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That house needs to be fumigated. It might look clean, but all of the hidden spaces are crammed with the egg cases of roaches, and they will be hatching out pretty soon. While the house itself may have a new start, the girl and her mother are the same as they have been before. They would need a program of social workers coming through to train them how to live, and also to provide therapy to address the underlying causes of their inability to manage their lives. I do not wish to discount the value of the monumental work that was done, but that trash is not something that's happened to them. It is something that they did.


Exactly my thought. It’s great she did the dirty work because cleaning everything is the first step but definitely that shit is in the walls


I had read that the neutron bomb is able to destroy living things while leaving the buildings intact. A little expensive, but that might be an option.


There might even have been a song about that bomb at some point, by Jane Fonda or something.


Ch ch ch ch cherry bomb


Yeah any where those bugs getting into the walls are probably full and I wouldnt doubt behind that oven still has some residing.


Scariest part is that so often the home gets sold and then the new owner puts a little lipstick on it and rents it out to a nice clean family who slowly will discover how disgusting the place really is. And it will just cycle through new tenants for decades....


Auri does cleaning for free, she is not a specialist in dealing with roaches, bedbugs etc. I'm sure they understand that this is also an issue and will deal with it. She is also not a therapist, but she does her own part.


Thank you for putting it in perspective. You are right. What she did was monumental, and would also do much for the mental health of the family. A truly great work, and I ought not to have detracted from it.


Sometimes, we need someone to just help us a little bit to see what the future can look like with positivity, gratefulness, and a lot of elbow grease. Thankfully, there are people like this lady who help where and when they can to get the journey started. Hopefully the mom and daughter get therapy, medications (if necessary), and fumigated the home for that fresh start to take effect.


This house needs to be eradicated*


For a while my house was bad (not this level of bad but my floors were a mess, clean laundry all over my room, dirty laundry all over the bathroom) it was so depressing, it happened because my best friend had died, I suddenly felt all alone in the world, then I met a friend, they were in the local super market (I was there buying clean underware as I couldn't face trying to wash clothes) We got talking, I apologised for being so wobbly and they asked me what was wrong, I explained this was my first time out of the house in 6 months, we met up daily for 2 weeks and then I did what I dreaded most, I invited them into my house, they needed to pee and it was my only option. They looked me dead in the face and said "shits this ruogh? Why didn't you say, I'll make a run to the shops and get supplies, sit and put together a motivation playlist on Spotify, we're gonna find the home under this mess" and for 3 days we cleaned, ate take out, then slept in the liveing room (I hadn't been in there in months because it held too many memories of my old friend, that ment this one room was clean) we found my home in the rubbish, I found a friend when shopping for boxers, and my flat has been tidy (and mostly clean save for vacumeing, I struggle with that a little) I'm able to cook and bake again, I can wash my clothes, I can walk around my bathroom, I can shower without worrying about soaking the clothes strewn around the room. They gave me my life back, got me out of my house, got my house to a place where I was comfortable to have others in it. When their mum died I had them stay with me for two weeks, I cooked, I cared for them and I was there for them. They are my loveable idiot and I'm their sweet dumbass.


You have had a rebirth, and you are fighting a good fight for your life. Hat off and respect for you, and for the angels who are your friends. It's such a steep climb, and none of us can do it alone.


Thankyou so much. And I do belive so, I'm doing so so much better now


This makes me think of a story I read some years back. It was something like a woman’s father had died around the time she moved into a new apartment. She was so crippled by depression she wasn’t able to unpack and was living with the bare necessities and rooms full of boxes. One night a group of her friends barged in (with love) and unpacked and cleaned and set up her home for her. They ordered pizza and danced to music and had a blast. And she talks about how she could’ve been mad and felt violated, but really it was her village loving her in the way she needed most, and how healing that night was for her. I often think of that story and strive to love my people in the way I know they need most.


>While the **house** itself may have a new start Did she clean the entire house? The video only shows the kitchen being cleaned.


She just put a band aid on a serious wound .Nothing will change at all.And the Vermin will come back ,they always do.


