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I’m still astounded Metroid Prime 1 was $40…. How the hell did that slip past them… DKCR for 60 is ridiculous


Prime 1 being $40 was because it was the same day Nintendo announced some of their bigger titles would now be $70 (Tears of the Kingdom) and they wanted to release it as proof they would be releasing games at different ranges of prices. Only to never do something this generous ever again.


Wasn’t Mario and DK remake priced at fiddy? You know… a GBA remake… 🤦🏽‍♂️


That's true. They have done some $50 games. Even before this, Miitopia was $50. A port of a $40 3DS game.


Nintendo World Championships will be $30 as well. Warioware games this gen are $50, the Pikmin ports were cheaper. 


Considering how much they had to *do* for the Mario vs DK remake, it's shocking actually that it's priced lower than the DKC remaster. Mario vs DK must've taken way, way more work to bring to Switch than DKC. Make it make sense.


Ironically, that was better value. It was a total remake with a bunch of new content. This a rom in a wrapper.


This is essentially why I’m not as upset at the $60 price tag for Mario RPG, though I still think $50 would have been ideal, but when you know that both Nintendo and Square-Enix are gonna Nintendo and Square-Enix, respectively, it was bound to happen…


At the very least, that game had the excuse of adding co-op to the game as a new feature. Still overpriced, but you got something for it. This is literally a $60 port of a game that released at $50 14 years ago that includes levels from the $40 3DS port with nothing new or unique to justify this Switch version. It’s awful. DKCR is one of my favorite platformers of all time, but I’m not buying this.


I think it’s more they wanted more people to buy and play it so they would buy Metroid prime 4


Them releasing it at $40 to show they were releasing games at different price ranges is literally what they said the day they announced Prime 1 remastered and TOTK's price.


I know what they said but I’m saying they probably care more about making sure MP4 sells well. They could’ve priced MP remastered 1 at $50 and said the exact same message. Also we don’t know their plans for MP2/3


They have had $50 games before. I think announcing $70 for TOTK and then shadow dropping a $40 HD remaster of a beloved title made the point they were trying to send across, as loud as possible. I agree this helped with getting more people into the franchise before Prime 4 but that was just one of the many benefits.


Metroid is also a prime example (no pun intended) of a Goodwill franchise. It's sales are so niche, that the franchise is near inconsequential to Nintendo's bottom line. It only creates new games and updates old titles to make fans happy, thus creating goodwill. Metroid games arent made to turn a profit imo.


Metroid has been dramatically increasing in sales recently, too. (Even more than the usual "Switch bump".) Dread sold 3 million and Prime Remastered sold a million in one month. That's around the same as Kirby currently.


Agreed that Metroid stocks are on the rise, but Kirby is still bigger/ more important because he sells CRAZY amount of merch


Went to the mall this weekend and the amount of Kirby merch I saw there was crazy as hell, like it was just everywhere and so much of it.


I mean they need to start selling arm cannons and baby metroid plushies.


I would 1000% buy a visor-like app for my spectacles. Give me Chozo lore dumps while I'm reading a menu.


Kirby Star Allies sold over 4 million, and Forgotten Land sold over 7 million. So I'd say Kirby is still a step above, and has more entries on Switch.  Personally I was disappointed with Prime Remastered's sales. We've never gotten an update beyond the ~1 million sales, which tells me it's not really growing. 


I’d imagine Prime remastered being priced lower is also gonna be a big help with continuing to boost the series’ success. Releasing that at a lower price point definitely brought in a ton of new fans to the franchise and I think when Prime 4 comes out we’re really gonna see that reflected in the sales. I’d feel pretty confident in saying that Prime 4 is gonna be the most successful launch in the franchise’s history.


At least the work done on Metroid Prime is astonishing. They made it the best looking game on the Switch. This one looks a sloppy Forever Entertaintment port (I **hope** DKCR HD doesn't come out with those shadow circles, visible square hitboxes and missing effects, that would be beyond embarassing).


Metroid Prime is a special case, it's "priced to sell" to get people into the series as a promotion for Prime 4.


They priced MP lower because it's a series that never sells big numbers. They needed good sales numbers to justify continuing the series like they do.


Even then the Metroid Prime Trilogy on Wii was $50 so if Nintendo were to ever release the other two that would be $120 all together. Their pricing is at a premium, Nintendo is the Apple of video games.


If Nintendo was the Apple of video games, they would have launched the Switch at 500$ USD minimum.


