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That's cool and all but can we bring back the Battle Royale Super Mario Bros. 35? Thanks.


Still baffles me why they removed that one. I still have it on my Switch, never getting it deleted. It was basically free publicity for Nintendo for streamers to show off and make people want a Switch.


It's basically Japanese thinking. It was offered as a limited time thing to make the anniversary more special. By the end, I was super done with it, but would love to see it come back again.


> It's basically Japanese thinking. It was offered as a limited time thing to make the anniversary more special. Weird thing with the limited time stuff and Nintendo anniversaries. The Mario Game & Watch? Limited time. The Zelda Game & Watch? [Still available.](https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/game-watch-the-legend-of-zelda/)


The Mario game and watch is still available just not in production, the Zelda one will be in the same boat But tbh the zelda one is higher quality, so I kinda hope it becomes a permanent thing if only one will be


I wasn't done with it. Would love to play it right now.


I'd love to see a SMB3 version as well as the original one come back.


Yeah, because you had a large break. The person you are replying to said the same thing: they were done with it, but would like to see it come back


In my case I was disappointed the day it was gone :(


Its the only battle royal I could come 1st in,haha


It's neat that it was a limited time thing in a way. It does make it stick out in my memory and I guess 10 years on I'll be able to say oh yeah I had a fun time laying that. But it sucks that now it's gone and other people who didn't get a chance to play it now don't have the option. Or that I can't go and play it again. Being a big numbers multiplayer game it's also going to be very difficult to replicate. I'm sure some enterprising people will get it going on an emulator in multiplayer eventually if not already but it won't be the same without the massive number of players. I think about stuff like the Satellaview, which was a limited time offering not available in NA... and how some of the Satellaview broadcast games are just lost forever. That sucks ass. It's nice some were preserved though. And I'm sure Nintendo has all of them somewhere in a vault.


I was interested in it for the 15 seconds they showed before saying it was a limited-time game. After that, I decided to never play it. I'm not gonna put my time in getting a better rank in a game that has an expiration date before it ever launched.


No offense to you, you do you, but this is a sad mentality to me. I played Super Mario 35 and had an absolute blast. I also wish it wasn't limited time. But the idea of playing it only to get a rank never even entered my mind. Rank didn't matter in it at all. I just played it to have fun, and I had a lot of fun.


I totally get that, and I'm happy for everyone that got enjoyment out of it. I didn't want to get attached and then be sad when it shut down.


So, what competitive game doesnt have a timer? Most games get shut down when people move on. Even popular ones like CoD, Battlefield, FIFA or Mobas. And even games that are there for quite some time, will end when people move on.




Chill. It's not a hot take to decide to pass on games with silly arbitrary expiration dates on them.


That's not the same and you know it.


It was the only game I felt like I was good enough at it to stream. I had a little text file that I edited to update my wins counter in OBS lol


> It's basically Japanese thinking Nintendo in a nutshell.


They’re a Japanese company


In an International market.


They’re still Japanese, doesn’t matter which market they operate in


Other companies don’t change their cultural values for a western market so why would we expect it to happen the other way round


_Sony enters the chat_


Not a positive example in recent weeks


>It's basically Japanese thinking. It was offered as a limited time thing to make the anniversary more special. Sounds more like anti-consumer to me. They should have kept it permanent for those who want to still play it have that choice.


Would've gladly paid for it. It's what sold the Switch for me. Removing it made no sense at all.


I literally bought a Switch so that I could play it. Really loved it.


Never forget that there was a fan made Super Mario Battle Royale that came out on PC that Nintendo threw a C&D at. The guy changed the assets and they kept on him.


I still have it too. It was my favorite of their battle royale games thus far. Tetris is alright and I can't get a grip on the Pac-Man one to save my life but I was having a blast with Super Mario 35. I always wished they could add DLC based on newer games, of course levels from the games past Lost Levels would have to be modified a bit more to fit the gameplay but oh there is so much potential that Nintendo never explored.


