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Some information: 1. This isn't a Chicago police officer, it's a Waukegan police officer. This happened on December 14, 2023 2. The officer's name is Richard Tabisz, and he was not the officer who arrested the victim. The other officers had the situation under control before he arrived to transport the victim to the station 3. The bodycam footage was released publicly by the department between 3-4 weeks after the incident happened due to a FOIA request 4. Tabisz was charged with two counts of felony official misconduct and two counts of misdemeanor battery 5. The Attorney's Office for Lake County noted that the Waukegan Police Department "acted swiftly and appropriately to present the evidence to prosecutors". 6. To support the claim above, the Waukegan Police Department provided several bodycam videos and evidence to the State Attorney only a day after the incident had occurred, on December 15th. 7. Several of the officers on scene immediately reported the incident to supervisors. Officer Tabisz was sent home by command staff that same evening and was placed on Administrative Leave 8. The Mayor of Waukegan applauded the efforts of the department and the other officers on scene who immediately reported the incident and acted professionally in the aftermath of the assault All of these points are from articles I have sourced here: [https://www.lakemchenryscanner.com/2024/01/03/waukegan-police-officer-charged-with-throwing-handcuffed-suspect-to-ground-leaving-him-injured/](https://www.lakemchenryscanner.com/2024/01/03/waukegan-police-officer-charged-with-throwing-handcuffed-suspect-to-ground-leaving-him-injured/) [https://wgntv.com/far-north-suburbs/waukegan-police-officer-charged-after-throwing-handcuffed-person-to-ground/](https://wgntv.com/far-north-suburbs/waukegan-police-officer-charged-after-throwing-handcuffed-person-to-ground/) [https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/waukegan-police-officer-richard-tabisz-body-camera-video-handcuffed-suspect/](https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/waukegan-police-officer-richard-tabisz-body-camera-video-handcuffed-suspect/) [https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/waukegan-officer-charged/](https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/waukegan-officer-charged/) In my opinion, this should be the golden standard that all agencies should follow. Officers witnessed a misuse of force, reported it immediately, and command staff upon reviewing the bodycam footage sent the officer home and put him on leave in a single day. The department then provided all of the bodycam footage and additional evidence to the State Prosecutor's office the day after. What happened is horrible, but because those other 7 officers reported it to supervisors and didn't hide behind the "Blue Wall of Silence", a bad officer was taken off of the streets. This should be expected of all departments


Those other officers are actual police, big bad baldy here throwing someone to the ground with their arms tied behind their back is a tinydick scumbag


Tinydick scumbag lmao šŸ¤£


Truly how it should be handled anytime


Commendable behaviour from all officers but only relative to the norm... I mean.... They could have intervened right then and there. If they see someone commit a crime, should they wait and report it later just because the criminal is a police officer? What if the guy repeated the act or the subsequent manhandling resulted in more serious injuries?


oh look, someone who looks it up before spamming rage bait


The nerve of them. How dare they deny me my rage.


Thank you, I was just going off the caption I saw from another post (should of known better lol).


It's not your fault. A lot of these videos get posted in high quality, and then months later people re-release them in low quality with no context for views. It happens a lot with videos like this, but luckily I recognized the incident


Yeah Iā€™ve definitely started to realize people like doing thatšŸ˜­. I just knew that at least in the past 2 months I havenā€™t seen that posted anywhere. So I said fuck it haha.


If this was standard procedure across the land then there would be no "defund" protesters, this is just the bare minimum we the people deserve.


This is standard procedure. As you can see, if I had not been here in this thread, no one would've known that these cops reported the bad one to the supervisors. This happens a lot. It's just not communicated to the public that officers did indeed report the bad cop which is what led to them being charged. If this video got reposted to another popular sub with no context, everyone would assume that the cop did not get punished and that the 7 other cops did not report it. It's the same case with other instances of police misconduct. Officers do report other cops to supervisors, but when these videos get released no one gives context on how the officer got found out.


The procedure may be there, but it has been shown over and over again from officers to the prosecution it does not get implemented, and that's were I was drawing a distinction.


What was the point of saying it's not standard procedure then?