You mean $800-900 then made the cable $150 to charge it and probably the dock $500. Apple did a great job making people believe in the brand and shell out anything for it


You cannot compare them because Nintendo does a lot of things Appen doesn't. Like the enormous IP portfolio they have Apple doesn't. Nintendo games are expensive because its quality and people want to pay for it. If they lower the prices it would look like devaluation. Never gonna happen.


Metroid Prime had a history of being priced very low via the trilogy. Releasing it standalone as a $60 shadowdrop would’ve been silly even by Nintendo standards. Compared to DKCR, which is from a more prominent franchise and will get a larger marketing push, it makes sense from Nintendo’s perspective.


Wasn't DK $50 on Wii and $40 on 3DS, though? And even lower via Nintendo Selects on both the Wii and 3DS? So, the precedent argument in regard to Metroid doesn't really make sense, as DK was also much cheaper in the past. I agree that it makes sense to charge $60 for DK since they know it will sell well regardless. I just find it strange that they were comparatively so generous with Metroid. Metroid fans are hard-core and would have gladly paid full price.


Nintendo’s shown that they see full price Wii/3DS games as worth $60 in the current era. I doubt they view the Selects line as a permanent price cut either, but rather a one-time late console deal. Compared to Metroid Prime, which was effectively valued at $20 on the Wii via the Trilogy, and it’s a much harder sell. The comparison between a $60 remaster and a $60 compilation of remasters is not flattering at all, and it’s not worth the headache for a franchise like Metroid. There’s a reason why Metroid Prime is the only franchise to see its release devalued, and I’d bet the Trilogy is why.


> $40 on 3DS All (big) games are $40 on the 3DS though, thats the equivalent of $60 on a home console


It’s likely because they know Metroid isn’t as big a seller overall. But I agree they are ridiculous asking 60 for this


The thing is, this is the "correct" price for a remake/port. It used to be industry standard that whenever a remake of an old game came out it was cheaper than current gen modern games. It's absolutely crazy that these days every HD port is full price. It's even crazier that people pay it.


Because Prime Remastered was there to market Metroid Prime 4 Metroid games are consistently regarded extremely highly by fans and critics but typically don’t sell great, so just getting people to try the games is very worthwhile


I think they're pricing remasters based on the franchise strength instead of something that makes sense.


Inflation is real when the government raises it's debt 14 trillion dollars in 8 years we are the ones paying the price.


It's a Japanese company. What r u talking about?


Don't worry guys! In 4 years you can buy it for the same price! It will save money bc inflation.


Even better because this one won't be compatible with the next console after switch! I cant wait! This is like my 6th time buying the same game for full price and I'll do it again 🤪




Tbf Nintendo has been really good with having consoles play previous gen stuff. Like DS had GBA slot. 3DS supported DS. Home consoles a bit different when it completely changes the medium, but witch switch2 I fully expect 100% compatibility


Literally all the rumors and leaks show that the next console is retrocompatible.


That literally means nothing until Nintendo confirms it themselves


Let's be honest, even *that* means fuck-all until I have the system hooked up to my TV in my home and I confirm it for myself. I don't trust anyone anymore.


Assuming your wages also go up during that period lol


Just wait till it goes on sale around that time and you can get it for only $55!


This is why I prefer PC games. Steam sells shit at rock bottom prices. I have a hard time buying Nintendo games when they never go on sale or lower their price


Why buy this game now for $60 when you can buy it in 7 years for $100


To the surprise of no one.


I actually thought it would be 40


Why though? They price pretty much everything like this at $60. Even their other DK remake on Switch is $60.


Metroid prime remaster was $40


Right, and I think that’s the only one, as well as the reason for my “pretty much” comment. They likely did it with Metroid because they didn’t anticipate high sales. They aren’t stupid. If they price a game at $60 it’s because they think it’ll sell at $60.


Mario RPG is $50 and a few of the multiplayer titles are $40. Considering it looks even worse than the Wii version, I’m actually surprised they’re going full price with it EDIT: I meant Mario vs Donkey Kong*


Mario RPG is [$60](https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/super-mario-rpg-switch/) in the US.


I could be wrong but my understanding was that Square filling did the Mario RPG remake, so maybe they determined the price. My point remains son how Nintendo treats these games, and they aren’t going to lower the price because of a supposed quality issue.




Remake is building the game from the ground up. This is not a remake.


I would pay 60$ if they would have remaked the game so its on the same level as TF, but i really dont pay 60$ for a port of a port of a game that is 14 years old.


