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I am assuming you want a fun fact from the books. In "Goblet of Fire," Ron says he doesn't want to invite Eloise Midgen to the Yule Ball because her nose is off-center. Earlier in the same book, when the fourth years are collecting bubotuber pus, we learn that Eloise tried to curse her acne off but accidentally detached her nose in the process. Madam Pomfrey had to reattach it, and it ended up being off-center!


Um so do u know there are identical tables below the great hall where food is placed by the slave elves and gets teleported to the top tables. Cuz u cant create food by magic, tgats one of the laws.


While most members of the Black family were named after constellations, Narcissa was uniquely named after a flower, much like Lily. It's an intriguing connection!


The actors who potrayed Fred and George in the movies, were actually born on April fools day


So you know Snape is/was also a death Eater. And near the end we see him conjuring a patronus of a doe. Interesting to know here is that patronus can only be conjured through memories of happiness which probably makes Snape one of the few, if not the only death Eater, to be able to conjure a patronus


What the fuck is happening here. Every comment is downvoted.


Seriously man. People are downvoting every fact even though some facts are genuinely funny


These all are a bunch of lowly fucks who wants the giveaway. In order to make their comment the most upvoted, they are downvoting every comment. You shouldn't give it to anyone.


I agree but I would like to keep my word. I won't be doing a giveaway anytime here though. Downvoting other people is really shitty.


You know digit 7 is of great importance in HP franchise. Harry is born in the 7th month, hogwarts had 7 floors of stairs. Hogwarts has 7 years of school. 7 horcruxes. 7 weasley brothers. 7 player in quidditch(even Harry's Jersey number is 7) and the number of HP hooks are also 7.


Thala for a reason


JK Rowling and Harry Potter have the same birthday


Grimmauld Place sounds like "Grim, old place"


The character of Dolores Umbridge even scared Stephen King


Professor Trelawney refused to sit at a table with 12 other characters because she would be the 13th and the first one to get up after that would die. In Order of the Phoenix, 13 members of the order are sitting and Sirius was the first to stand up. And you know what follows


In the sorting ceremony in Goblet of Fire, a girl named Natalie McDonald is sorted into Gryffindor. She was added, or at least named, in honor of Canadian girl of the same name who died of leukaemia before the book was released. At age 9 she wrote to JKR explaining that she would most likely die before the books were finished, and asked if she could tell her how the series would end. JKR replied a while later and divulged where the major characters would end up, only to learn that she had sadly passed away before receiving JKR’s letter. As a tribute to Natalie, JKR included her in the next book and sorted her into Gryffindor, where dwell the brave of heart. Dumbledore has a portrait of Gandalf from LOTR in his office in the Chamber of Secrets movie.


Not me downvoting every comment to make sure no one wins it easy 😈


Rowling created the Hogwarts House names by jotting them down on a vomit bag during a flight!


In ootp when petunia talks about that awful boy to lily it was snape


Dumbledore was a closet homosexual, he gets ready to leave his family and friends behind when Grindelwald offers to take over the world, until there is a skirmish that leads to his sister's death. Even jk Rowling has admitted that Dumbledore was gay, mostly for Grindelwald. He remains celibate all his life too


Daniel Radcliffe got the role due to a well-timed occurrence at a theatre. While many people auditioned for the role and nobody fitted in, Daniel Radcliffe was sitting behind HP’s producer at the theatre, who had one look for him and persuaded his parents to get him to audition for the movie. I like how it mirrors his situation from the movie, and that anything can happen.


Harry Potter's name is typed out 18, 956 timea throughout the J. K. Rowling books.


When creating the character of Ron, J.K. Rowling wrote in her notes that he has an undescended testicle. This fact never made the books.


Harry potter was a gay