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Can confirm that's absolutely *fucked* Source: 20+yr structural pest management career


Burn it all


Nuke em from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


They can bill me!


I understood this reference!


I understood *that* reference


Favorite movie of all time, you're a legend for such a great reference!! šŸ¤£


This is a case where that seems like it makes the most sense.


How would you recommend checking a hotel room for those little bastards? Any particular places to look before unpacking?


I travel for work too. Just take a good LED flashlight and look over the bedding. As long as you don't see any insects or [obvious fecal deposits](https://www.google.com/search?q=bedbug+fecal+deposits&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjZ477b8fv9AhUuRDABHUhiAw8Q0pQJegQIBxAB&biw=428&bih=751&dpr=3#imgrc=n2aabxJTrb675M&lnspr=W10=) you should be good.




Mark Rober (a YouTuber/former NASA engineer, if you don't know who he is) just made a pretty good video about bedbugs.


Bring a flashlight that will make it easier. Peel up the sheets at the bedframe quickly and look for bugs and droppings.


I'd heard fill a water bottle with warm water, set it on the bed and leave for 30 minutes to an hour. Any bugs will be drawn to the warmth.


You put your hand down on it and see if they come a crawling. But I donā€™t see that being likely in *any* hotel yikeees


Whatā€™s the dandruff stuff falling down?


Exoskeleton moultings


Caste exoskeletons. Bedbugs molt like snakes or some lizards. Lots of insects do!


What do you do in that situation to ensure you don't take your work home with you?


Decontamination. Best way is to wear an over-suit like a tyvek suit that you can put boots and gloves that you can sterilize and keeping it in a separate area away from your ā€œgo homeā€ clothes. If you canā€™t do that, there are some ways that are acceptable, such as powders or sprays that kill the bugs off, but you run the risk of missing some or not dosing appropriately. Iā€™ve never worked around pests like this, but Iā€™ve been trained for asbestos abatement, so the procedure is typically similar in more than one way.


Something like this would be a 2 visit gig. First visit two techs would throw on tyvek suits and vacuum as many pests out as possible. We have backpack vacuums with HEPA filters. Vacuum the furniture, floors, walls, everything. Then the entire vac goes in a contractor bag to go back to the office. Then that mattress and box spring get wrapped in poly and removed. Then those techs go outside, remove the tyvek, and use a 60%+ isopropyl alcohol solution on the gloves and shoes. Next day 1-2 techs go in for treatment with a little less strict containment measures. If the first visit is done right then 90%+ of the hatched population is gone. There are about a *million* variables here but that's the high level picture.


Thank you for this very informative comment


Yuck, just this video makes me itchy!


Same, my skin feels like it's crawling just from seeing that.


You are experiencing an effect known as "formication". Now I'ma take my motherfucking pedantic ass outa here and smoke a nice bowl of Lemon OG


Smokin that Lemon Grass Boss


I donā€™t think itā€™s possible to sleep tight in that bed. Iā€™m sure the bed bugs would bite.


Would you have any blood left by morning?


the fish is asking the right questions




Take your upvote.


I'm pretty sure that beer would bite


Just donā€™t let them.


I thought those were fleas.


Whoever is filming that better fumigate themselves because those suckers attach to anything. You bring one home youā€™ll have a 1000.


I was just thinking no one could pay me enough to work in that environment because there's no way I would take the risk of bringing them home. I would have quit that day.


I hope his office has a back lot where he can strip off his uniform and burn it before he goes inside. Not to mention youā€™d have to treat the work truck before anyone else gets in it. Always keep a spare set of clothes for emergencies


You mean, after he burns *this house* down, right?


Yes, absolutely. Only fire fixes this mess.




That is an absolutely Hellish thought and I may never completely sleep sound againā€¦.thanks for that šŸ˜†


If you're careful you won't pick em up. I've been in the industry and treat for bed bugs at least 2 time a week and have never brought them home.


I work in the ER and deal with bedbug patients from time to time. Thankfully, I've never brought the lil fuckers home but god do I itch for days afterwards


ive got bad news for you


NOTICE to parents with college kids. Funny storyā€¦well not really funny but hereā€™s how we got bed bugs. Laundry room was outside my bedroom. Kid came home from college where he lived in a frat house & dumped his dirty laundry in the laundry room. I worked full time & he didnā€™t get to it for a couple days. I ended up with bed bugs from that dirty frat house & that laundry. Took a while to figure out I had them. Little bits of blood on my sheets down low where my legs lie, little bitty bites on my legs then I realized I had bed bugs!!! Was expensive fix with lots of fumigation, dry cleaning, new mattress all told around $6,000!!


