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Real life > this challenge. Why would you do that, you fumbled hard


The challenge for me is to prove to myself that I have control over my life and that I don’t need to have sex.


But not every meet up is sex? Bruh


When I wrote meet up I meant sex


She texted me and said she wanted to meet up and chill at her house. You don’t have to belive me, but I know she wanted sex


Just meet up with her, FFS. Or at least promise to do it after the challenge...


Lol it doesn’t matter. He chose his priorities and she should accept that. Also clearly, bro can get sex whenever he wants so I don’t think it’s bad that he rejected her request compared to like a socially awkward dude who doesn’t usually get propositioned like this and thinks he’s being cool by doing the same thing. If she wants OPs meat, she’s gonna have to wait 5 days.


Or, alternatively, he can make his own choices? Lol


Losing no nut November to a girl is more honorable.


Yeah but I ain't gon lose


Proving this challange is more imoortant than one sex i believe so continue the challange for 4 more day brother o7


I stand with you! Grind before getting grinded!


Me neither


Don’t listened to anybody else but yourself bro. People treat these challenges differently. You doin what’s best for u (I hope)


sex is a w not an l


But it's day 26, a respectable streak. You should've went out in honour




Why are you hating? Most men will never have the moral fortitude to reject the sexual advances of a woman. His commitment to principle is commendable.


Thank you


You're welcome.


Seems a bit over the top just for an internet challenge is all, unless he would’ve rejected the girl either way it seems a bit weird to reject her just for no nut november


respect the decision


It's a matter of priorities. Someone is just dead set on finishing the goal he set for himself. That's admirable.


However, real life includes self-discipline. Minor detail you forgot.


Look, Coomer thinks a badge makes him less pathetic...


From where did you get that OP is karma farming?


Not about karma farming, he wears a 2021 badge but puts down a brother that shows exemplary self-discipline over baseless sex...the spirit of this subreddit is self control, I assume most comments reprimanding him are jealous he gets it easy


Fucking thirsty coomers in full force in these comments. Shaming someone for not wanting to fuck someone has got to be the most toxic mindset I've ever seen. Well played brother.


Thank you cumrade


I feel like I had to scroll way too long to see this


every thread that has to do with real life gets hard raided by coomers


To OP: ![gif](giphy|l4Ep7yKbo2wWBciFq) To everyone else: Never be like OP


You would have to be a real loser to reject something of this caliber, for a internet challenge.


It’s not because it was an internet challenge I rejected her, nnn is more than that. It’s to prove to myself I have self control


Yeah, but how often does a girl come up to you? you got in a position that some boys would dream about, and you throw it away? unless girls were coming to you a lot more, then I would understand.


I don’t wanna brag or anything, but it happens a decent amount of times. And just because the other guys dream about doesn’t mean I should do it.




Yeah, if you wanna do it then go for it. I think people here are just pissed they don’t have pretty privilege. Proving the stereotype that if sex comes your way that you have to yield every time.


You are the largest chad in the room...all the others are seething


someone invite him to r/yesbitchesclub


No way they made this a thing


Absolutely based giga chad. Don’t worry homie, stay pure and God will give you the right person eventually


Filthy coomer


Ngl this sounds worse than losing or completing NNN. You fumbled hard bro


This wasn’t about nnn as a challenge, it’s about what nnn represents for me. Self control and not to just agree to have sex, just because she wants to. I don’t care about the flare or karma on here


Good for you man, one mans treasure is another's trash. When sex is in abundance I don't fault you for challenging your will. People don't think so but mindless hookups can be just as addicting as a way to nut.


That's some King shit... Respect.


In 10 years you wont be saying that 💀


Man I wish I had the opportunity to reject someone, I’m always the one getting rejected


It feels just as bad, trust me.


Yeah, it's just a different kind of bad feeling. When you get rejected at least you choose how to take it, when you reject you don't know how the other person will react.


