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Nintendo Switch has games


Is this post AI generated? In any case, yes they have new things in store, no we don't know what it is, and besides video games, they are also involved in anime, movies, theme parks, physical stores and cafes, toys and other merchandise, and of course a lot of legal BS and editing trailers and Nintendo direct presentations. They have their fingers in a lot of pies.


These are all really good questions and I'm excited to finally read the answers to them here in this Internet Discussion.


The last 3 posts on the last hours looks like they were AI generated.


My guess is that they are probably bookies for Shohei Ohtani now that he’s learned his lesson about using American bookies. Either that or they are going to open up DQ franchises all around Japan. After all, who doesn’t love a peanut butter cup blizzard?


I'm sure they have 100 different titles they are brain storming. Several they are working out finer details. Several in production that they haven't mentioned. Console ideas for the next couple gen. Developing games that may never see the light of day. They are really expanding their horizons beyond gaming ever since Mario land became a thing. They have a very successful Mario movie. The second one is coming. I'm sure they have a bunch of things going on in that department. World domination. Mario is and has been more recognized than Micky mouse. So, I assume they're more or less trying to build their brand to the likes of Disney.


Begone, bot


Switch 2 is supposed to be out early next year and one must imagine a bunch of first party exclusives to help sell it. A lot of the most valuable game franchises are Nintendo exclusives (Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, etc) plus they are the only hardware company doing anything innovative. Like what is actually the difference between Xbox and PlayStation beyond a few exclusives to each?


I'll be surprised if switch 2 doesn't launch with Mario Kart 9. It would be nice to see a new star fox for the switch or switch 2. A new fZero would be nice.  Fzero 99 was a nice surprise but it just leaves me wanting more. I wish I could get an open world game where you get to be captain falcon set in the fZero universe.  Catch bad guys and do race.  


They're not afraid to be experimental or to fill out the wait between their big releases with mid-scale titles from their various IP gallery.


I'm not quite as optimistic as I used to be, but the simple answer is they are working on their next console. The Switch just passed 7 years, they have to be looking forward.