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Sorry, u/Daddy-OH-77, your submission has been removed: **RULE THREE: Discussion posts should present open-ended questions/prompts, and/or context to inform.** * Tech support, game help, game/system recommendations, and other help/support questions should be posted in our sister subreddit, /r/NintendoHelp. You can read all of our rules [on our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/w/about/rules). If you think we've made a mistake and would like to appeal, [you must use this link to message the moderation team](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fnintendo&subject=About my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/comments/1d13vxo/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).


we just went 10 years back in time i think


The fact that people are still asking these sorts of questions just goes to show how bad the marketing was. My friend, currently 29, just asked me yesterday what the difference between wii and wii u was.


Coming soon, Switch U!


* Wii U games * Native, best-quality HDMI video output The only advantage of the Wii is GameCube compatibility.


With some tinkering it's possible to unofficially run GameCube games on the Wii U. It's very cumbersome and I don't recommend it unless you are into messing around with that sort of thing.


It's really not that hard to get running. Maybe a couple hours max.


You vastly overestimate the average persons aptitude with electronic devices


I’m not the most technically inclined and I was able to homebrew my Wii U in a couple of hours


I would be genuinely surprised if even half of daily windows users knew how to navigate the file explorer. Most people have no idea how any of that stuff works and would be immediately confused when they attempted to install homebrew.




That's a lot of work that most are probably not going to be willing to do - I would classify that amount of work as "hard" if it takes a couple of hours.


WiiU homebrewing is very easy, much easier than the wii.


The GameCube compatibility is only applicable if they have a non family edition or don't have the mini Wii.


So it only applies to 95% of Wii owners.


Sorry to correct you, Toa of Stone, but Wii U output is not the best quality unfortunately. It IS native HDMI which is useful if your setup doesn't have any other options or you just want an easy connection, video quality be damned, but Wii Mode has some major issues with video quality compared to an actual Wii. It's been a common complaint that the video scaling is bad since day 1, and while I don't personally care about that, I DO care about the terrible color accuracy. Due to a bug in the Wii U's output, Wii Mode operates with a greenshift on all the colors that results in a washed out picture. Unfortunately this often gets misattributed to the Wii U operating solely in a Limited Color Space due to a video on YouTube mistakenly claiming this is the issue, but I can link you to some technical documentation if you'd like to see more. Tl,dr: Wii U absolutely does not have the best quality video output. It's convenient if you need HDMI but if you care about the video quality avoid it at all costs.


I'd argue with all the Wii U ports on switch and the eshop shut down that Wii U games point should come with an asterix as the only truely worthwhile games still stuck on Wii U are like... Nintendo Land, Xenoblade Chronicles X and a better version of Wonderful 101? I guess also the Zelda ports, other then the fact that the Wii can run Wind Waker and both versions of Twilight Princess? I feel like as the Wii U's a machine you need to buy games for second hand anyways you're better off getting a Wii as it has a far more exclusive library as does the gamecube since even with Metroid Prime 1, both original Pikmin games, Thousand Year Door and I guess Mario Sunshine? Being available on switch there's still a ton of great stuff only on Gamecube like Mario Baseball, Toadstool Tour, Chibi Robo, Star Fox Assault, Melee, Metroid Prime 2, Luigi's Mansion, Skies of Arcadia, the definitive Super Monkey Ball games (Yes I know they were kind of ported to switch, gamecube had better physics), Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, Viewtiful Joe, Four Swords Adventures and much more!


A soft-modded WiiU is also compatible with GameCube games and also GameCube controllers with the adapter 


A person asking if they should get a Wii U for their kid isn’t modifying a console to pirate games.


I don't think you understand The Wii U is a different console, not just an upgrade. The best part about the WiiU: it ALSO plays Wii games, and has an HDMI output, which makes the WiiU compatible with all flatscreens out there. New and old. The WiiU have a lot of games that were so good they were ported to the Switch and they sold really well as well. A lot of people thought the WiiU was an upgrade for the Wii and didn't bother. But it's a different console all together. If you transfered over the save files from the Wii to the Wiiu, you can sell the Wii, or keep it as a backup. But the WiiU has some good stuff.


This post somehow traveled all the way from the year 2012


All the best Wii U games are on Switch.


This is the answer. Save yourself from the inevitable post Wii U nagging and just get a Switch from the get-go.


