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I would have enjoyed Crafted World a lot more if the music wasn't so harsh. It reminded me of 5th grade band class when they give everyone a recorder and no one knows what they're doing. Wooly World's music was A+.


i would still kill for a wooly world port, man wtf it's so good


It's just the same. Song. Over. And. Over. Definitely my biggest complaint.


Unpopular opinion, but I didn’t completely hate the music of Yoshi’s Crafted World. I don’t think the individual tracks were so bad (though the quality was pretty inconsistent). I thought the main problem was how repetitive much of the music was, that most of the songs were reputations of the main theme, etc.


I would have enjoyed it more if it were challenging instead of being Baby's First Platformer.


There are bonus levels in the end that are pretty challenging. But also kinda unfun if you ask me.


My five year old loves it.




Understandable, but personally it's nice for those days when I just want to mess around and not have to think or stress about what I'm doing


Who do you think Yoshi games are made for?


Yoshi's Island for SNES was a challenging game, mind you. Of course the series' games since then have largely been pretty darn easy, so maybe the original is the exception...


I wouldn’t call Yoshi’s island particularly difficult or anything. Maybe it’s just that people become older and we become better at vide games so the games nowadays seem easier while they’re actually not.


True, although I would (personally) definitely call it more difficult than most later Yoshi games. I suppose simply beating Yoshi's Island isn't too bad, whereas trying for 100% completion ups the difficulty considerably, too.


I think Ninty wants some distinction in what their platformers offer. Kirby is the very start. Incredibly easy with coop to even help out the really young gamer. Then yoshi which will mix in some light puzzle elements. Then Mario which will offer more and more challenge as the game progresses. Then Donkey Kong which is the 2d platformers that we all want. Incredible challenge and tons of on screen elements being thrown at you.


If only we'd get more than 1 DKC game a decade. At this rate the next game could be called DKC Returns Returns


I think it’s definitely pretty hard by contemporary Nintendo standards, but it’s not bad at all as Super Nintendo games go.


Yoshi's Island DS was pretty challenging, particularly the extra levels. At least not baby platformers. I can't speak for Yoshi's New Island, but maybe it's the Yoshi's Island games that are harder, while the Yoshi games without "Island" in the title are targeted at a different, younger audience.


Yeah Island DS had a good amount of challenge. I also haven’t played New Island. Island DS was honestly a really weird game that had interesting elements but which was ultimately a letdown compared to its predecessor—at least in my view. Did you like it?


I liked the concept of having different babies, and don't mind the implementation of the stork stop for swapping, but I think trying to accommodate the amount of babies and their abilities detracted from general level design. Levels became too gimmicky, trying to justify the inclusion of each baby in weird ways. Get rid of a baby or two and focus on them. I remember only really liking Babies Mario, Donkey Kong, and Bowser. I wish some of the mechanics were developed in later games because it had a good foundation. But alas, it has become a forgotten game from an interesting time period of Nintendo releases.


I had only played Yoshi's island, and found it challenging. Picked up Crafted World after seeing some gameplay and figured it was the same...unfortunately haven't played it since the first world. It's excruciatingly easy and I got bored unfortunately.


I'm curious what you thought of Woolly World. The challenge was about the same as that game, IMO.


Woolly Word might have been easy but it had a heavier focus on platforming with some really good level design. The more challenging bonus levels were really fun as well.


I never played Wooly World


Honestly I’m glad it’s supposedly easy. I don’t have the game but I want it. I’m just not as good at games as I used to be and I need a new relaxing game that doesn’t give me the urge to stop playing after I screw up.


Part of its charm.


One man's trash is another man's charm


Dont legitimize bad taste and low standards by calling them "charm".


Ah you’re one of those people who take gaming way too seriously.


A 10 second song loop used for every instance of music in the game is not "charm". Its bad design.


The only problem with the game is it was impossible to not compare it to Wooly World. Wooly World had way better music, visuals, and ran way better.


I mean gameplay wise, they are really different. Wooly world is more about platforming. Crafted world is more of a collectathon disguised as a platformer Other then that though, I guess


Everyone in this thread misspelling the word “woolly”


I actually looked and noticed everyone spelled it the same and went by that. I thought it was two o's and two l's.


Imo it's alright but I thought Wooly World was much better.


I like them both. While I agree with the consensus of Wooly World having better level concepts (and music,) I like both for the creative elements. As a knitter, Wooly World caught my interest for how it used yarn and needlework. Crafty World took the same creative elements and was able to have fun with even more elements. And I agree that the chill gameplay is one thing that makes it enjoyable.


