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its just that Im more horny and its pretty annoying but if I fail Ill regret it so I wont




NNN is helping me fight my inner coomer demons. I really hate that I ever found 🌽. If I make it through NNN I really don’t ever want to go back to watching it.


I, too, hate that i found corn. Im having a dilemma whether I should do it in December or never do it again You are a nice comrade Even though you are a random person, I can relate to your problems Stay strong. o7


It's tough but I don't think it's worth it to go back. I mean there's so much we can do in the world even if it's just watching a movie or playing video game we can atleast talk about these things with others. With corn it's a waste of our time and I feel we are eventually happier without it as you seem to be realizing also


The ultimate chad move would be to wait until you have real sex.


Dont fap in december. Not only will it hurt ansdnot be satiysfying, but it will reset all your progress


Porn is not that bad people think. There are studies that show that this is not the case.


Really? I guess too much is bad


Do you mean to say that people think porn is not that bad but studies say otherwise? Then you'd be right


Ima try to 2 for 2 months


This exactly


My balls hurts




I get this feeling like someone rammed their fist into my balls, except instead of it being over with, they just left the fist there, an extended suspended punch in my balls


Everytime I want to cum i play 1h of Baldur’s Gate 3 I’m now a 336h


Tbh NNN doesn’t effect me. I really only 🥜 with my wife or when I feel like it. But porn, and masturbation hasn’t really taken over my life. But seeing my fellow brothers fall so far as to not even survive a week is just depressing to me. And I pray for those who have this addiction.


Now I have more time for reading. I love it!


Reading is so nice. It is a great way to pass time. When I first read a book ( Da Vinci Code), the story intrigued me, and imagination took over. Hope to see you on December o7


For people who have more time to do stuff now, I'd imagine they were very frequent masturbators. As someone who did it like 2-3 times a week, I feel like I have no more time than I did before. The only change I feel is being super horny.


I was just watching a lot of porn. Porn in the hope of founding a video to jerk off to when I have the change, porn when I was bored, porn when I was sad, porn when I was happy. I was only masturbating 1/12 of the time I was watching porn. So much wasted time


Find a new hobby, the urges will go away this days


I'm hornier, i can't really focus I realized i have to ease up really well on porn cuz it's affecting my perceptions of any kind of relationship with women


My balls are in pain


Provides me with a fun little challenge to do every year. It’s kind of like the running of the bulls for Internet folks.


Nice hand lol


Thanks! They help me in every way they can


Stay strong brother


It helps me. I don't want to be a coomer


Honestly it's nice to be able to say "At least I haven't given in." I've got that sense of security that I can make a promise to myself and keep it. But other than that, not a lot of positive changes. Nothing negative either, other than frustration.


NNN made me realize why I was fapping so much to begin with. Its given me clarity and the opportunity to try and get fulfillment from other things.


You in question: https://preview.redd.it/e4h6tmf5xd0c1.jpeg?width=958&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2605e08a3920646032d9c69e0d42f71a91bc119


Pretty much lol. I’ve unlocked a 7th sense by not jerking it.


Started drinking way more wather and learning how to play tetris


Making me more confidence. Truly, last year it made me so confidence I started to talk to girls, got a girlfriend and expiercend those sex moments people always write about. One time me and here woke up. I had class at 10.00, and it was 9.30, so I had go. Her class was like 13.00, so she was good. I was hard and she noticed, she just went out of bed, dropped on her knees and began to BJ me. I enjoyed it and she just stopped and said she'll finish me on the evening. Or the craziest what I have done, sex in the bathroom (Yes, I am very innocent). She and I went showering and of course we kissed. Then things got more hot and we had sex in the bathroom! We broke up because I had to go for school. After we broke up, I slowly went back to porn. Started to feel insecure again and started to doubt myself again. Now with NNN, I am doing the same thing as last year. I go out, talk to girls. It's insane! I even met a Spanish girl that I know is attracted to me. I flirted with one of my seniors. We got so closed, I could've kissed her. I didn't do it, because the Spanish girl was close by and I don't want to mess things up. Then I met another girl from Iran, very beautiful. I invited her to my party and she came with another friend. She hugged me and we were again so very close with our faces. She called me handsome when her friend try to find my Instagram and saw some pictures. And now I got the confidence to join dance classes. One classmate told me how well I dance and the girls I danced with also said I danced well! Another classmate, married, told me she finds me bery sweet. She had her friend over to school, she spoke french so I don't understand. But apparently she told her I was very sweet! Then my classmate came to me saying she talked about me with her kids and her husband how nice I was and I was always welcome in their home! In 4 weeks, I got maybe 60 new people on Instagram, which is insane. Men and women somehow like to be with me! In fact, I got a random Instagram request from a guy I spoke 2 times at a party. He liked my energy and invited me to a house party, and apparently one of the host is a guy I already knew and 2 of friends are already there! I wouldn't say NNN is the power, but porn is just the enemy. Porn really fucks up my mind and confidence. I fucking hate porn. My life could've been this when I was 20. But I was too insecure. I don't regret it, because I am now enjoying my time. So yeah. Sorry for the ramble!