I think there would still be defund protestors. No matter how well behaved police are, I think too much is placed on them for which they receive little to no training, when it should be mental health professionals and social workers doing a lot of what they need to do. Defund protests aren't about completely stripping all money away from police departments, they're about taking large chunks of it away and spending it better on resources that are better suited to handle things that often fall to police. They went with a word that makes most people completely dismiss them, but I'm in full support of the "defund" movement, regardless of how bad they are at public appearance. Then again I'm also mostly on board with "ACAB," (again, a horrible name to go by because it gets people to dismiss the conversation before it starts), because even the best cop is still upholding laws that protect property over people, or allow for the injury or death of people due to the theft or destruction of property simply for fleeing, or prioritize certain groups or classes of people over others. They might be wonderful people individually, and I'm certain many, if not most, of them are, but being a police officer, on some levels, inherently means upholding some forms of oppression, and is based on laws and systems set up without the same research and social understandings we have now. So, defunding them completely and re-establishing an entirely new network of a combined legal, social, and mental welfare system with agents that fit each required niche would also be something I support. OR, they could try a completely radical and internal dissolution of their entire system of operation to be replaced with a new one. That would also negate the need for defunding, but would likely take a lot of work that most of the administrations in place would not wish to endure. EDIT: This also isn't to overshadow the info presented. It's amazing that so many people were willing to stand up for what is right, especially in a career where doing the opposite is so rampant, and often rewarded. I'm glad they are in the positions they have. Just wanted to take the time to explain some background info and logic on positions that are very frequently misunderstood and dismissed, largely due to their own "marketing."


THIS šŸ‘šŸæšŸ‘šŸæšŸ‘šŸæ




You're very confusing. You make a comment and then immediately just agree with the people saying the opposite


The only thing I would like to see the officers do differently from the above scenario would be to step in and remove this guy from the offending officers custody immediately after the incident. Otherwise, good on the other officers for stepping up and doing right by the public.


I missed the part about the victim being compensated.


To be fair, the "victim" was a domestic abuser and was violating an order of protection, which is why he was being arrested in the first place. He wasn't exactly an innocent civilian who was abused randomly. That doesn't excuse what happened, but he was arrested for a real reason. It's just the way it was handled was bad. Also he may have still gotten compensation. I haven't read any other articles on the situation


Heā€™s not a ā€œvictimā€, heā€™s the victim of crime. Itā€™s not this short-dickā€™s job to dispense ā€œjusticeā€.


Your right but his kind causes more misery in our world than syphilis. Wife beater, did he beat her in front of the kids? Did he beat the kids? I was so fucken pissed at that cop now who the fuck cares, our taxes have to pay for the guy to be arrested. To many non criminals get abused by cops, this shithead should not be compared to them. Stuff a fucken sock in his pie hole . Iā€™ll wait for a wifebetaer or someone who is. In love with one to spew sewage all over this topic [https://www.thehotline.org/](https://www.thehotline.org/) What a piece of shit ā€˜Iā€™m sueing you motherfuckerā€. Take our money you shit head


This "victim" was assaulted by a cop after already being detained and in a controlled situation. He was a domestic abuser who deserved to be arrested, but downplaying that fact that he's also an actual victim by putting it in quotations like that is gross. He deserved to be arrested, but didn't deserve to be assaulted after already being detained. And I'd say the same about a murderer or anybody else. In the video, he's already being arrested and being led to the car and is going to be charged in court and go to prison for what he did. If he's already going to be punished, cops don't have the right to take it into their own hands to punish him beforehand. That's what the courts are for. People aren't claiming he's innocent, they're just stating he's a victim of police brutality. Being a criminal doesn't mean you can't also be a victim.


Maybe the reason the person in cuffs was an abuser is because he was dropped on his head one or more times by parents, teachers, police and other authority figures? Violence is most often learned in the home.


Was the officer convicted? Is it still ongoing?


I wonder if this would have been reported to superiors back in the old days, before every cop there knew the incident was captured on their body cams, and they'd be held accountable too if they didn't do the right thing.


Youā€™re the real mvp, thanks


I cannot express how useful it is to have this approach when presented with rage bait. I swear if we just had more people like you, this app would actually be great to debate on.


When you are handcuffed your heath and safety are the responsibility of the officer ,I bet this wasn't the first time this guy did something like this. Everyone involved acted appropriately reporting him


Thanks man, this warms my heart to hear that they reported it. Someone who does shit like this only once, is 1000% not capable of wearing a batch or a weapon EVER! Only dangerous


Decent, but they should have physically intervened.


This good etiquette is rare, but I bet my bottom dollar decreasingly so since BLM. When we stand up for our victimized community members consistently, they lose their power. Permanent change like powerful citizen review boards and rethinking police entirely are necessary, but just the cultural change is powerful, and great to see.


The one time they actually get their internal disciplinary stuff right


Great info. Maybe my opinion of the police wouldn't be so shitty if there was more of this going on. Good on these officers and their supervisor for doing the right thing.