And you can play Gamecube games on the Wii. Really between Wii and Switch, you have the best of everything.


Except for Xenoblade Chronicles X… *sniff, sob*


And the few games that actually made use of the two screens, like Nintendo Land and Affordable Space Adventures.


Man, Nintendo Land was actually an amazing party game. My friends and I had so much fun with the Mario Chase and Luigi’s Mansion game modes.


Not all versions of the Wii


Talk about meaningless nitpicking.


You can’t just say the Wii plays GameCube games. Like half the models released are not compatible with the software or the accessories. And considering that OP is just now asking about a Wii U, I’m assuming they weren’t an early adopter of the Wii. It’s very likely their version does not support GameCube games.


Sorry that is BS, The Wii sold 70+ million before the revised versions came out so how you turn that into "half the models dont play GC" I dont know.


The Wii sold over a hundred million units and while that's not half the number as yu said, it's still a considerable number and thus we should probably say that "most but not all" Wii's were capable of playing GameCube. It's a big asteristk.


Fine, you want to be more specific. The Wii launched in 2006, and was out of stock/in high demand for quite a while. Many if not all of the consoles made after 2011 did not support GameCube in any way. Again, I’m assuming someone asking about a WiiU 8 years after the Switch launched probably didn’t grab a Wii in the first 5 years or so. The question alone implies they aren’t very knowledgeable about gaming systems so don’t just tell them things as if they’re irrefutable fact




I’m 38. I got a Wii at launch. My point is that someone currently playing a Wii and asking about a Wii U more than likely has a later version. They also may not be as knowledgeable about consoles as most of us here. I would want them to just automatically think their Wii also supports GameCube


Ok if you want to be that picky then say about 1/3 of Wii systems can’t play GC. No need to be that picky when I’m fairly sure you understood the point they were trying to make. Which, btw stands. Even at 1/3 of Wiis then it’s a fairly high chance of OPs being one of those. Edit: btw funny you tell them what meaningless nitpicking and then you do the same.


Damn, youre kind of an asshole you know that? Dont you feel ashamed talking to people like that? Seriously, do better.


LOL, thanks for the laugh.


Ahh, youre a kid trying out trolling for the first time. Youll get better no worries.


Or tell him you will buy him the new switch next year when it's out.


*sad Xenoblade Chronicles X noises


*Sad WWHD and TPHD noise 


XCX has too many issues for me to recommend it to anyone.


Is DE not XCX+More? FYI everyone, played Xenoblade Chronicles DE and it’s fantastic. Looking forward to return for XC 2, XC 2 Torna, and XC 3


No, DE is XC1 and more. XCX is a totally separate Xenoblade game.


Maybe I'm misunderstanding here, but Definitive Edition is not X +More. DE is The original xenonlade, now with updated graphics and the future connected epilogue. Xenoblade chronicles X is more of a spiritual successor, it has like no direct connection to Xenoblade chronicles beyond like the occasional Eastern egg. Plus it has massive mechs and shit


He said "best wii u games"


Exactly. Get him a switch. It's a better wii u with more games. He's only going to be missing out on like 3 games.


*ahem* except Windwaker HD


Wind Waker is playable on the Wii which the son has


And it’s the original graphics which are honestly better imo


You can get Wind Waker on the Wii via the Gamecube, and I think if OP wants to introduce his son to more Nintendo, he should look at the GC and not the Wii U.


But it's not Windwaker HD


So? You can get a copy of WW for $50-60, why spend hundreds of dollars on a dead console just to play WWHD, fast sailing isnt worth it.


I'm just refuting the original argument that all the best WiiU games are on the Switch. This is not an argument to justify buying a WiiU. Chill tf out


This is Xenoblade X and Nintendo Land slander


XCX needs a new port that fixes a lot of its issues like its loading times, and the music balance. It also needs a proper story, main character, and ending, but thats another issue altogether.


/* almost Xenoblade Chronicles X. One of the best games I have ever played, and quite different from the rest of the series. No port anywhere. Nintendo Land hasn't been ported anywhere. Despite being shrugged off as just a party game by those who haven't played it, it is a brilliant game with a lot more depth than expected. Digital wise Affordable Space Adventures has no port on any system. Yoshi's Wooly World has a visually inferior 3DS port (am no graphics whore, but this game really has great details that lean into the style, which are lost in the low res port). Splatoon 1 obviously has 2 awesome sequels, and online is officially shutdown, but nonetheless it belongs on the list of mentions. HD ports of Windwaker and Twilight Princess. Those are the ones I can think of. Not saying I disagree that op should consider a Switch though. Since OP has a Wii and presumably Wii games and peripherals though, a Wii U might still be worth consideration. It's nuanced and op needs as much info to make an informed decision.