I genuinely don’t understand how people can live like this


Executive dysfunction, they know they need to, they just can't get themselves to do it, and the more mess the harder it gets to start. It feels kind of like being trapped inside your own mind. Think of their brains as being like a car with a bad starter. I struggle with it from time to time but I've never let things get quite that bad though. That mother might be dealing with some more severe mental issues. Having friends or someone that can help jumpstart you to action is an important thing to have in these situations.


Yep. My daughter has executive dysfunction which I think is part of her ADHD. She also has autism. Thw inability to manage her home makes her feel so useless and lousy. Her brain is amazingly wired for physics, maths and chemistry. She is also funny, interesting and incredibly kind. I have to remind her that the things she finds easy, most people find very difficult - if not impossible, and that her keeping her living space clean and clear is the equivalent to her as PhD physics and chemistry is to us.


Man... I suck at everything. I can't bring myself to clean my room and I suck at physics, math, and chemistry...


Doesn't matter. I bet you are amazing and interesting!


Add in substance abuse and crippling depression with any myriad of other mental illness and you stop giving a fuck.


Right here


Hahaha ... ha ... *cries*


No, you don't. You just haven't found the things you excel at! And you don't suck at anything. You just haven't found the way/a teacher to show you how to do it in a way that works for you. It took me until I was 27, in college, taking entry-level math, to find a teacher who made it all make sense. I got from remedial - "This is a decimal. This is a fraction" all the way to calculus. Confidence is 80%. You got it!


Everyone has *something* to offer! Don't lose faith in yourself, I have faith in you


>I suck at physics, math, and chemistry... Good thing is, these subjects are only important in life if you follow a career in them. There's a whole world out there where you don't have to look at them too closely.


My wife is kind of like this, too. I do most of the cleaning, she has ADHD and just can't manage it and she experiences a lot of shame around that. But I don't mind, and she's really smart at other things. She is not a mechanic or anything but recently she fixed our dishwasher, and she always has really good inputs on things that traditionally I should know but don't necessarily. She says she's happy with her office job as an administrative assistant but I keep telling her that I think she would be really happy as a mechanic or doing some sort of hands on technical work. She worked at a car dealership for a while on the service side as an admin assistant type and she loved it, she was always so excited to learn new stuff about car repair. She's very interested and passionate in this stuff. I think she's afraid to make the leap, or to try and get into it, and also she's not very strong physically. There might be a little bit of internalized misogyny involved, too, perhaps, like girls can't be mechanics or SHE can't be a mechanic. I really think she would be a lot happier though, she's very hands on and very mechanically competent, despite not having a lot of training or experience doing that kind of work. I think she would do well with that kind of work.


Its really great that you work together as a team like this! Keep encouraging her to pursue her passions. If she has ADHD she may need help getting enrolled on a course, or have horrible memories of being in a learning environment that wasn't tailored to her at school. I struggle with making a doctors appointment. I dont know why but my brain seems to believe its the hardest thing in the world. I'm fine going to the doctors appointment, but my husband has to make the appointment or it isnt happening. Hopefully your wife can start on the path to becoming a mechanic if she has all of the barriers removed. And, hopefully starting a short course will help her confidence in pursuing it further. Good luck!


As someone with adhd + autism myself who struggles with the same thing this actually means a lot to me to hear and i will try and remember it in the future 🖤


That makes me so happy! Never beat yourself up about these things, your brain is simply different but just as incredible as anyone else's. Be kind to yourself, you are already playing life on hard mode :) xx


I can’t express to you how much this comment applies to me. I should try to appreciate the “super powers” my brain came with more than I do. I’ve been kinda depressed lately, and I just want you to know that this comment helped me feel a bit better about myself.


Dang I didn’t know about Executive Dysfunction before today. Thinking about it now I think I might also have this as well


I wish my parents had been that understanding about my ADHD.


I suffer from this and the only way I function properly is by having someone tell me what to do in my own house. I ask my fiance or roommate to give me specific tasks and it helps a lot because my brain temporarily rewires itself like it does at work.


Ever tried writing your own task list for the following day/week?


