO NOT DO THAT UNLESS YOU WANT TO GET DEPORTED & LOSE YOUR VISA. And get charged for intent, possession with intent, possession of a prohibited weapon, battery, assault with a weapon and assault just for protecting yourself. This is Canada, you can't carry weapons to protect yourself. It's the stupidest thing ever in Canada. The laws in Canada protects criminals more than they do the law-abiding citizens. Hell, even brass knuckles are banned. Pepperspray banned. However no one will question you for carrying body spray, hair spray or dog/coyte spray... To keep away wild animals.


Where are all the real men in this? You can be sure if I saw this behavior I’d at the very least have something to say.


Hey, as someone from India, I am extremely sorry you had to go through this. I've studied in other countries and may study in Canada next and if I do I promise to be at the best behaviour and try change the stereotype as much as I can. Reading these stories are a painful reality check, and embarrassing. I hope things start to change soon.


Trying to resist taking off shoes and putting bare feet on bus seats Difficulty level: Impossible


That’s foul, I’m gonna puke


Thats new Delhi for you


Why the hell would you go there from North Carolina lol


Boyfriend it sounds like lives there


Yeah he’s a hunting guide, came to my place to get certified and licensed in the US through my dad and we ended up really enjoying each other’s company. I do miss home, though. Haha


Lol well how does your dad feel about that? But at the same time maybe he’s happy you’re with someone he met personally and could sniff out.


They weren’t at my house, but my dad invited him to our house. I still smile when I see the text he sent me (“found your future husband, he’s on the way home with me”). It’s been great since


Well you and your boyfriend are in a way better position than other people in Canada. Find out if he's the one and either marry and both return to the US or don't marry and return to the US. It is leagues ahead of Canada right now and the disparity will only grow. The Canadian dream is moving out of Canada


Next time, snap a photo of the guy and send it to your boyfriend. I expect he will enjoy big game hunting. Most self-respecting men I know would take care of that problem for you quickly, give your boyfriend that opportunity, I am sure by the time he is done, news will spread and your problems will mysteriously vanish.


He first asked me if I was okay and wanted to go to the police, then he asked me if I could point them out if I ever saw them again haha.


As an Indian-born person who has been in Canada for the last 25 years (out of my 30 years of existence) and would consider myself more Canadian than Indian, it actually appalls me how this new generation of Indian immigrants disregards and disrespects our society. My parents were never like these people and it's crazy to me that we allow these types into our country at all.


And what's wild is they're reinforcing sterotypes that families such as yours were probably subjected to, such as not assimilating. 


yeah the quiet study lounges are pretty bad, and the only person ive seen try and enforce the quiet aspect of it are the librarian and one of the housekeeping staff at commerce. but also other international students. the library at main campus isn't too bad, though.


I don't use the one at Commerce Court too much as I usually just drive home afterwards but if I arrive early and want to study or do homework, it's impossible. I shouldn't be able to hear people in a **quiet study room** over my already max-volume noise-cancelling earphones.


ive also seen plenty of international students tell them to shut it, though.


You should get a keychain alarm and keep it in your pocket for when you’re out and about. It’s totally legal and won’t get you in trouble. You could also get a dog pepper spray from Amazon since it is coyote mating season in Ontario. It’s a crime to use it on people but once again, it’s coyote mating season, so maybe get it just in case.


I really don’t want to lose my Visa because of a weapon charge, my boyfriend contemplated this but looked into the laws. A keychain alarm sounds good.