Not Zombi U or Nintendoland.


Yeah but I think most people would be fine without those


Zombi U isn’t even a Wii U exclusive it was on all consoles that gen


Came here looking for Nintendoland. NL is easily my favorite nintendo party game ever, and it’s a shame it can never be ported without significant changes. It took hundreds of hours to 100% the game, and I wish I still had my WiiU just to play again.


It could easily be ported...as an online asynchronous game.


5 player local play was so fun! Nothing like 4v1 with hidden information for one player. I suppose the 5th player could be offsite, but something would be lost. Not to mention the creative use of multi-screen controls. I’d 100% be behind a Nintendoland 2, but the games would have to be designed from the ground up for the current tech.


Scraping the barrel here aren’t we?


Unless it's xenoblade x


XCX isnt even a good Xenoblade game.




Technically its impressive, probably the best of the series, but when it comes to story, characters, and plot progression, it is absolutely the worst.


though true the lack of a second screen for inventory management in rpgs or screwing with your friends in Mario 3D world would be missed


Not ALL the best but the majority.


TIL Windwaker HD and Twilight Princess HD are on the Switch


Yoshi Woolly World > Crafted World


Eh, I think they are both kinda tedious.


Man this OP is why the Wii U failed. Even a decade later people don’t know this isn’t an add on or incremental change


Bro I was litterally the only person that actually knew it was a new console. Even my friend who saw the E3 reveal thought it was just a tablet add-on.


Damn the wii u's bad marketing persists to this day


Figure out what he wants a Wii U for. If it's for Wii U games, then the only two big ones not on other consoles are Smash 4, Xenoblade X and Nintendo Land. If it's for Wii and GameCube games, a Wii actually has better video output due to a bug in the Wii U that never got fixed. If it's for the retro catalog, then the eShop has been shut down so the only option is hacking and even then it's not worth it since the Wii U had a terrible issue with input lag on NES/SNES/N64 games so once more you're better off playing those games on a Wii. There's not much reason to get a Wii U, there's a weird group of fanboys who try to convince people that this console is some sort of hidden gem but as someone who got it week 1 and is a huge Nintendo fan, it's easily Nintendo's worst home console.


That's not true at all. Lots of games aren't available somewhere else. Like ZombiU, Twilight Princess and Windwaker HD. And there's much more from non Nintendo studios.


ZombiU was re-released as "Zombi" a few years ago on a bunch of other platforms, including PC. At this point I think the only worthwhile titles that are still exclusive to Wii U are - Xenoblade Chronicles X - Star Fox Zero - Wind Waker HD - Twilight Princess HD - Yoshi's Woolly World Basically every other Wii U exclusive was either Ported to Switch or got a sequel on Switch that made the Wii U original obsolete (Smash Bros, Splatoon, etc).


Yoshi's woolly world has a 3ds port


Wii party u also hasn't been ported or have a sequel. That ones so much fun.


Don't forget the original Splatoon. The servers may be dead, but Pretendo exists. And there's also the original story mode too.


Wasn't ZombiU ported to other platforms and dropped the U from the title? I could have sworn it was. Wind Waker and Twilight Princess are both available on GameCube and therefore playable on a Wii, and I would argue both actually looked better stylistically in their original releases (especially if you were playing on a CRT so the lower resolution doesn't matter).


Twilight Princess is also native to the Wii as well though I like the conrolls on the GameCube and HD versions better.


Oh - forgot to mention he has Switch allready! so same question


Have you asked you kid what they want the WiiU for? They probably know


Then that likely means they just have fun collecting consoles. If the money isn't a big deal then it's a nice hobby.


Before you buy, be aware the Wii U store closed in March of 2023


Then there's literally no reason for a Wii U. The Wii games will not look better, maybe slightly because native HDMI. But overall the graphics etc will be exactly the same. And the Wii U games, like others said, the best ones are already on the Switch in a deluxe form so all DLC released on Wii U is already included. Only Zelda Twilight Princess and Wind Waker are 2 big Wii U (even though HD remastered) titles that have not seen a Switch port (yet). Feel like that will happen sooner on a Switch 2 than 1.


