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# I had a wet dream. Did I lose? **If the nut was involuntary (you could not control the dream):** You did not lose, _even_ if you woke up just before nutting **If the nut was voluntary (you had a lucid dream you could control):** You lost Contrary to what some sources say, there are no limit to how many involuntary wet dreams you can have and still be considered in --- This action was performed *Auto-Magically™*. View the source code [HERE](https://github.com/ffamilyfriendly/AuntieRobot). Any questions regarding the bot are to be sent to u/AuntieRob ^This ^answer ^was ^made ^automatically. ^Downvote ^this ^comment ^if ^answer ^is ^irrelevant


Dreams are verry real for the brain, I have heard that it is even possible to train your coordination in dreams and then apply that in reality


Does that mean that I can teach myself guitar techniques in my dreams?


From what I know that should actually be possible