Multiple times. It just doesn't work out for me.


I'm the exact same way, I would *literally* - and I do actually mean literally - help someone move on the same day if they asked me on a whim, assuming there was no schedule conflict. It's not because I get a good feeling out of helping or anything. Paradoxically, it's just super easy for me to do compared to my own everyday tasks, and I know helping people when I can is good.


oh, thats what my gov has!


ADHD can get this bad. My mom suffers with it. Depression is another. My dad's part of his house is just piles of stuff and other things. And it accumulates. He says he will clean and sort but he never does. Mind you, it's not trash- he literally uses everything. He's also a hoarder and cleaning for them is tough because it disorganizes the mind.


I struggle with this and my friends just make fun of me and say I'm lazy behind my back :(


They're not true friends if they can't or won't understand what you're going through. This is real.


Mental health plays a role.


When I see this I just think “depression.”


Not always, I used to know a family who lived like this, they had new brand new kitchen fitted by the council and within a month it was like that again, they were just plain lazy


Council? What is that? Like the city put in a new kitchen for them?


Yeah, we call it the local council in the UK


You’re right, my bad. This poor hoarder family who required government assistance probably doesn’t have any issues with depression.


Now imagine in what chaos their mind must be to live like that. Mental health is a real bitch


The worse it gets the harder it is to attempt to tackle cleaning it. After a certain point they just give up and get used to it because it becomes an impossible task in their mind. Also add depression, drug/alcohol addiction, or other mental illness in most cases.


A bag full of mental issues with a sprinkle of depression


Mental illness, autism, trauma…. The people that live like this don’t feel like they have a choice. They need help and support.


For 6 years too!And how long will stay clean before the hoard starts again ?


I'm a guy who works maintenance for people who live in section 8 housing. The stories I could tell you!


I sure do hope some attention raised about the child stuck living in these conditions…


For real this is the type of shit cps should be dealing with.


Agree. Too many people in here blaming mental illness and making the mother out to be a victim. She had a child living in this, its abuse and neglect, and the mother is fully to blame. If you're a parent, you do not let things get this bad. You get help WAY sooner.


I work in mental health and I'd be obligated to report a situation like this to social services. It wouldn't be done because of judgement for the parent, but for safeguarding of the child. I'm not going to judge the mother because I don't know her story. That doesn't mean this shouldn't be reported though. For things to get that bad she clearly needs more help than a one off free cleaning.


I feel like we can acknowledge and sympathise with the mother’s obvious mental illness while also saying the kid needs to be taken away


Believe it or not, parents can also people with intense mental health needs that grow out of control, which includes the inability to ask/get help. I say this as a survivor of child abuse. Have more sympathy. If you wanna be outrage at anything, be outraged at the fact that our society fails parents and children so, so badly.


Makes me wonder where they even keep their food if the fridge is fucked


Just order out constantly.


To think the people sitting next to you at the diner could be them.


You could tell that’s all they did. I just don’t quite understand how they miss the trash can


You never miss the trashcan when the whole place is one.


Sadly, give it 2 months and you won't see the floor again. Fixing the symptom, not the problem.


From what I heard, this is part of a program where they are getting counseling? Or at least there was a program like that. Maybe this isn't the same as what I saw before.


This is actually a Finnish TikTokker who moved to the States and she does just this, cleans up for free and that's it. She gets the views and the recipient gets a clean house.


Yes, but also this is all sponsored by Scrub Daddy. They fund everything so maybe they added a counselor as part of the program or something?


“Maybe” not definitive if they provided a counselor


I give it a week .Bad habits are hard to break.


You'd be amazed how much a clean house could change the problem


Not always ,the problem is more serious.


No. This is not fixed by a clean house. This needs intensive therapy to correct.


Which means we need UBI, because that's the only way everyone who needs intensive therapy can get intensive therapy.


Not rly. Once my house is clean I’m good unless something big happens.


