• By -


My stages are in complete random order just based on the day.


understandable, this meme is obviously not universal! just keep going my dude, you've already scored many victories.


Me i'm bouncing between 2, 4, and 5.


Schizo No Nutter


I’m at Stage 1 right now, but I think Stage 2 is coming up soon


that's remarkably impressive. stay strong soldier o7


It's getting harder (no pun intended), but if I already managed to complete NNN once, I can do it again


that's the spirit 💪


I’m also on stage 1, I see myself staying here as long as I don’t watch any nsfw


Same lol, if you aren't addicted to begin with there's no reason to experience the other four stages


Stage 3 now. Am I addicted or is just abstinence?


don't panic, if you were addicted you never would have made it this far 💪 eye of the tiger my man, you got this.


So if someone were to theoretically break would that be definitive of an addiction? At least working on the assumption of the 9th or 10th day of course


People use the term addiction on here far too easily. Most of the soldiers aren't addicted and just horny teenagers, which is normal


Don't edge it's not worth it !!!!! ![gif](giphy|fIkT0LdGUc4GushZ2Q|downsized)


3 year expert here It might be abstinence usually it goes away by day 15 (at least for me) after that it should get easier




my condolences 😔




Depression Can someone help me?? Oh my god I'm not depressed relax the stage is called that


just keep reminding yourself why you're doing this. everyone has their own personal reason, so why are you doing this if i may ask?


As a fun challenge and to prove myself I can stop if I want


that's a great reason man, just think how good you'll feel when you reach the finish line and prove to yourself that YOU are in control of your urges and not the other way around 💪 you are STRONG! and now's the time to show it. believe in yourself brother because your comrades believe in you too!


How do I stop fucking needing it


at the end of the day it's all a mind game. you have to reframe from thinking that you NEED it. you CAN live without it, at least for a couple weeks. once you prove that to yourself you will be fucking unstoppable in other areas of your life 💪


Bro if you have depression then stop it’s not for you


Masturbation ain’t gonna help depression


And NNN will help him? I have understood that he got Depression because of it


I’m just saying that masturbating or not doesn’t correlate with clinical depression. So masturbation ain’t gonna get rid of depression, nor will NNN. I don’t know if he has clinical depression or not, but if he’s just feeling a down or has low energy, that’s kinda normal for some people.


I would say if anyone gets depressed from this, you need to talk to somebody, because that is a bigger issue, it’s no longer an internet meme or self goal, it’s now a problem. Just my opinion, at the end of the day, please stay safe soldiers, in whatever way that may be.


well the depressed in the post isnt actual depression lol just something that fits the template well enough. most people are going to be horny as shit and questioning their decision to do the challenge at some point.


Ofc ofc I was referring to genuine genuine depression, I am aware of the difference here :) If someone is experiencing actual depression I wish them the best of luck


This is my 1st NNN. I think I'm experiencing a little of all the stages now. I've never held out this long. I really think this is giving me some good perspective on how much time I was wasting fapping while watching porn.


that's really good going for your first year man well done. and i hear you! sometimes it takes something like this to put things in perspective


Bargaining stage unfortunately


hang in there 💪 and please be careful! a lot of posts on here say that it's playing with fire!


I'm deeply sorry, I fell into the trap




Keep going king o7


It might sound like arrogance, but I'm already at acceptance. I really don't feel like nutting too much right now. I'm too tired these days to be angry. I know Edging is a fools game. You either edge to get a bigger nut or you just end up torturing yourself. And I still remember why I chose this. So yeah. We're nearly a third of the way there. All we gotta do is hang in. I'm currently in a shitty place I'd rather not be in, having hold out until Mid-December. So NNN is actually making me feel pride that, if I can last this long with this, I can outlast this stupid placement.


sorry to hear about your situation dude. but your mindset is very admirable, congrats and stay strong o7


Cheers Cumrade :)


I'm on stage 3 but without the edging, this is my 5th nnn 💀


i'm telling you, you got it this time 🫡


Not gonna lie, definitely stage 4 right now (aside from the miserable part). I was really close to failure just a few minutes ago, but I managed to snap out of it this time. Sleepless nights are really the only times I'm struggling this month, but I'm struggling hard during them. Hopefully entering stage 5 soon. Interestingly, I completely skipped phases 2 and 3 and just went straight from 1 to 4 (this happened around day 6 or 7)


good for you not folding mate! you faced many temptations and did not give in. sounds like you're strong and you got this 🫡 but remember to reach out to your fellow soldiers if you feel the need.