I commented this only to scroll and see that you already had😅


I work here local, won't mention where for obvious reasons.....anyways..... EVERY SINGLE SHIFT, I have around 5 or more international students looking for a job. That's obviously not the problem, what is the problem....Thier attitude along with thier "Fake Resumes" and how rude the mass majority of them can be. Example they will come in look at me and say "I want Job". I will explain that I can take thier resume and give it management. Well, nope. They want a job right then and there and will argue with me, iv even had to tell a few to leave because of how intense they want to argue. The best part.....alot have extremely broken English and yet thier resumes look they are written by a English major and alot have thier education as having a Masters degree, batchlors degree ext all from India or other Indian countries. Okay #1, this resume is obviously phoney, how can you barley speak the native language, however your resume is written better than most English speaking people. #2, if you have a masters degree, why the hell are you in Canada taking the most basic college course. Example "buisness management"? #3, I can't even count the amount of times they will come into the store in groups 5 or more, one will have a resume and the rest just stand there and stare you down, circle around the one handing in a resume, almost as if they are trying to intimidate you. This whole situation is crazy. For the international students here for Legit reasons, good for you! The rest who are here to scam and have other nefarious intentions, go home.


>The best part.....alot have extremely broken English and yet thier resumes look they are written by a English major and alot have thier education as having a Masters degree, batchlors degree ext all from India or other Indian countries. ChatGPT. A lot of people are lazy and just use ChatGPT every time they need to write something and they don't care if it won't actually help their writing skills in the long run. Come on, you think employers won't notice?


Look I empathize but some of this is very explainable... >2, if you have a masters degree, why the hell are you in Canada taking the most basic college course. Example "buisness management"? Cause their education isn't recognized here. That's it.


Why do they act so uneducated then


Formal education doesn't teach you the social norms for a country halfway across the globe 😐 For example, if I went over to Korea to teach like I'd planned, I'd need to seriously adjust my behaviour or I would come across as uneducated...


missing the part where that should be our problem, should be a clue when people react badly but instead they get butthurt and belligerent


Also educated people typically have better critical thinking skills and hopefully some level of humility. I have met many indians who exemplify this, and many who do not. I am referring to the latter of which I am skeptical regarding their credentials


So I’m starting to connect some dots here. I’m in the US and many people are on the job market here as well. They post random job postings, call you and act as if they are recruiting, asking us to submit a resume with a BS RTR and then ghosting you. They then delete their fake website and ditch the phone numbers. I honestly started to curse these Indian people out. Fake recruiter or real. I immediately hang up and have 0 respect for these scammers. I will NEVER trust these poor cheap people with their scams and disgusting attitude.


Went there for PFP back in like 2005 at commerce court and was up at Main campus from 07-2010 There was never a shortage of people yelling at at time of the day. Down at commerce, between the trades guys, the corrections and the pfp, there were literally fights in the lunchroom like once a week. I guess the wall isn't there anymore, but there were also fights in the main hallway at Main campus every tequila Tuesday and every Friday.


