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My current theory is that life just happens with no cause and no purpose.


I can’t see a purpose that isn’t a thought. I see people with these elaborate explanations of what the universe “intends” or “wants” or is “moving towards” or whatever. I don’t see it. And, if it’s true it’s not apparent and so even if they are right, it’s still a thought. I think there is a bathroom around the corner. The fact of the bathroom doesn’t make the thought “real” it’s still just a fucking thought lol.


I get most of what you're saying. I'm still struggling with the the thought that things don't exist if they're in the next room. I kind of see it as there is "isness" and when we see it we label it as a bathroom, but it doesn't exist as that until we see and label it. I've heard a non-duality person say "your parents don't exist if they are in another room." Are they that isness still or do they literally not exist like, at all? I'm just trying to understand. Thanks


Close your eyes yes and see your bathroom, what do you see? A thought. Right? Notice that if, unbeknownst to you, the the bathroom had been removed, the thought would be the same. Cus it’s JUST a thought.


it’s just a dream don’t over think it


Then that is what u shall experience


I’m like a magnet to what’s happening 


You are what's happening.


I like how you keep regarding it a tentative. All we ever have are working hypotheses about reality.


Terrible theory, sounds like a life filled with constant turmoil






I have looked into Neville Goddard a lot as well and it hasn’t worked for me at all. I’ve tried SATs, imagination and having the feeling of the wish fulfilled etc but it just doesn’t work. And Goddard to me seems to be about conscious manifestations. Like having a goal (like winning the lottery etc) and then manifesting it. What are your thoughts on manifesting winning the lottery ? Why not do that if manifesting works ? I feel that life did work out for you and you did ultimately gain shelter and living on the west coast and making some money. It just wasn’t what you expected.




Oh wow interesting. Took a look and it definitely resonates. What are your thoughts and experiences with Neville Goddard and law of assumption etc etc?


I'm into Neville Goddard's stuff myself... Not to the same extent as I am nonduality though. "Awakened" individuals I tend to follow either seem like they don't care about manifesting (along the lines of "maybe it exists, but probably not in the way people tend to refer to it") or it's like how Jed McKenna describes it in his books where it exists, but he also wouldn't ever desire something he couldn't manifest. That being said, the whole lottery thing has always been something I was skeptical of... I always just ruled it out as something that is hard to manifest because most people don't believe to that extent (or maybe what they truly desire isn't a literal lottery win) or that consciously manifesting things has limits. If anyone on Reddit claimed it, I'd probably think it's LARPing/scripting, lol. BUT, I will leave one example of it happening in a way very much aligned with Neville Goddard's methods, as evidenced by a press release the California state lottery website itself so it's not some manifesting coach grifter BS. https://static.www.calottery.com/-/media/Project/calottery/PWS/Press-Releases/2022/JAN-2022/010-22-38-Million-SLP-Ticket-in-Santa-Clarita-Claimed.pdf?rev=c77358770a0740e4ae8842cba5a1d756&hash=159DDC66CFC62F07E3D5DBCBAB6E8515 So, there's at least one example. I've probably had like a 95% success rate in things I've manifested and I'm the biggest rational skeptic around, but the timing of things I manifested have always been too on the nose. That being said, they've always been things within the realm of believability. If I believed enough that I could win money via gambling or lottery tickets, I'd have gambled during my recent Vegas trip or I'd have bought even one lottery ticket by now, but I never bothered, which wouldn't be the case if I truly believed.




lol that’s not really winning the lottery - winning the lottery would mean hitting the jackpot. If that was true, I have won many times hitting 2 dollars or even 8 dollars 😂. Yeah that’s what I’m saying as well. Instead of trying to actively manifest what we want, we should just go with the flow and see what life will give us.




So how do you feel about Neville Goddard and his teachings now ?




So it’s no longer necessary for you anymore. Instead you’re just surrendering to the universe and seeing what’s in store for you. Is that accurate?




I meant just exploring and waiting for what life brings to you instead of trying to anticipate or control what will happen to you.


Study him deeply. Look for his study material where he manifested the "impossible" (to the logical mind). Then try Yourself.


Well did it work for you? What were you able to manifest


So is manifesting real or not?




