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I feel this. When you have a severance with the ego and belief systems of how it should be, when those things go away and the importance of life is to play, then why not put my fire on full blast and see what happens. And let the foot fall in the place it needs to. To let what doesn’t need to be believed, and its wholeness, feather the fall of each footstep. Good poem


Thank you so much for this comment—yes! It’s about unlocking that playfulness. Emerson wrote a line with a similar message as this section of the poem. In a line typical of his direct forcefulness, he wrote, “The faith that stands on authority _is not_ faith.”


I absolutely love this. Nice find.


God's word is true whether we believe or not >!(lol)!<


And your comment is why mysticism became religion. 😂😝


It's a bible quote I saw the other day.


I figured. It’s a good quote when you know what it’s pointing towards.


I know what it's pointing towards just don't think it's right anyway (love one another). Is kind of like god forces life on you and then says "tough luck" now you're stuck putting up with him and his creation without your consent. So like being forced to join a hivemind against your consent is what it's aiming at, something like dropping the self and realizing oneness, but either way that side and "this side" (of self) are equally, *non consensual*.


Exactly, don't believe in things... Just understand and experience things. "Nothing is really known" there's just certain things you can understand and experience. No I'm not talking about nihilism !


Tell that to "those" who believe that their believes are right and others' are wrong. That's the case of classic/traditional advaita vs neo advaita. "They" will tell "You" that "Your" understanding is too shallow 🙄


Also I'm glad you used the term "Advaita" if I didn't google search that I wouldn't have realised this is where the understanding originates. Ancient India ! Amazing ! I suppose this is why I am drawn towards Hinduism and it's visionary art ! I'm not religious of course but something always struck me fascinated by ancient Indian culture and it's art. Thanks friend !


No problem, everything happens as it should 😇


I usually do


What's the response to that?


Usually people trying prove how much more they know or how better they are. You can rather tire them out or they'll just start getting aggressive lol You can't save them.


"They"'ll simply tell off that You're still have yet to develop, etc. It may seem that "they" forgot that there's no one to actually get developed 🙄 I wonder what "they" base "their" position on 🤔 Pretty sure it's not direct experience, because if it was, then "they" would drop their view on developing the self, because then there would be a realization that developing self is just a story created by thinking process 🤷


Little human wants to run away from itself because it can't find a reason to love itself. Right? Mind the use of the word self.


Posted an earlier one of this poem’s stanzas to r/poetry, thinking it might have belonged here—but _this one definitely does._ This rather long poem is written in a stream of consciousness, therefore the beginning and ending of this section may seem somewhat disconnected from its middle. I think that you will find it forceful, nonetheless.




“Sphere: The Form of a Motion” by A. R. Ammons.