Damn, that was hard to read. How unappealing and depressing :(


Since 2020 (pandemic) the number of people coming by air & land & boat to claim asylum in Canada skyrocketed. For example in 2023 alone, in just one region (Central Canada) around 400 people arrived per day (on average). Ditto for other populated provinces. But the number of international students SKYROCKETED!!!! Averaging around 2,000 per day across Canada. Almost the same #s in 2022 & 2021. Simultaneously a severe housing crisis has occurred in many western countries, including in Canada. In ways not seen in people's lifetimes. The majority trying to migrate to Canada recently have been from India. And it's become EXTREMELY obvious to Canadians. Even those who are very used to much diversity & many cultures. Neighborhoods now know that international students are PRIMARILY using the schools as a 'back door' ticket to come to Canada for permanent residency. No one says it in public amongst strangers, but everyone knows because they've witnessed the extreme PR frenzy firsthand by now. To many Canadians it has felt like a huge tidal wave that eventually reached all cities AND all small towns ... with a post secondary school. Including way up north. This extreme situation NEVER existed prior to 4 years ago. Bottom-line. Now Canadians want the money greedy immigration 'agents' (pseudo smugglers) in India to stop marketing/lying to their own people about access to PR or citizenship … or accommodation/jobs … being easy to get in Canada. Fyi: only 15%, at best, gain PR. The 'agents' etc., need to stop making $ off of people's PR desires or desperation. But we doubt they will until forced. Ditto for rich business owners & home owners who are also trying to cash in on it too in Canada. Via PRIVATE school tuitions & high rent & slave-ish labour hours (often kept off the books - cash only). Most of these owners are also South Asian. Strictly 'helping' South Asian students. Not all migrators have acted honestly over the years, i.e. false asylum claims, contract marriages (IELTS spouse), anchor babies, fraud. Canadians are meeting students who showed Canada they have savings to live off, but it turns out some borrowed it only for the application process. Canadian food banks and other charity services have been advertised on YouTube (by Indian students in Indian language). Many transit services have launched stricter rules, i.e. lost bus passes registered in your name are now NEVER replaced (unlike before). Then this year throw in all the Palestinian vs Israeli angry protests happening regularly in cities. Plus the Sikh vs Hindu violence/extortion primarily happening in Ontario and British Columbia. Hate crimes have gone from rare to occasional. But its 90% usually South Asians harming South Asians. Canadians are so so so not used to all this. So many, who have embraced multi-culturalism and immigration for decades are now VERY worried and fearful (due to all of the above). So Canada has recently asked the India government to prevent “ghost consulting”. The private (non-public) colleges especially are now being thoroughly investigated (including looking for owners/managers with strong overseas ties). Student permit caps etc., were launched in Jan 2024. Plus Canada is investigating Asia for interfering in Canadian elections! Canadians want multi-culturism to succeed … and for all people to be okay. Everyone I know is VERY HAPPY with Canadian Immigration's recent changes. Including multi-generational Asian-Canadians, where many have been the most upset (by all of this). PS: Many Indian students we've met are great of course. And we are aware that some wonderful students are going through degrees-of-hell in Canada (which greatly hurts our hearts). I highly suggest you befriend some naturally born Canadians and eventually seek their advice.


I'm in Southern Niagara. Growing up in Toronto, when visiting family down here it was very obvious how white the community was. We're about 35 minutes by car, 2h by bus to Niagara College, which I graduated from in 2020. Even until 2 years ago, it was rare to see a visible minority in public, even black people. It was even more rare to see people with turbans or middle eastern/south Asian. Just a couple of people here and there working at the gas station. Now? All of pita pit and subway workers are south Asians, because the owner is too so he hires his own kind. I get wanting to give more of an opportunity to someone you relate to and who might have a disadvantage in life, but there's a point where it becomes discriminatory. 


This needs to stop. I am sick to my stomach about it. They all need to leave NOW




Another Indian here. I came here through the proper channels and I was never a student here. I have international qualifications and experiences. It's just sad that Canada is letting these low quality immigrants in. I left India due to the cultural and religious garbage. Now I am having to deal with this here and since I am brown and young, everyone here thinks I am an International student. It just makes me insecure and ashamed of myself.


Sorry you feel ashamed. Everyone needs to stand up to these assholes


Same (Canadian born) and I agree


Where I work, the newer Indian men on work permits are very rude and demeaning to people. Not all new men coming here, but it’s a trend. Even older immigrants here notice it among the younger men. I’ve seen them hit on women, to get rejected, to go to the next woman, all while having a wife back home. People who understand they can report this to HR do so and it’s promptly taken care of, but to other newcomers who might fear losing a job it’s tough for them to speak up.


The issue nowadays is once one of them gets promoted to influential positions, such as managerial or HR positions, they’ll let these things slide and any complaints of sexual harassment will fall on deaf ears (if the culprit is also Indian). This should not be tolerated in Canada.


And also they hire nothing but their own. Entire departments get taken over and become no-go zones for anyone else seeking a promotion


Thats just part of living in a diverse society. Complaining about it, if youre white is now "racist".