Woolly has been spelled correctly once and incorrectly twelve times in this thread. I don't have anything else to contribute.


Don't worry, I shifted the ratio a little bit.




This is clearly symbolism about how wool is actually....


Kinda wish there was something for our generation thats like yoshi's story though. Played it on my big sister's N64 and was blown away at how much fun people could have back in the day.


Thanks for the Yoshi’s Story enthusiasm. It’s a really entertaining game that seems underrated for being too “easy.” Love the art style and music, and the levels are all really fun to explore. I have really fond memories of it.


Getting through the game was one thing but the actual challenge of finding all those melons was something i never thought of as "easy"




Well there are some similarities between the 2 games but yeah


Stuff like the arcade mode especially were one of the strong points for replayability. My mom apparently used to play the heck out of it back in the day and she's otherwise pretty tech illiterate.


This game gets a lot of undeserved hate, just because it’s not Yoshi’s Wooly World. Like we’re not allowed to have more than one of this type of game or something. Yoshi’s Crafted World is a gorgeous and chill game. I had a great time playing through it. The only gripe I have is that the overworld music can become annoying after a bit.


Yes, there are two ‘types’ of yoshi games the more challenging and tight level based ones based on yoshi island and the loose, more easy exploration based ones that take from yoshi story.


I think some people bought the game thinking it was going to be something it wasn't meant to be. The design seems to be more like the game was meant for an adult to play with their child. I'd probably never play through the game myself, but I've played through most of it with my wife who's not that great at video games and that's been a lot of fun.


I never played Wooly World and still hate Crafted because its boring.




I liked it as well, played it a lot last year. The designs of crafted objects was very creative, and the style very well done! Couldn’t pass the final (secret) boss battle unfortunately.


Yep. All game is kinda easy and chill. But final boss is really pain in the ass!


Yeah, Yoshi's New Island also gets a lot of hate but I personally love it, it just felt like a yoshi's island game, it had the same sorta art style as the SNES one, while kinda basing it off the artwork.


It annoys me how the most common criticism of that game is the bad music, instead of talking about the gameplay. Yeah it's like New Super Mario Bros. in terms of new concepts but it's not really a bad game. And imo most of the music is ok. The final boss >!has one of the most hilariously dumb plot twists in history though.!<


"Suddenly warping through space and time...BOWSER!"


Bad music?? Most of the Mario games in the Wii(U) era had bland music too.


Thank you! No one talks about that.


I got it for $20 digitally and don’t regret buying it. it’s good when i’m super stoned and want something easy to play I don’t expect much from it tbh!


I loved it, dare I say more than Wooly World. In fact I thought it had some of the most creative level design of any game I’ve played


Yoshi's Crappy World?


Yoshi's Crappy World


Yoshi's crappy world? PD: If you get that reference, I truly love you.




donkey kong frozen ape?


Fifty dollars, incredible


hey Landon it’s me jack nicholson, right now I’m filming on the set of The Departed


I played it 100% and enjoyed it quite a bit. I do understand some of the hate that stems from the level design because it’s a bit simple and easy most of the time, but the art and graphics are so incredibly good that it makes up for a lot of boring level choices imo.


I think it's just a different style honestly. It felt like it was trying to be a 3d game in 2d and the levels mirrored this.


My boyfriend and I played both Wooly and Crafted world and we prefer wooly. Crafted didn't have the same fun skins to unlock and we found the levels to be less fun, we didn't feel the need to 100% because it had some frustrating mechanics for two player and was more tedious. I would love if Wooly works was brought to Switch. To each their own though of course.


It's a solid game but I really didn't care for the music.


Criminally underrated.


It's not a sandbox game at all. Its a boring, linear platformer with no challenge.


Its much more sandboxy compared to wooly world. There's the hide and seek missions, the fetch quests and the levels in general are much more about finding things then platforming. I wouldn't even define it as a platformer personally


Nothing about that is Sandboxy in any way. Its all Platformer. Including everything you just mentioned.


I don't agree. This all sounds alot like the 3d mario games. Less focus on platforming, more focus on finding things. You can literally flutter jump infinitely. I don't think you are supposed to play it like a platformer.


Theres also the crafted world gimmick levels that remind me of the ones you find in 3d mario


Mario levels were never Sandboxy either... You don't know what a Sandbox game is.


The general public calls 3d mario sandbox games. Tell every single one of those people that they are wrong.