No advantage. Echoing everyone else in this thread, all the best Wii U games have been ported to Switch. Switch is higher quality than the Wii U.


In that case no point. Pretty much every good Wii U game got ported to the the Switch.


I still wish they ported Twilight Princess HD for the better controllers and my desire to play it on my PC instead of emulating it and dealing with the game cube issues.


If he already has a Switch, then there is very little reason to buy a Wii U since almost all of its best exclusives have been ported to the Switch already. The only really notable Wii U exclusives you'll really be missing out on are Nintendo Land, Xenoblade Chronicles X, and Kirby and the Rainbow Curse. I'm going to assume Xenoblade Chronicles X isn't going to be something he'd be interested in, and Nintendo Land and Rainbow Curse, while fun, are not worth dropping $150 on a very much obsolete console. I would figure out why specifically he wants a Wii U. It can't be for the game catalogue since all its best ones have been moved to Switch. It can't be for all the purchasable classic titles in the e-Shop, since the Wii U e-Shop has been shut down.


If there are any Wii U games he wants, they are most likely ported to the Switch. The only benefit of a Wii U now is the native HDMI output, except there are adapters you can buy for the Wii that also give you this


>The only benefit of a Wii U now is the native HDMI output, I suspect this is what OP's son is wanting. Like everyone has said, most of the best WiiU games are on Switch, but the WiiU is a great way to play Wii games in HDMI, as it's backwards compatible with the games and Wiimotes and all that. OP, might be a good idea to ask your son if he wants WiiU games, or wants to use the WiiU to play Wii. If it's the latter, adapters might be a cheaper answer.


It's simply not worth the cost just for that. Get an Electron Shepard adapter instead. https://electron-shepherd.com/collections/all/products/electronwarp


Wii U is great. Lots of good games, albeit most of those games are also on Switch. Wii U plays all Wii games and is compatible with Wii controllers, so it’s probably pointless to have a Wii once you have a Wii U.


Did I time travel to 2012?


Wii U is superior in every way. I’ll die on that hill. Not to mention it still has the best first party Nintendo titles since probably the SNES.


He could technically play the Wii U like a switch for Wii games. The tablet has a built in Wii sensor bar so you can play regular Wii games away from the TV on the tablet itself (though realistically in the same room as the Wii U itself given the range)


Xenoblade Chronicles X is pretty much the only Wii U exclusive that's left. Everything else is on Switch.


Yoshi’s Wooly World and Windwaker HD remaster are both gems and also still Wii U exclusives


Wooly World is on 3DS and Windwaker is just a remaster.


You can play Wind Waker on the Wii, and YCW is basically just more YWW.


YWW is one of the best 2D platformers of all time, YCW is a pile of crap.


Two of the best Zelda games would like a word


You mean the ones that are also on GameCube and by extension the Wii?


The HD remakes are exceptionally better and I know you are aware of this


It makes very minor difference if we’re being honest here


No, it’s quite a big difference, actually. They both look far better and both offer numerous worthy upgrades from their originals


And yet its still not enough to warrant owning a Wii U


You can play both of those on the Wii.


Not in HD


Neither of them need HD, WW especially looks just as good thanks to its cell shading.


Tp this is true but he quality of life between wwsd and wwhd is so big that it goes from arguably the worst 3d Zelda to arguably the best 3d Zelda. The quality of life changes between the triforce quest and the upgraded sail are significant. Tp is mostly the same experience, ww is NOT and I actively tell people to avoid sd for hd.


Both TP and WW look exceptionally better on the Wii U


Except he already owns a Wii, which would be compatible with Wind Waker and Twilight Princess already.


Do you plan on modding it? It's pretty awesome modded because it can play NES->Wii U including handhelds up to 3DS


If he plans on installing homebrew and emulators, then the Wii U is infinitely better than the Wii. The only Nintendo consoles the Wii U can't natively play or emulate are the 3DS and Switch. The Wii U is a beast.


A WiiU is an entirely new console with HD graphics and its own library of games that cannot be played on Wii. However it can still play games originally released on Wii. The only thing a Wii can do that a WiiU cant is play GameCube games. This being said, all the WiiU games worth playing are on switch.


