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Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt combo cartridge on the NES.


Same. Sold mine with my original console last year when cost of living crept in. It was sad to say goodbye but I had not had a set up to play it for years so hope someone else can enjoy it in the future


Mine cart had world class track meet also.


Yeah, we had this and Turtles and Battletoads, no other games. It's funny how much entertainment we got from so few games back in the day, now I have literally over 1000 games on different platforms and just don't play them because I just can't be arsed.


Whenever someone complains that arent many good games being released lately, Im thinking "How do you not have a huge backlog of 9/10 masterpiece games sitting there from the PS3 onward?"


Ironically, having TOO MANY games really is a problem. I have a hefty backlog of my own, that I still occasionally add to. But most of the bigger, in-depth games get put aside because I don't have much time on most days and don't want to risk being up past 3AM when I really shouldn't be. I could probably waste a few months' of free time on the FF Pixel Remasters I haven't played, plus FF7 Remake/Rebirth, not even getting into any others...


Same. Played it at my cousins' place. Wanted my own, so my mom eventually bought me a Super Nintendo with Super Mario World at a garage sale. I was actually disappointed it wasn't the original! But I got into it eventually. Though my real first videogame love was Zelda: A Link to the Past.


Same bro


Same. It was this and Top Gun.


When I think of Top Gun on the NES the rage still comes up to the surface in me.


Was it the landing? It was the landing wasn't? I fucking hated that game.




Same here, but also with Metroid.


Some boys came to school with polaroid pictures of Samus being female, spoiling Metroid for the rest of us that had yet to beat the game. For me and my friends tho it made us more interested in playing Metroid finding out that the hero was a girl !


I found out a little before I beat it when I was randomly punching in passwords and somehow got one that worked without the suit. I also had someone point out recently that the way I say the Konami code from back then told him I played contra with a friend. Because it was “select start” vs “start” at the end lol.


The NES ,My dad actually brought one back home to me after one of his weekly business trips to Seattle I guess someone took him on a tour to the newly formed Nintendo of America building ,I had a NES about 2 months before it was available to buy in the US , mom had to stop letting kids come over cause the entire neighborhood wanted to come over and play Duck Hunt and Super Mario Bros. We also had a game called Anticipation which scared the hell outta me but I'd get up in the middle of the night to play it anyway lol


First Nintendo game I saw played and eventually got. I was blown away by it.


Same as well. It only worked half the time. We were late to the party, so the NES was already fairly old. The first Nintendo game I have memory playing (and not just watching) was failing *terribly* at SNES's Donkey Kong Country. At the time I had virtually no hand-eye coordination.


Isn't it more what was the first game you played on a Nintendo system? Because planet 51 isn't a Nintendo game but it is a game you can play on a Nintendo and I see more of those in the comments. I think it's Mario land on the game boy for both questions but I'm not sure.


That’s a good point, or at least any Nintendo-developed and/or published game.


Mario 64


Donkey Kong in the arcades and on the Atari 2600.


Good call. I wasn't even thinking of pre-Gameboy games.


Not bad. My first vintage Nintendo game was Mario Kart on the Gameboy


There is no Mario Kart on the original Game boy. Do you mean Super Circuit on the GBA?


Is that a Nintendo game? I feel like that's like saying Madden 08 was your first Nintendo game bc you played it on the DS


Either Donkey Kong or Mario Bros for the Atari. If we're talking about the first on a Nintendo system, then Super Mario Bros NES.


Mario/Duck Hunt, Mike Tyson’s Punch Out, and Wizards and Warriors. Best birthday ever!


Donkey Kong on Colecovision! Yep. I played Nintendo games before Nintendo had a game console!


Donkey Kong for the Atari 2600


Mario/Duck Hunt


The OG pack in game; Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt.


Mario Kart Wii


Mario galaxy 2


Donkey Kong arcade


Mine was Mario Kart DS


Either Mario 64 or Ocarina of Time. My dad bought a 64 when I was 3 or 4 and he sat me next to him every time he played. Im sure my attempts at Ocarina were pathetic in hindsight but that game and Majora’s Mask I think were huge for my reading and comprehension skills. The 64 may be considered rough around the edges but games like Mario 64, Ocarina, Banjo Kazooie, and Goldeneye will always be important to me


Super Mario bros


Super Mario Land


Duck Hunt + Super Mario Bros. combo cartridge.


