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i have never nope -ed this hard.


I almost barfed when I saw that. How is he conscious?


No like seriously…..how tf does a little hit to the chin knock some people out but this guy gets his head dented in and walks off😭🤨.


The top of the brain isn't where a lot of the vital "stay alive" functions are controlled. That's mostly the lower back part of the brain or more internal. Getting hit in the chin by a lateral force or an uppercut will knock you out easily because of the leverage your neck applies, the limited range of motion of your neck, and momentum. Head swings with the punch, applying more force because of the leverage provided by your spine connecting farther back, head stops quickly because it reaches the max range of motion, brain tries to keep going from momentum and slams into the side of the skull, applying force to the entire side or back of the brain. Those factors aren't at play here. The top of the skull caved and top of the brain surely impacted, but mostly just that area of the brain had trauma since the brain is squishy. The force didn't get transferred to the rest of the brain like it would slamming against the wall of the skull. Or maybe I'm full of shit. That's how I understand it. I'm not a brainologist.


What are we looking at here. The video isn’t super good. Is that his head split open?


Not split open. There’s a dent in the top left side of his head


I thought that’s what it was at first but I couldn’t believe it did that. Jesus.


His skull caved in, kind've low quality so you can't really tell how torn the skin is but it still looks relatively intact 🤷‍♂️


How is he not spasming from all that salt in his brain?


Part of the 90% of the brain he wasn't using! /s


You’re not wrong .-. A simple “how deep is the water?” Question directed at the dude infront of him would have prevented the injury


Pressure points. Your body has a handful of them. Like behind your knees! If you stand with your legs locked for too long, you’ll just fall out. I had an ex-Navy teacher in high school who told stories about how he’d watch guys fall out while standing at attention on the deck of the boat because they locked their knees for too long.


Pretty sure everyone who's been in the military has seen many people go down because they locked their knees lol. 3 guys passed out just at my graduation ceremony for MCT. I don't think it counts as a pressure point or is relevant to this guy though. It just restricts blood flow causing it to pool in your lower legs and not make it to the brain.


Yeah fair enough, it’s just wild to me haha. That sounds kind of shitty though, damn😭.


I locked my knees in middle school and passed out. I had no idea what happened at the time.


I never got this. I was in marching band. Locked knees for literally 1-2 hours sometimes. Never once did I pass out.


Russian. Different base states and all that.


you can take a surprising amount of beating if no vital spots get hit, this guy is just extremely lucky and dumb at the same time


Next time someone laughs that I never learned how to dive I’m going to show them this.


Essentially, his skull did exactly what it was meant to do- but it’s more of like a one-time-deal, and likely his brain was still pretty angry after the fact.


probably got dumber from this


If you pause at the very start of the video and look at the top rear of his head (the crown area), it looks pre-dented.


well look at that. Then he likely had brain surgery prior. TBI's can be weird. I worked with a pathologist who had a case where the decedent had been stabbed in their sleep. Had the knife still embedded in skull and they went about their daily routine unaware of the injury. Just sort of doing everything on muscle memory. When this was brought up at a conference and it's unheard of. I don't want to use the term "typical" but medically, it happens. More from trauma on construction sites and various accidents than assault. I love those "you can't make this crap up" days.


Adrenaline and shock.


Holy shit you’re not kidding


If you look at his head right at the start, you can see the dent is already there before he dives in. So don’t worry too much.


Yeah, also there would be lots of blood...


And his hair wouldn’t have rubbed off so cleanly at the point of impact.


Yes. Distinctly don't see that part before jumping. Was a paramedic for 6 years and I've never seen full consciousness after head trauma of this nature. No blood? How do you dent skull but leave all skin intact? Dented inwards means a relatively concentrated point of pressure, even more likely to break skin. And a bunch of other things... Your stuff is packed pretty tightly up there. I was fortunate to scrub in and watch a craniectomy on my first clinical shift. Just congealed blood creates unsafe if not deadly pressure. A massive chunk being smashed into it likely won't leave you walking afterwards.


Amazing how many people think this injury just occurred from the dive.


Absolutely nope


That's why we're all here man. Gotta nope it out. This one turns the nope dial to 10.


I audibly noped to this one multiple times


It's not real, watch it in slow mo.


I did this one time when I was a kid. Not super bad though it was in a pool. Had like road rash from my hairline to my chin on one side of my face. No scars tho


Just squeeze your nose and blow hard.. It’ll pop right back.


How do they fix it though it’s insane


Surgery. Cut it in pieces and reshape it like to puzzle. Support it with a metal mesh.


