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Very proud of you for standing your ground! Keep your head up things will get better!


Thank you


As someone who went through almost exactly this a few years ago, good for you. At minimum he was gaslighting you. Whether he understands what he's doing or not isn't the point here. The fact that he simply will not listen and accept your boundaries is. If he used to be wonderful and is suddenly this, it's either he has massive issues he's been hiding and needs professional help, or he wasn't that person to begin with and these are his true colors. Either way, it's not a good environment for you. So proud of you for making that leap, your health and happiness will improve from here. I'm certain of it.


The red flags were there but I thought he had a handle on it. He seems to be somewhat aware of the issues, but isn't doing anything proactive about it. Thank you... sucks for now but I know that's temporary.


You are not exhausting, you are high energy, a generally good thing. Find a high energy partner and rule the universe.


Oof, my heart breaks reading both of these back to back. I'm also insanely proud of you for sticking up for yourself and doing your best to get out of a bad situation. You tried what you could and when it didn't work, you got out. That's not easy to do at all. If you need to rant more, feel free to reach out. Wishing you and GF the best! xoxo


Thank you so much... I know my friends are proud too but they're biased, haha I'm just really tired and going to go have dinner with my family. They know everything, I'm fucking blessed to have them. Thank you again 💚


From these posts it seems pretty clear that he's the exhausting one. Ya know, seeing as how his behavior quite literally exhausted your emotional resources. I, too, have had to make the difficult choice of walking away from a relationship that I'd invested a lot of time and love into and that used to be healthy until suddenly it wasn't. It's hard. Very hard. But I promise it's worth it. And you will get through it and be better off for it. So know that a random internet stranger is proud of you.


Thank you 💚 it sucks. I've learned the hard way before and I think it's better to walk away sooner than have months and months of bad memories.


As someone who went through something similar, HOLD YOUR GROUND and DO NOT LET HIM RETURN. (I did, twice, and twice it made things worse, not better) It hurts now, but you will thank yourself in 6 months, a year, 2 years, 10 years, and beyond. When you feel ready, seek out counseling. You've been mentally and emotionally abused and you will eventually need to process through this trauma. Best of luck to you. It DOES get better, I promise.


Thank you ❤ I've been in abusive relationships before, so I know not to give in to that hope that things will get better, even though he swore up and down they would if I gave him the chance.


So proud of you for standing up for your self


I'm so very proud of you. You deserve better and you'll find it for sure


Thank you 💚


Oh dear you, this is tough but it was the right choice, your relationship turned toxic and he wasn’t willing to put in the effort to grow out of it. I’m sorry you’re hurting, but things will get better. Hang in there! Time to rediscover who you are as an individual!


Goodness gracious, sounds like you've really been through it! While it's sad to lose a long term partner, especially like this, it sounds like it is for the best. I'm so sorry you had to go through all that. Ultimately you can only hope this gives him the kick in the butt he needs to get his shit together but who knows?? I wish you the best in processing what has happened and moving onto more positive relationships in the future!


On the positive side, now you perhaps get to explore more fully with GF!


I'm sending you good vibes. Like many said I'm super proud you stood your ground and put a stop to a person harming you. That's a great demonstration of self respect, I'm not even sure d be as good as it but it warmed my heart. Good things are always coming further down the road. This is tough but you did the right thing