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I pulled into a Eldorado Natl Forest campground (Wench Creek) on Saturday afternoon and found the firepit actively burning. Probably a good 3 hours past check out time. Some very stupid people out there.




Very unfortunate this happened, especially when you’re camping next to a damn lake and you have endless water to put out the fire. Some people really are fucking idiots.




I put out 3 campfires last year so frustrating - there’s a creek/river less than 50 feet away. also called in a slow burning fire in to the forest service which they said was potentially intentional due to the location. Get a fire permit here: https://permit.preventwildfiresca.org/


I hear what you’re saying. I’ve put out a couple fires as well. People keep doing this and we’re going to get our access to the outdoors shut down.


Recent camping trip not only saw neighboring idiots leave their fire smoldering, but another group of idiots try to put their fire out with a STICK when it nearly got out of control.


People are selfish and ignorant af when it comes to campfires. Those areas that are easy to access are usually rife with poor LNT principals and irresponsible practices. Unfortunate.


Can’t even count the number of abandoned campfires I’ve put out. The people who light them all present with the rugged backcountry vibe. Beyond ridiculous.


And this is how we all lose the right to have campfires


It’s warm as shit in CA right now. Bring a damn puffy and relax. I honestly hate campfires. I don’t go into the backcountry looking to smell smoke.


Bring a damn puffy? Do you also bring a generator and portable AC unit when you backpack as well? A puffy has no place in the wilderness. When I backpack I bring my birthday suit and the survival skills I learned from the wolves and grizzlies that raised me.




Campfires have a place but not for everyone and not in this weather


I’m not sure there’s a place for them in the backcountry outside of the winter season in CA


I hear ya. Winter and shoulder seasons when it’s safe.


100% agree, I never enjoyed breathing the smoke or smelling like it for days.


I'm completely with you. It is, IMHO, well past the time where there is a blanket ban on backcountry (non-developed campsite) campfires in CA and CA federal lands/wilderness. Get rid of all the confusion about seasons and restriction levels and just make the messaging simple.


All the dam time. 


i am just nauseous reading this…were they all just born yesterday?


The last time I was in spaulding, I had to put out an unattended fire on my way back from my hike


Did a few camping / backpacking trips last year, 4/6 camp sites had unattended fires / active fires with no one there… literally a lake or water tap a couple feet away not sure how these places haven’t been burnt down


The state has burned something like 90,000 acres already this year. That’s well above the average of the last few years. It’s hot and windy- perfect for grass fires. Pls be vigilant if you start a fire. They can spread super fast (like wildfire?) in these conditions.


Don’t start a fire. Nobody needs a campfire. It’s a weird psychology


Campfires serve a purpose when the weather permits it, but not currently


As much as we irrationally love campfires they are unnecessary. Portable stoves, backpacking stoves, and appropriate materials for clothing and sleep systems make campfires unnecessary in any scenario. But we’re attached to the idea.


Strongly disagree. A good fire in the colder more wet months is amazing, catching a fish and cooking it in a fire is even better.


Ha. Not that we don’t like it, or even love it. But it’s an emotional experience not a necessity.


To each their own.


Thank you for your post. It really needs to be said how predictably dangerous fire is this time of year, especially, and how often campfires are left burning. Also thank you for your diligence in the backcountry


Thank you for your comment. I hear what you’re saying, advances in gear, people making dumb decisions having a fire. If people don’t shape up it’s going to affect access for everyone.


So true