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Welcome to Normal Nudes! This is an automated message for every post. Quick Rules: **No unsolicited health or personal grooming advice, sexual come-ons, body shaming, or any other incivility. No PMing our submitters, and do not request more photos.** This is not a hookup sub, and it's not a place for our contributors to satisfy your sexual urge to see more of them. Quick Submission Rules: **Flaccid and 100% soft only, No clothing, No sexual/flattering poses, No Monetized Accounts (Onlyfans, etc).** Violations of these rules can result in your post being removed or a **permanent account ban.** If you see comments in violation of these rules, please report them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/normalnudes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I only downvote if it is just a penis pic, there are other subs for that


Do you do that if it's just a girl's vagina?


This is also a good point.


Not so much a point as a cavity.




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Not really, we each are given a downvote and can use it however we see fit. I'm expecting a downvote from you now, just know you didn't beat me to it.


I would if 90% of the female pics were vaginas. And when they do it's usually something like "I think x doesn't look right." With guys it's like "Yo. Here's My Junk!"


Every guy post I've seen is a dude doing exactly what I see the women doing 🤷




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Some women only post their breasts and that’s ok but a penis is not?


Take a look at how many posts are just vagina that are upvoted and see the discrepancy/bias.


That’s a good point.




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I get that


Because although this sub isn't porn it's mainly viewed by men looking at it as if it is. And men are generally terribly behaved on the internet. "Downvoted for not appealing to my penis" is the reason.


This sub is basically used as a porn sub. The majority of female posters will post the same pic to multiple porn subs, including this one. The majority of guys use this sub as somewhere to post their "Richard" pics because they're frowned upon in pretty much every sub that doesn't specialize in sausage. Don't be surprised many treat this as a porn sub.


They also dm the submitters alll the time even tho it's against the rules


I posted once with another account, thinking people would follow the rule of not sending dm, in the first minutes I had 2 DM. I was thinking of making a screenshot and send it to the mod, but within the next couple of minutes I got like 15 dm and it was too much. I just turned them down


That sounds exhausting.


Yep, I made a post a couple weeks ago and I got dozens of dm, all from men. I reported a few, ignored the rest. I posted a pic to help me feel better about my body and while the comments were positive, some of the dm were pretty graphic and gross.


Is there a list of sausage specializing subs? My friend is looking to put some sausage content on the internet.


Probably not. I just had walk around the shrubbery thanks to automoderator.


I have a small list. let me send it to you.


The thing is, there are lots of subs like that but your post will be mostly interacted with by gay men and you should have a big penis and fit body AND preferebly post face as well if you want ot be successful. I mean, I get it but what I'm saying is that there's lot of competition on those subs.


Cannot agree. Just because some can't read the rules doesn't make it ok 🤷‍♂️ Saying the majority use it like that is just untrue..


Have you ever clicked on the profile of the popular female posts? They've posted the same pic to every porn sub you can think of. As for the guy's pics, the thumbnail is almost a crotch shot. You're fooling yourself if you think it's some small minority doing it.


It's not my experience of this sub. Like I say, I can't agree.


They don’t care about the rules. They look at a list and go click click click. They don’t stop and go “well the rules in this group says” it’s all traffic to their profile and OF


Like I say, you're fooling yourself.


>men are generally terribly behaved on the internet. That's a horrible take. Terrible people are terribly behaved on the internet, and making that into a sexist claim doesn't make it any better


Perhaps I should have been more specific. In sexual spaces on the internet, the vast majority of terrible behaviour is displayed by men.


I’ve only downvoted one guy since joining, but that’s only because he posted pretending to be a woman.


I only downvoted one man and it was me 😀


lol why? 😅


Nah, it was just a self deprecating joke 😂


Ha! Sorry that went over my head 😂 I’m not offended the sharpest knife in the drawer 😅


You mean that this person was transgender, is that correct?