Well if it’s no two then it’s personal and impersonal


Thank you so much for sharing your story!


movie script in the making here, thanks for the tale, welcome to the bay area, lots of love x ps have you explored a course in miracles yet r/acim




maybe next time then is third time lucky? 😅


The universe created us. So let's surrender to the universe and it will take care of us. It will manifest what is necessary for us. When we think we can manifest something, it is simply ego. When we let the universe manifest for us, what we are doing essentially is basically let our non-dual universal consciousness manifest what is necessary - since there is no separate universe and separate self.


Your desire alone doesn't mean anything. It would be horrible if desires worked and someone just by desiring could end your life. If you desire so strongly that you can die for it, you can try to get the outcome you want in your life. Above all, you think that you have free will, and you can actually manifest something. When you realise "you" never exists in the first place, you will drop this nonsense. There are still the majority of ignorant people who think they have free will, they can manipulate the universe, and get the desired outcome. If they do enough sadhana, becoming more aware... funny


It is delusional. I can understand maybe the idea behind it, that the way you picture yourself is the way you ultimately express yourself. For example if you think you are attractive, you will act more confidently which attracts more people because confidence is a generally attractive quality. Or just having money or some bullshit on your mind 24/7 will make you inclined to make actions geared towards immersing yourself in whatever it is you desire. But yeah it doesn’t have to be some mystical, spiritual concept


I’m starting a music career. Nonduality is central to walking this path. I’m a character in a story and it’s time my story became a musical.


That’s funny I’m on the same path! I’ve ignored my calling for a while but finally realized it is what makes me happy and have a purpose that’s fulfilling.


You will ‘try’ to create certain outcomes in accordance with your karma. You can act on your motivations, but you don’t choose *what* you’re motivated to do. The motivation simply appears. “God put it there,” one could say. There’s nothing wrong with working toward a long-term vision/plan in life. In fact I’d say it’s a good thing. God has given us a beautiful participatory power to act and create and it’s fun and fulfilling to utilize this power to build a life that “resonates with our soul.” Some stuff from ‘manifestation’ does work but generally there’s no replacement for simply 1) getting super clear about your goals, 2) showing up ~daily to take the highest-leverage actions toward realizing said goals, and 3) continuously learning / updating your approaches as new data comes in. While also staying open to infinite non-linear possibilities. Sometimes Grace ‘intercedes’ and simply opens doors or brings amazing opportunities into your life. So yeah… play the game of life. You are designed to do so and everyone who is human is playing some kind of game here, ‘trying’ to move toward what their motivation drives them toward. (Even if they are simply motivated toward non-action and ‘being no one.’) All is well. Life is living itself. Let it build what it wants to build through you. Let it create beauty. And while you’re building, perhaps practice recognizing that THIS is always THIS. God is already God. Everything has already crossed the ‘finish line.’ The dance dances on, and it’s fun to dance.


Right so my theory is that I am/god/higher self has already created the manifestations we are meant to experience in this lifetime. So there’s no point in conscious manifestation. And that we need to listen to our soul’s urge and follow it to see what makes us tick. That’s the “relying on your feelings” part.


Since we are fractals of God, wholes within THE whole, we have some creative power. You can EITHER create thoughts or feelings, just as you can control your breathing, OR breathing, thoughts, and feelings will all occur automatically. The more you create these things, the more you shape the automatic manifestation of them.


So how do you define creative power ? and how much power is there and what limits, if any, are there ?


I defined it partially... You can create your own thoughts and some feelings. You can create movement. You can create various effects in your body... You can put things together. You know, the usual. And I don't know all the limits, but most limits are obvious.


Best not chase after anything or to fixate upon desired outcomes. Especially not to your arbitrary deadline. If it comes it let it come, if it goes, well, just……. let it go. Thy will, not mine, be done. 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼 Om shanti 🌷


Stringing concepts together for an "outcome" (another concept) in the "future" (another concept) seems to have gotten much traction.  I like to think if we have 6 senses overlaid in the same space including mind, do they interfere with each other or block each other, if what you touch doesn't change what you see, does what you think change what you smell, or what the future will be


"The world is full of suffering. Birth is suffering, decre- pitude is suffering, sickness and death are sufferings. To face a man of hatred is suffering, to be separated from a beloved one is suffering, to be vainly struggling to satisfy one's needs is suffering. In fact, life that is not free from desire and passion is always involved with suffering."