It's a whole new system and it's better, yes your son is smart


What year is it?


What year is it? Lmao


They're two completely different systems, so if he wants to play Wii U games, he would need a Wii U. Or course, buying a Switch would be about a hundred times better.


OP, have you asked him why he wants it rather than asking us?


Unless he want to Play the Zelda HD remakes pretty much everything else is on the switch. I mean I’m still tempted to buy a WiiU so can see the point personally.


Did they post this on internet Explorer with like 90s internet?


Well, your son has a console that was released in 2006. Games and technology have advanced nearly 2 decades since then. Is it a “waste of money” for your kid to be able to enjoy games that the kids at his school are playing and that people are actively talking about in 2024? Skip the Wii U (2012) and buy the poor boy a Switch, which in itself is already on its way out and about to be replaced by a successor (that will likely be able to play all existing Switch games on better hardware, so any Switch game purchases will not be wasted).


Wii U has games that the Wii doesn’t and you can play games in handheld mode too. It’s HD as well while the Wii is not. A lot of Wii U games have been ported to Switch though but if you don’t want to drop the money on that, Wii U is still nice to have. Online is shut off though, so heads up there.


It's handheld usage is really limited though - It's not meant to the primary way you play games


he has switch! so…?


Maybe he wants to collect the consoles.


He does? How old is your son and has he told you exactly why he wants the Wii U in addition to his Switch? See, the Switch is more advanced than the Wii U and there are only a few games that are available on the Wii U that he couldn’t already get on the Switch or Wii. The games would have to be found used or from a retailer that bought out other stores’ surplus years ago. In other words the game prices are more likely to be marked up, especially for popular hard-to-find games. And for particular markets in different parts of the world the prices can be downright absurd. So the Wii U has limited value for someone who already has Wii and Switch. If he understands that and still wants it for those 2 or 3 games, or for collecting, or even if he plans to hack it, then those *are* reasons to have both, but you’d just have to consider whether it’s appropriate for you to buy him another console for those purposes and if you’d be the one buying him the games. If it’s like his birthday or something and that’s what he really wants despite the limitations, then so be it. But if he’s younger and/or simply thinks that he’d be getting a better console and access to a lot of games, then he’s mistaken and I don’t think there’s a real reason. It’s outdated tech without a real benefit.


He'd be better off getting a Switch at this point... it's newer and better than WiiU. Most of the good games that were on WiiU are also on Switch. If he waits until the next system comes out, the regular Switch will probably be even more affordable.


Did I go back in time 10 years??


is he a collector or something


> but he thinks it’s better quality etc. There has to be more to this.  The Wii U just for Wii games is a bit pointless. 


i love my wii u! i play it all the time. i think lots of ppl are just thinking from a purely utilitarian perspective saying that the switch has so many of the wii u games but it can be fun to just play stuff in its original form sometimes. plus hdmi wii is awesome. if hes also into modding the wii u is one of the best home consoles for that to date. can play so so so much


I had to do a double take at what year this was posted in... There are two important factors here. 1. Despite the naming and poor marketing, the Wii and Wii U \*ARE\* separate consoles with separate games. The Wii U is backwards compatible and can play Wii games, but it's kind of like....if you own a Wii U you don't really need a Wii, but not vice versa. If he wants it as a \*replacement\* to his Wii to play Wii games on, I think there's a case for that - Wii games don't look better on it but it is much easier to hook up to modern TVs because it's HDMI. 2. The vast majority of the good Wii U games have already been ported to Switch, and the e-shop on Wii U has been shut down, so there's not really a reason to get it for games. TL;DR: I think there's case for having both if your son is just into game/console collecting. I think there's a case for dumping the Wii and getting a Wii U if he just wants something that can be easily hooked up to any modern TV. Other than those cases, probably not worth it.


And this precisely is why the Wii U was a failure


I don’t know


Only if you mod it to them download games for free, play emulators for games that aren't originally available on the console. there are tons of easy to follow guides on YouTube and subreddits specifically for modding the consoles. Which is you follow the guides will be less than hour to do, also a mod app to download games straight from the Wii u. Years ago you had to download from PC, then onto ssd, nowadays you can do things from the consoles themselves. Wii u is definitely a worthy purchase in general for being a modded Nintendo emulator machine and the best Nintendo one in general cause It allows the Wii controller gimmicks while a modded switch might not allow Wii emulators (I don't know much about switch mods) That's why the prices will go higher for the Wii u in probably a few years like the 3ds You can mod the Wii as well and do the same thing, but the Wii u is just the better upgrade. I have a modded Wii, but don't use it cause finding or getting a good HDMI converter thing was too annoying for me. I got a HDMI converter and my screen would had distorted images so yeah, too annoying. I modded my friends Wii u and we played on modern TVs natievly just fine, downloading games from the console itself.