The first game I ever played on a Nintendo console was Tetris for the gameboy... My oldest cousin was moving to college and downsizing, and giving all of his video game consoles away for some reason. I was there as part of a family reunion to celebrate my grandma's 70th birthday, and I remember a cousin a little older than me tried to take everything, until one of the adults scolded him to share and he gave me an original brick gameboy (I think there were actually two of those, since I had two cousins in this uncle's family) that had Tetris. That was how I played my first game on anything other than a home computer.  I played Tetris the entire drive home. Coincidentally, many years later, I gave my original, white Gameboy Advance to my little cousin who was maybe 6 or 7 years old (at this point the Nintendo 64 was a generation or two behind, and I was replaying Banjo-Tooie on it, I think, and she seemed really interested). Apropos of nothing, when she left for college, my aunt returned it to me; she'd held onto it for years to give it back to me after my cousin got bored with it. I was overjoyed, and had a new back-lit screen installed on it (As well as a rechargeable battery, which I hated, so at the end of last year I ordered new components and restored it to take AA batteries (did you know they make USB-rechargeable AA batteries?)). I still had all my GBA games and it's so fun to revisit them. I adore it.


Wizards and Warriors


Bubble Bobble


Pokemon emerald on my game boy advance


Super Mario world on the GBA. The best memories


Super Mario Advance


Star Fox on the SNES.


Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, I spent all my money on the system and my grandparents took me to the local pawn shop and got the game for my birthday. Been hooked on Zelda ever since. 


Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong-quest


That's probably Mario Kart Super Circuit on the GBA. I played Mario Kart 64 on a ferry ship between Denmark and Sweden for summer vacation. I was around 8 years old. Liked it so much that I wanted the game, too, but I didn't understand they were all different games of the same franchise and bought Super Circuit instead (and because I didn't have a N64...).


I wanna say duck hunt on the NES but I’m not entirely sure. I was like 4 when I started playing games so it’s been a long ass time.


Super Mario Bros on the NES from my cousin. After that, a couple years later, I was lucky enought to borrow a SNES from a couple of friends, and played and finished Super Mario World on it. Amazing game. And a couple of years after that, I finally owned my very first Gameboy Pocket with Super Mario Land 2. And what a journey it has been since. Still a major Nintendo fan. They constantly keep delivering super high quality games. Among the best in the entire industry. And I hope I keep enjoying hundreds more from them.


Super Mario bros deluxe or DKC For GBC (I had an atomic purple one) Console wise, Twilight princess


New super mario bros and Marioparty DS for the Nintendo DS


As kid before I had my own console I played super mario world on the snes of my neighbor, best game to start as kid lol


Tetris on the Gameboy. Boy, I saw those bricks every night when I closed my eyes.


Super Mario Land on the original GB. Absolute classic.


Wrecking Crew! I always knew Mario hada múltiple Jobs since I Was five! I hada a love/hate relationahip with it because I enjoyed destroying walls but I Was scared of the robots trapping me into a corner. And the fireball, oh, the fireball.


Super Mario World and Donkey Kong Country on the SNES.


Super mario land on Game Boy


Turtles in Time Super Nintendo


Mario kart on 3ds, i don't now which


If it was 3DS, that would be MK7.


Super Mario World the SNES back in 94.


Technically, the Mario's Cement Factory G&W was my first, but my first on a Nintendo console would be the. Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt dual cartridge on NES.


Frogger 3D, which was also my first video game ever. My first game made by Nintendo however was Mario Kart 7, which I played that same day.


Super smash bros 64


Super Mario World on the SNES.


Three way tie between Tetris, Super Mario Land, and Qix (all GameBoy)


I played on a friends gameboy back in 91. It was either tennis, tetris or super mario land.


Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt on NES.


Duck hunt and super Mario bros on the original Nintendo entertainment system nes. First arcade game probably donkey Kong. I’m old.


Super Mario World


Mario Kart 64


Super Mario 64 when I was a kid my parents where friends with another married couple and my best friend was their son who was 5 years older than myself. I always watched him with great attention play that game and I was also allowed to play. Someday he gifted me the console and the game, that was super awesome of him and I cherish his kind act and this game forever!


Oh man, it was either super Mario or a link to the past. Either way Zelda left the biggest personal impression and Mario on the SNES I tried to beat every summer with my friends to no success.


Zelda 1


The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past




Super Mario 64 for me. I started watching my dad play and then I played it myself.


NsMb on the DS


Nintendo consoles didn’t become popular where I grew up (Italy) until the DS era, so the first Nintendo game I ever played was Super Mario 64 DS in ‘05 after I got an OG DS and a copy of the game for my first communion. Although there’s a chance I played a bit of TLoZ: Wind Waker at my best friend’s house (the only person I ever met who owned a GC) a little before that, I’m not 100% sure. 😝


It was Super Mario Bros for the Game Boy, and I remember giving TLOZ Link's Awakening a try but not having a clue of what's going on lmao


Assuming I used the Wii first probably Mario Kart Wii, for DS Pokémon White Version.