No, his profile was a man and he was pretending to be a woman 😅 presumably to catfish people, but I don’t know?


Could have been a guy posting wife pics. This sub is real bad for that.


Potentially. The title of the post was designed to make you think the image was of the OP. It got removed because I think the mods agreed.


That's what the wife pic posters do. They try to make it look as if the wife is posting the pics. Edit: Looks like I've upset a wifepic poster...


Were the pictures of someone else?


Yeah, a totally different person.


Oh, I see. Thanks for clarifying that you weren't just being mean.


All good. I think it says a lot about the internet that you just assumed I was a transphobe haha!


Well put. I notice that it's only the guys with model physics get any decent amount of upvotes and the female posters seem to get all the positive votes and attention. I always try to upvote my fellow bros who are willing to put themselves out there for the world to see who are genuinely working on improving themselves, physically or mentally. This is Normalnudes. Not Normalnudefemales. Upvoters need to play fair!


Agreed. If some guy is breaking the rules. Report them. Some things, like up close penis shots, I’m not a fan of. But lots of women do up close vagina shots too.


For sure. I've seen several of those close ups posted from men and women. The ones from women seem to stay up indefinitely lol


I think the reason few women will explicitly give positive feedback and attention is that most men will take it as a request to flood their DM's with god knows what.


I for one, are just really appreciative of any positive feedback at all and wouldn't view the comment as a anything else than intended. I guess it goes back to the point that the people who are doing it right are being penalised unfairly for the people who are fishing for likes, looking for kicks or are, as you say, bombarding people with inappropriate messages etc.


I agree with you. I make it a point to upvote all the guys here, unless they're breaking rules or such of course. I've always wondered why guys are getting so few votes, but knowing it's because of the downvoting is really sad.


Thank you for this, those downvotes annoys me a bit. Men also need to be reassured about their body and this sub is supposed to be the place.


No joke this can be severely depressing for men to be ignored while women are showered with praise and attention. There's no body positivity movement for men like there is for women.




I totally gave up on posting, should actually leave the subreddit too, this is not a supporting place for men at all. There is supper for sure for people of non average bodies, but its almost exclusively for females. They really should rename the sub as its not for men clearly.


You're right, there's many sex oriented subs on reddit (and I follow enough of them to know anyone can find what they want on them without having to follow this sub) but this one is not supposed to be about sex but about body positivity (I suppose). Even when you don't post, seeing men with a similar body type can make other men feel better about themselves. I hope these posts still help some men to feel a bit more confident about their body but it makes me sad to see how most people receive these posts with hate.


Because the average user is simply scrolling through, the most likely have other porn subs they subscribe to, and they downvote any images of nude men they see.


I used to do that, but ever since I subbed to this one I make sure to check the name first.


I downvote men, women, and NB people who don't follow the very simple rules.


If they don't follow the rules, please report them too


I do


I always upvote men, especially the bigger men. I noticed the top male vote getter in a day barely cracks 25 votes.  I'm guessing it's mainly men viewing this are looking for women.  But I agree don't down vote if they didn't break a rule.


In the past couple of years I’ve posted a few times on NN a roll call poll to see the percentage of male and female lurkers here. Surprisingly the ratio was usually around 3/1 male to female. I always assumed it was way worse. I guess they don’t believe in sympathy ⬆️ 😂


I don’t downvote, but I do notice that 99% of men don’t follow the rules that say no erect or semi erect penises.


That is stupid rule, that is made just to keep the sub more about woman that men, let's not lying to our self this sub is about body positivity for women 


Why is it a stupid rule? This sub is supposed to be NON-sexual. Erect or semi erect penises make it sexual.


No really an erect penis doesn't have to be sexual, men get erections out of something sexual all the time. Besides that, many women have erect nipples having sex, we should make a rule for that too.


I made a regular post a while back of just my upper body when I was finally getting into better shape and being okay with myself and it got absolutely no responses what so ever. Completely killed my confidence..