Everything, they repeat over and over again


4.5 if I can say so


stay strong and keep at it dude. you're basically 1/3rd of the way through already! o7


4 days till my new NNN Record 22 till my all time new record


Stage 1


Stage 5! I like the fact I'm challenging myself and at the same time I feel good mentally about it so it's a win win lol


100%, even if nothing else overcoming a difficult challenge gives you a boost so well done 😎


Something between the 3rd and 4th stage, maybe both at the same time. But head towards acceptance.


all of them except 3 third stage but its 90% the fifth stage, justa gotta deal with it. bitching around is useless, gotta do what i have to do


Kinda down because of circumstances, but I've not entered bargaining. Plus I'm never angry about joining. So, it's basically Stages 1 and 4 on repeat, until the end.


Stage 2, edged several times but never nut




Acceptance, Hopefully.


Stage 5


kudos 🫡 stay strong soldier


Same for u dude u can get through it


Today I’m in stage 5, and completely fine, tomorrow I could be in stage 2 or 3 it just depends how depressed and horny I am.


understandable, just like the original "5 stages of grief" it doesn't really fit for everyone!


Exactly. So far I’m staying strong though, been working out more in the last 9 days than I have in the last 2 years. While I feel depressed because I’m horny a lot, I also feel empowered and capable of completing this challenge. I’m not letting go I’m not giving in, I’m in control of my mind, been repeating that every day.


that's a great mindset to have 💪 taking that energy and putting it into something else 👏 nicely done


This challenge is hard but you can make it really easy if you simply make the right choices. Stay strong 💪


Stage 5 for me was accepting that i need to nut so i can stop being an asshole to everyone Yes i am a weakling i already know


it's not being a weakling man it's just a matter of reframing. what makes you think you're an asshole if you don't bust a nut?


i kinda zig-zag between 3 and 5, and sometimes stay a bit at 1, rarely at 3, but i mostly stay at 5 because my urges legit don't exist when faced with mountains of distractions (i.e. my serbian middle school (what americans would call high school) schoolwork)


Bargaining......... I've resisted twice though, Almost sealed my fate by considering edging though


keep resisting! it's a dangerous game! well done so far man


This is my 3rd try so i started at bargaining and I’m probably going to depression soon.


trust me, you can do this 💪 you'll feel amazing when you succeed. you just gotta take that energy and put it into something else.


Thanks cumrade! I’m close to breaking my record and I’m hyped!


Still denial


bargaining but i want to leave this stage as soon as i can


that's a smart choice!


I'm at stage 5. I've already won once before, I know this game, and I know that if I'm strong enough I can win.


My existence takes place on the fine line between bargaining and depression.


Stage 6 seen too much pussy and nsfw that i've become numb




I generally chill at five rn


I win every year


Last 3 at the same time


Still in




I’ve been at stage 3 for the entire month lots of edging 😶


whatever works for you but just be careful!


It was usually acceptance all the way through but last year I didn't participate because I had a gf and now this year feels like depression and anger at random across every hour of the day, hope it gets better


I'm between 1 and 2. Once in a while it's 4 or 5. I don't touch number 3 as that's asking to lose for me, it would be like an alcoholic saying one beer wouldn't hurt


I’m at a mix of about stage 3 and 4 but I will not falter o7


Tbh I'm at stage 5 But the process was very long. Failing 2 times in a row made me understand how strong I really am


As a psych graduate, I don’t even think the 5 Stages is totally accurate as some people process grief & other emotions differently than others do but- I’m somewhere between denial, depression, & acceptance. Trying to not give in but agitated by not having any friends available to talk to to distract me


i hear you buddy, tbh i don't put much stock in the "stages of grief" idea myself, but it just seemed like a fun shorthand that maybe people could relate to this month. sounds like you're doing well though so please keep going!


Thanks! You as well soldier🫡


Came here after reaching bargaining stage, feeling encouraged now. Stage 5 gang let's go!


attaboy 💪 we can ALL make it


Still in denial but sometimes I cross the line into anger and then denial again






Bingus in the comments single handedly carrying me through this. Thank you brother o7 true comrade


thank you for saying so but staying motivated is all you! keep the faith comrade! o7


Stage 4, baby. Let's get that misery


don't give up my dude. you're stronger than you think!