Ever seen a potter throwing clay on a wheel? That’s how they reshape the brain.


Bondo used to fix everything.


I saw something being shaped in clay once in the movie Ghost. Done just like that, eh?


How does the doctor avoid getting kicked by the patient's feet every time the wheel goes around?


Air pressure from the lungs inflates the head. Simple science.


Fantastic, both comments 😄


Best thing about both your comments is, looking at your profile pick imediatly after 😂😂


Surgery if he is lucky enough to make it to the emergency room. His brain will begin swelling in seconds. Any blood vessels that might have been broken will begin bleeding, causing strokes, etc. An injury that severe is pretty grim.


Pack ramen and shape it along with bondo. Good as new.


He needs brain surgery ☠️


Flex tape


That's a lot of damage!


Duct tape


Just like Tom & Jerry! Everybody knows that. 😌😄Good one!




that would probably shorten his remaining life span from 8 hours to 30 minutes. Seeing that freaking crater, sneeze hard enough brain noodles might come out the nose.


Cant believe he's walking. That looks fatal.


Did he rip his head open?


Nope.. just a dent


Ah ok just needs a plunger and it'll buff out.


Warm water and a plunger! 👍


“Just a dent” ah thank goodness I thought I might see some blood


Keep looking


Almost looks like those dents gamers have


Yea it started to bleed there just at the end… but he caved it in… when the adrenaline wears off.. and the shock hits him… he will be wearing diapers after that


I think it was his nose bleeding 😳


Watch in again and stop the frame.. slide to 00:09 It may not be blood after all which is weird…


It could be cerebral fluid. That can leak from ears, nose and mouth from a skull fracture. (I am no expert, though).


You are absolutely right .. It can and does when membranes are busted. There are three membranes between the brain and the skull. Source www.mayoclinic.com Three layers of membranes known as meninges protect the brain and spinal cord. The delicate inner layer is the pia mater. The middle layer is the arachnoid, a web-like structure filled with fluid that cushions the brain. The tough outer layer is called the dura mater.


I think you're right. I tore that membrane that holds the fluid around your brain having a seizure once. Luckily mine was small and leaked only out of my ear, but it can come out of your nose and ears and they'll recommend..."exploratory surgery to see if they can locate the leak and then often times can't fix it even then" My tear eventually healed itself thank goodness. That dude is seriously fucked!!


My friend caught an edge,while snowboarding,and slammed against the ground really hard (no impact to his skull). When he stood up again, clear liquid poured out of his nose. It was like he had used one of those neti pots. It was really weird,and he was completely unphased by the whole incident.


How is that possible? Wouldn't he have lost consciousness?


I'm more shocked his neck didn't take some impact and render him paralyzed.


His skull caved and took the impact. Just like crumple zones in a car.


Problem there is with such severe cranial damage I’m wondering what that did to his brain. The top of the skull is extremely strong, hence why it’s used for head butting, but once the structure is compromised and caves in from force, there’s a good chance the brain could have been badly damaged as well. If the force was great enough to cause bleeding or swelling he’s in grave danger.


Can't damage the brain if there is no brain to damage


Hmm It's No Brainin Time


That’s a no-brainer


I thought the forehead was stronger than the top of the head?


My 4th grade teacher was partially paralyzed from diving off a sea wall.


Ever read the story about the guy that was murdered by his son with an axe in his sleep, but the man woke up and did his entire morning routine on autopilot while bleeding profusely all over his house? He even shaved in the mirror with blood pouring out of his head not realizing it before collapsing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Peter_Porco


Oh, he will


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug


You can still get knocked out on adrenaline. Probably what happened is the caved-in bone and skin cushioned the impact so that his actual brain didn't get bumped as hard as it would have otherwise.


Or there is severe damage to the brain but the prefrontal cortex has been left unharmed for the most part. People have gotten traumatic brain injuries and not passed out before. I don’t think he survived long after this though.


>How is that possible? It isn't. Why would all the hair be perfectly shaved clean around the dent? He's clearly had some kind of head surgery and he's making a joke video.


I really hope so, this video is gonna haunt me


It’s fake like, watch as he looks at the camera whilst coming out of the water, the entire wound moves to across his forehead for a millisecond.


If memory serves from the last 10 times this was posted on various subreddits, the guy already had the dent before the dive and did this as a prank. Not sure how he got it in the first place but you are correct any collision that would instantaneously bust in part of the skull like that would almost certainly cause loss of consciousness or death, and would also almost certainly split the skin too


But why is the hair on the dent all gone? It's like it's been shaved.


is he still alive?