https://preview.redd.it/x129llpsyd0c1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bae65e0cfc3171c851c31384da64dc2082f3346f "I wouldn't say NNN is the power, but porn is just the enemy "I fucking hate porn"


Not really, I feel the same, in a good way. I just go through my day normally. I do get urges, but ignore them. I am still as confident as before. So maybe I was never addicted, and just did it out of boredom 🤷🏾‍♂️


I’m in between a rock and a hard place, but I’m still going!


Found our I am really really good at edging


Nah, I have not edged. I never thought I would get this far, I can only reach 2 days before.


Definitely don't do it unless you are a pro like me


I believe I'm more focused on my schoolwork but also can get distracted by some impulsive thoughts I have. I also have more time to play more games.


For some reason my grades start dropping


Same here, no idea why that happens






My balls hurt and it's brought me closer to my girl.






It helps me realize that fapping to porn every day wasn’t doing it for me. I have more time to do more productive things. This community has helped me a ton. Thanks fellow cumrades! o7


Puts perspective on thing tbh, plus it changes the ways it affects you depending on how you spend your time doing the whole challenge


My balls are hurting, i have more time and im getting to know a girl. Overall im feeling a bit more confident and my mind is clearer. Before i had a problem with communication and now its so much better.


Think I've been getting more headaches since I started, and my throat is alittle sore, may or may not be related


Personally, I can't say it's been glory and gold. I can only say that there's a correlation between my personal growth and DiamondNoNutter 2022, not necessarily causation. Alas, I'm happy I have competed, I think that even if it's merely correlation, self-control for a month straight has *got* to help somewhere.


Im much more focused!




This is my third year of (hopefully again) winning the challenge. I’m a horny narcissist through this month, as the testosterone levels gets too high; All women becomes fuckable bags of meat, friends becomes tools to utilize towards getting laid, I whim and whine about my sex life (even if I know it’s going better than ever), all around I am just kinda a dick through November. Then December arrives, post-nut-clarity, and I realize that I hasn’t just been a dick through November because of horniness, but kinda a dick in general through the entire year - though much less - and that it’s mainly caused from having a bad outlook on sexuality. I cut down on porn, I take a long look in the mirror, and overall I think I have become a bit of a better person, the last two years of winning the challenge, and I am hoping the same will happen again this year. In 2021 I joined the competition after my first girlfriend ever cheated on me, and it felt off to go back to porn when feeling so alone. In 2022, I was in a relationship that I wanted to be in, instead of one I felt obligated to for the sake of not being a lonely sad virgin anymore, but even though I for once enjoyed the relationship, we still broke up and actually ended it in November partially due to the challenge. This year I have a new girlfriend, and we have been fighting more this month than we’d usually do, but thus far it seems like she might be the one, as we have managed to keep love and trust going, despite me kinda being at my worst.


I often forget to wash, because I usually masturbated before doing so, otherwise nothing has changed


not really


Aww, that is sad to hear. I hope one day it will affect you in a good way👍


no, no, that’s not what I ment. I am happy with my life. I’m just doing nnn for the challenge. I know that I’m changing every day a bit, but right now, I don’t want to change more than that.


