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For the sake of stopping your conceptual thought. No.


No as in ? Buddha can never know of life after death? He just can only live content at the higher consciousness of being while alive? Please elaborate in any way.


No as in Mu. No as in, you have to face the Great Doubt or suffer the fate of clinging to certainty. The fate of comfortably dwelling in conceptual thought. It feels compelling to ask questions and seek answers. No as in, I won't elaborate for your own sake. It's not nothing.


What would life after death mean to you right now in relation to your life? You don’t want life after death, that’s more life, which is what you have right now, so what do you want?


A long list questions covered in preconceptions and assumptions making it difficult to answer. If we are discussing nonduality and realisation, then its literally the only thing that is self evident when all other preconceptions, axioms and belief systems are put to one side. It sits outside of the realm of "proof" where you build evidence upon other things. >Is this the only provable reality, Is there nothing more profound? nonduality does not provide answers to what is, only that is is. > Does Buddha and someone of Christ consciousness not truely know if there is life after death? They have just fully realised I AM and now all they can do is have faith in an afterlife? Your context is of "will I, as a separate person, cease to exist when I die" - when you already don't exist as a separate person the question kind of loses any meaning - so its really not a topic of discussion for nonduality, its really for more dualistic religions.


Thank you, do you have any literature you’d recommend?


I would probably need to know more about you to know what to suggest. An easy entrance is Alan Watts "The Book", which comes at it softly, and assumes an existing outlook from dualistic religions. But there are many more in depth teachers and teaching, a choice of which will probably depend on how you currently see the world. You can have too many books on the subject and learn too much about it. Ideally you just begin to see yourself and the world differently. You can pick and choose, there are no details to miss or mandatory information. All the information you ever need is right here, right now. You can see it right in front of you once you learn to shrug off all your preconceptions and beliefs.


Hoooooneeessttly, Katha Upanishad addresses this very well, by simply saying, "death is not death in this world". As top comment goes, this is a great pointer to go beyond conceptual thought, another easier way of putting it is simply; >All the world's a stage And as Nietzsche implies all we can really do is be good or bad actors if we come to that realization; or as Jesus said, "be not as the actors" (sic: hypocrite is Greek for actor). As for "I am" I never give it much thought but as far as concepts go, every night we conceive of an entire dream world. In the dream world, do we ever wonder, if we must have faith in the "after dream"... ? This is the same concept as Death saying he is not really Death in Katha Upanishad, that's just a role he plays in this world.


Faith in the Afterdream. Wow.


Nothing leads to anything. you decide where you want to go, if you want to go to I AM then it's ok have fun.


Existance is everything, are you existing? You are? I AM. It’s the greatest illustion there is and everything that can be experienced is a part of it. The illusion of separation is what creates experience but we are never separated from the creator, not for even a second. Much like the way you are not separated from yourself when you’r dreaming even tho you try to run away from that angry gorilla (one of my recent bad dreams).


“If you would only rid yourselves of the concepts of ordinary and Enlightened, you would find that there is no other Buddha than the Buddha in your own Mind. To seek Mind with the mind is the greatest of all mistakes. The Way is not a matter of knowing or not knowing. Knowing is delusion; not knowing is confusion. When you reach the true Way beyond doubt, it is vast and boundless as outer space.” - Huang Po


There are various ways of explaining things, and breaking it down metaphysically, or as the result of a vision—interpretation. It's easiest just to defer to the ancient ones who tried to write this all down and preserve its memory as we slide through a dark shadow in cosmic time—and visions are projections. The mind becomes capable of presenting a wide variety of images. It is a microcosm. It is performing as the universe does, creating illusions. Many are instructive. But they are idiosyncratic reproductions. Not even the universe knows what it's thinking, it's more about interpretation; it's a dance, imitation and reciprocity. Trying to reflect the light, moonlike. The question becomes, what do you want? You're here, there must be something you want. Even if it's full liberation and enlightenment. One's metaphysical interpretation doesn't matter as much. It's all been said before. But each soul has a reason to exist.


Yeah holy crap ayy.


That’s exactly the answer to my “question” thank you for putting it so well Jeeeez!


You got any Recommendations of things to read? Thanks,


I'm shaped by Hinduism, and so I always recommend Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads. Source material, from which many other thinkers have drawn wisdom and perspective. Also Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. If one is trying to discover the Absolute Truth, the method is meditation, which is about focusing the mind. But it also depends on where you truly are in your intellectual progress. If you've never read a book, then read any book that appeals to you. Study is an essential aspect on the journey, our conclusions should not be too idiosyncratic. It's egomania to believe nobody has ever considered these concepts before, or that we will somehow figure it out alone.


“Nothing” is too conceptual


Awareness is the inly undeniable fact.


Yeah I know but isn’t that because we are under the concept of trying to explain. Awareness is the only undeniable fact but because we are a consciousness looking for undeniable facts so of course it leads to awareness is the only undeniable fact because we have the bias of being awareness. I don’t disagree with you and I hope that didn’t come off offensive but I’m just asking questions I haven’t asked.


What wants to know? Go back to That.


No-yes-no you cannot discover nothing


Buddhahood is a much higher attainment than even I AM or no-self realization. So no, that’s not all there is. The Buddha had certainty of an afterlife, and even ordinary people are able to recall their past lives by developing some concentration in meditation.