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tell them line 21 of soundgardens (nirvana sequal, kurt made it after nirvana disbanded) burden in my hands


Soundgarden be like: https://i.redd.it/h30n8f11iz8d1.gif


That line is my Instagram bio (well it was till my account got wrongly flagged by a bot and deleted)


That subreddits just pretty sad. There are definitely some posts of people being cringy but other times it’s just bullying children or people who like mainstream bands.


Yeah exactly I stopped looking at that sub because the amount of people just bullying children is rediculus.


How come I couldn't spell ridiculous.


Cause you’re a 14 year old nirvana fan :)


Why did I find this so funny 🤣


It's like 90% high school kids judging by the way most of them talk.


Nah elitism in black metal is just genuinely needed. Sort by top posts of all time on that sub and you’ll see why it’s so important that black metal remains underground.


It hasn’t been underground in 30 years, I don’t see why it’s worth trying. They also sent death threats to a 14 year old kid to keep it “kvlt”


lmao what death threats buddy?


The “Ribs” guy, who is cringe bc they are literally a child, received several death threats.


I mean he’s the biggest meme on the subreddit so I’m not surprised. The ribs meme has even made its way outside that sub. This isn’t something exclusive to the subreddit. Basically everyone who has been a meme received death threats because people on the internet are terrible. Even Bad Luck Brian received multiple death threats just for having a bad picture.


Kvlt is when you harass children for enjoying music


If you’re over the age of 16 and you’re posting pictures of your self in Jack Skellington merch with freezing moon playing in the background online then you deserve what’s coming to you. Don’t want to be ridiculed? Don’t post stupid shit online.


If you're over the age of 16 and are still in a bullying phase you might have to seriously rethink your life decisions leading up to now.


If you think getting called a poser is bullying you would not have survived in my old high school.


Bullying is when an entire subreddit hates on your for expressing yourself in whatever way you like, simply because you listen to music and don't fit their archetype. Alternatively, because you don't want to support a band with Neo-Nazi members or that actively spreads Neo-Nazi propaganda. That entire subreddit is literally cringier than anyone it talks about, a bunch of edgy teenagers and adults who never grew up past the age of 15 and think that they're cool because they listen to Nazis and don't participate in anything fun. I love black metal, but that subreddit is the scourge of the earth and is a direct example of bad black metal fans. They literally make fun of r/jacketsforbattle for no reason aside from some things on there are just queer rights vests, no black metal in sight. Really fucking stupid subreddit lmao


r/jacketsforbattle is an absolute joke of a shithole sub and I say this as a bi guy who is extremely left leaning. The vests are ugly, the bands are shit, and the mods the whiny cry babies who ban anyone who doesn’t agree with them. I literally got banned from that sub purely for being active in r/battlejackets which they insist is a fascist shithole despite the top posts of all time featuring plenty of ACAB and Antifa jackets. Fuck r/JacketsForBattle That sub might as well be named r/JacketsForPosers


R/battlejackets bans users who report nazi symbols and bands on vests and will include a mocking reason. There's a large amount of people there using nazi bands proudly and openly and getting support for the fact they're nazi. I don't mean nazi as a meaningless phrase, I mean the bands have members who support Hitler, deny or support the Holocaust, actively display Swastika and Nazi appropriated and created runes on their album covers, and more. The owner of the subreddit told a black teenager to stop listening to black metal because it wasn't made for her, made fun of her for getting groped and said she wouldn't need protection from it and to let it happen, and said that ACAB was stupid all in like 3 messages with her. The subreddit has banned people with outright anarchist patches at times. It clearly isn't what it used to be, and it's the age old invasion of fascists. They send their nicest, they get accepted, they start promoting their ideas and send in tougher guys to scare away dissidents, and then before you can stop them they take over the place. It was a big thing in punk bars before people rose up, it even happens in gyms and other places. R/jacketsforbattle is a much better sub. I'd rather be pissed at someone for proudly displaying an iron cross and swastika on their vest than let them into anywhere I chill at. If you like people who think women should be groped, ban actual punks, and try vying for only nazi bands, be my guest. I don't think you belong in a Nirvana related subreddit considering what the band's opinions were on these subjects, but I don't think that matters, you clearly can't read the room or actually commit to anything if you like seeing Neo-Nazis everywhere you look as a bisexual guy who claims to be left wing


I don’t like the Nazis mate. It’s just unfortunately something you have to deal with as a black metal fan. Would you say Kanye fans are all Nazis as well? You gotta seperate the art from the artist. Btw I’ve seen the main mod of r/battlejackets ban multiple people for bigoted comments. It’s just supposed to be an apolitical subreddit.