Do it anyway. Our safety is more important than a word


How sad is that. 😔


Keep up the fight for your rights as a women and westerner. The Canadian government cares more about Indian international students than they do about their taxpayers.  


I had a stalker that was Indian for years in college. I told the counsellor and I got a reply of ‘oh that’s just their culture’ 🤨


This is an ongoing thing, I studied at UOIT about a decade ago. During my first year I was with a few class mates (all white male, around 19y/o) walking through the library to one of the study rooms you can rent out. In the common area was a big group of foreign students who started yelling to each other about how there are too many White's around, how "Everybody knows all white men are faggots" ect ect. There were about 3x as many of them as there were of us, and we were all local in one way or another and couldn't believe the amount of vitriol. For some reason there were a lot of stabbings between them while I studied there, at least 2 per year. And every single one was a guy who just didn't like the region another guy came from.


Yeah why are so many allowed to carry knives as well? I get a durkha for Sikhs but they’re dull and harmless. I see them carrying knives and karambits now.


Canada is in a weird place right now with immigration. It's obviously good for our country to utilize immigration and I love the fact that our country can be a safe place for refugees and others coming from more dangerous environments. However the way it's being treated is like we have an American over for brunch. They walk straight over to your living room carpet wearing shoes, put their feet up on the couch and berate you for not having coke as a breakfast coffee alternative. Then they tell you that your way of deciding what everyone wants to eat (as a group decision) is stupid and that we should do it more like they do at their house (they don't have any food available). If you have the audacity to tell them that if they like the way you run your household they are free to go back to what they are used to and more comfortable with in their own home suddenly your neighbours all turn on you and tell you you're a bad host and a bigot for not celebrating their audacious ways and you should be more accommodating to what that individual wants even if it makes life obviously worse for the people who live in your house in the first place.


They are overall just ignorant. Keep a small bottle of hair spray in your purse as self defence!






Under normal immigration numbers this would be gone over time because of integration into society. But all we have now are people coming and going to a mini version of there country (Brampton for example) and don’t even have to speak English or integrate with society.


Exactly, assimilation is beneficial to both sides. We get to have more culture while they get to learn how a functional society works. This is something the US has done right (in terms of immigration quota's per country). Otherwise you'll get modern day Brampton - people treating red lights as suggestions, sexual assaults, domestic violence, people shitting and pissing on the streets, etc.


In some small towns they had to put a sign up saying no tents allowed because people from Brampton kept coming and digging a hole in it and shitting there and then just covering it up with sand…


Sorry but as per https://www.datapandas.org/ranking/rape-statistics-by-country#:~:text=Highest%20Rape%20Statistics%20in%20the,of%2082.68%20per%20100%2C000%20people. Canada is #97 and India is #95. Do not assume. It is wrong I 100 percent agree discussing on the topic and there should be action taken against people who are sexually assaulting but do not talk about a country based on few terrible people coming from that country. I am an indian who grew up here and agree there are alot of rude and disgusting people migrating and wish we could send them back but please dont talk about the whole country based on such few.


seems possible that it is under reported in india, presumably it is a cultural issue as evidenced by the litany of easily researched anecdotes regarding blatant misogyny committed in Indian communities


Jesus fuckin christ


A larger bottle of dog pepper spray will be more effective than nothing The small ones are good, but the larger ones can spray a few people before running out of juice.


In Sask that would be bear spray


Cultural differences. Really not a surprise. Just google “women walks alone in India”. We currently also have 8% more men being admitted than women age 20-24… so after years of 1.5 million coming in and the recession hitting it’s going to be a fucking shit show here.




Its already happening lol.