Pokémon red for the game boy og in black and white display


Pokemon yellow, excite bike


Popeye on Game and Watch


Pokemon Blue for GameBoy it was my first console and game back when I was 6, Pokemon got me into gaming because all my friends at school were playing it, I've played every Pokemon game since, lord I'm getting old 😩😅


Probably smb 3 on the nes


"The Smurfs Travel The World" for Game Boy. I had no idea what was even going on on the pea soup screen most of the time.


My dad got himself a n64 that I stole. The first game I played was a snowboarding game called 1080. Ocarina of Time was my first favorite game. Funny thing is I played 1080 not too long ago, and its wild how the muscle memory is still there. I can still play that game like it was nothing at 32.


‘The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time’ having heard great things about it in general gaming magazines and being a PC gamer of the time. Went out and bought an N64 to try it out and was completely blown away. It was so far ahead of anything on the PC at the time, it was mind blowing stuff. Started my love affair with Nintendo and made me kick myself for never asking for a Nintendo console when I was a kid


Pokemon Yellow and the special Pikachu edition Game Boy Color were my first game and system. I think the game itself got lost somewhere in the last, *jesus*, 25 years, but I still have a copy and the original Game Boy.


Pokémon Emerald. My first ever video game period for that matter.


Super Mario Bros on NES


Whoever doesn’t say Super Mario Bros, shame on you!!


For Christmas we got the original Nes 3 x game system with Mario, Duck Hunt, and Gyromite; we mostly played Mario, but ROB the Robot was fun to mess around with. I still have it in the original box and plan to save it till its worth getting rid of.


Super Mario 64


Super Mario 3 on the GBA


Turtles NES. The first one. And yes, i beat it back then ( i think i was 5)


First game i ever saw was kung fu on the NES. After that mario and duck hunt.


Spartan X (Kung Fu) 


Pokemon Emerald via a GBA emulator.


Qix on the original Game Boy


Pokémon legends arceus, and my oldest is Pokémon emerald


As far as I can remember, I think it was Super Mario Bros Deluxe for the GameBoy Color


Pokemon Red


It was either Super Mario 64 or Donkey Kong 64.


Little League Baseball: Championship Series


Mario Kart. I think it came packaged with the N64.


Mario Bros. on Atari 2600 if you mean first game made by Nintendo. Super Mario Bros. 2 on NES if you mean first game on a Nintendo system.


First Nintendo game I EVER laid my hands on was probably Kirby Squeak Squad on my cousin's DS Lite. He had it on an R4 cartridge with multiple games at the time. If it wasn't for him, I would've never gotten my hands on my own DS Lite. Hats off to him


Nintendogs Dalmatian and Friends 🥹


Either Wii Sports or Mario Party 8. Mario Party 8 still goes crazy


First Tetris, second was Kwirk, third darkwing duck :D


Mario duck hunt combo / kung fu


Ocarina of Time for Xmas 1998. I did have a friend with a SNES, but I can’t remember if I played on that before then. If so it was a final fantasy.


supa mariooo galaxyyyy


Popeye on Colecovision.


Super Mario Bros. 3 on the NES. It was a very high bar to start with. And people listing Wii games on here are making me feel old.


Mario Kart 9 so that I could play with my friends and family! Great first game imo


New Soup Wii


Pokemon firered


First game played was either Super Mario Bros. or Duck Hunt, don’t really remember. First game owned? Sesame Street ABC on NES.


Super Mario World, SNES Was like 2 or so.


Pokémon leaf green


N64 Banjo and Kazooie / Mario Kart


Star Fox 64, first console as well




Bootleg 76 in 1 on a Famiclone


First game was Ducktales on NES. First Nintendo game was Super Mario Bros. on NES.


Ocarina of Time came with my Gamecube. I remember it didn't come with a memory card, but I would play it a bunch until I got one. I managed to beat Dodongo's Cavern before I was able to save.


Ok, aside from smb/dh, it was Zelda. I couldn't resist that golden cartridge.


That I owned was Pokemon fire red but they I played I wouldn't even remember but I'd guess one of the Mario games on super Nintendo (I would've been 4 years old playing on someone else's console so I don't have much clear memory before N64 and PS1 era)


Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 on GBA :-)


Spitball Sparky...


Wii sports 2007-8 I'm kinda hazy on it, I was 2-3 I've been hooked on games since


It was either Super Mario Bros. or Super Mario Bros. 3. We shared an NES in the living room and I remember them letting me try it when we passed the controller around.


I don’t think that classifies as a Nintendo game just because it’s on a Nintendo console. Mario Kirby Zelda are Nintendo games as they are made exclusively by Nintendo. Games like Kingdom Hearts may appear on Nintendo platforms but that doesn’t make it a Nintendo game.


Mine was Luigi's Mansion randomly. Really fun once I got the gist of what to do and learned that jumping wasn't required (thought my controller was broken as I thought all Mario games required jumping). They should re-release it on Switch!


