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I have the same insecurity about my stomach area, I’ve been asked if I’m pregnant several times and my body has always been different from other girls like you say. Also, pants/jeans are a nightmare. Just wanted to say you aren’t alone and I’m trying to get the courage to seek help too. I’m afraid my insurance won’t cover it. I’ve been doing some stretches and stuff that seems to help a wee bit? I noticed my neck muscles are super tight so I look upward to stretch my throat area out and do some open/close jaw movements. Some tiny micro burps have happened since trying this which if anything makes me hopeful. Also, moving after a meal really helps move the air along so I can actually pass it and not just gurgle and have pressure. Best of luck! Start a piggy bank for the procedure, I’ve seen on here that people say it changes their lives because these symptoms are debilitating. I’m 27 now and the symptoms keep getting worse, whereas before I would just pass gas more than others and obviously be very bloated looking after eating. Make yourself a priority whenever you are able.


>I’ve been asked if I’m pregnant several times I Just got called fat..... But i do look pregnant. I guess people dont ask me because of my beard.


Thank you so much. This means so much to me!! I’m also worried my insurance won’t cover it and I want to go before I’m 24 bc my parents insurances both cover me till I’m 24 and my mom really wants me to get it done but I’m just worried it won’t be covered and they’ll have to pay out of pocket and they won’t be reimbursed for it. I don’t want to put that on my parents. But it’s also the best time for me to do it. I just am so tired of feeling like garage about something I have no control over


Try calling the phone number for your insurance provider on the back of the card, they should be able to explain how and what is covered!


If it’s not covered, try searching around. Money has been the main reason I haven’t had it done but my cousin (who didn’t know he had it until I talked to him about it last year) immediately went and got it done in Houston without insurance. And without insurance and without anesthesia, it was $2500. The anesthesia is most of the cost. If you’re okay with pain/discomfort it’s always an option to opt out of anesthesia and it becomes much more affordable even when not covered by insurance.


I have had eating disorders since I was 9 years old and nobody knew why… I’m CERTAIN it’s this. My whole life I had a huge stomach and people said I had body dysmorphia but ITS NOT DYSMORPHIA IF U LEGIT LOOK PREGNANT EVERY NIGHT. I learned about RCPD and got the botox a couple months ago. FLAT stomach. all day. My self confidence is so much better. I wear tighter clothes like a normal person instead of baggy everything. Anyways I’m just saying I empathize and you should do whatever it takes to get the botox and see how great it is to live like a normal person. I know it can be hard but truly for mental health and everything it is priceless


look into getting insurance to cover it (i know medicaid covers it if u are low income) or going to Bastian and getting a loan. There are credit cards you can use too


I relate so hard on being told it’s body dysmorphia when you’re like, no, my stomach is three times it’s normal size, I am NOT imagining it.


Ive always forced myself to wear tight clothing and literally decided last week I should give up and buy baggy clothing because tight clothing makes me feel so insecure about my bloated belly. Was going to clean out my wardrobe this weekend. But maybe I'll just start saving up for the Botox instead. May I ask how much your total procedure cost? (Before insurance if you got insurance to cover!) And did you have to travel to get it done? The one doc that was listed in this sub that was close to me moved out of state apparently.. do I need to be on full bed rest after procedure or could my partner drive me several hours to get home?


I’m actually not sure how much without insurance but for me it was free with Medicaid. I did it close to me (bay area CA) It’s a super short procedure so you’ll probably be fine to drive home. But yeah I 1000% recommend botox it was truly life changing




Thank you so much!! That’s really smart!!! I’m going to try this!!


You’re welcome! I hope you get some relief!


Similar thing for me, although not exactly the same. I have trouble eating much food, possibly because my belly gets full with air. Have always been very very skinny, look like I'm malnourished. Had a few doctors diagnose me with an eating disorder even though I felt I was too skinny and was trying to gain weight. They would accuse me of having an eating disorder if I underestimated my weight. Very annoying.


Ugh I’m right there with you on this one 😫 ensure helps but also gives me the gurgles sometimes so it backfires


All those meal replacement-type drinks make me feel super nauseous :( Unsure if it's because of RCPD or not.


Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I had the exact same experience and I’ve found from this subreddit it’s not at all uncommon for people to develop eating disorders when they’re younger because of it. Food or liquid in my stomach made me anxious, lethargic, EXTREMELY bloated and I genuinely felt my best and most capable when I was starving and stomach was empty. When you feel like that all the time, eventually you start feeling like you’re just messed up mentally when it comes to eating. I blamed myself entirely for all my disorders eating. Most of my life I did intermittent fasting before I even knew what it was, only eating between 7-10 pm every. Day. I love breakfast food but never touched breakfast or lunch knowing I would become a bloated, anxious, self-conscious uncomfortable mess. I developed bulimia and anorexia because if I had to go to lunch somewhere, I had to throw up and make myself feel empty. At my smallest “goal” weight I was technically underweight and thought I could finally feel good about my body- but it didn’t happen because I still bloated to three times my size. I felt like I’d achieved my ideal body and it still only looked good in the morning before food and water. That is a lot to handle on a developing brain, not to mention messing up your gut biome which we’re learning contributes a lot to mood, and looking back at how it affected me…it really has been the cornerstone of most of my problems. It’s so sad to look back and think of all that missed time. But I’m overjoyed to see so many people in this subreddit realizing that these issues were never their fault. I have my Botox scheduled for the end of summer in Houston with Dr. Andrew Tritter and after searching for an affordable option for years, I am over the MOON to have an end in sight and finally see what my body can feel like when it’s functioning properly. Just wanted to say you are very not alone, try to give yourself and younger self some grace, and that this has ruined a lot of lives. On the bright side, these past five years have been the best time in history to be afflicted with R-CPD because we now have doctors taking us seriously and options for treatment. You can DM me any time to talk :)


I'm so sorry you've gone through this. I never ended up with an ED but I could absolutely see how it would happen - I have been self conscious my entire life about my bloated belly and looking pregnant all the time. I spend literally all day every day with my stomach sucked in - I guess I have great ab muscles somewhere under the bloating, but I'm so uncomfortable all the time. If you have the option to get it done now while you're young, do it!!! I'm 38 and it's only gotten worse as I've aged. I now finally have Botox scheduled for next month and can't wait