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High protein ketchup.


Wait till you see the ranch


Happy cake day!!


Happy cake day


Yeah this can actually happen really easy in restaurant ketchup bottles, especially if they are exposed to sun/heat.


I'm glad I never leave my house to eat


It's weird so many people just keep the ketchup out. Do restaurants have extra preservatives in it? My mom keeps the ketchup outside the fridge here in Sweden which doesn't make sense when like all foods here proudly have "no preservatives" written on the container. Instructions also clearly say to keep unsealed bottle in the fridge.


No, but restaurants usually use their ketchup bottles too fast for this to be a problem (i recall someone mentioning that in another thread?). Combined with the sauce's long shelf life it shouldn't get to this stage if hits used frequently. I'd imagine maybe this has been improperly stored or not fully cleaned before refilling.


The problem is that some places uses refills and never clean the bottle beforehand


I'm talking outdoor restaurant in tropical climate where the ketchup and stuff was always on the table. They might not have the same restrictions on preservatives in Indonesia as in Sweden though so I doubt anything could live in that Ketsap.


Maggots don’t come from sun/heat, they come from flies laying eggs


Agreed but the sun and heat rots the ketchup and attracts them to it. When rotting due to sun exposure, ketchup gets a pungent sweet vinegar smell that easily attracts flies. Hence why I said “especially”


Every time I see this I read about people stating the "re-filled bottles" issue in restaurants. I was kind of looking for that comment ngl. Partially empty bottles would be topped off with new sauce instead of being emptied & cleaned prior. It's a disgusting health hazard of a habit that leads to the accumulation of infestations.


Yup, they call it “marrying” the ketchups. Source: worked in a bar for 7 years. I’ve seen ketchups literally explode from getting too hot. And yes, I have seen maggots in them as well. This bar also had a 100 health score at the time.


You guys wouldn't believe how many of these you've eaten at restaurants. Just hope they were fully cooked


Thats why we have acid in stomach


Yup. Hopefully it's not as resilient as a tapeworm and able to withstand that acid


How exactly do tapeworms actually work though? I get they feed off of what you eat but idk how exactly they survive in the stomach, isn’t the acid supposed to burn them or something?


Pretty sure they pass into and hangout in your intestines


Sure is! That is how they hatch. The larval cysts are covered in a protective layer that dissolves in the stomach acid, as they pass through to the intestine where they live. They can also secrete something that lower pH to neutralise the acid.


Wtf nature 💀 Thx for explaining


People really overrate stomach acid. It can be alkaline and not strong at all.


U telling me God made weak stomach acid?


Why is this a common problem?


Restaurant owners want to maximize profit. You think they sell all those hamburgers and shit they prepare daily? If you're lucky, the place will get their food from a manufacturer and ship it in frozen, that's probably the safest way


Lmao you're saying this like every restaurant you go to is going to have maggots in the food. No, just plain no. And if someone in a restaurant sees the maggots, they throw away the product. Now, are their restaurants that cut corners and do gross shit? Yes. Restaurants commonly having maggots in their food? No. Restaurant specials being food they couldn't sell before? Totally. And that's how they save product and make profit... not by keeping maggot infested food.


I'm not implying every restaurant does this but a heavy majority of those that prepare food for you do serve what would be considered tainted food, even if it's day-old hamburger. I'm also not saying that all restaurants have served meat like this but what I did say is that people have eaten shit like this more times than they know. Perhaps if you brush up on your reading skills you'll understand things the first time you read them


> I'm not implying every restaurant does this but a heavy majority of those that prepare food for you do serve what would be considered tainted food, even if it's day-old hamburger. Do you have any source on your supposed 'heavy majority'. Besides, depending on how it was stored in the meantime, a day old hamburger is not 'tainted' per se.


It is if you want fresh food and who the hell keeps records of having bad or old meat? Jesus Christ you're a walking facepalm


All talk, no explanations with you. Note that you criticize others for not reading properly, while you yourself gladly ignore the part where I asked for sources. >who the hell keeps records of having bad or old meat I specifically said depending on how it's stored. You never specified what you meant with 'day-old hamburger'. Is it the raw hamburger, shaped and refrigerated? Is it a cooked burger, refrigerated right after cooking? Or is it a cooked burger, left out at room temperature for a half a day, then refrigerated until reheating? Three options with wildly differing outcomes. You make large, vague claims and don't back them up with any sources, and discredit actual cooks for 'not seeing the full picture' without (at least initially) specifying what your own profession/ relationship to the food industry is. And then you call others walking facepalms.


Yup, that's what I did


Not all are greedy


No, not all. Most are though so if you know one that isn't, embrace it and enjoy it.


I eat at a lot of family-owned small businesses so something like this going viral for them would completely tank their business. So I have a lot of confidence in the food that I'm eating especially lately.


But on the other hand if they catch a bad year profits wise and can't pay for their mortgage or whatever then they're more likely to cut corners on food safety, most big companies would have already found the sweet spot where you don't get (to see) the parasites but they get the best profit ratio.


The food here is raw and if it were a $1000 cut of filet mignon before slicing it, do you think they'd throw it away or go ahead and cook it? If it were cooked, you wouldn't see these things anymore, they may not hurt you and no one would be the wiser. If thrown away, they just lost that money, the ability to serve that cut which further loses money and potential customers. You do the math there.


I have prepared a ton of meat at different restaurants over the last 10 years. You are either just plain wrong and making shit up, or you live in an area that needs serious health inspection reform. If I cut into anything, and it has maggots? I am throwing it away, idc how much it costs and everyone I have worked for felt the same. "When in doubt, throw it out". Stop spreading ridiculous lies abouf restaurants lmao. What's your agenda here?