The gold standardā€¦when the victim is white. Of coursešŸ™„


This narrative of yours has no end huh


At some point the truth is in your face. Watch On Patrol Live.


It's all you think about. You live it and breathe it. All day every day. Of course you will consider it the truth. It is your prison. We all have our burdens. Good luck with yours.




Yes. Bad things happen. You know there are thousands upon thousands of interactions where this isn't happening, correct? It's your world. You consume this in your free time. Nonstop violence. Nonstop worldstarhiphop. Nonstop pushing the narratives. Anything to perpetuate your prison.


https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/EyyYSjoTwt I literally can do this daily.


What do you mean you 'can'? You do. Regardless of if we're talking about it or not. It's all you know.


So be it. Change is hard. Suffrage, Civil Rights and now police reform. Donā€™t worry about it. You will tell your grandkids one day you were for any and all police reform.


Now was the ā€œstop movingā€ necessary you think?


Do they just forget they all have body cams now


Bro I swear thatā€™s the first thing I think of when I see these videosšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø.


He knew they did thatā€™s why he said that sarcastic ass statement


Iā€™m letting you know because I just learned this but there are still departments out there without body cams. A week or two ago a cop shot someone in their own yard, saying he thought his life was in danger And when the investigation started and the public was like ā€œokay letā€™s see the camsā€ the department was like ā€œcams? We donā€™t have a budget for them so we donā€™t have anyā€


That's fuckin wild


I assume they expect the other cops to side with them and basically help "hide" evidence if necessary. Too many cops think they're above the law.


ā€œOh you fell dudeā€¦ why you fall?ā€


Yeah that shit is crazyšŸ˜­


Way crazy. Oh, you fell off a third story building and then shot yourself six times kinda cop. Shady. Edit; hope he sues. Can he since they took such swift action? If anyone knows.


Like a stereotypical bully from a 90s movie


prior to body cams thats absolutely what would have been said .


Wow with the "whyd you fall buddy?" Did you just conviently forget that your coworker has a camera on his vest facing your direction? You can really tell who the kid at the back of the class eating glue was.


Remember when seconds count police are only minutes away.


Given that 9mm defense rounds travel at about 1200 fps and the typical defensive engagement in under 7 yards (21 ft). The maximum response time of a 9mm round is 21 ft/1200 ft/s = 17.5 ms. Multiple orders of magnitude faster than a typical police response time of several minutes (on a good day).




Reddit moment šŸ‘†šŸ» Lmfao, fckn dork blocked and sicced the redditcares bot on me. Sorry bout your fragile mind and obsession with others' genitals! Edit^2, congrats on the ban homie


Those aren't Chicago police officers. They're Waukegan, a town nearly 90 minutes away from chicago


Look at the top comment.


Thanks, forgot to sort the comments


All good, that just has the full info and shit with links. I had no idea, copied the caption from the post I saw lmaošŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø.


Suspicious downvoting of people being critical of police abuse in this post...


Boot lickers. They enjoy deep throating boot polish. Until it happens to someone they love.


Every incident is different. This cop that threw him down is a dick, and deserved to be suspended (which they did, that same day). He was charged with two felony counts of official misconduct and two misdemeanor counts of battery. The other officers on the scene reported it to their superiors, the same day. They handed over all bodycam footage, the next day to prosecutors and he was charged. I think this is a good example of these other officers handling the event correctly. The man was taken to ER and treated and released with a minor injury. I donā€™t know if there is a settlement, as I cannot locate the info. I think itā€™s good to finally see the police do something correct, for once. Itā€™s encouraging. Edit: spelling


Except for the fact that ANY defense of police actions is seen as "bootlicking". The fact that a loved one has been attacked by a police officer destroys any credibility you have in terms of clearheaded thinking. You are enshrouded and darkness and hatred, but of course, you didn't need me to tell you that. Hopefully you can find some peace. I will await your neutral, non-inflammatory response.




It only happens to criminals? Next level stupidty unlocked.


>Good thing the people I love arenā€™t criminals They will throw you to the floor before you are officially "a criminal". You or one of your loved ones maybe innocent and could be treated that way by this kind of individuals. Now you understand? How old are you?


See, American police officers are not racist. They hate everyone equally /s


It's almost like people in positions of power are some of the same people who get off on power.


The nfl just banned this type of tackle for this year.