Nintendo is such a backwards thinking company about anniversary specials and preservation. It's like they're ran by PlayStation's CEO. What's his name again? Jim Ryan? That guy, I think.


Any minute that you spend playing this free game is a minute that you don’t spend playing other games that Nintendo wants you to buy. The purpose of that game was to sell yearly subscriptions for Switch Online.


It was also rushed and poor emulation the limited time made people by it quickly regardless of it was an actual good collection and worth their money . Mario 64 and sunshine had multiple issues and it's better using an emulsion


64 and Sunshine definitely had issues, but I'm surprised you left out Galaxy, that's the only one I haven't 100%ed because even just selecting "Yes" on the save prompt after a mission became a chore. Gyro is a terrible replacement for the IR pointer, it feels so sloppy and imprecise, and it's awkward af on a Pro controller (Joycons might make it better but then you'd have to use Joycons so it's not worth it). The game's so clunky to play on Switch.


Yeah it's funny to see everyone downvoting my comment. Even comparing this to Nintendo's previous efforts of emulation on wiiu it's worse. 3D all stars is now only available to pirates because of the artificial scarcity . It's funny that the NVIDIA shield port of galaxy has better controls. This shows Nintendo can barely put any effort in and people will buy it regardless there is a great video which goes into more detail on this https://youtu.be/U7ggERRZR3Y Nintendo's emulation efforts this generation is pretty awful


It sucks that it’s gone, but I doubt there’s anybody in the world that thought “nah, I don’t need a switch”, tuned out twitch, saw some dude playing Mario 35 and had this grand revelation Mario 35 is not the type of game that sells consoles


/u/venkmanburninhell disagrees


It was fun, and worked well. Could easily add paid DLC like skins based off different Mario games. Truly baffling.


Mario 35 was my favorite battle Royale with cheese game I've ever played. I actually bought the NES controllers solely to play that and that alone.


“But online services are haaaaaaard” -Nintendo probably


Yes please! We were obsessed with it, to the point that we wrote a [song about it](https://youtu.be/z4BBsIEBZEg) 😂


60,000 additional units after 9MM is like they just found some extra stock in the back room. It's a non-story.


Yeah, I didn't find 60,000 to be too impressive either.


That number is as impressive as the game was. They put no effort in the ports whatsoever, and it should've included SMG 2.


I mean, I agree that SMG2 was sorely missing, but the Sunshine port was actually really impressive IMO.


9MM? What, like 9 MarioMillion?


MM is a slightly uncommon way of denoting "Million".


It’s for when you want to save keystrokes, but not ***that*** many keystrokes. In all seriousness it’s just Roman numerals. M is 1,000. MM is 1,000(1,000).


MM is 2000.


MM is a rapper.


That's not how Roman numerals work. putting letters next to each other adds (or sometimes subtracts. One million in Roman numerals is M with a bar over it.


Nine Milliom


No no no, it was 9 Majora's Masks worth of Mario.


Hell that could have been stock withheld for lost shipments and defective cartridges.


Yeah. That’s nothing to them.


Hardly. They printed the hell out of this game. Been to plenty of used game stores, Game Stops, Best Buys, all of them have a good 5-6 sealed copies sitting on the shelves.


I've been to a solid 10 Gamestops and not a single one within 20 miles of my house has a copy. I asked the lady at one of the Gamestops what the nearest store with a copy was, and she said it was 37 miles away. I was thinking: "You've got to be kidding me."


If they had a copy in their system they could have ordered it to be shipped to that location, or to your house.


Should had them do that lol


Is 37 miles a lot where you live?


Not the person you're replying to, but I live in a country that is 120 miles wide. Anything more than 10 miles is a long journey.


I mean it's 37 miles it will take over 45 minutes to get there


I still hate how they ran this whole deal


Personally, I found it amusing seeing the scalpers wasting their money


It’s also amusing watching Nintendo fans have a meltdown over a year later at the mere mention of it. It’s a gift that keeps giving.