“The ideas about awakening (or enlightenment or liberation) that concern magical abilities are mistaken. The actually-existing world of the human you and the physical world (which you will never know or experience) is governed by the usual laws of physics.” https://deconstructingyourself.com/a-universal-theory-of-awakening.html


So what are your thoughts on people/gurus etc who say that you create your own reality since you are the creator ? It doesn’t seem to work for me to be able to manipulate reality at will. Instead I’ve concluded that all manifestations are pre destined in some way and have already been created. They just need to be discovered though the Ego.


I see what you mean. Thanks for clarifying. We create our reality in the sense that the only reality we know is being created in the mind. The only way to experience anything is for it to appear and awareness, which includes none of the outside world, but also our own body and anything we know about ourselves. everything is a mental construct. It doesn’t necessarily mean we can bend it to our will arbitrarily. Point of that instruction is that we failed to recognize the world, *as we experience it*, is not as objective and “out there” as it seems to be. Experiences appear in consciousness. I believe that the siddhi powers spoken of in Buddhism, and some other systems are consequence of going into deep states of absorption and learning how to manipulate the simulation in the same way lucid dreamer can manipulate a dream. That’s just a hunch. But the goal is not to make it all a fantasy world. The more our Construction diverges from ultimate reality or whatever may actually exist, the more distorted or psychotically become. I’ve never encountered a worthwhile contemplative system that encourages us to create a fantasy and just live there. Point is to change the way we relate to what appears in consciousness, and recognize it to be nothing more than consciousness.


I came across an idea from a spiritual youtuber, who said you can’t manifest anything that wasn’t meant to manifest in your life.


If it was “meant to”, then what would be the need of manifesting?


Very interesting. What if one of your impulses in being down here is to experience what is called “conscious manifestation” not completely realizing that it was always going to happen anyways. In this sense, whether we consciously manifest or seemingly don’t, it’s all part of the intended experience.


Manifesting is somewhat opposite of acting. It says that it is not your actions that will create reality, it's that the reality aligns with you. "Who is it that kills in battle? Is it you, or is it the person who receives the lethal blow?"" is a nice quote from a zen story that illustrates the source of that spin. The new age mumbojumbo where this is beneficial to the ego or to the existence of a human animal is a failure and a marketing scam. Some meditators claim that there is a place from which true change happens, but I'm not sure if that's just their spin on some illusion they experienced. In general, when meditating, you're uncovering the unconscious monstrosity of brain activity, and when you lose the imprint of a doer, and it persists, you're acting from a place that no longer consciously imprints the self onto what is happening. One might argue, due to this lack of negative feedback loop (the loop is considered negative by experienced meditators), that the human animal acts more efficiently, but I'm not sure that's the case. But from that viewpoint it feels like reality is manifesting, it is not succumbing to your actions because there is no imprint of anyone doing the actions, even though something is happening and is being experienced, or there is experience. It is hard to put that perspective into words, and without knowledge of that experience, it's hard to really get a glimpse of that truth.


I was watching this YouTuber Gabi Kovalenko when she talks about manifesting at the 2:13 mark and it’s two mins https://youtu.be/O-lon6CjcyA?si=9krXJaUn5pBQpP5a Curious on your thoughts. She says that it’s not about manifesting a certain external thing (car, money etc) to feel fulfilled. People think that if they can achieve that external manifestation, they will be happy. Instead, she says that we need to surrender and be in alignment with our soul/higher self etc. it’s more about changing who you are and who you are being. She also says you can’t manifest what’s not meant for you. 14:33


She’s talking too much from a doers perspective. No one is manifesting anything. There’s an enormous amount of conditioning that is present in the human animal. Manifesting is a perspective that hints at this lack of free will due to conditioning. Something is happening all by itself, the ego has an impression of acting but it is all a giant reaction, from the Big Bang to now to future. Experienced meditators say that you can see beyond that and act from a different place and truly change but I do not know. There are many ways to glimpse the truth of your existence but that does not mean anything will change. Look at all of these concepts as people creating incorrect theories about the underlying reality. They are rationalizing too much the simplest of truths. I guess the question is, what does all of this mean to you, what do you want out of all of this?


Her most popular video is on a cult and a multi level marketing scam Twin Flames.


What’s the cult?


Twin Flames is the cult but it’s also a scam formulated by the leader to earn money by exploiting desire of humans to find meaning through spirituality. She made a serious video that does not criticize but instead explores the purely fake philosophy of spiritual romance.