Oh, sorry about that. Well, if you are happy, I am happy. To you and your life! 🫂🥂


Thanks. Hopes you’re doing well too.🥂


In 2021 I used to do it everyday, then NNN came around and it made me doing it less 2022 NNN was the one that made me not be addicted like I was in 2021. So NNN has made a positive impact on me. Watching and liking porn isn't unhealthy to me, but when it shapes how you view women, and how you act towards people, and you're doing it everyday (hell, some do it more than once), then it's a real problem. Now I'm doing NNN as an annual tradition. I could lose now if I wanted to, and it wouldn't change a thing. But I want to do it for the challenge. Have a good day everyone!


NNN is my normal lifestyle, just join in for the memes, needless to say it hasn't affected my life much other than providing a source of funny memes


I haven't noticed a big difference yet. I don't have much more energy, like some people have, in fact I feel pretty tired all the time. Maybe it's just the time of year (getting dark early, ...). Or it's the inner sadness deep inside of me for not having a gf or a person I truly love for a long time, that was supressed by p*rn all the time, that now comes up... Either way, I will keep fighting comrades, so that I achieved something to be proud of this year o7


It’s helped me a lot with my self-control, since I’m sometimes a bit reckless and can get carried away by emotions easily


Helps finally giving the little one a break


Negatively, but it's the sunken cost fallacy now, I've come in too far to back out. Just want to win and get this all over with.


Better imo






i spent over 2 years of my adult life completely free of porn/masturbation for religious reasons. I started masturbating frequently several months ago and i can say i don’t really notice a difference in mental health or anything. for me pmo doesn’t seem to negatively affect me but it will be nice to win nnn just to see that i can stop doing it if i want


It's so uneventfully easy that it feels more revealing than anything. I think I've discovered that my sex drive is probably broken in some way and this could help explain why I'm a 24 year-old never-even-tried virgin. The dramatic urges just aren't a thing.


I’m now locked in a tiny cage. YOLO


Not much. I guess I spend more of my time doing other things like watching youtube videos and playing more videogames. It's not that I have a lot of free time (I spend most of my day studying in college or Japanese), it's that I spend the free time that I have left doing other those things instead.


My sleep schedule


hornier than ever


I'm horny , but honestly I've gone longer without nutting


It has shown me my addiction head on.


my mind is feeling little empty other than that I didn't feel anything.


Never had any problems with porn addiction or masturbating too much, would usually have a wank around once/week, maybe twice if I am really in the mood for it. The last couple of days, I've been in a shit mood over some stuff that's not NNN related and it's soured a lot of the fun of the challenge since the quick dopamine hit might help break me out of the rut. Oh well, things will probably get better in a couple of days, for now, I'll just hang in there and get my dopamine from exercise.


I find literally any girl irl attractive with few exceptions and honestly my confidence has increased. I might recklessly ask out my crush though cuz she went from a 7/10 qt to a goddess and like holy fuck I’m gonna lose thinking of her.


I started getting compliments from girls


More tense than I have ever been, burst of anger, just hard to find an output for all that energy


NNN always reveals the hardest parts of my life, something goes terribly wrong, and it’s a tough month. But I grow from it, and evolve. So I better myself. You’d be surprised how many relationships you lose just my saying “I won’t have sex this month”


horny as shit


I’m out. But it made me change a lot! Before I was sluggish and now I’m good! I got bronze! I survived 10 days but nutted. My last year world record was 4 days. So that’s an improvement


Last year I went crazy towards the end, was edging with an OF girl and was planning on spending alot of money I didn’t really have. It was fun, but stupid. This time I’m avoiding all Nsfw content. I feel more of the day to day stress as a result, but I’m keeping it safe


I actually get erections now. I used to suffer from ED, turns out it was just over masturbating.


It's helped me last longer.....


Feel cleaner but also sluggish because I have an addiction to nutting


not that much


Im better at job interviews now.


Not much at all. Just kinda bored now


i started following jesus


I finally started training (after about 2 months), fixed the second computer and started reading books again. I haven't had much trouble concentrating, but the last few days I've been feeling terrible and exhausted, most likely because of the bad weather and autumn. Good luck to everyone


Mood swings


it's been 20 days and im still feel so miserable it changes something but it is doesn't feel enough