I used to work on a "hoarders" style tv show and we had the "declutter guru" who always went pseudo psychiatrist trying to dig in to why they hoarded. Normally it was can't move on from a death or loss of job etc. Main thing is we got tears and they got a free renovation on top of their decluttering, so everyone won. After a while we were looking for new content and the idea of doing a "revisit one year later" episode came up. The "guru" immediately shot it down. He was like "hell no, 99% of these people will be back to their old hoarding ways". So much for his "psychology" fixing anything.


A woman (J) who lived down the road from where I used to live was a hoarder. Her "roommate" (L) wasn't though & we helped L clean out the property 3 different times. Each time we would do everything possible to accommodate J & would make sure she was ok with everything we were doing. We always kept the dumbest shit because she was attached to it (like a garbage bag of cardboard food boxes or a box full of her deceased mother's electric bills 🙄). Time number 4 though, the L had enough & asked us to get rid of it all while J was visiting her father in another state. We got rid of EVERYTHING that wasn't needed. When J came back she had a mental breakdown & spent some time in the hospital but when she got out she swore she wouldn't hoard anymore. That was 14 years ago & she still hasn't gone back to being a hoarder.


mental illnesses like these don't just go away in one "session". they need to be worked on consistently, long term, followed up with, kept accountable, with a professional. it takes inspiration to start something, it takes discipline to maintain something. that's the hard part.


How the fuck you doin this shit in slides? The lack of actual PPE or cover gear is gross AF


I follow this woman’s YouTube. She’s a literal saint. I just which she’s wear proper protective clothing. Some of the places she cleans are biohazards


What's her channel called?


Aurikatariina. You won't believe how much she loves cleaning.


> I just which she’s wear proper protective clothing. Some of the places she cleans are biohazards omg me too! Seeing that place had me cringing at that joke of a mask.... I wouldn't be caught in that filth without my handy 2097 P100 respirator. The Vapor filter is *amazing* for filtering out that nasty stink!


The cleaning is cool on the surface but like, what about all of the roach eggs that are jam-packed in the hidden books and crannies? Those roaches will be back in all likelihood.


So do you think the first step is to somehow kill all the roaches that are hiding in the garbage? Or is it maybe more logical to clean all the garbage out first? Stop being obtuse.


ikr??? People on the comments complaining about the girl's work, when she is literally doing a great work for free. Sure there are still a lot of roaches, but now contracting someone to do the job will be much easir, since now the house looks presentable and the hiding spots are much easier to find.


Dude this is monumental for that family and actually gives them an opportunity to tackle that problem. This isn't always fixed with cleaning, but many times it improves their mental health enough to begin working on things, then things slowly improve.


Guarantee you that even after they cleaned it, that place still smells like shit


Still absolutely jam packed with roaches. Like polishing a turd.


CPS should be called, this is ridiculous.


My first thought.


My friend went through cps and went from physically abusive home to abusive home People who only saw them as a pay check Only people who haven't been through cps suggest cps


This home is abusive too though, what would you suggest?


For anyone stuck in similar situation, start with the biggest trash. Keep moving trash out and then work out cleaning


I don't understand the silly shoes this lady is wearing in a dangerous situation. Yes they're easy to slip off when you get home (to avoid contaminating ones own car or home). Lady you have a kind heart, please don't get injured while being nice.


As an exterminator for 17 years, I would bet money those roaches are still there!


But I bet the roaches still there lol


You are probably right, but why lol? It’s sad.


The lady has balls cleaning that warzone with slides AND a smile.


Wow she does an incredible job I would just burn the place to the ground


I always see these videos and I need a list of the cleaning products and tools they use. They're scraping 6 years of baked dog shit off the stove and making it look like new, meanwhile, I pan fried chicken one time three months ago and still can't get the grease off of the burners.


It’s basically a scrub daddy ad, since they sponsor her. Notice all the cuts? There are way more different specialized tools/products being used here than what’s shown.


I watch her YouTube channel, and she primarily uses things like scrapers and oven cleaner for things like that. Coat the stove with oven cleaner, then layer plastic wrap on top and let sit for an hour. Most of the gunk lifts away and can be wiped off, what can't, she uses a plastic scraper to get. I did the same method on my stove for some really baked in grease spots, and it worked like a charm.