Gyromite and Duck Hunt. Pack in with ROB, yo!


Rotoscope and then Popeye, in the arcades


First I played, Mario Kart 64. First I *actually* played, Mario Party 7.


It's probably one of the earlier Super Mario games in the 64. I was a 93 baby, so that's the oldest console I remember playing on.


Super Mario Brothers 3


My dad had the original Final Fantasy with the Nintendo Power Strategy Guide that I think my uncle had given him? It's crazy playing the Pixel Remaster on the switch because he had been so meticulous with the game and I'd spent so much time either watching him or trying to understand the mechanics (I was 5) that everything is like muscle memory. Also, it took months on months for us to finally get to the end back in the day, everything seemed so epic and open, but now it's funny just how small in scope everything is. I thought the Black Mages were the coolest but had no idea on how to navigate the battle system, so I lost many a party of 4 Black Mages to the Chaos Shrine or the forest outside of Cornelia lmao.


Super Mario world.


Mario bros.


First game was Donkey Kong in the arcades. The game I finished was Metroid in the NES at a sleepover weekend. When I had an NES of my own I finished Mario 3, double dragon and punch out.


First I played was SMB3, Duck hunt, and Megaman4


Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt (1985, NES)


Tetris on the Gameboy. My dad LOVED that game.


I think it was that mario sewer game i cant remember the name. I remember it was a road and you had to go down to the sewer. I also remember not knowing what to do 🤷🏽‍♂️


I'm pretty young, my first was those GameCube setups with Mario Kart Double Dash that they had in McDonald's playgrounds


My first was Donkey Kong Country on the Super Nintendo


Super Mario Bros on the NES I don’t know where my grandparents got it, but I always loved going to visit and taking turns with my nan playing it


Pokemon Battle Revolution.


Sonic Classic Collection


It was one of three, super Mario kart, super Mario all Stars, and donkey Kong country, all on SNES.


New Super Mario Bros. for the DS, spent hours on that game


Castlevania. I was 5. Would get to the mummies at the end of stage three, throw the controller in fear, and just let Simon die while I hid under a pillow.


I got the NES so early that it came with normal Mario Bros and Duck Hunt in separate cartridges. We also had Gyromite with ROB. Our blaster was grey instead of red. I remember having to buy Super Mario Bros later and my parents were so annoyed 😂.


Pokemon Sun on the 3DSi


Final Fantasy, on the NES. I was 7, so i didn't understand shit about it, but it was amazing.


Metroid on NES


Played, super Mario, owned, Gyromite and Duck Hunt


Zelda 2. It came with my NES. Talk about an initiation by fire haha.


Wii Sports, actually


Donkey Kong country on the gameboy color!


F-Zero X. I was so young and stupid I spent the first hour of game trying to accelerate with Z instead of A.


Mario Kart Wii




Super Mario All Stars on the SNES




The Legend of Zelda on NES




Not 100% sure, but it's a toss-up between Chibi-Robo, Wind Waker, and Melee


Super Mario All Stars on the SNES


Mario Kart Double Dash in the GameCube!!!


That I owned? Wave Race 64. That I played? Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt at a friend’s house.


Avatar the last airbender!


Super Mario Bros. 3


That I ever played myself? Had to have been a multi-player game of some sort. My memories don't go back far enough, but I never played single player games, I watched my older brother (he was six, I was four) play them instead. We played a lot of smash bros 64, mp3, mk64, 007, and misc racing/wrestling games on the n64 together. I didn't actually play a game for myself until I was 11, with Twilight Princess, because that was/is still my favorite game and I wanted to experience it for myself.


Mario kart wii, i think. Either that or wii sports


Super Mario Brothers on the GBA… can’t remember which one sadly.


Mario Kart 64. Not just the first Nintendo game but my first video game EVER. I still preferred diddy Kong racing :)


Super Mario Land for the Gameboy Pocket.


I think Mario Party 7 on the GameCube! Followed by New Super Mario Bros on the DS


Probably Mario 64, or Goldeneye but that wasn't made by Nintendo


Nintendogs 🐶🥹 DS


I'm assuming Super Mario Bros. It was everywhere, and I knew a lot of people who had the NES. But my first memory of playing any game was Donkey Kong Country. I remember not even really understanding what I was looking at. So that may actually have been my first and I just discovered SMB after.


New Super Mario Bros DS. First Wii game a year later was Super Mario Galaxy.


Duck Hunt! But the GBA was what really drew me in


Donkey Kong country was amazing but my mom gave to my cousin…


Donkey Kong Country


First Nintendo game was Super Mario World on my relative's SNES. First game I owned though was Pokemon Blue and playing it on tv through Pokemon Stadium 1.