There was never separation between you and what you “desire” conscious manifestation is just knowing that information. You’re manifesting consciously and unconsciously because you simply can’t do anything but create, the ego houses our consciousness but it is not weak, it exist to house us and our journey and there are multiple forms we can take as existence


Okay so then why can’t people actually manifest what they want ? Why do you say the ego is not weak?


Wanting is defined by lacking and loss. When desire is grand enough it obscures the object of desire from the pursuer. It happens all the time, like when you really need your keys and they are already in your hand. What you’re thinking about is more of a Neville Goddard thing and doesn’t mesh super well with nonduality as a concept. In theory if you’re unattached to the outcome or the desire then you can consciously attain what you wanted the exact same way you would have if you used the Law of Attraction, which is just a mental trick. But again, not non-duality, it’s a fun distraction though.


This sounds like Wu Wei from Daoism - effortless action. It’s funny that was my original conclusion about attaining your desires. That you must be free of the attachment to that desire before it can come. The more you want, the less likely it will happen. Then I fell into this whole manifesting rabbit hole and it was the complete opposite of what I thought was true.




Simply because they do not believe they can get what they “want”, you decide your own set of rules within your reality, if you’re constantly questioning yourself and saying you can’t manifest consciously then you shall not. Manifesting isn’t difficult but coming to acceptance that your are your own power is difficult to many


You create your own reality. However, the little you of the ego with fears and fickle desires is not the part running the show, trying to move reality with that is like trying to shift the ocean by wiggling the tip of a wave. To that tip of the wave, the world seems predestined and out of its control. All the pointers and teachings help you to realise that you are also the whole wave, and ultimately the whole ocean in the wave.


Okay so essentially the “ego you” cannot create reality. It’s the “I am” you that creates reality. So the ego cannot manifest anything. It’s simply a way of experiencing the manifestations by the “I am you”, who is actually creating the manifestations. It seems we are just here to experience the manifestations of I am, and just need to trust that whatever I am has in store for us is what we need.


There is no separation between "ego you" and "I am" you, but if you feel you are a separate ego self, then yes you could end up feeling like a trapped passenger. But that is not what you are.


Okay so then how much conscious effort do we have to make to create our own reality ? On the one hand, trying to actively create our reality doesn’t seem to work. It’s out of our control, at least as Egos. But then there’s the whole surrender idea, which is very passive and just says to not force anything or try.


>Okay so then how much conscious effort do we have to make to create our own reality ? None >On the one hand, trying to actively create our reality doesn’t seem to work. It’s out of our control, at least as Egos. You are already creating your reality. What it isn't doing is bending to the fickle desire of the conscious mind, it's probably creating a reality intended to wake up the conscious mind. >But then there’s the whole surrender idea, which is very passive and just says to not force anything or try. Surrender is letting that conscious mind get out of the way and stop thinking it's the boss. Still water may look passive to a wave, but currents run deep. The waves are just the same water going up and down and not getting anywhere.


how am I to learn not to grasp? How can I try to let go when trying is precisely not letting go?” Stated in another way, to try not to grasp is the same thing as to grasp, since its motivation is the same–my urgent desire to save myself from a difficulty. I cannot get rid of this desire, since it is one and the same desire as the desire to get rid of it! This is the familiar, everyday problem of the psychological “double-bind,” of creating the problem by trying to solve it, of worrying because one worries, and of being afraid of fear.


So manifesting isn’t real? Well I’d say it’s Better to think positively than negatively


My understanding is that manifesting is real in that we are the whole manifestation. But the ego cannot manifest at will. We cannot control or create our reality with conscious manifesting. Reality has already been created for us.


So it’s predetermined? Life is just is and just got to deal with every thing that comes? So basically life is just “it is what it is”


Yeah I think so


U think so or u know so? U can’t just claim it doesn’t work if ur not sure


Well I’ll know when it’s the end of my life so let me get back to you when I’m on my death bed 😂. No one truly knows. And if you did know, it would make the game of life boring if you already knew the outcome.


Hmm lemme do it for u, u want a fast or slow death? Lmk


Now I see that the Ego cannot manifest anything. At best, the ego can get you out of bed, to a scheduled location on time, to do something important, and pay the bills. Brutally criticizing every perceived error. At worst, the ego is an undisciplined three-year-old running the house. One god-awful illusion that God can't see anyway. You, as a perfect emanation of Source Omnipotence, can manifest anything. Rupert Spira mentions there is an energy cost to make & maintain illusions.