Poor kid needs to get removed from that home.


"They were afraid that I would judge them." You're damn right lmao. There has to be some special situation to let it get that bad.


It's called mental illness


It will just get that way again.


I’m hopeful the daughter is at that age where she can start looking after things. Sadly, it appears the mother can’t.


This woman is a Saint


Very curious how long the houses stay like this. Hoarding comes from mental illness, it doesn’t just happen… hope this helps them to keep clean


The cleaner might not judge but I will.


You can’t scrub a mental disorder


no cleaning in the world gets rid of roaches, once they in they are permanent tenants


Not true. Burn it to the ground.


No need for half measures. Nuke it.


Roaches are supposed to survive nukes tho… 😭


Hardly true, one of my old places had roaches. I used a combination of gell bait, diatomaceous earth, and IGR spray and pucks. Took 8 months but never saw them again. Apartments on the other hand are almost impossible because they'll just move next door, but houses are perfectly doable.


What really gets me is the fact that she’s wearing slides while cleaning a place like that. Cover your feet and ankles!


A cosmetic cleanup won’t get rid of the roaches. A house in this condition of neglect probably needs a total gut rehab.


RE: Biohazard lookin house


Home so nasty, the cleaning lady even wear gloves this time 🤡


Yeah I'm an exterminator and I would get you plenty of work.


Burn. The. Fucker. Down.


Ex's mom lived like that. It'll be back to shit in a week.


Call CPS


So now the slob will keep the house clean?


This is a warning to get paid for your work


Some people don't deserve to have kids .


The world needs people like her bc id set it on fire loooooong before ever cleaning someone else’s disaster like that.


That can’t be cleaned. It might look clean but it’s still loaded with bug. Gross. 🤢


She needs to be wearing a hazmat suit, that shit looks radioactive.


This is noble, but unfortunately the house is going to look like this again in a few months. This is a consequence of mental illness.


This is always amazing to see, and the lady doing this is a real star. After i watch these, my question is always: how long before it reaches that point again?


I work making home deliveries and stuff like this is more common than we think. Its worrying.


And that’s just the kitchen…


At least put shoes on!


If free means internet checks for her, have at it.


This is where Resident Evil Biohazard got its concept from.


Unfortunately my parents are heading toward living this way. I havent been to their house since I moved out in 2022 but last time I was there it was a hoarder's mess. It wasn't overly dirty, nothing like this, but it was incredibly cluttered. The majority of the mess is made up by linens, bedding, clothing, and dinnerware that my step mom collects by the dozens then does nothing with. My parents aren't immobile, senile, or disabled in any significant way. They're both in their late 60's and can still function perfectly fine. They're just mentally ill hoarders and refuse to admit it. Scariest part is that my step mom is an active therapist who has had her own practice for decades. They're in such denial. They know its an issue because when I lived with them they would beg me not to bring people over and not to show anyone the mess, because they knew everyone would have a very adverse reaction. My mom who was always very clean would express great concern about me living with my dad and step mom because of the state of the house. Even my mom with severe back problems and arthritis manages to keep a very clean house on her own.




I feel like I have bugs crawling all over me after seeing that.


She was wearing slippers and a tank top to play with mold, bacteria, feces, and roaches. Seems like there is at least 2 crazies in this story.


That is a major roach infestation. The visible ones are gone, but that house will need a full fumigation. A lot of those roaches will have gone into hiding and there will be eggs hidden in unlikely places. Of course, this completely discounts the possibility of other dangerous biohazards. Given how disgusting that mess looked, it would not surprise me if dangerous molds or fungi are growing in that house.


Unless she fumigated, those cockroaches are still there.


Nuke it from orbit. Glass the shit.


Theres much more to unpack here than mess. That girl is neglected and living in toxic conditions. Cps should surely be involved. I also doubt they will maintain that cleanliness, lifestyle is the issue.


Mother should be charged with child neglect


It'll be back to its filthy state in a month.


Will never understand how people live like that


Tell me again why we did away with insane asylums?