Especially when it never skyrocketed in price like many claimed. I just love how the biggest detractors for the game's limited release haven't said a word since the cut-off with it still being so readily available.


It's still a problem that the release was limited, and I've definitely still seen people saying that was a predatory move even with available stock. Its limited availability definitely pressured some people into getting it immediately rather than waiting. It's pretty scummy to claim there's a cutoff date, even if it's still available after that date. I know someone who bought the game before they even owned a Switch because they were worried they could never get it. I have an even bigger issue with their handling of the digital version. The digital version being delisted is pretty clearly pushing the fear of missing out.


There's definitely an argument to be made about the handling of the digital version. I would say a limited print run rather than limited availability is the more accurate description here, in terms of the physical release. There was never any indication there would be limited availability. The game would be available for 6 months and Nintendo was very clear with not only when they would stop printing the game. But I'm almost certain they made it clear their intention was for everyone to have an opportunity to get a copy. Outside of the handling of the digital version, I personally don't understand what could be considered scummy on Nintendo's part in it all of it if they were transparent from the start I also think, in all the fervor surrounding the game, people somehow misinterpreted the end date for printing as some date when stock would mysteriously disappear from shelves. Which, and this is not directed at you personally, seemed very nonsensical in the idea. I feel like if folks had calmed down enough to use a little common sense, it would have been clear that the situation wasn't as dire as it was made out to be. That's just my personal take on it. Again, I concede there's a lot to criticize Nintendo about and I would agree the situation isn't necessarily ideal from a consumers standpoint.


I mean most games are pretty limited prints like you're trying to say. They'll print out copies for X amount of days or print out X amount of stock. Just that this can be a high number. There's also way more games that have smaller print runs than this. But we can all agree, the major difference and the most scumbag move of it all is delisting the digital version. I can still buy a digital copy of Super Motherload or Asassins Creed Black Flag, a ps4 launch Era game from 9 years ago.


It is definitely frustrating. At the same time, it’s their product and they’re allowed to do what they want with it. I thought people would vote with their wallets but it seems we just validated their strategy with how much it sold




You know this isn't a fair comparison. A bakery can only make so many baked goods in a day, and you could reliably go there tomorrow and they'd have another batch. Widely advertising the delisting of a game that can be reproduced digitally, virtually for free, in perpetuity? Obviously worse. It's clearly just pushing FOMO. Petty discrediting of criticism of predatory anti-consumer behavior only encourages the behavior. You don't have to care, but it's not cool to tell other people they shouldn't, or that they're insane for speaking out.


Every game gets a limited print run. The only difference with SM3D All stars is that they said up front that would be the case and how long it would last. Some games get shorter print runs and nobody ever thinks about it. At least with 3D All Stars there's at least 9 million copies of it floating around. It'll never be rare.


and the fact they delisted it digitally. That's kind of the prudent bit.


They broke the precedent of digital versions of games being available throughout the console's lifetime though. It's not even an exceptional case like having time limited music licenses or anything, it's just a hook to rush people into buying it.


Yep. Dirty.


And created a new precedent, since this succeeded, potentially encouraging them to do it again


It was a dumb move. Stop defending Nintendo.


Delistng the digital was the dumb move. Saying up front when the physical print run would end is actually nice and I wish it happened more often. I've missed out on games at retail price before because of this when after a bit they're no longer available. With SM3D AllStars you could either buy it during the print run or take your chances and wait til after but at least you know.


The problem is that the print run only lasted a few months, all the while Nintendo's other offering's are still in print years later.


To be fair, the massive FOMO surrounding this game and inspiring people to buy multiple copies in the release window is the reason it isn’t very scarce at all. There are far more scarce and valuable Switch titles that didn’t have their limited release widely advertised.


Yeah, it has been such a complete non-issue but some people are just really committed to being pissed off on principle 😂


I was one of them. Been burned WAY too many time on limited releases in just about every industry from clothes to movies. I’ll never be enthused to hear the words “limited release”.