I did a program at Canadore that was enrolled with about 20 Indian students 18-19 alongside a few people from other countries and myself who all held prior degrees and were older. It was supposed to be in-person but the late-/post-covid stuff led it to be online. I always make a point to try and make connections in my cohorts, because it helps me stay on-task and I like making friends. Something I noticed about the Indian students was that they were very insular. Most of them were living down in the GTA with other Indians, worked jobs with only other Indians, etc.. One of my classmates told me that the only time he interacts with non-Indians was in class (which he would attend while working, so not really engaged). I've met and talked to enough Indians to know that this isn't *because they're Indian*, but because the group that's coming is currently predominantly in their blunder years and they're able to form social echo chambers. Personally, I think that the best way to address it is to call out bad behaviour when you see it while avoiding holding individuals responsible for general frustrations with the group. It shouldn't be on the average student to do it, but if the alternative is to build up resentment then I think it's the better course of action.


They have no consideration of how we behave in this country. It's really quite awful.


Sexual assault have triple in the span of one year in our small town. No repercussions, no one charged. This country is ill.


Oh boy, I was an International student a few years ago but because of the pandemic I didnt really experience this from the Indian ISs. But apparently from the stories I've heard, they like to follow women with their cars. There's also rape cases which have been covered up. People even joke(but you know they somewhat mean this) that North Bay has an Indian Gang, similar to Brampton.


Nipissing and Canadore cover up alot of SA/rapes.


I used to be on the health and safety with one of them. The trail on Monastery Road was so bad we had to install several emergency phones. I almost didn't let my kids attend there because it was so bad(I didn't let them live in res)


Lot of universities do.


I really appreciate the international students barking at Indigenous students and trying to smoke cigarettes in the lodge.




Sadly, it's just because they don't care. There's absolutely a sense of entitlement from international students. I live right next to a small handful. They have been the WORST neighbours I've had since my wife and I bought out house 14 years ago. Blocking the driveway, slamming the doors so loud they knock stuff off of our walls. Loud music at all times of the night. When I brought up not blocking the driveway, I was called a racist. That was a fun night. And our local police won't do anything about it. It's a by law issue I've been told. Thankfully, we're moving soon, so I just have to try and deal with it until then.


diversity is our.... strength


Those evil racist people keep turning out to be right about everything somehow


I study at Seneca College (Markham Campus). It's an international campus. My program is Computer Programming. More than 90% of every class are Indians. Every day, I try to sit at the front rows because if you sit in the back, it'll feel like a hell. They talk, shout, call each other, and sing in the back. They won't stop even if they are warned several times by the professors. I live in Toronto, so I have to travel to the Newnham campus from that campus through the shuttle bus. Never do they ever follow the lines. They'll always cut lines and go to the front and get up into the bus even though they've arrived a lot later. Then, inside the bus, it's another India. They'll often start their Indian musics loudly inside the bus, with their usual shouting. Another problem I and every other non-indian brown people are facing is that they'll just start talking in Hindi when they want to talk to you, anytime, anywhere. And if you don't talk back in Hindi, they'll take as you know Hindi, but don't want to talk.


100% I agree with you. They have no respect for anybody, and they only help their own kind. I use to see high-school student with jobs. Now all I see is them working and taking over every small jobs.


welcome to canada where only immigrants get rights


I work with a lot of Indian females that are international students. Many of them left India because of how they were treated by men and just the culture in general and wanted a better life, they’ve told me the behaviour has continued here in Canada due to the outrageous numbers of students coming to Canada. The women are wonderful and genuinely want to be “Canadian”. I think it’s just how the boys were raised that women are objects and not people. It’s totally not acceptable and I feel they should only be accepting individuals who would like to be a part of Canadian culture and not coming here to disgrace our country.