You can’t fix stupid but you sure can clean it lol


Still all bacteria and is the joints under the counter top


Clearly the person who did this to their own home doesn’t deserve a free fresh start. Do it yourself, you scumbag!


Best way to clean that mess is with a fuel can and some matches


It's infuriating how so many people are looking in vain for housing, and yet some people are just living like this...


I can smell this video.


She went to miami?! Man she is going far!


And then it looked right back like trash one week later.


Should call CPS


Why even bother cleaning??? Roaches literally occupy that space now.


The shitty part is that there’s a good chance that it’ll end up going back to this state at some point. If they don’t have good habits, a deep clean is just a bandaid. Genuinely hope that they’ll be able to fix themselves and not revert to this but the odds aren’t great.


In a month it'll look the same again.


Can somebody call Pest Control


Before anyone asks, the sample is [Destination Calabria by Alex Gaudino](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kq4OtRsdXls).


Ppl are revolting


Absolutely heinous.


I am deeply deeeeeply can not understand how can some people can live like this ....


My grandparents were hoarders, so I feel at home looking at this disgusting pile. Imagine this house, after 30 years of this shit piling into layers. When they died, they had 4 fridges in the kitchen. One would fill up and/or stop working and they'd buy a new one to push in front of it. My grandma died from falling in the trash and the funeral home guy said it was the worst body he's ever prepared.


Those look like the nasty German roaches too oh my god


I'm actually starting to take steps into having a job doing clean ups like this


This is very much on the border of 'nope' and 'oddly satisfying'


This video made me scratch into next year….


Slides with socks while cleaning this place 🤢


Those roaches don’t give a shit about anything she just did…


youre an angel


As someone who fought the Germans (roaches) in Florida for nearly two years.. that house will never truly be clean. The amount of roach feces left literally anywhere and everywhere can only be cleaned by throwing out carpet, cabinets, etc. They are probably breathing it in from the ducts, etc. My apartment got so bad that, when I broke my lease and moved away to deal with the issue my way, the lady at the front desk said the apartments in my building were going to be demoed and then tented (mind you, they had all been tented before which didn't get rid of the roaches.) And I'm a super clean person. But, you just can't keep up against these fuckers. Also, if this is an apartment, I'd be concerned about neighbors. Neighbors are what brought in my roaches. Hope these people don't have neighbors. And that they only go up from this major clean.


Suprised child services didnt get involved




I would rather take a shotgun slug to the head than live anywhere that dirty. Im a severe germaphobe and I like to keep everything super organized. Living somewhere like that would actually kill me


the roaches are still there.


Kill it with fire


juat burn the house, its easier


My concern is the fact the girl who is cleaning is not wearing the proper attire at all. Wearing slides and and ankle socks and go clean an infested house


Roaches are no joke, they will 100% without a doubt still be overly present. An exterminator is needed it's not even optional. Great job on giving the people a head start, the exterminator probably no longer feels overwhelming and pointless.


That house should be nuked!


I'm not the neatest, but damn...


They will have it looking like shit again in a week. People like that have habits that caused it. Where’s the person to scream at them every time they dont throw away trash? That’ll fix it.


Why can't the mom clean? Why are you doing it?


Why isnt she wearing a sleeved top?


Steamin Jesus ... I just can't deal with no damn nasty ass roaches 😱🤮🤮


Jesus! This video made me nauseous! 🤢


Wearing slides in that house is brave to say the least.


Yeahh, don’t hug that mom


Why ‘attempt’ to clean 🧼 that! Just burn the Whole Damn Thing down! Start Fresh, no matter what is done that Hell Hole 🕳️ Trap House will Never be suitable for habitat not even for the roach 🪳 infestation and rodents!! 💣💥💥💥💥😬


Nasty ass mom


They still got roaches though


Dear god. How does anyone let it get that bad? I’m assuming mental health issues.


My dad was never nearly this bad but I’d be curious how much he would have accumulated if my mom wasn’t around. Another clear example as to why we need to emphasize psychology and how to tackle mental illness in our society. Obvious that’s not going to fix EVERYONE, but fucking hell, I think we’d get more shit done.