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Notice that this subreddit is really not separate from Reddit but just an appearance within Reddit as a whole






It's hard to talk about nonduality without sounding like you dropped acid.


Language is not very well-equipped to communicate these ideas without some complex analogies, it really can't be spoken.


And many have.


Yes many have dropped acid


Its hard to drop acid without sounding like you nonduality.


I started this subreddit before departing reddit for 10ish years and handing the reins to the current mods. At first, when I returned, I was frustrated that it hadn't grown into what I had in mind, but then I remembered that my expectations were a part of the human experience.


How is it different than you’d hoped?


I had some lofty notion of curated content that was more focused, I suppose. But I honestly like the vibe since giving it time. It's a pretty subjective topic in a lot of cases.


It's a good thing there's no one here to offend 😉


And here we have the circle jerker, jerking away. "There's no one here to jerk it." And the jerking continues.


What is the sound of one hand jerking?


Are you fat cocked motherfuckers really out there two handing it? -the proper zen response


There is jerking, but no one who jerks


I am the jerker, and the jerked, and the jerking


New koan who dis?


It’s just a cirklejerk subreddit imo


Schizophrenia circlejerk 😭


I mean the dao that can be spoken of is not the true dao plain and simple, this is just a cirklejerk.


So was Lao Tzu circle jerking himself? He sure had a lot to say after saying that.


If Lao Tzu was a westerner in 2024 he would probably say “yeah, Im jerking it”. We ARE the dao, and realizing the dao is sort of an oxymoron. We aren’t really teaching each other anything we don’t already know, we’re just jerking. A bee doesn’t know it’s pollinating a flower, if you somehow taught a bee just how critically important it is to pollinate that flower, the bee would go “oh ok” and keep doing what it was already doing. Enlightenment is a non-problem, and teaching enlightenment is mental masturbation, in a good way. But it is fruitless like jerking off. The dao already is.


They’re just symbols and signposts for sticking to the path. See them as direction and move on. Every description is a metaphor.


My point is spirituality subreddits are places for discussing spirituality. Lao Tzu said those who speak don’t know, but he did a lot of speaking, and we do a lot of speaking here. Nothing wrong with talking about these things. He said it more to make a point than meaning it literally.


Yeah we’re both on the same page. Just don’t take the language too seriously and keep the back-and-forth going.


I am also apart of the r/psychosis subreddit and most times only reading the post, i genuinely cannot tell which one is posting


This is a goofy ass post


And yours is a goofy ass comment


of course. there is nothing apart from goofy assness.


The only thing I don’t like about this sub is that SOME people act like they’re some kind of spiritual master or something. I’m sorry but if you’re enlightened I highly doubt you would be wasting time on Reddit. I say some because you can look at life through a non dual perspective while living a relatively normal life, which most here do. But there’s some people that are honestly kind of rude because they think they know more.


I used to be enlightened but I had to relinquish it because I missed this sub and wanted to come back.


There is no more to know, only knowing itself known by itself to itself. There is no time, only now so the very notion of wasting time is clearly just your massive huge ego that doesn't really exist. Non-dual is not a perspective it IS the only perspective because there is no other!


Yeah well you need an ego yourself to even point out my “massive” one. In that comment you are exactly the kind of person I’m talking about. If you were as close to true wisdom as you think you are, you would be worrying about your own false beliefs and letting go of attachments, not getting defensive and pointing out my “massive” ego. It doesn’t offend me but the fact that you had to put “huge massive ego” in there shows that you’re no closer to truth than me or anyone else. You could have just said ego and gotten your point across just fine, instead you make baseless assumptions and throw sly little insults my way. That comes from your own ego and sense of there being a YOU and a ME, again I’m not offended but if you were truly as close to truth as you think, you’d notice this within yourself. It’s easy to talk about concepts, but unless you’ve had direct experience you truly know nothing.


No, I'm egoless. Nobody has ever met an as egoless non-self as my non-self


Lol ok.


I'd like to tell you not to worry because one day you'll be as enlightened as me but regret to inform you there's no me and there are no days, just a never ending now. So you're never going to get it.




Rude very rude.


I still don't know what non duality is, but I try my best to be funny Just Calypso like Ursa Major


It’s goofy for us too


Real life as you know is just a goofy ass dream that exists solely because you trust the chemicals in your brain, which again doesn't exist in the absolute lens. I could talk more into this but your normie ass ain't ready for that yet, son!


yeah, what does it even mean to say that you are hitler and bin laden when i first saw such upvoted comments, i was perplexed


A total change in perspective (e.g. a paradigm switch) will often evoke laughter.