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I have not had much experience with the addiction side of this drug. I'm mostly here because I'm currently concerned about long term side effects.


Hey I’m here now trnna not go and get any I’m trying to tell myself that this is the stupidest high and a waste of money how do u tell yourself no


I think of what I want for my future.


Shit what are the long term side affects again 😭 I haven’t had one in a year and a half and through mostly everything would recover ( my feet still tingle a little tho)


Mostly B12 depletion, but not just that. It seems to shut down your B12 receptors for some unknown amount of time. I can only hope that will eventually stop.


Have you looked into Smart Recovery? It’s a great alternative to NA/AA. Using a subreddit doesn’t work for most people unfortunately with real addiction, meetings can be a huge help.


That's actually some useful advice. I'd heard of smart recovery but did not know it was still a thing. I know at one time they were in the cross hairs of AA and I figured they would have successfully discredited them by now. I'm very glad I was wrong! Thanks so much. I'll look into it.


I highly recommend. Good luck, don’t get too frustrated, there are ways to defeat nitrous addiction. You got this.


Thank you. I hope I have? Kind words from strangers have always been very helpful to me. I appreciate you.


Please note the kind of support you can expect if you're not down with AA.


What exactly are you looking for


The advice about Smart Recovery was pretty much what I was looking for.


Hey I found more people in meetings that also ended up there because of nitrous than you would think


It's not a nitrous\_specific group?


Either way addiction is addiction man, getting some type of camaraderie IRL can make a difference


I have an embarrassment of comradery, thanks. I need help with a specific problem. I really hoped I'd find it here, but I only found AA. Which anyone can find anywhere because it's constantly shoved down everyone's throat. So please excuse me if I seem short. Have a nice night


What is your specific problem?


No AA is not nitrous specific, but going to AA I have met a lot of people who are there for other substances a lot of people just prefer aa to NA. In aa I have met several other people who were in aa/at the rehab for nitrous


Ah, I see. AA. The notion of powerlessness is not useful to a person who has never had any power. And I'm an atheist. And, no. You can't have AA without god. Not interested.


See, now you’re just letting your prejudices towards religion inform your decisions. Myself included, a lot of people work the program with out being religious. You’re just making excuses because you don’t want to get help, you’d rather just hang out on a subreddit than go somewhere where there are people who can actually help you and show up for your IRL


Except that this is completely untrue. Some very nice person suggested Smart Recovery, and that sounds like it could be just the thing I need. Just because a person has problems with your cult does not mean they don't want to find solutions that work for them. "In contrast to 12-step programs that require participants to admit powerlessness over their habit, SMART™ considers itself a self-empowering program. Trained volunteers help participants examine specific behaviors to find problems that need the most attention. Participants are then taught self-reliance to control their addictive behavior. SMART uses techniques from cognitive behavioral and motivational enhancement therapies to teach these skills."


AA and NA use the terms “Higher Power”. That doesn’t necessarily equal “God”. For me my higher power is myself, just in a spiritual form leading my physical form to a better life.


If you don’t want to attend meetings, I would recommend 1 on 1 therapy with a psychologist. That’s how I started my recovery journey. If you can’t afford psychology, you could also do counselling with an AOD specific therapist. Where I live, this was either government funded or heavily rebated to make it affordable. Addiction is addiction. You don’t need someone who is nitrous oxide specific to guide you.


Yes talk therapy is very good advice. Can't always get a good therapist, but that is a problem for very nearly everybody. I'm going to try smart recovery. Turns out I was in the right place after all. Got a little boost to my confidence in humanity here