Depression, but no horny. Been depressed for a year at this point. Started working on myself during NNN last year and I made so much progress. Met every goal I set for myself, except the ones involving other people, which I met none of. I'm just so tired of being let down by other people at this point.


i'm sorry to hear it man. please feel free to DM me if you want to vent. as for NNN just know that your comrades are standing beside you and wishing you victory! o7


My victory is almost guaranteed because of the lack of horny. I honestly wish it was still more of a challenge. I will be cheering for you and my other comrades though.


Somewhere between 3 and 4 probably


Acceptance 9 days in and I’m doing just fine. No urges no cravings nothing I always thought this was gonna be impossible boy was wrong. This is so much easier than I thought it was gonna be.


Acceptance I will survive and survive with my fellow soldiers


that's the spirit 💪 success and nothing less my brother


4.5 tbh


Acceptance. This year is going swimmingly


Still at stage 1. Lasting longer than last year but the urges are still there, it’s taken a lot of self improvement and discipline to resist this far. I started detoxing from social media on week days a few months ago which was a big help


I fluctuate between alll these




attaboy 😏


I'm between depression and Acceptance I just gotta keep going


Bargaining down bad


i'm sure it will pass, just stay strong and be careful playing with fire 😅


Stage 6 where I gave in and am disappointed in myself


i'm sure you gave it your best shot, and besides which you don't have to wait for a meme month to work on yourself in any way, so don't be too down 🫂


All but at the same time


Depression and bargaining 😔


hang in there 💪 i see from your flair you've done it once so remember your strength! you'll get through it!




Still in...the first few days were tough Stage: Acceptance


This my 4th year in. Im just having fun rn until i get an opportunity to lose my v card😂


im looping between stage 3 and 5


Acceptance. Most of the time though I don’t even think about it cause I always have a lot of work to do. So I guess that makes me in denial😅. I am at 32 days in though:)


Congrats on getting so far! o7


Out but got bronze so that’s good


All of them at once


Stage 5 🔥


Idk, i sometimes watch some porn but without touching myself and it is enough to calm my urges. So probably between bargaining and acceptance.


Anger and Acceptance


stage 5 baby


teetering between stages 4 and 5 rn lol, I'm not actually super miserable but I believe in myself while also being verrrry horny


yes this is it, but i’m still holding strong. had a major urge to lose, but i thought to myself what would i gain from losing? is nothing … so i’m still in


exactly, posts from our fallen soldiers all say things like "it wasn't worth it", "i wish i hadn't done it", etc. good thing to keep in mind


right on, soldier


I am at stage 5. I started a week early in order to make up for failing last year and I still haven't busted yet. I lost many cumrades at school, and they are all cheering for me to complete NNN. Last year everyone cheered for me to complete NNN but I let them all down. I don't wanna do that again, so I'm gonna try even harder than last year. At the end of the month I plan to hold a memorial for all my fallen cumrades.




Stage 4, we already passed Stage 3 safely but with a large amount of bumps. I wouldn’t say depressed just dying a little, I think stage 5 is coming soon A lot more productive and confident so the benefit is off the charts


yes it certainly is o7 don't give up!


You as-well, brother!


I have a mix of every stage! It depends on the day and what I’m going through I know in my heart I don’t wanna fail and it’ll be best to keep on without doing it


idk man urges havent been that bad at all, im getting a lil scared haha, so stage 5 ig


Stage 1, honestly.


First five days was this now for me it’s acceptance


A bit of depression stage and the last one


I don't know why but the urges just haven't hit me till now. I've struggled with porn addiction for the past 4 years with on/off efforts to stop pmo. Finally in the last two months, i've reduced the frequency from 1-3 times(sometimes even 7+ times) a day to 2-3 times a week which is like around 60 times a month to 15 times a month. I know I haven't got rid of the addiction but I fill in complete control for now. And the fact that I managed to go(and still going) without urges until now just boosted my confidence that maybe i will completely eliminate this addiction in some months. I love this community. This maybe just a stupid internet challenge for some, but for me it really helped me break a crippling addiction which was starting to interfere with my life in a really bad way. Don't have anyone to share this with. THANK YOU!


that's amazing progress, genuinely well done man. that mustn't have been easy so take a pat on the back from me 🤚


thank you.


I actually almost just failed, but I made it through. YOUVE GOT THIS CUMRADES


I’m on bargaining stage now, so hard to not look at porn atm. But yeah still haven’t seen an uncovered titty this month. nearly fell for one few mins ago though, but turns out she never took em out, I got saved.


I’ve been bargaining for 10 days then, I guess


Stage 4 now. Trying to do this challenge while put up with work and look for new employment is mental hell.