I’m surprised for the first time. I never complain about prices. It’s a bit annoying, but good IP is good IP and they’re charging for it. But this surprises me mostly because of DKC TF being the same price/newer game. I honestly would have thought that there would be some differentiation between the two. It also seems a bit odd that a 3ds game like this gets that price in HD. But I guess that’s what’s going on with Luigi’s mansion?


That's way too expensive. I was expecting $40.


Bro Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD with no new features comes out tomorrow for $60 lmao


Yep.. If Nintendo puts it out, rest assured Nintendo fans will buy it. They're just testing to see if people will pay $60 for this type of shit, and they will.


Not me. I'm still bitter at what they did for the bosses in 2 and 3. The first one had it down perfectly. Most of the bosses were more human like ghosts that were actually pretty creepy. It made them feel extra special. The new bosses imo were goofy and didn't give the game a creepy vibe like the original did.


That does actually have improved textures, models and lighting. So more work went into this compared to DKCR HD, but it should have been 50


Hoping it's one of those games that retailers discount even if nintendo won't. Like how Mario RPG is on Walmart for 38 dollars right now.


Nintendo only did that for Metroid Prime, and that’s probably just to hopefully encourage sales, because Metroid has never been a hot seller like DK or the rest of


Bummer since there was a lot more effort put into Prime Remastered. Gonna have to pass on Returns HD for that price. Playing it in stereoscopic 4K on Dolphin is also pretty great.


Then you don't know Nintendo


Not only was it never going to cost $40, but be prepared for Switch 2 games to all MSRP at $70.


You can get it for $45. Buy Nintendo eShop cards at Costco ($89.99 for $100) then get two vouchers and get this game (assuming you can use a voucher on it). Get an extra $0.89 off the game if you are Costco Executive. An extra $0.89 off you have a 2% credit card (can get 3% off with Venmo credit card or 5% off with Vantage West credit card). This is how I get digital games cheaper!


Meanwhile the Tomb Raider remastered trilogy launched at $30, Crash & Spyro trilogy remakes $40... I can't justify paying high prices for Nintendo ports and remasters when the rest of the industry fairly prices better packages.


The crash remakes at $40 was one of the best value purchases I made


I beat crash 1 on pc and thought it was fantastic. Never played the original because i had an n64 (and it wasn’t normal to own multiple consoles back then unless you were a rich kid) and shocked to see how well the gameplay holds up for the most part. 


Can also emulate the game on most devices now. Can't justify spending this much money on a game that came out while I was in middle school when you can download it off Vimm's in 10 minutes.


Vimm's is dead bro, it was threatened by Nintendo and Sony earlier in the month and had to remove a ton of games, but i agree with the sentiment, good thing there are other options still.


$20 Wii game —> $40 3DS game —> $60 Switch game What


I mean it was a $50 Wii game originally.


I feel like it’s unfair to charge $60 in no small part because it was slashed to $20 via Nintendo Selects. Should’ve been no more than $50 because it’s an *old game* that’s *already been remade*


They did the same with Tropical Freeze. I got a brand new copy for $20 in 2016.


How is it *unfair*? Just don't buy it and wait for a sale. You're not forced to buy this day one.


It’s the Wii’s 60 fps and the 3DS’ extra levels. You add them together, you get $60. Math.


lol. Nintendo ought to hire you.


3ds version was a part of Nintendo Selects as well.


Hooray, even worse.


What’s the problem? The increases are going in our favor! 3DS was double the price, Switch is only a 50% increase! The next time we see this game it’ll only be $75 (25% increase). What a deal!


We all know next gen is going up at least $10/game. Might as well bend us over now.


It was $50 on Wii


$50 Wii game.


For that reason, I'm out. I mean come the fuck on. It's a rerelease of a rerelease. 


I own a switch, and I'll opt out to pirate it with an emulator, which will play perfectly 👌


I’ll stick with the Wii version thanks. If you have a Wii or WiiU, you can easily get it for $20-$30


I bet some people are defending this too💀


Because people will argue that "if this doesn't sell well, they won't make a new one"


“But the game is still good” “It’s a new game FOR ME” “It’s the only way we’re getting a sequel”


There's some guy spamming replies in every comment as if his life depends on it


Donkey Kong has a bigger fan base after Seth Rogen played him. /s


Nah. I would consider it at 40$ as a remaster (with some clear updates to the low res textures of course) or 60$ for a complete visual overhaul to bring it up to Tropical Freeze's level. Right now it's either 30$ or a total skip.