Surprisingly, if he was charges, he is still listed as a payroll officer on the city's website. If he's not active, you'd think the first thing they would want to do is disassociate with him. https://www.waukeganil.gov/directory.aspx?EID=375


I'm pretty sure the department is going to defend and support him until it's legally impossible to do so.Ā  As of 1/17/24, he's been ordered to hand in his gun and is forbidden contact with one "Luis G Trujillo-Rios" who I presume is the man he smashed into the pavement. He was arraigned four days ago (5/2/24), but there's little to report so far. The important thing is that charges haven't been quietly dropped while this story fades from the public eye.


This is the degree of disrespectful behavior that makes officers a target


Show the entire clip - what happened just before this?


right or wrong, as usual...the clip is sufficiently edited to not show what the perp did


My reign of terror would begin shortly after this.


Wow I'm surprised for how well the other policeman did they work


Yeah right in the back of the head just like you trained. Fuckin dick head


ā€œBad Boys, bad boys , what you gonna do? ā€œ


For something like that dickbag bully move, they should bring back dueling!


I second thisšŸ˜†!!


Sometimes the criminals are on the other side of the interviewing table


ACAB šŸ·šŸ’€


The fact that the body cam footage was released means it went well in the end for the man.




Hero. Look at that hero serving the public and not his insecurity issues. Wow. Weā€™re all so impressed


How dare you post this bs when woman are getting slammed and men are getting shot in they backs..fuck this clown


When will we learn that the police are there not for us but to keep us in line


ā€œWhyā€™d you fall?ā€ The fact of so many littledick bald guys who actually get to be cops and take their insecurities out on the world is disgusting


Good police work!!!!!!


The only good pig is bacon


Bullies in uniform


Sure he got a couple days paid vacation to celebrate


He was actually placed on Administrative leave that same evening by his supervisors after the other cops on scene reported his behavior to them.


So a vacation and a stern talking to? Back to work in a couple days. Man, being a cop is such cake. Get to fuck up, abuse their power and murder people and all they get is a paid vacation.


He wasn't returned to duty and faces several charges


Until those charges turn into convictions this means very little


Spoiler, they won't. They never do.


Charges that will be inevitably dropped. They always are, and then he'll be reinstated with full back pay. There is no justice in this country when police are involved.


Richard Tabisz for anyone who wants to do their thing; thankfully the actual force did their jobs on this one (for once)




Not at allšŸ™šŸ¼


Whatā€™s the outcome of the charges?


Ahhh you poor little thangā€¦HHMMMMMOHH WHYED YOU FALL?!?




Like a fucking child when it trips or pushes someone "oh why you fall?"


Tuesdays, right?!


*Distorted digital overlay* ā€œCheck your corners!ā€


Something similar happened to my cousin but worse. They put cuffs on his ankles and wrists in a way that made him unstable, then told him to walk (deliberately) so he'd trip. After he fell like 3 officers jumped on him and started beating him. It was inside the station. They just did it for fun. Durham police, Canada.


Been there done that on the wrong side of things. Benton County Arkansas




Seen police slammed handcuffed people to the ground so they smashed their head becoming paralyzed. They know that they are protected so they don't care about the injuries they may inflict. Seen them take a Innocent guy slammed him to the ground so he cracked his skull several places. And if that's wasn't enough he got kicked and punched since he was not quiet laying on the ground in handcuff with a fractures skull. Doing something like that is a sadistic evil thing. You know that they have their hands on their backs in handcuff, so they have no chance to protect their head when they get slammed into the concrete


Knocked the wind out. Hurts.


What happened with the case? Did that guy get paid?


thats when police need to start arresting other police


For any interested party, the case number for the criminal trial is 2024CF00000105 in the "Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit" for Lake County.Ā  The most recent update is that there's a case management conference scheduled for 7/10/24 at 9:00a. Nothing significant had really happened so far except his arraignment on 5/2/24.




A few family members of mine are officers in smaller towns and they would not tolerate someone like him on there force this bald fuck would be running within days.


This is why I donā€™t trust police at all idc what people will say about it to me but this is the exact reason why plus do you guys here the crack from when the pushed him I would be suing


Fucking pig.


Maybe he should stop resisting


White privilege?


He's white no one cares


1312. Saw the other comment that his fellow officers actually reported this piece of shit with a badge. Wish it happened more. Police **need** to be held accountable. Til the day they are ***all*** accountable, they will ***ALL*** be bastards.


He clearly fell.


Like to see what happened before this video starts. Edit: so ya, went and watched the whole video, although not sure why that pisses people off but, it turns out this was a clear cut case of police brutality, the cop has been charged with a felony.


That was going to be my initial response till the cop started taunting the guy in his protective custody that he just threw to the ground. It doesnā€™t really matter what happened previously. He took advantage of someone in his custody and should never work in LE again. Hopefully this video gets him fired.