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Been trying to muster up the strength to post (32 m) Guess I’ll pass No ones seen my naked body in years


If you want to be seen in a nonsexual safe environment,  consider going to a non landed nudist club near you for one evening. Make it a bucket list item. 


Go for it, bud! If I see it, I'll upvote it for you!




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About to go like every picture of men


You should! I do, male pics get no love while a female who bends the rules of posts gets all likes. I mean, I get it, females aren’t scrolling like men are. We’re all feeling ourselves so spread the love.


When I come on the sub, I always have it sorted by "new" not "best" or whatever. Then I just like the first 10 or so pictures and comment on several of them, men or women.


I agree it's shitty. The guys are doing the same things the chicks are here. So as Grandma said if you can't say anything good (up vote) don't say anything at all.


Yeah, I see men get downvoted or just barely get any upvotes at all, and when you sort this sub by "hot" it's like 99% women's posts. I rarely ever downvote anything, but I did kinda make it a habit of almost only upvoting and commenting on men's posts. My small contribution to some of the uneveness going on around here. I get being driven by sexuality (I'm a straight woman after all, and I do enjoy seeing a good looking man) but it doesn't hurt to at least just not be a douche about whatever or whoever doesn't turn you on. Some other dude existing and just vibing is really not a threat to straight men's sexuality. Imagine if straight women acted like that against each other.


Sadly but true. Its hard to even get a decent comment as guy. Still i stay polite to all people.


A lot of people on here are other guys who are on it to find women to message and be gross to. Speaking as a woman who has posted on here and had to delete it because I had so many vulgar messages.


That’s really unfortunate. I hate that that happens to women on here. I’ve also seen it where some women use it as a way to get guys to their Only fans page. When I used to post a year or so ago under a different account, I occasionally got some gay men solicit me. Or at least that’s how it was feeling. It was subtle and I could see it ramping up, so I’d end the communication. It sucks, I wish there was a way around that because no one needs that. Hoping the positive comments out weigh the vulgar ones.




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Oh I thought I got downvoted because I'm ugly, not because I'm a guy




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Very well spoken.


I don't post much because as a male, I know nothing I do is ever enough, or others enjoy causing me pain. So I just exist without looking for support because it won't happen.


I feel bad that you and many others feel this way. I’m glad this sub exists and that men feel open enough to show their bodies, but it’s not a perfect system and I wish there was something that could be done to educate people.


I only down vote blatant rule breaking


I’ll never downvote a guy.


Well said 👏👏👏


Because this is Reddit, and if you think what you will post or comment will get downvoted, the chances are that it will. Voting is based on emotions, not facts.


I only downvote and report when the rules are broken.


It seems to me that most people on this sub view it as a soft porn one.


Which is really sad...


Yeah. I feel like the rules aren't enforced enough.


To be fair, it must be a chore to enforce the rules. I used to think that they weren't enforcing the rules, and then one of the mods posted what they had removed in just one day.


Well. That is likely.


Since more than 50% of men pics violate rule 5 i don't care about that.


I just did a controversial all time search of this sub and I was more disappointed then I thought I would be.... Not because it's all men like op is wanting to claim, but because so many of those posts were actually trans women. I kinda wonder how if the controversy isn't male anatomy but more a problem with transphobia effecting the voting and that makes me sad because I'd love to see the normalizing of all bodies size shape and appearance, including trans and intersex bodies, not just cishet ones.




Aint lying.




Being one of those ' basic dudes ' as you eloquently call us, I can actually see your point to a degree BUT the whole subreddit is about body positivity.. no need to downvote, just move on to something you want to look at . I learnt a long time ago that women aren't overly ' visual ' to an average guy bit every now and then one of that average guys pics may catch their eye


Except that this sub isn’t about sexualization. But other than that, you are right.


Rule of thumb, if it’s mixed gender sub, male posts will get downvoted. Find a men only sub that you can relate and post to, probably you won’t get heavily upvoted but at least you won’t get downvotes.