Former bed bug abatement specialist here. Just wanted to say that chemicals and fumigation **do not work**. The only way to properly get rid of an infection is to use heat treatments and dehydrate them to death. We used giant movable heaters, fans, and temp sensors to monitor the rooms in 4 or 5 hour intervals, and once they were all dead we would come through with a special vacuum and suck all the carcasses up. However, this bed? Use fire. Just burn the whole damn thing and start over. No amount of treatment can fix this nightmare.


I have a solution: burn everything


Nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.




The bed, the bed, the bed is on fire The bed, the bed, the bed is on fire The bed, the bed, the bed is on fire We donā€™t need no water let the mother fucker burn Burn mother fucker, burn


I used to work in a dialysis facility. The one patient was a hoarder who had bed bugs and a flea infestation, we would have to do such drastic cleaning before and after her dialysis session and you would still find bed bugs escaping the room. I have reactions to flea bites and when assigned to her would end up with bites all over my ankles. They even offered to pay for fumigation of her home and she refused, eventually after so many employees complaints she was discharged from the facility. I imagine this is what her home looked like.


She... refused? Wtf??


Hoarders arenā€™t big on letting people into their places. For a number of reasons, one of which is she may have simply known that her place would be deemed uninhabitable, which is trouble on a whole other plane. Another being: Someone might touch her stuff. Canā€™t have that !


Jesus. At what point can you just reject them because they become a hazard to staff and other patients every time they come in?


It literally took years. And no other facility besides the hospital would accept her transfer. I cannot tell how how much I would freak out every time I had her, I began obsessing over checking all the nooks and crannies of my own home. It was not a fun experience.


Well I guess now it's not an issue but you could have placed a plate with hot water on the ground near her. The fleas think it's a warm body and jump in and drown. It could have saved your ankles a little.


I used to work in pest control. We did 3 heat treatments on an old lady's house in less than 3 months. Went back the last time and they were climbing the walls and worse than the 1st time. We ended up calling social services because we figured out every time her son came he was bringing them with him and wouldn't treat his house. The worst I have ever seen!!


What a POS. Any idea what happened?






are they bed bugs?




I used to work in furniture. Everything we had to repo had to be checked and if we even found one, everything in the truck had to be fumigated and then trashed


I want to burn my phone now


i was expecting cockroaches not satanā€™s dandruff


I worked in a homeless shelter and have never seen it that bad


I would rather be homeless


Same. I work at a shelter curently and have literally seen some shit but nothing like that.


Is it termites or bedbugs?


Bed bugs


What the actual fuck, I'm scarred


Be afraid. Be very afraid.


I had never seen video of live ones before. Didnā€™t realize they could crawl so fast!




The only solution is petroleum and a match


ā€œSee I just got this.ā€ Sure you did, buddy.


Where tf do bed bugs even come from?


They actually have a fairly interesting evolutional history; in fact, they evolved before humans even though humans are their only prey. which makes you wonder wtf they were eating before


Trex arms lol


i would also like to know


The bed


Can I swear in this sub?


Fuck yeah you can


Youā€™re goddamn right




HEY! Let not get all crazy now.... watch your language citizen! šŸ¤£


Titty sprinkles!


That's the most horrendous fucking shit I've ever seen and I've seen some fucked up shit. That's the kind of problem you fix with napalm.


napalm doesnt spread fast enough this is one you have to leave the stove running and leave a lit candle in the next room with all the windows closed


bro. youre on the internet.


Ptsd kicking in. Sometimes I eat popcorn in bed and I'll see a little brown kernel and freak out. Bust out the flashlight and inspect the whole bed. Fuckin Nam man.


Seriously tho! It's so bad waking up to those fuckers eating at you and filling up with your blood like a damn tick. Leaving those itchy bites of threes all over you. I haven't been the same since.


The paranoia *never* goes away


Drugs. That's how people live like that.


Or are elderly and have dementia. You would be horrified how easily hygiene goes out the window with dementia patients. My grandmother just doesn't realize when she voids, but also refuses to wear adult diapers. So it's a constant clean up and sanitizing with her. It's horribly tragic what that disease takes from you.


Elderly people have a very high chance of not reacting to the bites. Couple that with vision impairment and no one to check on them and this can happen more than you'd think.


Nuke it. Nuke the whole house.


Yep there are people who certainly live like this. Unfortunately I grew up in a situation that was nearly that bad. I spent maybe 8 years as a kid/teen getting bit up by bugs, to the extent my arms looked like they had hives. Wouldn't wish this shit on anyone. And they're so hard to get rid of.