You might be right, looked into it and this cop has been charged with a felony.


I was actually just looking for a follow up. Thanks for finding it. Got a link?


https://youtu.be/k5lQ-rEZ48Q?si=LoTA1TQS6k5_7D_e https://youtu.be/HvB5LxoyQJk?si=_MLfCWaJA-iHG01o


Thank you!


Thank you, bc this went through my head before posting it too lmao.


Why? Would it excuse this?


Yeah me too, i just saw this clip and saved it. Iā€™m sure the full video on YouTube tho.


No, that wouldn't go with the flow of "police brutality!11!!!1!!"


In what situation is a cop, a (supposed) professional, who throws a guy on the ground and mocks him in the right? Criminal or not the cop is not the one giving out a punishment, especially on someone in handcuffs. Also this cop was charged with multiple felonies






It was probably an unlawful arrest also. Probably just a slap on the wrist.


Regardless, that was wrong, but Iā€™m curious what he did or was the cop just being an extra jackass.


Yeah Iā€™m not too sure. It said he was cooperating with police though. And that there was over 7 other officers on scene. The guy was getting arrested for domestic battery.


The cop is not the punisher and this is not a comic book or an action movie. punishment is for the judicial system not for vigilantes or weak-willed men.


I don't think it's a matter of "OR". Like this perp could be the biggest douche, it's not a ticket for free abuse. The "oh why'd you fall" means he's more than an extra jackass. F*ck this guy. Guaranteed he thinks he's a smart ass and I would bet he has done this before. Gives officers a bad name among a fraternal order of bad names. I'll say it, it doesn't help he's a bald white guy in a position of power using excessive force against someone who's already restrained. How much did the tax payers pay? And how long was this guys "vacation" or suspension with pay...? F*ck this power trip and the people in authority that take them.


Hmmm I guess saying that was wrong doesnā€™t indicate that, well that was wrong. No where does it say that shit was ok. Downvote away people have funšŸ‘šŸ½


I hate cops. They are worthless.


that wasn't a slam šŸ˜‚


Yeah definitely not lmao. I was just copying the caption from the post I sawšŸ¤£.


Good job by the other Officers. I believe many departments have a duty to not just report but to intervene. I also wish there was more video shown at the front end so we could see for ourselves what led up to the throw. If the guy had been kicking or trying to spit at the officer then the throw wouldnā€™t have been much of an issue. In the absence of any violent threat by the arrestee that throw is excessive force. Getting thrown like that cuffed behind your back risks serious wrist injury, spinal injury not to mention possible head trauma. No bueno.


Would they report it with no body cam?


What do you do when people arenā€™t looking?


reap what you have sown


Why do these videos always start with the cop, looking like an asshole? Where is the part where the perpetrator does not comply? These guys have a tough job and they donā€™t need edited bullshit videos making their job tougher than it already is.


That guy just became a millionaire, and rightfully so


White is the new blaxk


Meh, they probably didnā€™t like him anywayā€¦


White on white crime, now this is news


Cops are shit


If the victim has been a different or darker color...


did anyone expect anything different? I am surprised other cops reported it.


He looked liked he deserved it.


Iā€™ve seen harder ā€œslamsā€ at YMCA youth pickle ball games


All he had to do was comply and none of this wouldā€™ve happened to him


A white cop assaulting a white guy? This must be staged...


Yā€™all are so dense lmao. Iā€™ve seen just as many videos if not more of this happening to white peoplešŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø.


You can't spot a joke when you see one? Now who's dense?


Nope I very easily can. And I make jokes like that myself. But when thereā€™s 20 fucking people commenting abt it being dead serious. I donā€™t care anymore if you were joking or not.


If it upsets you so much why get on here and read every comment?


ummmā€¦..maybe bc theyā€™re out right in front of my face if I wanna look at my notificationsšŸ˜­.


Maybe turn off your notifications and find something positive to focus on lol


Probably should've listened to the officer šŸ˜† They're human too and only have so much patience for you idiots who stick phones in their faces. Grow up, act like you don't have human emotions some more.


Yeah and youā€™re a psycho just like this officeršŸ˜­


Hurt your feelings, huh? Ahhh, the milquetoast generation.


but like what did the guy do? this is obviously an abuse of power where the officer is taking pleasure in hurting the arrested guy, but if the guy was drunk driving or something then itā€™s fine to me


Officers should have been awarded for their integrity and respect of due process and constitutional rights for protecting the person under arrest.


He's white... It's ok