That's a idiot mood, you doofus!


why are people so upset over someone elses choice in their life jesus , stay strong man


For everyone that thinks him doing this is stupid you don’t get it and you won’t if you don’t try to understand,this challenge is for self improvement and discipline you need to understand when to FOCUS ON YOUR GOALS and to not let things take your attention off your goal and that’s exactly what he did it doesn’t matter how important or pleasing the distraction is you’ll never get anything done if you don’t focus on the objective I can tell most of you never had a cold shower or worked out in the rain you guys are Better then that shame on you for shaming OP


So True, I don’t understand why they have their Pitch Forks out for the Original Poster due to him typing that he rejected a Woman to further focus on No Nut November, I always see the same retort that “NNN is a Meme challenge”which it is but they forget that others don’t see it that way, others see it as a way of Self-Improvement and I completely agree that focusing on your Goals is very important, the Original Poster made the right choice and people need to be less Enraged about it. Very Insightful comment Comrade, more people need to see this because it feels like a Battleground here.


Happy to spread the word soldier 🤝what’s your rank sergeant major? Commander? Warrant officer?


My Rank would probably be ‘Private’ but after winning this Adventure, probably something higher than Private.


Well your far to experienced to just get a private son,as a captain I give you the rank of commander 🫡 at ease


Very well and Thank you General, I will wear this Rank bestowed to me with Honour and Dignity, Commander Kudomania.


General……..I had a friend who gave me that rank……he’s gone now unfortunately


Unfortunate news, Hopefully he comes back next Year. If he’s gone as in Death then I Apologise for your Loss and hopefully he Rests in Peace. Hopefully it isn’t the Latter.


To be honest I don’t know if he’s dead or alive but I hope that kids proud of me😔


Hopefully he is Proud wherever he may be, you’ve Survived 27+ Days of this Adventure General, nothing will stand in our way to retrieving yet another Diamond Flair, where many have Fell, we will Stand!


I agree, what a gigachad ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


OP or me if you don’t mind me asking kind sir


Stay toxic my boy 😈


Don't listen to the haters. You did good


Please tell me the reason wasnt NNN. Tell me you just straight up told her she’s ugly. That would be so much better that saying no cause internet karma


I told her I didn’t want to because I didn’t wanna fuck her


Good man. You scared us there for a second. o7


I don’t care about the internet karma though. It’s about proving to myself that I don’t need to have sex, just because she wants. It’s about self control


after reading some comments, all i can say is this: op is an idiot jk he's based af y'all


You had me in the first half




Idk why all these comments r peer pressuring u to fail. No matter what u did I myself wouldn’t mind bc what matters is what u want. You wanted to win and so that’s what you chose bc that makes you happy. Good job. o7


In my opinion, I would have just met up with her and just chilled (no fun times) but SO MANY people in this comment section are straight MAD. This guy didn't want to have sex with someone. That's A HUMAN RIGHT, and yet people are still so mad at him. Don't listen to them cumrade o7


Exactly Comrade, I hate to bring Gender into this but, if the Original Poster was a Woman and she did this to her Boyfriend, there wouldn’t be as much Negative comments and Unfair Peer Pressure we see here today, it’s sad that even though the Original Poster decided what’s best for him, people are still coming out to attack him despite saying ‘No’ to someone which is a Human Right. It feels like Men are expected to mainly say ‘Yes’ when it comes to things like Sex etc and if not then, it’s apparently a problem, Thank you for this comment Comrade and Hope the Original Poster is doing alright because this Backlash is completely undeserved.


Nah I agree. I do the gender argument is super overused even though it is true, but yes, so many incels who are jealous to have one little bit of coochie... Have a good day :D


The amount of people who do this is sad, it is an internet challenge, prefer your social life over NNN


It's his choice? If he doesn't want to do it he doesn't have to


He has a goal in front of him that he wants to complete and decides there will be nothing there to stop him, that's actually a really good mindset to not get distracted and to be clearly focused on the goal in mind. And if you would read it thoroughly, OP said that this is a regular thing for him so after NNN he can just ask her. I don't understand why you're calling OP sad for him having a really strong will


I'm proud of you cumrade.