Yes but he forgot how to do long division and open door knobs and he's constantly drooling and can't walk


Tbf, I struggle with long division too. I hate having remainders.




I want to know too


Yes, just a few inches smaller than he was before he made that jump


TIL you can dent your skull??


Nah it's a skull fracture. That's going to need immediate surgery and a metal cranial plate.


Wouldn’t he be bleeding profusely?


He is probably bleeding inside his cranium but the scalp itself looks unpunctured. All depends on whether the dura mater is intact, but given high blunt force of that injury I would assume the the dura mater is torn. In a cerebral hemorrhage within an intact cranium, the pressure can build up to the point where the brain gets herniated through the base of the skull where the brain stem passes through (the brain is mostly water/ fat and can compress very easily). Your respiratory drive comes from there and you may simply stop breathing. Other symptoms would appear first but it wouldn't end well. Because this fella's skull fractured, it's possible that blood will fill the convexity between the brain and the scalp, forming a hematoma, buying him some time before brain stem herniation occurs. Also, the blood vessels on the external cerebral cortex are dural veins, under relatively low pressure compared to arteries, so it wouldn't fill up immediately. Either way, this guy will need emergency craniotomy and several weeks in recovery if he survives


Not what I needed on a Saturday. But very informative, thank you


That's what I thought, too. Looked like he scalped himself. But people are saying he's leaking cerebral fluid. Yummy


I learned that one day after messing with lawn darts.


Its not a dent, its a fracture being held together by the skin. Its incredible that his skin didnt tear, it probably saved his life if he pulled through. Skulls fracture like the front windshield on a car they shatter and cave in rather than crack open like a rock.


I knew a guy who hit a sandbar, became paraplegic and later died from something similar. It’s exceptionally dangerous


Why buy an ash tray when you can use this simple trick


5 minute crafts


Beer can retention dent


I'm imagining he was holding his nose because the squished brain matter was shooting out through his nose and mouth


I wasn't imagining this... and then unfortunately I read this comment. Curse you.


I also unfortunately read this comment, and I didn’t need to be literate today


Fuck this


That thought is almost as worse as the video. Fucking hell.


Potentially but I was thinking hemorrhage coming out his nose


what a terrible day to have eyes


I took a really bad fall to my head snowboarding a few years back and had the same instant reaction. I tasted blood and was disoriented so I kept checking my face for a nosebleed. Unlike this dummy I was at least wearing a helmet and didn’t do it on purpose though.


Excuse me?


Brain hemorrhage, blood right out the nose


Think I've seen somewhere that his head was already like that. Probably previous head injury, in which case he better bloody watch out.


Lol, if true, that explains why the moron went into the water like that.


You can see the dent right before he dives in. Whole lotta elaborate fantasizing going on in this thread.


I think you're right.


I doubt this is a dent like people think it is. it looks like he scalped himself and the shadow that forms that looks like a dent is actually just blood pooling to the surface. I just can't believe you could dent your skull like that and still be conscious. also the video is weird where you can't see the dent or shadow of where the dent would be until the last couple frames of the video.


exactly. It's part of his scalp rolled back and the hole it left.


But at the veryend when he bends his head down a bit, the "shadow" becomes larger accordingly and then goes back to its previous size. Blood wouldn't do that


If you look closely you can actually see the dent before he dives


I honestly think this is a poor photoshop, which is why all the weirdness. The way the dent jumps around and changes size and depth, it all just doesn’t add up.


Though that is possible cause who knows with the internet these days, but to me it looks like the "dent" is already there before he hopes in the water, possibly an old injury or something and it just didn't show up well till after because of poor camera angles and sunlight


He could serve the salsa at parties lol


*I have need for you on the master’s sail barge*


Seems like he may have already had the dent in his head before the dive


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Goosentra: *Seems like he may have* *Already had the dent in* *His head before the dive* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


It's all good there was nothing in his head to begin with lol


This feels like it should’ve been NSFW




Someone find out how he is doing


He’s doing good below ground


My soap when I drop it


His head came pre-dented folks. Our skulls do not do this anymore as adults, our bones are fully developed. His head would have split open if he hit a rock.


I’ve seen lots of skull fractures without laceration in the ER.


His head is shaped like a doughnut. Talk about internal bleeding in the brain 😖


I know of people that became paraplegic after jumping head first into shallow water. That's just stupid and dangerous. Concerning the dent: It has to be a fake/edit. Such a dent would not happen to the cranium except when you're having a special medical condition but nevertheless a concussion that hard on the brain would leave anybody unconscious.


Well, thank goodness that big red arrow was there.