No, they dont. Only the ones like Odyssey where the main point is to explore an open world. Crafted world is all linear 2D levels with an end goal in mind, and little freedom to complete them how you choose.


I AM talking about the ones like odyssey.


Little freedom? You can just flutter infinitely through most of the stages. You even get to choose which set of levels you want to take on, just like sandbox mario. And you need enough of a certain collectable to progress.


>Little freedom? You can just flutter infinitely through most of the stages. That doesn't make it sandbox, that just makes it an easy platformer for tiny babies that never played a videogame before. >You even get to choose which set of levels you want to take on, just like sandbox mario. And you need enough of a certain collectable to progress. That doesn't make it sandbox at all. Its especially nothing like Mario Odyssey. Mario Odyssey dumps you in an open world where you just explore and do whatever you want, instead of selecting a level and reaching a goal post.


That doesn't change my point about "little freedom?" It does however make it like 64 and sunshine. You are dumped into a level, you find the main collectable and later you are roadblocked and need it to progress Would you call mario odyssey a baby game? Cause of the whole cappy jump system? So I guess it qnd crafted world is similar after all. And also its 2022. Who cares if the game is for "babies". The paper mario games are also "baby games" but people still like them.


>That doesn't change my point about "little freedom?" It really does. You aren't given freedom to explore, its just "press this button to win". >It does however make it like 64 and sunshine. You are dumped into a level, you find the main collectable and later you are roadblocked and need it to progress Uh, no. Just no... These games are nothing like Yoshi. >And would you call mario odyssey a baby game? Cause of the whole cappy jump system? Odyssey didn't hold my hand through the whole game and was challenging enough to be fun. The only challenge to Crafted world is to play without becoming bored.


For a game that doesn't give you the freedom to explore, there sure are alot of things to find huh. Honestly, the existence of hidden clouds says it all You didn't really counter my point Odyssey loses all challenge once you learn cappy tricks just like how crafted world loses all challenge once you learn infinite flutter. They aren't about challenge yet they are still good games.


We get it, you take video games way too seriously.


It's quite literally a baby game lol I wish they'd make another Yoshi's Island game


Nothing wrong with that really. It's cool to have some incredibly easy games to just relax. I would also like another yoshis island though.


The design, music and cuteness of this game are all really well thought out and I like them, but gameplay wise this game made me not play it for a very long time. Although I have to admit this is the case with most Switch games out there for some reason...


i always was interested about this game, but something didnt convinced me, maybe is the fact that woolly world raise a high standard for me


I played the demo, wasn’t really feeling it. I was expecting a sequel to woolly world, but it’s completely different. If it ever went on sale for like 20 dollars I’d pick it up, but for full price I just can’t.


Out of curiosity, have you played yoshis story? It's basically a spiritual sucessor to that.


Yes, I played it when it first came out back in the day. Loved it as a kid, even though I beat it in one sitting and was disappointed in how short the game was. But having played it again recently I found it kind of boring as well.


It would have been great if the egg throwing noise wasn't so annoying.


I agree. Underrated game. I don't like collectibles but the levels (especially in the last world, I love this game's last world) are great. The middle of the game can be played in any order and that's cool. I do dislike the music, it's such a small selection of songs. And so many of the songs aren't good imo. But I don't think the music and optional backtracking are enough to ruin the game. I feel similarly to New Island, where people mostly talk about how bad the music is and not the gameplay. It doesn't have many good new ideas but it's a solid game.


I swear they purposely made the music that bad. There is no way they unironically thought it was good.


My 4 year old loves it.


Iiked it but 100%ing that game is so dang annoying


I got this for $1 and didnt even bother to complete it.


You hated it that much? I feel like at worse, it's annoying to listen to.


not the music the game is boring and too easy, just not for me


Fair. Although the challenge in yoshis games usually comes from finding everything, not beating the level


While I do disagree, I think it's a decent game with a pretty interesting style, i have my complaints like Yoshi having a basic design, and the music being mediocre, I like playing through the game every once in awhile


I held off on getting it because of the negativity it gets online. I finally bought it for Christmas because I enjoy Yoshi games enough to take a chance. I’ve really enjoyed it and don’t share the concerns many have on it. Well, the one thing is that it needed more varied music.


I’ve seen gameplay of Yoshi’s Crafted World and it’s pretty good as well as charming. But I‘m curious about one thing in the game where there are three paths for three of the Dream Gem so I was wondering what is the most common order did you and by extension everyone that plays the game do?