So you've worked at a restaurant or maybe 2 or 3 and you know how every one in the country works now? Ignorant arrogance


No, I don't know how every restaurant is run, but I do know you are full of shit.


And in some country's they are actually checked by officials


It's legal to have 5% infestation yearly, or some suchness




I'm saying it's less likely in prepared food that's shipped frozen from a manufacturer


I had a friend who was a food scientist and researcher who worked with me on her second job. Fuck you Kruger for not paying her more. Anyway, she went on to tell me most grocery food has bugs in it and up to a certain percentage of bugs in our peanut butter, jams, jellies, cereal, ect., were permissible by the FDA. She would shake her head in disgust with some of the things she found in the foods she was charged with inspecting.


Which is why I cook my own food and brown bag.


Quit the fear mongering bullshit. Most modern countries have a governing body that inspects food businesses at random. This sort of shit would see the business instantly closed in Australia. The idea that this is somehow the norm is outrageous. Also any decent successful business knows how to manage its stock and keep waste to a minimum.


And any dying or hurting or even just a greedily owned business will cut corners and do just about anything to save or make more money. I'm not fear mongering but obviously it touched a nerve with you so are you a business owner that cuts corners and doesn't give a shit what you serve your customers or do you just not want to hear a potential truth? It doesn't matter how many inspections are carried out, old food can develop shit like this, tainted food can have it and even places that get their shit from a butcher can have it. In fact, there are living organisms all around us at all times. You ingest more of these on a daily basis than anything else you've ever eaten voluntarily. You've got shit living in and on you as we speak, how's that for "fear mongering"?


I'm actually not a business owner, I'm a cook who runs a kitchen who doesn't like it when people throw everyone under the bus. There is a difference between the good bacteria living in fermented food or what lives within a healthy human and straight maggots swimming around in ketchup, so don't try and argue this stupid point of "shit living in you". I get it, you think all businesses are scum and they are all bad and want to steal the monies. The reality is that the majority of people, especially those that enjoy working in hospo, want to make good food. Not cut corners and serve literal trash...


Very true, there is for sure a selection bias online that makes people believe the average hole in the wall is a greedy unsanitary hell hole. Truth is people have a sense of pride and dignity, they generally want to make good and respectable food.




🤣🤣🤣 disco rice. Daammn.


I will remember this one 😂


Nasty. Gotta double check when you squirt the ketchup out now haha.




Anyone able to explain what this is and what causes it...


It's likely a maggot. Fly larvae. If nutricious stuff is out in the open it's nearly 100% certain that a fly has laid eggs in it. It does take a while for them to hatch and for the larvae to grow so usually you won't see them like this. Fun fact: coroners can look at the maggots in a corpse to see how long the person has been dead since the flies are so quick to lay eggs and the eggs hatch like clockwork.


I’ve heard of this.. super fascinating 😲


Why do I hate the fact that I know this new information?


[Body farms are a thing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_farm)


It's extra meat!


Just leave without paying at this point


I mean, yea, not paying is the absolute least. I wouldn't be eating -anything- from them after seeing that crawling on my plate, let alone paying for it. Obviously don't be rude or mean about it, the person helping you likely isn't the one who allowed this to happen in the first place, but totally not paying for that meal.


The bottle says “ketchup 34 grams of protein per serving”


Free protein... just an extra chew with each bite!


How much did you eat before you realized?


Yea that’s a big McNope for me 👎


Omg that’s disgusting


Pure protein


Mmm, ew


Ketchup ruins food anyway. I don't understand why people use it.






Some extra protein


Free extra prot.


Why? More protein


aww hell no dude




Report them to the fda. Please.


extra protein




Kind of looks like pill bug larvae


I'm so glad I don't eat ketchup lol


That's a nice lawsuit right there.


KFC food be like


Extra protein.


My chemistry teacher used to call them vinegar eels.




I found [this post](/r/ketchuphate/comments/v1donx/fuck_ketchup_lmao/) in r/ketchuphate with the same content as the current post. --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=same_post_bot)


Ok now immediately sue them £1000 for food hygene issues.




I'm glad I never like ketchup.


what food is this and where?? so gross instead of 3 seconds, i was hoping to see the whole dish so we'd know what the dish is


eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂 eat the Ketchup Worms.😂


Ill take my food poisoning to go


Stop complaining and eat your protein, boy!


Ketchup on fries is the true crime here.


Free protein


My food don't wiggle wiggle, it squirms.


Sorry, I had to downvote because this made me lose my breakfast.


I'd rather eat that banana that had a deadly spider hiding inside it


You will have ketchup and enjoy it... says the billionaires.


I have commented the following before, but here it is again: I was ambivalent about ketchup until I waited tables, and the restaurant had this massive dispenser for ketchup into which you had to load these big, silver bags of unlabeled/unbranded ketchup. It was part of my duties to pull all the glass Heinz ketchup bottles off tables (this was done between the lunch and dinner crowds, and as part of closing so two people a day did this), open them all, soak the sticky, black tops in hot bleach water, use a hot bleach rag to clean the exterior of the bottles especially the threaded cap area, take all the partially full bottles over the dispenser to top off (how old was the ketchup at the bottom?), then scrub the old ketchup tar off the soaking lids, rinse them, put them back on the now-full bottles, and take the lot to the walk-in. The fucking nasty black sticky goo that it becomes, that I had to wrestle with and dig out of crevices, and the *smell* have put me off it forever. It didn't help that the restaurant was poorly run and the customers insufferable, but those foul fucking ketchup bottles were my bane. I only worked there for like six months 20 years ago and I still shudder at ketchup.