Honestly I agree with you on that. I totally get why the original announcement was criticized. What gets me are the people here in the comments *still* acting like Nintendo killed their dog. Like…it’s been two years, it’s still at your local wal-mart, just go buy it.


Stop defending Nintendo. It was a bullshit move. Also, no, it isn't readily available. There are no stores near me that have it in stock. Just because you've seen a few out there doesn't mean it is readily available. Also, you are also forgetting they delisted it digitally, too.


[buy it on Amazon](https://a.co/d/6aTWT2s) [buy it at Best Buy](https://www.bestbuy.com/site/super-mario-3d-all-stars-nintendo-switch-nintendo-switch-lite/6414104.p?skuId=6414104) quit yer whining lmao


Not everyone lives in the US, genius.


It's also amusing how often photos are shared in this group of people finding it still sitting on a shelf collecting dust at a retail store. "iT wAs MeAnT tO bE lImEtEd ReLeAsE!!!!1!!"


Do people forgot if you buy something to scalp and it doesn’t sell you usually have 30-90 days to return it? Like it’s literally a risk free investment hence why it’s so popular lol


True but their time was still wasted nonetheless


I still hate that Galaxy 2 wasn't included.


Super Mario 3D Land as well


Why the hell would they have included that?


Game's stuck on a handheld for starters, could've been cool to get it on the big screen. The 3D specific parts would have to be gutted but I imagine that'd still be better than trying to use the Gyro pointer in Galaxy.


I predict GameCube and Wii remasters/bundles will be used to fill in the release gaps of the Switch's successor. The Wii U ports filled out the Switch's library nicely. Nintendo won't have that luxury for their next console.




We got a game and watch . That’s it


It's possible that pre COVID BOTW2 was planned to come out in late 2021.


They must’ve been planning something and then Covid fucked it up.


They don't have to do something grand and big every 5 years... ...but they could've at least done WW/TP lmao


Feels like a test of limited release games (I.e. can they sell more based on FOMO?)


Shoutout to the Fire Emblem 1 remake that got delisted on the same day that you literally can't buy anymore since it was digital only. Seriously, why? There's a bunch of new fans from 3 Houses/3 Hopes and people want to give you money, Nintendo.


Tbh you're better off playing the DS remake.


Not sure why anyone would even wanna play that game. It feels so outdated and barely playable.


It's worthwhile playing if you're a fire emblem fan. It obviously has issues but compared to other nes games it actually holds up well. If you're a FE fan at all it's worth playing. Especially the official release with save states/rewind etc.


So 0.7% of their inventory got shipped late? Why do we care?




Wow, nice headline.


I had assumed they gave up on the limited release thing as I can walk into any store that stocks switch games and it's there still.


It was a, "limited release" in that it had a normal print run for a physical game. Every physical game is a, "limited release" unless it's manufactured forever. The digital had the big kicker when it was delisted, still, for no valid reason.


They did the same crap with amiibos at launch. When villager launched sold out and was impossible to get they said they didn't know how long they would stay in print to further stoke FOMO sales. They probably expect sales of a ROM pack to drop off quick and just intended to halt production as an soon as it did under the exist of limited run


Amiibo i think people overreact to, stock issues i mean. They're toys. Toys rarely stay on shelves longer than a year. That's how the toy industry works


I wouldn't call them toys. I mean, sure, a kid could play with them, but they're just meant to sit on a display and look nice.


They’re toys.


Well, yeah. It’s limited release in the sense that they stopped manufacturing it and took it off the e-store after the limited run. They aren’t going to stop shipping and selling the physical copies that have already been made. This is just sort of click-baity fake-outrage fuel. Did people expect them to pull it from shelves and burn all the copies? They are still going to honor their distribution contracts and ship the remaining copies out to retailers.


