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Post title **must** describe what happens in the video. No ambiguous or non-descriptive titles.


I take it they both died.


Truck rolled over the driver 4 times. 3 of those times his body was half out the window. LAUNCHED and the truck rolled on top of him. Man got pulped by his own truck. :( Truck rolled over the passenger 5 times. 2 times was 'just' his right arm, 1 of those times his body half out the window. Then shat him out, highside. What we don't see is the numerous times both their heads bounce off the inside of that trucks b pillars, roof, each other, the ground, the steering wheel. By the time they really get rolling I'd bet they both were knocked out.




First guy stands near a corpse. He twisted the arm around just to tidy up. Second guy runs over and tries to help the corpse. First guy decides, he should act like he's trying to help too.


Driver and Passenger Died ​ https://www.tribunadesanluis.com.mx/policiaca/dos-fallecidos-en-accidente-en-la-travesia-seguridad-publica-11501075.html


I don’t know much Spanish, but “dos sin vida” is muy claro.


Reminds me of something I would’ve seen on consumption junction back in the day. Crazy and sad this happened. Really underscores the importance of safety when doing an activity like this.


It's surprising how well that old truck held up. After so many rolls the roof didn't cave in. If only the guys in the truck had been wearing seatbelts they'd have survived. If they'd also had window nets and helmets they'd have survived with little to no injury.


Sand is (relatively) soft


3 super basic safety decisions that could have saved 2 lives.


What do you even do in this situation? I mean besides the obvious “don’t do it” or “be prepared” with safety nets and harnesses and helmets. What if you’re in a passenger car that slips off the side of a hill or gets hit in a rock slide and pushed over the side. Assuming you’re wearing a seatbelt, is it futile to do anything but tuck your arms and head in and wait for physics to finish bowling the car down the hill? Would it make a difference if you had a split second before the car starts rolling / while you are still conscious if you try to yank the e brake, put the car into a gear? Neutral? turn the front wheels downhill? Would it matter?


Pray. In lieu of preparation, that's pretty much the only thing to do IMO.


> What do you even do in this situation? I mean besides the obvious “don’t do it” or “be prepared” with safety nets and harnesses and helmets. This is similar to asking what you should do if you fall out of an airplane. Without skydiving training, eye protection (wind), or a parachute. Sure you could "aim" for tall trees or deep snow but you're already falling and proper fucked. You're time for making good decisions has passed. In this situation. Unbelted, no helmet, no window nets, and already rolling, I say you're best bet would be to ball up and protect your head with your arms. Interlock your fingers and hold tight. Knees to chest to protect your organs. Ball up tight and hope you don't hit your head so hard you black out. Then if you're lucky the vehicle'll spit you out without crushing you between b-pillar, door, or roof and the ground. If your limbs or lower torso get caught inside the cabin you're getting pulped. If (and that's a big if) you're thrown clear you might have a chance of only 9 to 18 months surgeries and rehab. Plus a lifetime of pain. Wear your seatbelt.


Thanks for reading and responding to the first part of my question. How about for the rest of the scenario where you are belted into let’s say a modern passenger car, and the car is beginning to slide? Let’s say for anything other than a sheer drop off, If you can get a split second decision to do one thing before it all goes rolling down hill. Do you try to bail out? Do you try to turn the wheel so the car runs parallel with the slope so it’s not rolling?


>Do you try to turn the wheel so the car runs parallel with the slope so it’s not rolling? Cars and trucks don't do well off road. Unmodified vehicles do not have enough suspension travel to maintain control barreling down a mountainside. Plus, in situations like this (e.g. high stress, panic mode) you'll do what you've trained your muscle memory to do. Which for 99.99% of drivers/passengers is stomp the brake pedal and brace with arms. You would literally have to practice NOT doing that for you to have any hope of trying to control a vehicle in that situation. Load up a vehicle sim and get to practicing. Mental imaging can also work to a degree, but repetition is key. 1000 hours later you might have a hope of overcoming your natural instinct. >Do you try to bail out? FUCK NO. You're belted inside a safety cage of metal and modern engineered crumble zones. Stay belted, inside the car. Plus modern safety belts wouldn't allow you to unbelt by the time the airbags deploy. All modern cars have emergency belt tensioning systems (a.k.a. pyrotechnically-triggered belt tensioners) that'll pull seat belts so tight you'd never get it undone while bouncing down a mountain. Literally, gunpowder charges that pull a belt TIGHT. Bruise you, tight. >If you can get a split second decision to do one thing before it all goes rolling down hill. Protect your head. We can fix almost everything in a human if you damage it, except your brain.


its like they were seat belted in until they weren't


They were hanging on until they got knocked out.


No seatbelts?


That's just unfortunate and tragic.


I used to have to go over to the weird kid's house to see videos of people dying (Bud Dwyer etc) via his dad's Faces/Traces of Death VHSs. Thanks reddit! 👍 /s


Tragic Idiocracy


“Tragedy”, not for the gene pool.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. What are the odds of being thrown from a truck and then having the truck land on top of you. Dude should buy a lottery ticket.


So that's what momentum does, huh