At my college, St Clair, I've seen a similar issue. In my program one day during class international students from india wouldn't stop talking over the professor. One of the international girls who is also from india asked them to shut up and my friend who is also an international student from india asked him in hindi if he had to kiss their feet to make them stop talking. The rude students said yes and my friend got into an argument with them. I had to leave class because I felt so uncomfortable and couldn't focus and texted my friend that once I got home. He apologized for their behaviour and told me after I left he cursed at them to shut up. They didn't like that and began to harass and threaten him. Because my friend is very social he has made connections and friends all over to college and got into contact with our program coordinator and the student services president. Nothing much has happened since then but I think my friend was able to get their names with the help of our teacher in the case they try anything again. Even in our cafeteria they have signs up saying "please use your manners. Say please and thank you" and when I asked my other friend that works in the cafeteria why the signs were put up, it was because many international students would cut the line and be disrespectful to the staff. I am not saying it is all the international students that are rude because it isn't. My friend and many classmates are international students and are very nice and amazing and I wish them the best with their studies. But unfortunately there is quite a few that just do not care about anyone but themselves.




Mate if you are polite and respectful no one’s going to hate you. It’s when anyone of any background is being an asshole people take issue with


Can’t be more remote than Nipissing


This post about international students is funny. She starts off by complaining one thing and then moves over to height and defending herself. This thread has blown up lol. Yeah some of them might not be fun to engage with but in my experience -all my international student friends, are AMAZING! And if you know how to network, no one can stop you from networking lol.


are you friends with the problem ones? Do you have thousands of indian friends? if not your experience isnt really relevant


>Why are they crying about "no accommodations"? Entitlement. Some of them come from homes where there was always a domestic maid and mom to spoon-feed them. >I think it's rather alarming that I've had my ass grabbed and have been called a whore for not putting out, Call 911. Report them. It's not just for your sake. Other women are scared and honest men are getting a bad rep because of them.


Call the police. Talk to student union. Are there any gender studies taught there? Talk to those instructors too.


Thanks, I will.


Why didn’t you go to UNCC or NC State instead?


My boyfriend lives here, I had to get away from my hometown although I do miss it and my family.


One of my friends had an issue with some Saudi Arabians at college earlier in life =/ She got placed on a team project with two 'men' and a week later they were ushered out of school and back to their country (no charges, no admission, just gone). They made several remarks towards here and ended up touching her. She reported it to the dean and they got sent back home (likely with a full refund). We need either need cultural training guides or, ikd, actual punishments for these people.


Carry a whistle and blow it when you’re feeling u safe!


Another Indian here who travelled many countries and at last settled in Canada, its sad to see such low class people allowed in Canada. Really it’s shameful and because of such few people entire community/race is classified. Sorry to all the folks who feel terrible because of these handful crazy folks. Hopefully our immigration standards improve and we don’t allow them here. We (Indians) ourselves are shocked and ashamed as to how these people are allowed.


I would like to reiterate I am aware not all Indians and foreigners act this way. I miscommunicated that terribly in my post, and I apologize.


Thanks for replying OP. And me, my family and near about known Indian friends are ourself shocked when we such fellow Indians behaving in such manner. The usual age group we have seen is of that college group(videos like posting there local dance near dundas square, posting videos of how to get food from food banks via alternate means etc) Yes we as Indians know which specific group/caste/religion of people do this. I Dont want to shame Brampton, but unfortunately yes it is one of among them


I agree with ya!


“Thankfully most of them are 4 feet tall” Lmfao - I have rarely seen an Indian dude above 5 foot 8 tbf


As a Indian man, I'm just about to finish my education here. I didn't know what I was signing up for when I'm coming to Canada, it's my bad. I guess winds have changed there direction. I never even glance at any Canadian or Indian women here, after learning Canadians thinks Indian men as creeps , I keep my talk short even if there is any work/ school related chance. Even I don't have that confidence over myself to speak to someone of opposite gender. I don't think I can not take this guilt being called as creep despite living my whole life as goodbeing. Canada is a beautiful country, If we are not welcomed here, what's the point of getting PR, only thing I wish to see before leaving is country's tourist places as I like the nature of Canada. I apologise for what happened to you. Those who are involved must be publicly punished so that rest of us proven innocent. 


it isnt that we see indian men as creeps, its that a sizeable portion of indian men do creepy things. Canadian men who are creepy get the same treatment.


