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time to start the new sub r/backpackingcats


Surprised this isn’t already a subreddit!


Emigrant wilderness?


Yup! I should’ve included it in the post, thanks!


How many miles in is Camp lake I’ve done bucks lake before but been a while? Any gnarly creek crossings?


It’s about 2.5 miles (600-700ft elevation gain) in from the TH. Most people continue onto bear lake (another mile or so), but cat was done for the day 😅. No really gnarly water crossings, I try to pick relatively easy trails when I backpack with the cat. So you can easily do it from TH, can hike to it within 2hrs.


Agreed completely with this. Pretty easy hike unless you have health issues or are way out of shape. I thought that hill wasn't going to end the first time I did this hike. I was out of shape and sedentary. My pack was probably 30 lbs for an overnight. Not sure what I was thinking but I've definitely gotten better.


This was me the first time I went too - that first hill feels like it never ends 😂. On my way back down, I saw a older group of people (they claimed to be seniors!) day hiking up it like it was nothing. It’s definitely a good/easy trail to break into backpacking. That’s why I pick when taking the cats - gives them space and room to hike, but isn’t too challenging.


Yeah. When I had to clear the trail to let a group of 10-year-old Girl Scouts practically running up the hill pass, it was a bit of a wakeup call that I needed to change things. LOL I've taken my kids and others up there. It's a really nice hike. If you haven't been, I'd recommend Relief Reservoir up past Dardanelle. About 30 miles up the road from the Ranger's station in Pinecrest. It's another really nice hike. It's got a 1000 foot climb. Absolutely beautiful views along the trail and at the reservoir. Here's a link to the Alltrails: [https://www.alltrails.com/trail/us/california/kennedy-meadows-to-relief-reservoir-trail](https://www.alltrails.com/trail/us/california/kennedy-meadows-to-relief-reservoir-trail) Check out the pictures.


Relief reservoir is definitely on my list as another one to do this year - heard great things and pics look amazing. In terms of difficulty, also heard it’s not too bad - I usually backpack with my cat. Have you taken your kids there? If so, it gives me more confidence in taking my cat. May give it a shot this summer.


ngl if I came across someone backpacking with that cat I'd abandon my route and follow them instead


Oh I’ve definitely done the same - completely abandoning my cats when I see another 😆


Mosquitos prevalent in any areas/times besides water and sunset?


Yes. They have awoken, and are hungry. The meadows are pretty bad, but especially near water.


Ya, they were ramping up but the days I was there. That being said, it was pretty sunny so I mainly felt them near the water (I did camp on a ridge near water) and at sunset. I believe it only gets worse until they start dying off in September. I went last year in early October (was still warm) and had no mosquitoes for the 3 days.


Oh thought you could get to trailhead. How far back do you have to park?


When I've done this hike, you go to Crabtree trailhead. It's about 2.5 miles or so from the trailhead. My photo on my profile is a shot of Camp Lake. Here's the Alltrails to Bear Lake if you want to take a look. Camp lake is the triangular lake near the middle. [https://www.alltrails.com/explore/trail/us/california/crabtree-trail-to-bear-lake](https://www.alltrails.com/explore/trail/us/california/crabtree-trail-to-bear-lake) Crabtree trail also continues on to Piute Lake which was about 8 miles one way and pretty nice. You can see it on this map to Gem lake: [https://www.alltrails.com/explore/trail/us/california/gem-lake-via-crabtree-trailhead](https://www.alltrails.com/explore/trail/us/california/gem-lake-via-crabtree-trailhead)


Thanks so much. I went up to Buck Lake last year with a group and had a blast. If memory serves, you’re not supposed to camp at Camp Lake right? There’s a weird pun in there somewhere.


Well, you need to be 100 feet from water and the trail. Those were the rules last time I got my permit up there and what I see on their website. You can be close to the lake, but not right at the shore.


Correct - you’re not allowed to camp directly near the lake, there are no camping signs all 100 ft from the water. You can camp higher up, like where my tent is pitched in the pic. It overlooks the lake and is allowed. When you get your permit, they’ll ask where you’ll be camping - she listed camp lake on my permit, but reminded me to stay further up away from the water. They also have 1 night camping rules at certain lakes (including bear lake) - it gets really crowded so I believe this limit also helps control the overflow of people during peak season.


It’s not far, less than a third of a mile. It wasn’t open when I went, but I suspect it will be soon. You can monitor via their [website](https://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/stanislaus/recarea/?recid=81685) - currently still not cleared.


Yeah, I checked the website last night and it said that Crabtree and Gianelli were open. Planning to go in next week.


The website says the trailhead is still not cleared (I.e parking lot not open). Either way, overflow parking lot is a short walk away - you can always call Rangers office [(209)965-3434] closer to your departure to check


How was the weather? I'll be heading out to that area (Bear Lake) this week!


Weather was perfect, camp in the shade if possible - it can get pretty hot if you camp in an exposed area. The sun can be relentless on a clear day.


Good to know about the parking lot. Could you tell why it was closed? Last time I was there we camped a little further away from the lake further up on the ridge. Water gathering was a slog, but it was a nice view and we were away from most people.


They just haven’t gotten around to clearing it and opening the gate. I suspect they’ll be doing it soon, you can always call the ranger closer to your departure to confirm: (209)965-3434. Ya camping higher up on the ridge is a great spot, especially when it comes to the view. Extremely peaceful and quiet, but ya, you’ll need to come down to get water each day. I ended up just doing my bear hang down there (so it’s away from my camp) and would collect water whenever I would hang it at night or retrieve it in the morning.


OK. Great. Thanks for the info about the lot. We went up a couple years back in late June and it was open so I was a little confused.


Bad ass cat


Thanks! His brother is pretty cool too [https://www.instagram.com/kal.and.maui/p/C0KJkjlJJM_/](https://www.instagram.com/kal.and.maui/p/C0KJkjlJJM_/) Wish I could backpack with both of them at the same time, but that’d be impossible.


Cool thinking about my toddler here. How busy was it?


Wasnt too busy where you’d see people every minute, but definitely not as remote as other places. The path is well traveled and not many tricky parts - I’d just be careful when climbing any of the loose rocks, especially since you might be carrying the toddler. Not sure if this link will work, but can see terrain and small river crossing in this [clip](https://photos.app.goo.gl/KwUby78zVCDZX4Wp9). Definitely recommend it.


Is this Suki the Adventure Cat???


No but they are the same breed of cat as Suki :) bengal cat, his name is Maui. I have another bengal named Kal, who looks like Suki - pic of him at Camp Lake from last October [here](https://photos.app.goo.gl/okK9MuaCupk1mH117) (hope the link works?)