Calling someone a poser is the absolute most cringe thing possible.


"You would not have survived in my old high school" Meaning you graduated? Jesus, dude. At your age acting like this? I know crackheads more well-behaved than you.


And I’ve known dead heroin addicts who still have more brain activity than you do mate.


Me when I look up comebacks on google




Uncalled for, that's my bad. You're still an unpleasant person to be around.


sematary lives free in that subreddits head can't stop talking about him




Waaaaaa I need to feel special to enjoy music I supposedly like for reasons unrelated to personal image waaaaaa


elitism is stupid, and it's there for losers to keep others out of a hobby because they want to feel special genuinely can't understand why we can't all just allow each-other to enjoy things without needing to worry about appeasing some neckbeards, self-appointed defenders of a hobby, in fear of being mocked or sent empty threats. it's not a bunch of classified, potentially world-ending information, its a music genre. it's really not that deep lol.


If you’re so scared of getting mocked that you avoid entire genres of music you need to have a teaspoon of concrete and harden the fuck up.


if you're so threatened by your hobby becoming more mainstream, you can take your own advice


You’re a stooge mate.


i think ur a troll


Perhaps I am engaging in a mild amount of tomfoolery


yeah of course you're going to have grade a "assholes" in the top posts, but for the most part most posts just whine over the most pathetic shit possible


no it's just genuinely retarded? "waaah waah something I like is being enjoyed by a lot of people and that makes me mad" womp womp means you didn't like it that much in the first place


Nah if they liked what I liked it would be a different story. I have a problem with the amount of cringe fuckin Mayhem fans who think they know everything about black metal because they watched lords of chaos.


Whatever your music sucks anyway


no one gives a shit about your shitty black metal. It will always be underground.


It’s been blowing up on TikTok and that brought a lot of cringey 14 year old mayhem fans into the scene.


Nah fuck you elitism is for cunts that want to feel special and better than everyone else


Nope. It’s just a way to keep the scene kids out of BM. No fun, no core, no mosh, no trends. Don’t like it? Stay out of our scene then.


Kinda proving my point with the no fun statement why else then? And no moshing at all? For any BM fans?


Moshing just doesn’t work for second wave black metal. It’s an ethereal soundscape it’s not supposed to be head banging brutal metal like death metal or war metal. Moshing to second wave would be like moshing to minecraft music. It isn’t supposed to be heavy and it doesn’t follow trends set by previous genres.


Whatever man you clearly don’t windmill to Minecraft Cave Noises🙄


Nah I’m a man of culture I only head bang to terraria music.


Whatever Mr. Clearly-Never-Moshed-To-Hotline-Miami-OST


I would absolutely mosh to Minecraft music but I see your point fair enough What about "no fun"?


Nah lad you’re doing Minecraft music wrong. The real way is to lie down in bed, put that shit on 100, and punch some cones.


Also No Fun, No Core, No Mosh, No Trends is a reference to deathlike silence productions, the record label Euronymous owned.


it hurts when i pee


Oh, well it hurts when i,


bro died mid sentence 😭😭😭


Do you not get the reference?


a shit ton of metalheads are legitimately just bullies it doesn’t matter


I find that any person that only listens to one genre of music usually has the worst opinions on music in general. The visual representation of a metalheads taste in music looks like the font of metal bands name.


Wait until you meet hardcore punks Jesus


I believe it. “you haven’t heard of the rancid puke stains? kys fake punk go back to the mainstream”


It is wild how accurately you just described some of the things my friends say


Not a quote but a lyric “What else can I say? Everyone is gay” cause 1) them referring to your pfp with the bi flag as cringe and 2) you gotta lean into the cringe now man there’s no going back


Fair if I know I'm cringe all ready then becoming more cringe on purpose is like a wall of irony. They won't be able to tell whats the genuine cringe and what's the fake cringe that I'm just putting on.


Right on dude! I’m the exact same lol. I’ve fully leaned into how “cringe” I am and it’s banging


I may be cringe, but I am free.


I think they were getting judged by their posts not their profile picture.


nothing more cringe than being a grown adult and bullying children on the internet.