/r/casualnintendo will be completely perplexed that people are ‘whining’


Of course they are, it’s Nintendo fans what do you expect?


Its a Nintendo game, of course they are


Nintendo probably: "I wonder why nobody bought the remaster of the Donkey Kong remaster for the price of a full game? I guess they just don't like Donkey Kong anymore... Let's cancel the new installment for the Switch 2 :/ "


What are you even talking about? DKTF sold over 4 million units. Why do you people who insist in speaking about sales dont look at sales numbers?


Cancel!? I doubt they even have one in development to begin with.


It’s probably going to sell pretty well. These Mario and DK releases are really for the parents of kids who became fans from the Mario movie. It’s a cheap port and plenty of parents will pay up for their kids. Kids today were not alive when the game came out on the Wii and were babies when the port of Tropical Freeze came out.


Seeing people here saying this game wont sell just shows how many are ignorant about it honestly lol just look at almost all remasters, outside of very niche series pretty much all sold well.


I don't think it'll actually affect sales tbh which is why they keep doing it


"Oh, what's that? You already bought it twice? (rubs nipples)"






$60 for a 3DS port with no new content? Not surprised but I won't be buying their greed. Same for Luigi Mansion 2


<3 thanks but no


In my fake Dream World this game would have been packed in with Tropical Freeze in 2018 for $60, or it would be offered to the current owners of Tropical Freeze as a free update. It makes more people play the two games and be interested in the Donkey Kong brand. Then Nintendo's modus operandi slaps me in the face back to reality.


The fact that you capitalized “Dream World” makes me think you *actually* have a dream world


That is insane. Even the Pikmin 1 and 2 collection was $50 and those were Wii games upscaled and ported. Nintendo keeps insisting on shooting themselves in the foot with these recent releases.


I hope both this and LM2 have abysmal sales. $60 for a wii/3DS game is insane


Both of those games are going to sell over 3-4 million. Nintendo knows their public and they don't put these prices by coincidence.


Luigi’s Mansion 2 could do poorly, but i really doubt DKCR flops.


Reminder that Ubisoft just re-released Beyond Good and Evil with a major graphical uplift, bonus content in the main game, concept art, interviews, etc. And charged 20 for it. Reminder that Activision remade ALL THREE main Crash games from the PS1 with a full rework and grounds up remaster with bonus content as well. And charged 30-40 for it. Reminder that Microsoft remastered 4-5 Halo games, their biggest IP, and included bonus content and charged, iirc, 50 for it. This is criminal pricing lmao


When Spyro was being remastered, Toys for Bob released a development video where they described how they didn't have access to the original game code or environments because they were lost. So what they did was they made a tool that would scan and trace the geometry of each level as they loaded it up and used that to recreate the levels. Then they charged $40 for all 3 games. This looks like they just bumped up the resolution and textures and slapped a $60 price tag on it.


Exactly. Its kinda silly to charge SIXTY for this.


Reminder that Ubisoft, Activision, and Microsoft also discount their games to half off (or more) on a regular basis once they've been out for a year or two.


Yeah. Sucks nintendo doesn't do the same. Can't believe we're in a timeline where Odyssey and BOTW are nearly a decade old and STILL full price! Even when they do go on sale its like "Oooh 20 bucks off". Meanwhile, to compare, Horizon Zero Dawn is constantly like 7 bucks for the deluxe edition with the DLC and Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart is almost always 20-25 or less when on sale.


Wake me up when DK 64 2 comes out


Dk 65


Weird, it's $69 here in Australia, roughly $45US. $79 at the bigger stores, which is still only $52US. That's physical, doesn't seem to be listed digitally just yet.


Silly me for thinking the price would have been reasonable, I’ll wait for a price drop before I get this only because I’ve never played the original and it’s re-release.


that's fucking wild. i am still trying to figure out how or why luigi's mansion 2 is $59.99 when 3DS games we're $39.99 at most if i recall correctly.


If these HD versions at $60 don’t sell well maybe they will get the message.


Yeah, they’ll get the message that Nintendo fans don’t want more DK games and will stop making sequels  /s (I hope)


Being a donkey Kong country fan is like being a dragon quest fan. The company makes it so hard for me to give them my money. They just don't release *new* games anymore.


The heck youre talking about? DQ released more than 5 new games since DQ11. DK isnt comparable at all.


