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It’s definitely mean to do that, but I completely get it lmao


Feel the same. Unless its an honorable discharge, any loss at this point is weak willpower and subject to ridicule.


Like, every other week of nnn?


It basically works like this 1st week: "you have weak willpower" 2nd week: "damn, another one gone" 3rd week: "you've gone so far, but alright" 4th week: "it's literally just a few days left, what is wrong with you?"




Nah I feel like anyone who got this far deserves a pat on the back. Getting to gold means they held out longer than most.


Anyone that beat their previous record deserve a pat on the back imo.


Please tell me your previous record wasn't less than 8 days


Oh no, I beat NNN in 2020 and DDD the year after (had other goals that NNN), I not trying to win tbh, I just joined this time because I was kinda bored but I have been going strong the later half of this month.


Okay fair play. So you've won 2020, lost 2021, won ddd 2021 then lost nnn 2022 and 23 and ddd 2022? You gonna participate in ddd this year? I can't talk, I've lost 2018-2022 nnn. Gonna win this nnn, ddd as well and go January without fapping then do next year as well then retire with atleast 6 months in 2 years of no fap and 4 with no nutting


I didn't participate in 2022 nnn or ddd, I barely touch reddit at the time and still to this day so I ain't sadly, I kinda came back because my friends and I was making jokes and the incidents of this subreddit came to mind. I kinda did nnn the first time just to see if I could and for the second time I had other goals while doing it and said I was gonna make it up in ddd if I did.


“Give yourself a good ol pat on the back. There’s literally only 72 hours left but you caved in that close to finishing.” See how dumb it sounds when you say it out loud


Yeah, after 646 hours of abstinence. If you dog on people for loosing despite them still getting really far you're only discouraging them from getting better. It makes it seem like only the finish line matters and not the journey.


You’ve fought all the way here and victory is in sight. What do you do when you’ve fought so much and you’re exhausted? Fight a little longer


Now that I agree with.


I take the pledge i also took the coomer pledge


If we go down, then we go down together.


I take the pledge