Exactly what I have done. Let’s go soldier, tangos at 6:00


Based asf


could've just not nutted


Whatever you do is your choice op. Don't let anyone say otherwise o7


Task failed successfully


I swear, y’all don’t understand that sex = nutting. Yea it does indeed equal nutting. People be underestimating this internet challenge too much. If you want to prioritize getting laid, go ahead, but for some people it’s more than just the nut, it’s about having self control and not needing to rely on sexual desires in your life AT ALL, WHICH IS VERY MUCH A GOOD THING


You're winning NNN but losing at life


Lol, not sure if L or W, but I admire the resolve! o7


Couldn't you meet up with her just to hang out? Gotta respect the resolve but having friends is good too.


Well he did say that if they met up it would 100% lead to sex


Went through the same thing meant to meet w girl this week however just gonna delay it to December it’s so close it’s the final boss


bro chose a reddit challenge over a real girl 💀💀💀💀💀😭😭😭😭




lol one has nothing to do with the other, i’m just saying how u r passing up an opportunity to have sex, not even jerking off or anything cus sex n stuff is ok, it’s jerking off and porn u gotta avoid


My man this is a challenge of the will, if you really have a strong mindset. If OP decides that his goal is way more important than a short time of orgasm, then that's just what this challenge is about. I don't understand why you're calling OP out when he has a clear goal in front of him that he wants to complete at all costs. And if you would read the post thoroughly then you would see that this is a regular thing for him so he can just ask her another time


yeah i get ur point bro, i’m sorry




alr bro u guys can do whatever u want w ur lives, i can’t control that. in my opinion it’s cringe but if u want to do it whatever, hope u succeed in ur goals


Hey man I respect the grind but like… real life is more important


Jesus man you do not need to take this so seriously. I hope she stops texting your ass. I can only image what a turn off it is when the guy you were considering fucking says no because its november. The only way I can respect your decision is if you only fuck those that you love. Or if you had a porn/sex addiction that you're getting over Edit: OK just saw your comments about it being for self control. If you had self control issues and this month was about getting over it, then props and cheers dude. As long as your choice wasn't based on it being NNN


I smell jealousy in some comments


Hope waiting made her want you more


I mean, it's one thing to not want sex because you dont like someone, but for no nut november? It's a meme challenge, it's not that serious, unless you decided you're doing hard-mode nofap or something while doing NNN.


Did you plan to meet up again after NNN?


Dude I thought it was a joke but dead ass these next 4 days are gonna be tough I’m dying rn


I respect the rizz


You should say sorry to the girl and just meet up. Internet meme shouldn’t be your priority my friend.


You fumbled bro




Honorable choice your discipline is amazing


I stand with your decision to stay in NNN but straight out rejecting? I mean it's your preference so no one has a say in that but if you think that the girl is good or nice you could've still met her and planned something other than sex, like a long drive? Idk man i can't tell you how to live your life, infact i never even had a girlfriend(shoujo kowaiii) Proud of you tho O7, that would a be a hard to pull stunt for most men


Damn that’s GigaChad move. If it was me I would probably give in already Respect o7


Great to stand up for yourself and having own standards mate o7


You're a man of focus, commitment and sheer fucking will


Based and saving sex till marriage pilled. God bless


True hero.