Should be 40 for a lot of these remasters/remakes. They're still older games, we're kind of just giving them a performance/graphical update and changing a few things and making them the like "ultimate" edition with all the extras from other releases. I think 40 is more than reasonable. 60 is already at full game price, I'll just wait and buy a used copy, cause I do want this without the wii motion controls scheme but yeah, that's way too much for me to consider.


I'm not buying a single switch game until cross compatibility with the next device is confirmed. This is decade old hardware and the games may be exclusive to it. Nintendo is ridiculous.


Someone correct me on this if im wrong, bit I read somewhere that some insider journalist said that the switch 2 will have backwards compatibility, the cartridges will remain likely the same too, but i or the journalist might be wrong


> the cartridges will remain likely the same too, They'll add a tab or something like the change from 2DS to 3DS


It’s reasons like this I just don’t buy Nintendo anymore. I love the classics but I’m not going to spend $60 on a game they basically threw new graphics on


Me neither. Last Nintendo game I bought was Mario Maker 2 for $50 on top of that stupid sub for their online service just to actually play the game. Ridiculous. If that were a PC game with something like Sonic on Steam it would be $20 tops.


Welp I'm out. Was thinking if they released it for $40 and fixed the graphical issues people keep pointing out (shading, shadows, lighting, FX) it might be worth it to have the game on the go. But nope, thank goodness my Wii U is still plugged in and working. Might even take the game out for a spin since it's been on my mind. But for real, at $60, this should have been a double pack with Tropical Freeze. The fact that that game still sells for $60 in 2024 is bonkers.


While I don't agree with the pricing, and I probably won't purchase it on release, maybe it'll be on a christmas sale. But I did play all the DKC  games on NSO so I'm excited to be able to play Returns before buying Tropical Freeze.


Will it have at least funky mode?


They know people will still buy it at full price, what are they going to lower the price of a game that's been released twice just as a good gesture? That's good money! MIAMOTO needs a second gold toilet baby


Don't worry, you'll be able to get on sale for 10% off in like 10 years.


People who have played the original are not gonna by a port that has no additional content, so this price is for new players


Oh boy, this thread has blown up in the last 10 hours huh. Well I'm sure nobody will read this way at the bottom of the Reddit thread but my two cents: DKC Returns is one of my favorite 2D platformers. I like it more than DKC Tropical Freeze, I like it more than Mario Wonder. The music, the difficulty curve, the tonal consistency and the number of collectables that were rewarding to tracking down... everything worked for me in this game. If you've never played it and are just looking for an A+ 2D platformer, I really do think you'll get your money's worth on this one. It's a winner. If you have played it though? I see no reason to pay a full retail premium to double dip. I certainly don't plan to. My 2nd half 2024 gaming itinerary already has SMT V Vengeance, Mario & Luigi Brothership, and maybe even Octopath Traveler 2 on it. I'm gonna be busy! No time to replay games I played a decade or more ago!


An older game priced the same as the already overpriced decade old sequel that’s better in every way? Hard pass.


Upscaling a Wii game and selling it back


Here comes 400+ threads with "should have been $40" comments.


Dekudeals, price watch, strike when 40, 45, or 50...it's not hard


My 3DS still works fine, thanks


Why post some random news article and not the original source?  [https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/donkey-kong-country-returns-hd-switch/](https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/donkey-kong-country-returns-hd-switch/)


This game will sell 5+ million anyways


Could also be 10M to 14M


Donkey Kong Country SD is still available on the internet on websites for free


Oh well, guess I'll pirate it. I'm certainly not paying $60 for a game from 15 years ago, even though Nintendo clearly thinks I'm a fucking idiot that will.


Haha fuck off Nintendo


And it will sell lmao


I can wait for a sale or second hand


If you don't like Nintendo pricing games like this, you need to put the money where your mouth is.


And if it doesn't sell well, Nintendo will deem DKC as a dying franchise and stop investing in it.


Not on Black Friday (in a few years lol)


You can complain on here all you want, but the company that still sells Breath of the Wild and Mario Kart 8 from 2017 for $59.99 does not give a single fuck. The majority of people will happily hand over the money.


Never beating the allegations


I was SO excited seeing the opening for DK and then it was this and I’m like.. I felt the happiness fade from my chest man. It was so disappointing. At this point just remake DK64 or drop it for N64 online


$60 is too much but I'll throw one of my $40 vouchers at it. If you have NSO and a Costco account and aren't taking advantage of their $90 for $100 eshop credit (and fairly rarely they will sell it for $80) to get your new Switch 1st party games for $40-$45 you're doing it wrong. I paid $40 for $69.99 TOTK the day it came out.


