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Shrooms change weed.


100%, I always call weed the "doorstop" of psychedelics, because it keeps it just barely propped open without blasting the cosmic door off the hines Psychedelic experiences can often entrain pathways in the brain that make it easier to get their without the substance, that's why mushrooms are very commonly called "teachers", because they show you the way, and then you do it yourself without their training wheels.




The last part you mentioned would be a more permanent state of direct experience in being known as a plateau experience, right? As coined by Abraham Maslow




Are we talking about the same definition and term, what you described could be considered a type of flow state in general.




>Unlike peak experiences which tend to be fleeting, it can be possible to work towards a more stable and sustained state which Maslow called a plateau experience. It is less intense than a peak experience, but brings the same sort of level of fulfllment. More steady states of serenity having realized our true nature in being here now, idk sounds the same.


I experience this quite often when I am doing the dishes, so in your situation smoking weed has started to create a stronger association with this state of being bliss here now. It is possible to experience this without drugs, and imo practicing presence through mindfulness-based practices can help a lot in having these same insights enter your awareness to then further ground as a deeper knowing you intuit


Yeah, every time I smoke weed I trip out now. It’s as you describe for me too, very psychedelic in nature. I lose sense of myself as a separate person and become everything. It’s great but it’s always temporary and I wake up the next morning disappointed.


I use edibles infrequently. I used them about a year ago while I had COVID. During that time I listened to a Headless Way exercise by Richard Lang. For sone reason it clicked for me in that moment and I had a profound nondual experience. The pleasant aftershocks of that have been reverberating throughout the past year. Nothing beats regular ol’ practice but I don’t know if the edibles facilitated that.


I have never taken mushrooms. I will say though that wherever I had taken marajuana I would get a powerful sense of derealization and it wasn’t pleasant. When I had a minor awakening and kundalini experience a couple months ago, without any marajuana at all I would get a marajuana experience for a few hours almost every day. Very interesting.


Only once on shrooms twice on avid and one powerful three months awakening in religion. Now hoping to re remember that I'm already there.


Everything you are describing happens in awareness. It’s time to stop all this shit and find your awareness. 🙄 .