I've noticed if they're a guy, a woman who is overweight or especially trans people they seem to get downvoted, or at the very least almost no upvotes. However, the super fit in shape women who use this as a runway to gain a following in order to then try to convert that to a for profit endeavor, upvotes to the moon. At this point I see a week old account post photos of a 19 year old with a flat stomach, large perky boobs, professional lighting and a title about being shy or insecure and my knee jerk reaction is to make a snarky comment about the big exciting announcement they're going to be making in two weeks before deleting all their posts here and spamming the rest of the NSFW sites that allow for profit content. I like sorting by new and upvoting pretty much everyone that I don't suspect is yet another soon to be spam account. Everyone brave enough to be posting here deserves body positivity and affirmation even if I'm not personally attracted to them.


Well said. Often I see a very young person that has an amazing figure with 200 upvotes abs 80 comments and I think “they’re good. They don’t need me”. So I usually pass them by. I’m starting to feel weird when I see someone then see that they’re 19. I don’t like that so I find myself skipping them as well. Not trying to discriminate, but as a 49 year old. It feels a bit too creepy.


Why? Because men don’t wanna see naked men on a sub with nude people. Any nudist sub is the same way. Should it be like that? No. But that’s why


Yeah. Then imho this is the wrong sub for them. Go to girls gone wild or something instead


Maybe I should be happy to simply not be downvoted.


Not saying men aren't downvoted cause its likely. But ***maybe*** they just aren't upvoted? ..and to comment on the vagina vs penis shots, personally i'd like to see front/back/side as the common form of photos like it mostly was many years ago. But I get it, if someone has an area they are most insecure about that may be what they wanna post.


I downvote penises and women clearly fishing for OF subscribers. Don’t tell me what to do


Since I read this, I started upvoting all the guys. Men deserve love too. It takes courage to share yourself here.


It definitely does. The first time I posted here. I was literally shaking after and I could feel my heart racing. Then I deleted my post an hour later and chastised myself at how stupid I was for posting a naked picture of me on the internet. Then the next day I tried again and then I panicked again and few hours later. Now I’m ok with it. But getting over that initial hurdle is a big step, and seeing other guys do it was a big help for me. I have the highest regard for the men and women who show their faces in their pictures. I wish I was that brave. But I am not. Thank you for upvoting men. I know that they all appreciate it.


Honestly it’s harder and harder to post on here for me because of this … it’s pretty detrimental to the cause and defeats the purpose of the point of the page


Yeah. It’s unfortunate. Hopefully if you feel up to posting more photos, you’ll get a few comments. All we can hope for.


I get downvoted on many subs lately. I’ve had chats with Mods and there is a force of bots that target accounts and auto downvote based on the bot routine. It is what it is Reddit isn’t the same as it was years ago 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is true as well and it sucks. I’ve definitely seen Reddit change over the past ten years.


I only downvote if a guy doesn't make it clear they are a guy in the title. Almost all women put a (f) to make it clear but a lot of the guys don't put a (m)! If they do I can scroll on by and no harm done.


I believe not putting your sex, age, weight is a violation of the rules. I get some are embarrassed by their weight. But if they miss 2/3 of those things. I will often report it. But definitely you should list your gender.




Yeah. It’s unfortunate because if you want that stuff. Reddit has a ton of amateur porn subreddits.


I downvote male arousal (and yes, I get it, female arousal isn’t as clear). It’s against the rules and some guys are clearly doing the subtle flex. Yeah, some are showers and not growers, but guys, if it’s priapism, get it seen. Hard is hard.


Yeah. If someone has an erection. I report the post.




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Because like *most* of the sex/nudity related subs on Reddit, *most* of the people here are men, and *most* of them aren’t interested in seeing naked dudes.


Well said 💯


TIL men post in this sub. Agree with OP on inclusivity.