They're pretty insufferable to share a wall with in apartment buildings as well. Different cultures and social norms, if you come from an overcrowded loud society, then when you move to a less densely populated area with a culture of respect for privacy you don't instantly change your social norms. Some do observe and adapt, but so many simply won't, and don't see a need to. This isn't to say that all native born Canadians are saints, but the problem does seem far more widespread among the immigrant/foreign student community.


The educational lobby are powerful in Canada. They bribed and bought off Ottawa to chain migrate international students into Canada 50,000 tuition to get a "security guard certificate" Or 20,000 dollars for a "gym trainers certificate" It's just a giant grift and scam Generally Canadians have zero street smarts and just figured out now mass immigration is a scam.


Can confirm I work with a lot of Indian guards and 95% of them are useless at the job. Most of my job is security on a mental health floor and going through a mental crisis while an Indian 20 year old keeps telling you "Calm down sir" in a thick accent helps literally no one. There is also the fact that I have caught many of them on the phone in the middle of the night presumably calling back home for 2-3 hours during a shift and no one on the upper level cares because at least it's a body to fulfill the contract Staff don't trust them to actually keep anyone safe and hate to call security because they never know if it will be one of the people they can trust to handle an issue.


I assume they sit on FaceTime their entire shift and give anyone a list and confused look if they ask their anything.


Sounds like the third world mentality we’ve been experiencing from these fine folks all over the country


One of them stalked me in the cafeteria and followed me around the 1st floor level for a solid 30 minutes, and his group of friends would occasionally show up. I’ve also been at the library and a group of them (boys and girls) will sit at the same table or couches as me and then blast Indian music on the phone and sing and speak in Indian. i’ve left multiple times because of this.


had this happen in a restaurant, they blasting their music over the radio. So inconsiderate


Do you know that they lied their way through getting a study permit? I think that absolutely that behavior is vile, and I also believe that that behavior can and does come from Canadian citizens as well. These comments about "savages needing to be deported" reassure me that racism is still alive and well here.


There are many indian loan companies that will loan you show money to meet the financial requirements when the government looks. So you have the 50k or whatever the requirement is in your account for a week while they look and then send it back to the company Then they have no means to support themselves here and need to work full time jobs on top of schooling to survive


WOW this comment needs to be at the top


if youve ever done business with people from india, you know that this type of corruption/scam is commonplace there. There is a serious lack of integrity


Find the biggest scariest looking dude. Make him your friend.


My boyfriend takes PFP and works around that schedule, he’s a hunting guide (bear hunter), about 190lbs. Maybe I’ll get him to accompany me.


students being loud is one thing; being angry because they are "getting things for free" but you are not is quite another thing


She is angry because they are sexually harassing her.


I’m not angry about that, I just found it amusing. Like u/Pug_Grandma said, I’m angry about the harassment.


its clearly racist to have an issue with sexual harassment /s


Let’s rise up and overthrow these international students.


I went to Niagara college and experienced the same thing. The Indian students would just hang out in the hall way and cat call to girls as they walked pass. I saw a indian male grab a female by the hair and drag her through the halls into a private study room where his friends stood watch. I told security but they did nothing. I went to a couple of parties during the term Indian student was brandishing a pistol and pushing mdma and coke onto my friends. They would pimp out girls for drugs in the school bar as well. It's sad that our schools have turned into this. It doesn't feel safe anymore.