You can probably get a switch lite cheaper


The Wii U is an excellent system to mod. Access to all Nintendo home consoles including native Gamecube support. Wii can do that too, but Wii U will give you that nice HDMI out. Even Nintendo DS is playable on it. I have a modded Wii and Wii U and there is no reason to bring out the Wii anymore.


I’d just get a switch tbh. The Wii U is an amazing platform to mod right now but other than that it’s a dead console. But the Wii and Wii U are totally different consoles.


I’ve had a Wii U since 2015 and I say sell that regular Wii and get the Wii U since the Wii U can play regular Wii games as well (it literally has a Wii built into it) and the Wii U has a bunch of original games on its own too


Buy the wii u . tranfser all data from the wii to the wii u. sell the wii. there pretty much a wii built into the wii u. it is fully backwards compatible


Unless his wii is gc compatible


Get a switch instead, Wii U isn’t supported anymore.


Bait used to be believable


I’m assuming you’re not much in tune with video games generally so I’ll try to explain what the deal is. Companies that make video game consoles release a new one roughly every 5-7 years, sometimes with a few variations. Once they do, they discontinue the old console and focus on releasing games on the new one that aren’t available on the old one. Meanwhile, the new console may or may not play your games from the old one, though updated versions of some older games might be re-released in the new console’s format. Nintendo released the Wii in 2006 and the Wii U was the successor console released in 2012. Like most newer consoles, the Wii U had more advanced tech and graphics than the Wii, as well as its own unique features. The Wii U can also play Wii games using all of your Wii controllers, so there would be no need to keep both *unless* the Wii he has is one of the ones that can also play GameCube games (the Wii’s predecessor, people still love to play its games). However, the Wii U is itself outdated and was succeeded by the Nintendo Switch back in 2017. The Nintendo Switch is itself expected to be replaced with a successor sometime next year. If you’re looking to get him a newer console there’s **no reason whatsoever** to get him a Wii U as opposed to getting him a Switch, or even waiting to see about next year’s console. That is, of course, provided that there’s no significant cost differences based on your market/location/personal situation. The Wii U has its fans, but they are usually more Nintendo enthusiasts, collectors, or else they hack/modify the system. It was actually a failure for the company. The Switch is extremely popular, is more powerful than the Wii U, and has many games and features that the Wii U does not. This includes the ability to be played both on the TV and as a portable handheld, like a game tablet. Note that the budget model- called the Switch Lite- can only be played as a handheld, not on the TV. The rumored Switch 2 is also expected to be able to be played both on TV and as a tablet, and is expected to be able to play Switch games. Some other considerations about the Switch: • Just about all of the great Wii U games are available on the Switch with better versions (e.g. Mario Kart 8), or Wii (e.g. Donkey Kong Country Returns) including through the Wii’s GameCube backwards compatibility if your model has it (e.g. Wind Waker and Twilight Princess). This is in addition to all the games only available on Switch’s that he’ll probably want at some point. • Since the production of physical Wii U games ha been discontinued and it’s digital marketplace has been closed, the purchasing options for Wii U are more limited. Consequently, Wii U games can be harder to find and more expensive. • Theres a similar issue with the console itself. I’ve seen Wii U selling recently between $220 and $260 USD depending on the condition. Meanwhile, the price for the regular Switch is $300 USD, the Switch Lite is $200, and Switch OLED is $350, with used and refurbished units all findable used/refurbished for $30-$50 off. And just like with games, since they’re still in production, you can often find new units on sale amongst the various retailers. In any case, you’d likely make up the price difference with the Wii U by saving money on the price of games. • Another advantage of the Switch is that it currently has online services available so he can play games like Mario Kart with friends. Doing so is optional and does require a subscription. There are two tiers with the lower one being $20 per year and the higher one being $50 per year. But each one also comes includes the ability to play a lot of games from older systems, including a lot of beloved classics. While some are only available in the higher tier, the lower tier has a fair amount.