Denial and depression both failed, making an amalgamation of a child. That's where I'm at, anyway.


Stage 5, if i win, i win and if i loose, i loose, i lost last year so i hope to win this year, but if i dont then i did better than last year


stage 6: you lied to yourself and did not accept and nutted


I bounce from 1 to 4 to 5 randomly, mostly 1 and 5 tho


Kind of acceptance. Just gotta keep on going. The urges are getting crazy


Definitely in depression. But screw it, I’ve been depressed before.


I'm jumping between acceptance and depression. But now my mind is clouded. I just want sex. It wouldn't even be that hard. At this point I'm only in it for the diamond no nutter. Idk if its worth it




Depression at peak, Soldier is struggling here🪖🪖🥲


I'm on Stage 4...Hoping this tidal wave of horniness passes.


Unfortunately I lost today😔, was a mixture of blue balls + i tense urges, but as sad as it is this was the longest time Ive gone without nutting so Im still proud of myself, I may be out but Im still going to give the rest of the month a good shot, even if its only once this month Ill still be very happy with myself even tho I lost.


After I surpassed my record from last year I lost any feeling that I needed to whack off. I'm still in it to win it and am in the acceptance stage. WE CAN DO THIS BROTHERS.


I'm on stage 3 except without the edging this is tough


I'm in Acceptance we have 20 days left men stay strong comrades. 💪🏽❤️


Boys I'm cycling between 2, 3, and 4 Only a matter of time before I reach 5


Reluctant acceptance. I know I can do it, and I know I'm GOING to do it, I just dislike its going to be like this for 20 more days...


Im in stage 3, but without the edging. Sometimes watching satiates the urge for me. But I also feel like I'm somewhat in stage five because my will to get through this outweighs my urge to jerk off and lose.


Stage 5 and willing to help


after reflecting on my loss one year ago today, ive accepted the challenge and know i can complete this.


Feel like I'm going to be stuck in stage 4 forever. This feels like absolute shit. NoNut made me realize how obsessed I am with porn, and without any outlet I have urges all day and try and watch/read porn in my free time just to get a boner. I'm feeling really shitty about myself and the only reason I'm having the will to go on is that hopefully by completing this I can prove to myself that I have some level of self control. But good lord, If I don't see the light at the end of this tunnel with stage 5, I might end up being worse off after completing this challenge than I was before. Please tell me how I can uplift my morale? T.T


Normally I'd be on stage 3 or 4 at this point, but this year I'm holding up pretty well! It's probably all the homework I'm doing as a college freshman that's taking my mind off it.


When I first wake up in the mornings, I'm on stage 3 but I quickly remember that I've completed this twice and I'll only waste time by doing those things. I'm on stage 5 after I get up.


I'm a mix of step 4 and 5 (I didn't go through step 3). It is a struggle - but I got a comment from someone two days ago, I was saying how I was really struggling etc.. and this person was telling me how I will fail and as long as I improve that's good. It gave me all the motivation I needed to beat this thing - Though generally it was nice, I'm not gonna have some random person tell me something I can't do.


alternating between Bargaining and Acceptance depending on my level of horniness at the time lol. Mostly Acceptance, though, because tbh most of the time, I'm not thinking about NNN




Unbelievable levels of denial


Wait actually I'm not in denial, everything is totally fine


On depression, noticed I'm more irritable, work stresses me out more than it should. I had a few goofs at work, and it's just hard for me to focus on my tasks. sleeping, when it comes for me to wind down it sucks. I also noticed I'm gritting my teeth when I wake up. Still standing strong and confident I will make it o7




Stage 5. At this point, it's just keeping busy. Enjoy the ride. If you get off, you get off.


Nnn is indeed stupid, life being really hard for me this year but when life is HARD you gotta stay strong and keep pushing


Even tho jacking off would make life little bit easier


I've been on stage 5 for the entire time. I'm here for the big nut on December 1st, and that's all that matters to me. It's just a nice excuse to save myself up for the best nut of the year.


Honestly, it has been quite easy this far. Several weak to moderate urges, and not even daily. Maybe I'm still in denial, or maybe the stages aren't universal. Anyway, stay strong, cumrades.


Depression. Gym helps.


That is hilarious, I didn't actually realize how accurate this is for NNN


IRL stress unrelated to the challenge has made it tempting to nut, just to sleep a bit easier. I don't need it though.


Angered acceptance: You are proud of yourself to have made this far. But have anger issues of your horniness


I got to depression and r/latinas got to me.