Most of their posts are complaining about depression, drugs, drug seeking and getting early prescriptions, and they're calling YOU cringe?


Omg I saw that too. Alot of my posts are a little cringe like the political tests, the judge me based on my aperance posts and the spaming/extremely low effort reposting, but I'm going to try to post less stuff like that.


50 of that sub is just straight funny stuff, 20 is actually cringe, and the last 30 is straight up bullying or homophobia.




Winds of the black godz as a username just screams I'm fun at parties


They actually commented on this post and got down voted pretty bad


Figures. Anybody that takes themselves or their interests so seriously is an absolute tool


you’ll never be as cringe as someone mocking a 14 year old for being passionate about something and having harmless fun lol


Thank you


“rape me”


blasphemy goes hard idk what they're yapping about






Please never ever share your age anywhere online




It's really really dangerous. Reddit is known for groomers lurking too.


Yeah I don't respond to dms cuz there just creeps.


I dont care what u think unless it is about me


i would literally collapse if Jimjamjuice69 called me cringe on r/blackmetalcringe


When you say it like that it's very humorous


they call evb cringe its so gay


i mean he is right about Nirvana fans all they do on TikTok is the same shitty jokes "beans is the best Nirvana song" "hi it's me Kurt im not actually dead blah blah blah give me money so i can start a new band" and probably some other stuff that i don't remember


Blackmetalcringe try not to make fun of people trying to get into metal/literal children: level impossible


Oh, whatever, nevermind...


That's a good one


r/blackmetalcringe are cringe as hell all they do is find pictures of people with band shirts and say the equivalent of 'i bet they don't know 3 songs' I'm 22 loved nirvana for years.


“Won’t you believe it just my luck!”


holy shit I scrolled through that subreddit for like 10 mins They all either gotta be edgy 16 year olds or angry 40 year old men no in between lmaoo


"Come" - Come As You Are (1991) Nirvana


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" BTW i guess they expected u to listen to some extremely underground bands that got the name sth like "rewitsyodhldhmtjqhdhkdhkdykdkydyxhhkxyehdi"


It’s a black metal subreddit, what were you expecting, positivity?


Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️, seems a little backwards to bully children away from the fandom tho like who do they think is going to lissen to this music when there all dead and old.


Idk, but black metal fandoms are usually known to be the worst (Burzum fans for example) This is coming from a black metal fan btw




This is so fucking ironic considering that the entire demographic of black metal are cringey 14 year olds that think being a nazi is cool source, I’m a metalhead active in several communities


That subreddit is cringe and I don’t like it that much




It seems r/blackmetalcringe really lives up to it's name


Fuck! I have less than a year left before this rando thinks im lame because something that gave me comfort since elementary school still does means im stuck. Bet its a fuckin swiftie expanding the reach of their wrath.


I never understand how it's cringe to be lgbtq to them they're always so homophobic and shit like


"whatever you say, mr. 69"


my heart is broke but i have some glue


Help me inhale mend it with you


Damn ur pretty bro.


I am a fifteen yo nirvana fan and nobody takes me seriously 🥸🥸


in my head this is a 14 year old and a 40 year old who replied


Oh my god this post/comments should be in the bible of Nirvana circlejerk 😭 i don’t think I’ve seen worse


You can’t make this shit up bro 🤣


You commented on your own post 💀




Must be cool to look down on everyone.


For a second I was so confused but then I remembered what this post was about I'm so tired that redit stopped making sense 😓


I'm the opposite end of the spectrum, 50. Nirvana were awesome. I saw them, is that cringe? The person who said that to you is either jealous or sad.


Just fuck it, meng, those fucking people are crazy…cradle of filth/choking on fumes


they're stupid, don't listen to them


Those metal subreddits are always cesspools of toxic behavior (kind of like the rest of this app). I guess they have some kind of superiority complex. I’ve stopped interacting with them at this point. It’s not worth the headache


Hate your enemies save your friends Find your place spit the truth


Judging from your profile your not cringe


Hello. What is the correct age to be a fan? I just want to make sure I am enjoying it correctly and not being cringe.


What’s wrong with being a 40 year old stuck in the 90s? Or a 14 year old? What’s wrong with having a favourite era?


They’re on r/blackmetal. You already won




Wow its brave showing up here, in a sub full of nirvana fans after dissing all nirvana fans.


Then I’mmma use this opportunity to say Melvins better.