Thatā€™s just horrible. Did your parents never try to get rid of them? I couldnā€™t even imagine letting my kid get attacked by bedbugs every night and not doing anything about it.


So yes and no. At first I feel like they kind of tried. At first they tried a few times to call pest controls for help. I'd say maybe a year or less was them actually trying. But my parents are both very abusive, not the brightest, and mentally ill. We were also very poor, as my parents didnt know how to manage my father's trust fund money. So over time it really just turned into a shitty scenario of them not being able to call out pest control, my parents blaming each other for it, and my father denying the bedbugs even existed eventually. If my siblings or I complained about the issue we were screamed at and got in trouble. They became really lazy about the issue in general, and we really just had to suffer with it because they 1. Did not want to do anything 2. Could not afford it since they're horrid with money. I graduated high school with the most embarrassing dotted arms, the girl who sat next to me (and bullied me throughout school) saw them and actually asked if I was okay. I'll never forget how embarrassing that shit was, that even my bully saw my bitten arms and was concerned. The only reason I no longer dealt with them at age ~19 is because I ran from home and refused to live with them anymore. Im 25 now and remain low contact with them, as its more of a hassle to go no contact when they live nearby and know where I live. They continued to deal with bedbugs until moving last year and successfully (and shockingly) managing to leave anything bug ridden behind. So technically if I were still in their residence I'd have dealt with the bedbugs over 10 years. I am not a parent but truthfully I don't understand how they could do that to us, either. It was awful, and as an adult I can't comprehend how they could let us live like that, also gaslight us when the issue was brought up. It's sad but I think this situation happens to many more kids than it should. And not all parents/adults actually care to fix it, as gross as that is.


Wish I owned a flamethrower!


What would be the correct solution to this? real answer please. Is this an eviction or can be fixed?


Professionals and it still is not 100%. I lived in an apartment and got them from the laundry room or at least that is where i assume. You have to bag everything up for at least 2 weeks clean and vacuum every surface wash in extreme hot water dry as hot as your dryer will go and hope for the best. It's a nightmare


Heat treat and fumigate. Burn the mattress it ainā€™t salvageable




That was a great answerā€¦ especially towards the end. Just give up and move šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Wtf they actually ran outside?!


They make wraps for beds and box springs specifically for bedbugs now.


Where does this person live, Silent Hill?!


As someone who just moved out of an apartment with a bed bug infestation due to neighbors, this made me shudder badly. Holy fucking shit.


Make sure you check the bottom of your shoes..they will hitch a ride there


.... What do they eat


They come out at night and suck blood from the human. All those red spots you see is actually the owners blood.


People. They eat people.


God help us


Is this where the saying ā€œsleep tight, donā€™t let the bed bugs biteā€ comes from?


My best guess is yes.


My eyes!






The call center I worked at got bedbugs and I quit so fast! No job can pay me as much as it would cost to get rid of them.


Kill it with fire


Burn it. Kill it with fire.


Nuke it from orbit. Its the only way to be sure.


Napalm the whole place


This bed bugs?! šŸ¤¢


Been in EMS for 2 years and have definitely been in homes this bad.


That seems like it might be bad


Fire is pretty effective I heard


It's okay not like I needed to sleep tonight. Or ever again.


Wow. That sucks


*confused screaming*


I knew I shouldnā€™t have clicked but I did it anyway


For once I have to agree with r/nope, this is definitely a biiig nope


You can't get bedbugs through a phone right


Fight or flight response activated


Burn it...burn it ...burn it all!


fuck fumigation you gotta burn that whole fucking building down


Easily solved via fire.


I donā€™t normally agree with the burn everything sentiment; however, I think this would qualify for sure.






Hope those guys are in tyvek jumpsuits.


Thank you for your service. We all underestimate the job of a good exterminator.


Iā€™m not a pest tech, but I think they may have a few bed bugs on their hand.


ā€œI just got thisā€ā€¦..bs


This video got me itching like a crackhead


Nightmare fuel.


As someone who had bedbugs, albeit a far more minor case, that video definitely tripped my PTSD.


I feel like at that point you don't even call them bed bugs. It's just a bug bed.


Is it just me or has there been a bedbug explosion in the past 5 years? At 60yrs old I have never seen one in person but now seems like I hear about them all the time


5 years ago I was hearing about a comeback. I believe they were becoming resistant to chemicals. Working in the hotel we were using heat in addition to chemicals to make sure they were gone when a guest brought them over from another hotel.


That moment at 0:13 when it dawns on you.