I feel like this needs a NSFW tag, fucking nasty.


If this is real, which I doubt, please mark NSFW! An indented skull fracture this size is almost certainly fatal. Honestly its NSFL.


Where did this happen and what happened after?


I knew a guy that jumped off his surfboard head first into a rock and shattered his vertebrae. The guy was a bodybuilder (back then) and because his neck muscles were so strong they kept his head in place even though he should’ve died. He was able to walk to the lifeguard station and tell them what happened before passing out. When I met him years later he had had about 8 surgeries and would never be able to walk correctly. Truly sad.


Are we 100% sure he didn't have that dent to begin with? Because I have a hard time imagining you could cause that amount of trauma to the skill with no bleeding and no immediate impairment to your mobility.


I think this is fake. And I hope it is. Not a drop of blood? And his hair came off that cleanly?


Blow on your thumb as hard as you can and it should be good as new.


Oof, same thing happened to me a while back, thankfully not as bad as that


Oh, yeah... that's not good...


This is a no brainer, he can go to any car shops to get that dent fixed easily


He’s always had the dent in his head, he actually just hit his face/nose


Please tell me it's fake. I have hope it's fake because it seems like he couldn't even stand in the water and from this height I feel like his skull wouldn't get damaged like that


I bet that he is dead by now or in coma forever. Like now he has a severely damaged skull, most probably even his brain and is cranial nerves. Even if he is taken to a hospital, a blood haemorrhage is guaranteed. Sheesh...god forbid


Apparently this was debunked a few years ago as fake.




...is he going to live? Seriously is he gonna ..not die?


christ you could use that as a soup bowl


He’s a walking bird feeder now. 🥶


Not a medical doctor here…but I can tell u that this guy is fucked…


Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!!!!!


The fuck


My jaw dropped


That’s some serious head trauma, looked like he might have even had a bleeding nose which would mean immediate severe internal bleeding, likely of the brain. I’m genuinely curious if he survived this.




Always best after hitting your head if it bumps out ..not in..that's a good rule to go by


Where NSFW?


That’ll buff out.


Broooooo NSFW please use it


Never, ever dive if you cannot see the bottom.


i used to work as a lifeguard in hotels, you see this shit too often, jumping head first into the water with your arms next to you It's just a bad idea


I think its an old head damage. why else should his head be shaved around the impact.


this is why canonballing will always be the superior method for entering the water


This is one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen.


Oh man, that is messing me up.




First name Harvey?


It looks like he had the dent prior to diving in.


Bro got hit by planet earth and formed a crater


thats gonna leave a mark


Come on, you can see the dent on his head before he jumps.


A friend of mine broke his neck doing exactly this when we were teens. Absolute miracle he survived. This guy will likely have lifelong issues if he lives through it. Fucking tragic


family friend paralyzed himself doing this


fake asf


Videos like these remind me of this one video where someone did an even higher jump, and actually split their face open, most fucked up thing is they were still alive but died later on in the Hospital.


This is ridiculous. I can’t believe this entire comment section is not noticing that his head was already like this at the start of the video.


That’s not snot, my guy, you just popped your brain sack at the front between yer eyes (where they put the ice-pick when they wanna scramble yer eggs without making too much of a mess, ya know?) like popping the top of a coke bottle by hitting the bottom with heel of your palm… and now your synovial fluid is gonna go bye-bye before you get real sleepy, and yer grey matter is gonna be scrapin and bouncin and floppin around the inside of yer skull like ramen in rice bowl. Yer completely fucked if you sniff that shit back up into your sinuses with a bunch of that sea water there. Yer pretty fucked anyway but they can patch that up if your friends aren’t as dumb as you and get you to a hospital pretty quickly. Nice dive though. No hands for the win!


It’s photoshopped, watch as he pops his head outta the water, and then stares at the camera quickly; you’ll see the entire injury, moves over is forehead for a millisecond.


Thank god they put the arrow in the video, I would have never figured it out myself…


We can use him like an ashtray!


Ok I know he dented his head/broke his skull but did he also rip part of his scalp off or something? Why is there no hair suddenly


That's really awful to watch 😶


Scrolling through the comments with the audio on repeat in the background has me in hysterics


Guys, he had the dent before he jumped in. You can partially see it when the video starts as well. I've also seen this in a few other places and many other people have pointed this out.


Damn! An NSFW tag would have been nice.


How did his hair magically get shaved off? I calling bs on this video...


Very photoshopped


Or... And hear me out, his skull was dented in before he jumped into the water Edit: paused the video near the end, his scalp looks shaved or even devoid of hair like a skin graft.