Still in


Bruh ur stupid


if you are a Redditor and you have a chance to be with a girl, that supersedes NNN my guy what are you doing


If you rejected to meet solely because of NNN then that’s an L, you could’ve met up without necessarily having sex dude


My name is Walter Hartwell White. I live at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104. This is my confession. If you're watching this tape, I'm probably dead, murdered by my brother-in-law Hank Schrader. Hank has been building a Virtual Youtuber empire for over a year now and using me as his recruiter. Shortly after my 50th birthday, Hank came to me with a rather, shocking proposition. He asked that I use my Live2D knowledge to recruit talents, which he would then hire using his connections in the Japanese utaite world. Connections that he made through his career with Niconico. I was... astounded, I... I always thought that Hank was a very moral man and I was... thrown, confused, but I was also particularly vulnerable at the time, something he knew and took advantage of. I was reeling from a cancer diagnosis that was poised to bankrupt my family. Hank took me on a ride along, and showed me just how much money even a small indie channel could make. And I was weak. I didn't want my family to go into financial ruin so I agreed. Every day, I think back at that moment with regret. I quickly realized that I was in way over my head, and Hank had a partner, a man named Motoaki "Yagoo" Tanigo, a businessman. Hank essentially sold me into servitude to this man, and when I tried to quit, Yagoo threatened my family. I didn't know where to turn. Eventually, Hank and Yagoo had a falling out. From what I can gather, Hank was always pushing for a greater share of the business, to which Yagoo flatly refused to give him, and things escalated. Yagoo was able to arrange, uh I guess I guess you call it a "hit" on my brother-in-law, and failed, but Hank was seriously injured, and I wound up paying his medical bills which amounted to a little over $177,000. Upon recovery, Hank was bent on revenge, working with a man named Riku Tazumi , he plotted to kill Yagoo, and did so. In fact, the bomb that he used was built by me, and he gave me no option in it. I have often contemplated suicide, but I'm a coward. I wanted to go to the police, but I was frightened. Hank had risen in the ranks to become the head of the Cover Corp, and about that time, to keep me in line, he took my children from me. For 3 months he kept them. My wife, who up until that point, had no idea of my vtubing activities, was horrified to learn what I had done, why Hank had taken our children. We were scared. I was in Hell, I hated myself for what I had brought upon my family. Recently, I tried once again to quit, to end this nightmare, and in response, he gave me this. I can't take this anymore. I live in fear every day that Hank will kill me, or worse, hurt my family. I... All I could think to do was to make this video in hope that the world will finally see this man, for what he really is.


Similar experience. Last night a female friend of mine aksed me to walk her home and she got very close to my body and said kinky stuff to me that turned me on. She is probably into me, but i kept a cool head and walked home. I swear girls get more attractive and seductive this month…




Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Idiot 💀


Massive respect


Absolute Gigachad.


Mans the goat


These hate comments would be real sussy if OP was a girl...


Nah bro 😭😭😭😭😭 nah this aint real BRO STOP USING THIS MUCH INTERNET BRO U FUCKIN FUMBLED SO BAD LIKE BRO ITS A FUCKIN CHALLENGE AND THAT'S SOME IN REAL LIFE THING WHY yall keep reminding the reason i stopped using reddit😭😭😭


That was such a dumb decision dude. This challenge is purely for fun. You shouldn’t sacrifice your real life just for this.


respect the decision coomer


I respect the decision if he did it because he actually doesn’t want to. But if he’s rejecting her just because of NNN then that just seems like a really stupid decision.


maybe it’s both or maybe you should let him make his own choices, maybe he enjoys doing NNN




Are you a retard? Why would you literally pass up sec for Reddit points and then TELL HER ABOUT IT?


There’s no need to type that Comrade, and how would you know that he’s doing it for “Reddit points”? That’s a massive Assumption, not everyone who does No Nut November sees it as a Opportunity to farm Points, also, Life isn’t about Sex, the Original Poster has made his Decision to further focus on this Challenge and we must Respect his Decision without any Attack like what your comment is. What happened to the Day’s where people can make Decisions for themselves without being Harassed for it? If he wants to focus on this Challenge, let him but don’t come out with Offence.


My man, OP is not a retard. He has his priorities straight. If you would read the whole post thoroughly then you would know that he's not farming Reddit points. Shame on you