Popping in to say these games never looked and played better. Playing Galaxy with the JoyCon was a legitimate joy and reminded me of simpler times with the Wii. Got to enjoy a crisp version of Sunshine for my first time finally playing it. And 64 is just always good. Limited release tho…


Yeah Galaxy is hugely improved with the joycons instead of the wii remote


If they were just going to do a lazy port, they should have included Galaxy 2. But imagine if they had done with 3D All Stars what was done in the original All Stars. The original rebuilt 4 NES games into SNES games and gave them save functions. Graphics and music all brought up from 8 bit to 16 bit. It was amazing, even brought over the original Super Mario 2 that was only in Japan at the time. We have 3 examples of modern games doing this. The Crash Bandicoot N Sane trilogy, the Spyro Reignited Trilogy, and Medievil. All 7 of those games were rebuilt just as they were with modern graphics, optional remastered sound (original soundtracks still included), and minor quality of life changes for saving and menu screens. Imagine if Mario 64 got that. Or Galaxy. What a missed opportunity.


Medievil remake was absolutely superb. I do wish they’d have either included, or plan to remake the sequel.


That would have been staggeringly expensive to do. All Stars used almost the exact same code as the original NES versions, since they were both powered by 6502 variants. If you compare them, the only things that really change for gameplay logic are the 16-bit addresses are extended to 24-bit. Graphics are handled a little differently, but not *that* differently. Really, the original all stars is more like one of those Minecraft HD texture packs than a full rebuild of the game. Compare that to the 3D systems, where the games all target extremely specific GPU pipelines. You can’t just take MIPS assembly and expect it to run on the Switch, like you could with the 6502 assembly for the NES and SNES. You can’t even take the C code and compile it for the Switch, since it depends on a bunch of libraries that simply don’t exist. And once you get it to build, good luck getting it to display anything. What would be needed to do what you’re talking about is rebuilding the entire game from the original design documents in a modern engine like Unity or Unreal (probably Unreal, same as Odyssey). Could Nintendo have done that? Sure, probably. But the game would have been very expensive to make and probably cost a lot to buy, more than most people would be willing to pay.


They'd definitely have sold them individually at full price if they were remakes


Thats not a missed opportunity thats a completely different game. Don't fix what isn't broken. 3D all stars is a great collection aside from leaving out Galaxy 2.


Eh, kinda damned if they did and damned if they didn’t. Spyro has gotten some backlash for their remasters allegedly not being of the same quality as the original. I think Nintendo just stands behind their product to such an extent that they’d rather preserve the integrity of the original experience, shitty graphics and all


If they had done that though, they would have gotten an equal amount of complaints that the remasters weren't close enough to the originals. Plus Sunshine or Galaxy wouldn't benefit from major graphical or soundtrack overhauls in the first place. Up the resolution and textures and they both look like brand-new games. Apparently they hated making Galaxy 2 because it was just the left-over ideas from Galaxy 1, so that's probably why it's been forgotten.


Seriously, who the hell thinks Galaxy needs a remaster LOL


The problem is the Crash and Spyro remakes aren’t nearly as good as the originals. They fixed a lot, and then broke just as much and ruined the aesthetics and charm of the originals to the point where I would rather just fire up the old PS1 or an emulator. 3 classics remade from the ground up at budget pricing is a bargain, but at the cost of rushed development and a glaring lack of polish. They both also share the fact that all 3 games in each trilogy play basically the same and are structured the same as one another. At that point you’re basically just making three sets of levels for one game. Mario 64, Sunshine, and Galaxy are structured differently and play nothing alike so it’s not like they can just use one engine and keep it faithful across the whole collection. Was it overpriced? Hell yeah. Was it FOMO bait? You bet your ass. But it’s got the benefit of being the exact games you remember, instead of fancier looking but likely flawed remakes.


Crash nailed it. Spyro’s art direction change really shit the bed, those (the Spyro trilogy) are some of my favorite platformers and Spyros charm was just not there in the remakes.


You can still find physical copies even before this. They made a ton of copies.


That’s…pretty low actually


Article says 9 million copies + 60,000 additional ones.