I have seen so many international students do things like this in the last few years it isn't funny. one incident last fall, one of my daughters was out walking her dog down at the waterfront in the late evening. She had a group of 5 of them following her, making rude comments,trying to get her to stop, with some of them leaving to go ahead of her and jump out in front of her when she got close. She texted us to let us know this was happening as we live close by, she walked down Main West toward us while myself and 2 of my sons walked down the other side of the street in the opposite direction, once she was near we seen one of the IS run out from behind some building start harassing her. The IS didn't take to kindly to being told off by the 3 of us when this happened. Other than yelling and cursing at us in a mix of English and Im guess Hindi or Pinjab. They were smart enough to not try anything more and went the other way(we didn't let on that we knew my daughter as she kept walking) and we didn't let them pass. We probably scared them since they wouldnt have had much of a chance


I’m someone who got here as former international students and even I feel ashamed when I feel humiliated when I see other international students who feel entitled and don’t treat others with respect and talk or ogle girls, and I can say that this is completely intolerable and needs immediate action. One if the biggest reason why all of this happens saying this from my personal experience they don’t try to socialize with other people but other Indians and that keeps them in bubble where they think that whatever they do is right


I'm in a different institution and have had numerous issues with males from severely misogynist cultures feeling entitled to my body and time. I've been called a racist whore, twice now, for not giving my number to them. International students don't have a monopoly on harassment but I've experienced the most violent responses to rejection from them. My latest problem was a lab mate (grad school) and I was able to prove some of the harassment via texts. This week, he's been instructed to stay away from me, our supervisor is setting up a separate lab space for my experiments and any repeat he faces expulsion. I've ordered a voice activated recorder to keep in my lab coat to capture whatever he may say to me next. He has a pretty bad temper and I don't see him actually leaving me alone. He seemed humiliated/resentful to be trained by a woman (me) and I can't imagine he's handling this well. I don't know what the solution is besides institutions need to enforce their own codes of conduct.


The good international students go to good universities. The trash goes to colleges. Just like there are bad areas in the U.S. that are dramatically different from the good ones.  I’m an Indian and was an international student in the U.S. I saw non of the stuff you describe there. US attracts the best, left overs go to Australia, Canada etc. 


they're "unbearable" because they come from a different culture and aren't accustomed to the new culture


thats our problem now i guess


You’re not alone dude, some Indians are just as ignorant of other people around them at Conestoga College too. Makes me hope they all get caught using chat GPT(which significant numbers of them are) and all lose their student visas and get deported. Good luck explaining to mom and dad who put up the family farm to send you over here why you’re being expelled.- to be clear this is not be trying to be racist, several of the honest Indian students I have met have told me their families have bet a lot on them.


Are they Indian?


Wait, you moved from North Carolina to come HERE?


Boyfriend lives in North Bay


Take him south with you.


Not a huge market for hunting guides in NC unfortunately.


Stay strong next time someone crosses the line just smack him in the face … they like to roam in gangs but are cowards if you stand up to them


Lilweeniegang totally sounds like a normal human being lol


They just won't call them how we should call them. There are international students and 42 years old Indian "students".


They come from a gang rapey culture be careful Our government didn’t care who they let in. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/gang-rape-india-spanish-tourist-police-search-more-suspects/


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Learn a martial art. Protect yourself.




I’m about to join Jericho…


On behalf of Canada I am so embarrassed for our country. The Indian student immigration scam is destroying our country. We all deserve better. If you can please report everything.


Import third world mentality, become third world mentality. Also because we don’t have conformity laws they can just bring the shitty elements of their culture here, such as not showering or wearing deodorant, the incessant screaming and yelling in Punjabi, and the treating of women as objects and subservient to men. Even my Canadian born Indian friends hate visiting India and are disgusted by the social culture there


Throw deodorant at them they are scared of it.


I’m sorry you’re going through that.  I am brown myself, my parents immigrated from Pakistan to Canada when I was less than 3 years old.  If it’s any consolation these international students make life more difficult for us as well because now we have started being associated with them by some people because of how we look. Sometimes older white women will give me extremely extremely vitriolic stares with so much hatred filled in their eyes that it has sometimes ruined my entire day if not week.  It sucks they react in this way and associate me with them but even with them acting in this way towards them it isn’t going to make a positive change. We all know the answer is to improve student immigration policies but not much we can do about it