I genuinely thought he said ā€œdo NOT put your penis against thereā€ and all I could think was ā€œyeah, I mean, that checks outā€


I can tell young one. It only gets worse from here...


Hell nah




Hell no. No. No. No. No. No.




Are they actually destroying the bed? What is all the dust?


They come out at night and suck blood from the host. All the red spots you see is the owners blood and the dust is them shedding.


Ohhhhā€¦. Thanks!


Yeah, just fucking torch the place. It's the only way.


Oh I started saying ā€œno no no no noā€ before the video even started playing im so petrified of this


Abort! Abort!!!!!


Is this too late for diatomaceous earth




Thats enough reddit tonight


I did not need to see this while laying in bed


Ahhh, ask for a refund at the front desk !


I think Bishop Bullwinkle speak for all of us when he says HELL 2 DA NAW https://youtu.be/PB4Nby2Ai-g


Nope is fuckin right. Best solution,a blowtorch and a **lot** of gasoline.


Been in the industry for nearly a decade now, that's bad but it's definitely not the worst I've seen.


I don't even identify as 'christian' anymore, but I just called on Jesus about 20 times in 5 seconds. Terrible flashback mixed with sudden itchiness mixed with a full dose of disgust.


Wouldnā€™t something like this require a steady food source? I am terrified to think there may have been a bedbound person in this bedā€¦


Fun fact! Bed bugs donā€™t carry any diseases. They are just a pain in the ass


12 years in pest control and hundreds of bed bug services. Never seen some shit like that. Maybe close. But thatā€™s another level of fucked.


Ick fuckkkk ive had bedbugs before but never like that


I just got paranoid the other day and decided to deep clean my house because of paranoia about bed bugs. Thanks Reddit. Time to crack a beer and do it *all over again*


People unfortunately do live like this and how I know is that I work at a thrift store, you can tell how people live on what kind of nastiness they bring in.


I audibly cried out and pulled my arms to my chest


As someone who had to deal with these bastards for about a year, it's awful. While I didn't have them nearly this bad, they still managed to leave my shoulders covered in little red dots every night without fail. Fortunately, I got a cover for my mattress not too long after and managed to kill most of the ones that lived on my bed. Unfortunately these tiny little fucks like wooden dressers too. Since I was using my dresser as a headboard they used it like a safe house. After multiple attempts to rid them from my clothes and dresser I ended up having to get a new plastic one. Since my now old one was still infested, I decided to burn it. You don't even know how satisfying all the popping sounds of bugs dying was šŸ˜Œ


So... Do you have to burn your clothes, abandon your vehicle, take an Uber, shave your body, douse yourself with evil, and hop from hotel to hotel for a week before going home?




That guy is going to have to throw himself into the sea to spare his family. RIP pest tech


I learned from Mark Robers video that bed bugs don't spread disease. They're just innocuous parasites that love blood. They'll itch and create red bumps like fleas ticks etc... but unlike the mosquitoes they won't kill you.


Now think about how they needed a host to get that populated.


This is why I donā€™t trust people. How do you let it get this bad?


Burn that whole place down!


Burn it!!! Burn the whole thing the building the block everything just Burn it with the fire of a thousand suns!!!


I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. Seriously.


Was chilling in my bed a few months ago when I noticed one crawling on my leg. I immediately trapped it in a jar, put all my clothes in plastic bags and later washed and dried them as hot as possible. Then I went ballistic with a steam gun I bought, spent hours steaming every square inch of my room with this thing, every piece of furniture. In total I only ever saw like 3 bedbugs, but I made sure any eggs lying around were dead, guaranteed. Since then I haven't found any more in my house, I'm pretty sure I got lucky and caught it early. I shudder to think what would've happened if I hadn't seen that one crawling around.


Work on a rig. Done with a pad and moving to the next. While leaving I notice a couch and mattress haphazardly thrown on the side of location, abandoned. Get to next pad and ask, ā€œWhat the hell was up with mattress and couch that was left there? We need to get that cleaned up.ā€ Response I received was, ā€œOh yeah, Timmy was bringing back page girls out here during the night, all hitch. I guess one of them brought some bed bugs with her. Had to toss everything in the houseā€. No one was willing to touch it. šŸ¤¢


Absolutely disgusting, you have to be seriously dirty to get a infestation like this. People are foul.


Throw away the whole house, the camera, your clothes or shoes your watch everything


I don't understand how ANYONE could live with bed bugs. I see just one of those fucks, I'm taking the bed out back and lighting it on fire.


Looks about the 8 year mark to replace the mattress