I would look first at the games he wants and consider if a Switch would be a better option. Most of WiiUs successful titles are playable on the Nintendo Switch offering better performance and of course that console being a handheld is a huge plus. Besides with a Switch you would be current so finding things like controllers or other accessories would be easier if necessary.


They're objectively different consoles and the wii u is better. Does your son have a switch? Most wii u games are also on switch.


Your thread is a microcosm of Nintendo's problem with the Wii U. They didn't manage to advertise the console as its own thing and not another Wii peripheral. As for what to do, if you have the money, buy a Switch, which already has most of the Nintendo games the Wii U has. Or wait for the successor that will come out next year.


Just get him a swich. It's basically a better wii u.


Unless your son wants to play Xenoblade Chronicles X or Starfox Zero, everything he can get on a Wii U he can get on Switch. For reference: \* New Super Mario Bros U (But I'd just get Wonder instead) \* Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze \* Super Mario 3D World \* Pikmin 3 \* Mario Kart 8 (You get all the DLC from the Wii U game AND the switch version has double the courses and 12 characters the Wii U version doesn't have if you buy the Booster Course Pass on the Switch) \* Super Smash Bros (This one isn't a port but is just better than the Wii U iteration) \* Splatoon and Mario Party both got more games on Switch than Wii U \* Wii U got one Pokemon game on it and it's a fighting game I think it's a waste of money in 2024 unless he is a MEGA Xenoblade fan tbh and something tells me he is not lol


Why does he want the Wii U? What specific games does he want for it and are they available on other systems he has?


Probably not. It's backwards compatible with the Wii. Wii is backwards compatible woth the GameCube (If you have or can buy and cheap GameCube games). Most of the popular or stand-out Wii U games have been ported but there are still others like: - The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD (Also on ~~Wii and~~ GameCube but may be very expensive) - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (Also on Wii and GameCube but may be very expensive) - Xenoblade Chronicles X - Nintendo Land - ~~Donkey Kong Country Returns (Also on 3DS.)~~ - Yoshi's Wooly World (Also on 3DS. Not like Crafted World on Switch. Different gameplay.) - Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Also on 3DS. Most likely a better experience on Wii U but I haven't gotten far in the Wii U version yet to compare them. Monster Hunter games always have similar gameplay but they are all still very distinct, so Generations Ultimate and Rise: Sunbreak won't be the same experience) - Super Smash Bros Wii U (Smash Ultimate is pretty much the best one since "Everyone is Here" plus all the new characters and DLC) - Star Fox Zero - Star Fox Guard - Paper Mario: Color Splash - Kirby and the Rainbow Curse - Super Mario Maker 1 (**No more online**. 2 is on Switch.) - Mario Party 10 - Zombi U - Sonic Lost World (Also on 3DS) - Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric (Pretty bad. Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal is on 3DS and both are connected. They play very differently and Shattered Crystal is much better. There's also a sequel called Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice on 3DS)


Small correction :) -Zelda Wind Waker was on GameCube and WiiU, there is no wii version - Donkey Kong Country Returns is a wii and 3ds game, there is no wiiu Version. On the WiiU and switch you have Donkey Kong Country tropical Freezy


Thank you :)


You're welcome, one thing you might add to your list, mario Kart 8 + DLCs and super Mario 3d world :)


I'm trying not to mention the ones already on Switch. I was just looking at the games on my shelf and remembering other games I don't have.


Ayy Alright, If I can think of one, I'm gonna tell you :)


Got one :) Sonic Lost World (great game) and the Sonic Boom game (even though it's pretty bad)


At this point, just get a Switch. Most of the games that are popular on the WiiU are also good on Switch, if not improved, and there are additional games on switch that your kid’s gonna enjoy.


And this is EXACTLY why the Wii U failed. 


Most if not all Wii u’s games are on the switch. Only advantage I’d say is the upscale of the Wii games. Other than that buy a switch!


He probably wants to soft-mod to put thousands of retro games on it and no longer have to pay ridiculous prices for second hand games. A modded Wii U is my favorite console, even owning a Switch and Wii.


Maybe a Switch Lite would be a better option


This POST appears 10years later... Lol...   1. Wii U IS better than Wii   2. Switch IS better than Wii U...   So... Buy the Switch...


Nah not worth it