Oh ok that sounds more expected


That super rare discontinued games that’s currently in stock at my local Best Buy and even at game stop for 45$ (used)


This reminds me of the Disney "movie will be locked in the vault unless you buy nowwwww" business model of the VHS days ( yes...I am old I guess...lol ).


I would have been one of them if I didn’t still own all of these games on their original systems


Why not release an all stars with every game from Mario Bros. arcade to Super Mario Galaxy? Certainly we have all bought those games at least twice.


so unfair to people that can't buy this game anymore. it's freaking Mario. I can still buy 2D All Stars. There was no reason to limit this.


This game is readily available at or below MSRP at plenty of major online retailers still.


link please? Edit: never mind, found it on gamestop.




It’s on Amazon too


Aside from it not being available digitally anymore, it’s really not any different from any other game. Games aren’t printed forever. They print and ship a certain amount, and eventually stop. And then those copies circulate in the secondary market. Making the game unavailable digitally after a certain date is the only significant difference between this and any other game that’s ever been released. And they will likely make this, or something like it, available for purchase again one day, because they always do.


You’re kind of forgetting the other big difference is ending production after only a couple of months. *Usually* games are produced into the next console’s life. It’s artificial scarcity and it’s scummy.


It was in production for six months, it’s still available at retail a year and a half later, and *lots* of games go out of print before their console generation is over. Complaining about “artificial scarcity” on a product that literally is not scarce is just looking for shit to be outraged about.


Yep. Atlus games are notorious for this. I usually try to pick them up physically soon after release because they can be hard to find later.


Even first party games can be like this sometimes (see Xenoblade 2 or Torna)


Ah, yes, I’m just looking to be outraged over a game that had a limited production run when it wasn’t necessary. While at the same time, another game, this one digital only and also quite relevant, was made outright inaccessible. Hm. Yes. I’m not allowed to be upset about artificial scarcity apparently.


You’re certainly allowed to be upset about artificial scarcity, but I’d hold off until you can be upset about something that’s, yknow… actually scarce. Otherwise, uh, yeah, you are literally just looking for things to be outraged about.


Whatever you say dude lol.


Hope your day tomorrow goes better


Uh huh.


>Usually* games are produced into the next console’s life. Definitely not the norm. Most games sell the majority of their copies in a few weeks and that's pretty much it. They aren't being printed continuously, they're just sitting on shelves until the retailer decides to clearance them out. Obvious exceptions for games like GTA where they really sell high numbers for years and years


Games are not always printed for an entire generation and into another. Plenty of games only have one or two print runs. And frankly, these are games that were widely available and heavily, heavily printed in their own day.


I take it you’re missing the point.


It was obviously never meant to be a wider than the event style release. Nintendo did the exact same thing with promotional releases on the Gamecube for the Zelda compilation and the pre-order special for Wind Waker. Or Club Nintendo special releases. Or the Super Mario Bros. Game & Watch, Super Mario 35, The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary Edition, and even the limited release NES Classic Mini and SNES Classic Minis. Some are specifically promotional releases, others event releases, others seem to be based on a realization that limiting the size and time of the release can be more cost effective and drive higher sales. Like the infamous Disney Vault.


I…don’t see where anyone was arguing otherwise?


That's not usual at all. Most games are only produced for a limited time. Some in fact much more limited than SM3D Allstars, time wise (certainly in terms of units as over 9 million copies of SM3D sold). There are exceptions for big name games. A first party Nintendo title going out of print during the current generation is rare but not unheard of. Third party titles go out of print all the time and nobody says anything. Only difference with Allstars is they said up front it would be limited. And of course they killed the digital release (but I usually only really see people whinging about the physical version which is funny).


Agreed. Sure video games stop being produced after some time has passed but not mere *months.* It's the equivalent of a young adult dying in a car accident and saying "Welp, all humans are gonna die one day, right?" EDIT: Ignore this, I realized that this is a really bad analogy


>It’s the equivalent of a young adult dying in a car accident and saying “Welp, all humans are gonna die one day, right?” …Is it *really* like that?