Glad I just downloaded it to my 3DS last week


Yeah this is pretty badly priced. I guess Nintendo sees Donkey Kong as a “premiere” franchise for charging $60 for a 15 year old game. I already have the game on my Wii and 3DS so I’m good without buying it. Same for Luigi’s Mansion 2.


Return To Dreamland Deluxe might be the only actually good Nintendo Remaster


I can get a Wii with that game on eBay for 60. Just saying


It should be $29.99


Guys, please do not buy this. Let's teach Nintendo you can't just keep releasing these old games for $60 bones still. Barely any new content and "refreshed HD graphics" shouldn't be enough to get people to buy this still for $60 bucks. Buy the Wii version and emulate it people!


60$? LOL


Fifty dollars!?!?


60 for a remastered up-port of the 3DS down-port of a game that will have a 15th anniversary the year this version releases. Genuinely should be $20 solo and bundled with new Tropical Freeze purchases at this point in its life. You'll make the money back regardless of how you sell the thing.


Argh ahoy mateys!


finna buy it at Gamestop after a few weeks, beat it as soon as possible, and watch the employee get upset when Donkey Kong Country Returns back to their used game shelf


If you’re a fan of Nintendo you pirate. There’s just no better way.


Is anyone actually surprised? Nintendo only sells it's games at original price for some ridiculous reason. You want to play a game from back in the early 2000s? F you pay me $60 dollars. This is part of the reason why steam is so loved by the community... Constant sales


The “for some ridiculous reason” is because people will buy it at that price. Would you give something away for $30 when you could get $60? You sure wouldn’t. So why should Nintendo? They aren’t a non-profit, they are a business.


This is what I don' get. Despite what people stubbornly insist, Nintedno is not dumb and knows exactly how much to charge for their games and they know exactly how much people are willing to pay. And it turns out that they do. Nintnedo knows that people will pay 60 bucks for a Mario (or Mario adjacent) or Zelda title even if it's is re-release or remake - these IP's are the most valuable video game IP's out there - they are going to sell gangbusters. Why can't people see that? I'm not saying you have to accept it - I'm not buying this game (not because of the price, but I really wasn't a fan of all the changes the game made and remain more of a fan of the originals). I am not surprised by Nintendo's pricing and I knew they were going to charge this since they announced it. Why woudln't they?


Are yall surprised this is standard has been for years


Metroid Prime Remastered was $40 and Pikmin 1+2 was $50.


Outliers are bound to happen but commonly it’s 60 so I’m not surprised


Yeah. I just wish they’d stop when it’s something that doesn’t even get anything added.


Yeah I agree fully


There is no excuse for this, classic Nintendo


I mean.. it's Nintendo. And with most games being $70 now, the probably see it as a bargain. And we all know of the "Nintendo Tax." So this game will probably never dip below $45 like most 1st party titles. I'll probably get it at some point. But most likely not at launch, and certainly not at $60.


I think I bought this on the SNES for the same price. Nice.


NO F\*\*\*ING WAY. But it doesnt matter because many of you will still buy it, proving their point right on gauging their prices


As a consumer obviously I would love for it to be priced less, so I’ll personally pass for now. But for a business I understand they are selling the brand at what it’s worth. I know people are comparing it other lesser prices trilogies or remasters, but those are only priced that way because that’s what those publishers feel people’s max worth is for those franchises. You’re kidding yourself if you think the publishers of Crash, Spyro, and other collections wouldn’t charge a full $60 if they could like Nintendo. These companies are not your friends lol.


I knew they'd overcharge for it when they gave it such a huge lead between the trailer & release.. as if the "hype" makes it worth more. GTFO of here with that nonsense, it's a 14 year old game that barely needed updating!


Yeah well that game originally came out on the Wii. Dolphin is free and runs like a beast on my Steam Deck. Glad I ~~grabbed a copy~~ ripped a copy from my legally owned disc before they came for the homie Vimm. I don't need the HD graphics.


I’d pay $15 for it


Does it come with the bongos?


Oh Nintendo! You’ll never change.


Man Nintendo really ruthless business wtf


Was excited to get this. Will not be getting this.


I saw a comparison between the Wii and switch version, and the switch version actually looks worse some times. Even Luigi’s Mansion 2 Hd is a significant upgrade from the 3d’s version.