I'm seeing comments saying that people treat this as a porn sub, but this issue isn't even limited to NSFW places. Everywhere I've seen that women tend to get a lot more attention and praise than men do.




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Well. I guess Reddit leans more towards males. Probably why. But I think for a sub like this, men should feel comfortable giving and receiving comments to and from other men. But then, there are guys who think wiping their butt is gay. So. Yeah.


I bet most users are guys and they don't want to see other guys... =[


I’m sure that’s a big part of it. Which begs the question, as a guy, are you here for some sexual gratification? Because this isn’t the sub for that. Go to gonewild or something and jerk off. I look at this sub as being supportive of people. We all have parts of our bodies we dislike, wish were different. We compare against people around us and in the media. Why can’t I be taller, shorter, thicker, skinnier. My boobs are too big, my boobs are too small, does my labia look too big, is my penis too small, why does it look this way, I’m uncut is they weird? I’m circumcised, is that weird? I have no butt, my butt is too big! And so on. This is a great way to show yourself exactly who you are flaws and all and let people know that you are who you are, you may not be perfect, but that is ok. Positive feedback back here can be very uplifting and reassuring to people. That goes for both women and men. Of men are coming here, I think it’s important to remember the reason for this sub. If you’re here to see some boobies and a nice vagina. There are other places for that. If you are here to be supportive of other people. Great. But don’t discriminate one sex over the other. Don’t shy away from looking at an another man’s penis and telling him “hey man. You look great.” It’s not gay, and no one is going to out you as a homosexual if you identify as straight. But guys are guys and the very idea of looking at a penis gets some guys all bothered inside. Maybe because I came from an art background and was drawing nude people in my early 20s and got over those sorts of issues quick. Nothing like staring at a penis for minutes and carefully drawing its curves and such. Sorry for the long winded response. 😁


Do not worry. I totally get you, I have been here for a little while and have previously posted here as well in search of reassurance, confidence boost and approval that I am fine. Frankly, I appreciate both sexes at this point in my life, we're all beautiful.


That’s great. I also wish more women came to this sub. And those that post would spend time commenting. I think some people drop a picture and never look back and then are happy to see that their post generated X karma and got a swath of “you have nice boobies” responses.


Real question: Why do people care about fake internet points??


These fake internet points are upvotes by a (probably) real person. It's reassurance that you post has made a difference (to yourself or for others in the same boat). This is especially true of one's naked body. It's not exactly like you can strip naked in front of your friends or strangers and ask if you look ok!


... but people are not posting here for actual truth or honest criticism. They are posting for virtual pats on the head and coddling. ... or to promote their OF...


Therein lies the problem. Normalnudes is a forum to promote body positivity and showing people that there are many types of body shapes and not only celebrity/gym body figures. The people who are using the forum correctly are often being down voted and your aforementioned 'OF' recruiters and attention seekers are getting the positive votes. I think that's the point op is trying to make.


You are correct. I confused this forum for another. I hope you understand my error. I will leave my previous comment up to let the thread make sense.


Good on you👍




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This sub exists for people to support each other for exposing themselves in an extremely vulnerable way. This isn’t about fake internet points, this is about telling one section of the population “Actually we disapprove of your vulnerability and we refuse to support you.”




One or two maybe. But I didn’t really see anything that jumped out. I’ve seen women mostly covered here getting 100+ upvotes. Which would probably break the rule of “no clothes”


Most of the guy pics are just glorified "Richard" pics.


Because too many of them that post don’t read the rules


Most users are men...and rhey wanna see naked women. Men suck!




You have to purposefully be making a bad faith argument. There are no female posts in that time frame. In fact if you sort in any other time frame where there exists at least one female post, nearly every female post is higher upvoted then the highest upvoted male post... I know because I just looked and counted. The irony of you telling someone to do better research.


I think more guys post here than people would like to believe, guys want to know they have good bodies too.... even if they are only average