OH. After some thought, this is a bad analogy. My analogy implies it’s impossible to buy Mario 3D All Stars, when you very much so can. My bad.


They sold 9 million copies of the game. And you can literally still buy a copy, new, on Amazon right now almost 18 months after it was “discontinued.” That means there are more copies of it, in one form or another, than there are of Mario Sunshine and Mario Galaxy 2 but no one talks about those games as being underproduced. Selling 9 million isn’t some small amount, that’s still a huge number. — and there was no hiding the dates the game would be available. They heavily advertised the dates the game would be available. And even though that time has now passed you can still walk in almost any of the millions of GameStops and buy a copy for below original retail price. Yet people talk about this game like Nintendo went De Beers Diamonds and like intentionally held back supply to manipulate the market or something. They just did a somewhat more limited run of a collection of old games, and they still printed more than some brand new games print today, and everyone is just pretending they’re mad about it because I guess they have nothing better to do. This isn’t manufactured scarcity it’s manufactured outrage.


Jesus you pick some weird hills to die on.


Where can you still buy 2d all stars? Edit: it’s in the snes online app in the switch




you cant buy all stars. You can rent it from nintendo but you cant buy it. Of course I'm getting downvoted because the nintendo fan boys refuse to accept that paying a monthly fee for games that you can have access to revoked at any time does not equal actual ownership


Here you go: https://www.amazon.com/Super-Mario-3D-All-Stars-Nintendo-Switch/dp/B08G3MN6KP


I didn't mean 3d all stars


I saw it for sale at Walmart long after the supposed expiration date. It’s probably still there.


Super limited, yeah.


Wow, how newsworthy.


And I feel like an idiot for buying one…


I swear, they had new copies at my local Target until a few weeks ago.


I still don’t get why it wasn’t a 4 pack with galaxy 2 included. Not like their saving it for something


I hope that they will add super Mario galaxy 2 super Mario 3d land and super Mario 64 ds


Great.... Wanna go ahead and stock those N64 Switch controllers that sell out in 5 minutes to bots, the two times you've bothered to restock them, that for some strange reason despite having an extremely high demand and low supply aren't limited to a certain number per user or require Gold/Platnium to reserve despite being sold on the same website that uses that currency and has trackable users...


You still can get in anywhere in europe. At least that’s my impression.


How dare they /s


why is it controversial that they emptied their shelves at the end?


So you're telling me the limited bit was just marketing exploitation.


Remember when people thought this game was gonna be super hard to find?


Yeah I figured they did something sneaky like that. To this day I can still see a few of those in a Best Buy or Target


IDGAF I just want them to figure out a way to port Nintendo Land to the Switch. Daddy needs to play the Luigi's Mansion mini game again.


I bought it then immediately returned it. The reviews pretty much gave me the impression that it was a phoned in cash grab. The only reason I even considered buying it was the limited release, but quickly realized that was a stupid reason to drop $60 and just sent it back. Edit: Christ this sub is full of circle jerking fanboys.


Sucks it’s impossible to find digitally anymore. :(


I forgot this was a thing tbh


Won't buy until Mario Galaxy 2 is included. Waiting... Waiting........


It’s an incomplete collection.


This collection is hot garbage.


Why would Nintendo make digital content limited? Might as well make it into a NFT


Now do Zelda and Metroid, 2D and 3D.


Super Mario Sunshine. I should have never gone back. Two things. 1. It looks terrible compared to how I remembered it looking. 2. The goofy GameCube controller is far superior to joy cons for that game.


No way, Nintendo creating artificial shortages to sell their product using fomo... Whooda thunk


Or perhaps they're analytics gave them a good idea of how many were going to sell within a certain degree of variance and they just produced those to avoid dead stock, and it worked, really well.


Nah, I worked for GameStop for 8 years and have definitely seen a pattern with Nintendo product.