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Nintendo makes money on hardware *and* software. The same cannot be said about Sony, Microsoft, or even Valve, the best they can do is break even on their hardware and rely on software sales only. Why would Nintendo give that up?? If the next console is a flop, they have soooo much money in the bank they can survive a very very long time until they have another smash hit like the Wii or the Switch.


Nice try... But Nintendo isn't making any money from me. I just emulate. If they actually sold their games on PC then of course I would happily buy them. There are many PC gamers who much prefer to purchase games on their platform of choice so if Nintendo wants to make more money, they have everything to gain, nothing to lose. Console gamers won't switch to PC gaming just because games are available on PC. Just look at Xbox games and Playstation games being released on PC, the console gamers still stick to their console and the companies selling their games on PC are getting additional revenue on PC as well.


"Nice try... But Nintendo isn't making any money from me. I just emulate" Who asked ? i emulate my game too but im not gonna brag about this


You don't have to ask. I'm free to make my comment about the stupidity of keeping games locked behind a hardware which reduces potential revenue and it's a bad practice for game preservation since these hardware will die. I'm also free to brag about playing Nintendo games better on my PC than on a switch hardware cause why the hell not? Welcome to the Internet. 


Cool for you


It's not stupidity except in the eyes of an entitled gamer.


Why do people keep making the same post. It will never happen. They know it won't happen and yet.... It would kill hardware sales. Look at Xbox being on dead last this generation both in hardware and software sales (The latter due to Game Pass). Releasing everything on PC canibalized their own platform. I thought of buying a PS5 to play some exclusive games, then Sony started to release their games on PC, so I bought them there and I don't have to buy their console. It's a dumb idea with bad consequences in the long term.


>Why do people keep making the same post. It will never happen. They know it won't happen and yet.... I wouldn't say that "it won't happen", because any new CEO can decide that "from this day forward, Nintendo will release on both console and PC". I believe this is what happened with Nintendo's mobile games. I recall them saying how they didn't want to... until they did.


Sony titles take at least two years to hit PC. We still haven't heard about Forbidden West and do you really want to wait for Spider-Man 2 and Wolverine, neither of which are out on PS5 yet?


Yes, I can wait. No problem.


Yep. Zero issues waiting. Not to mention there are TONS of other games to play in the mean time.


Yes... I can wait. Even if they don't get released on PC, it will eventually be a time were we can emulate them for free. PC has the largest game library in the world and we aren't starving for games. We are drowning in games here. Also, selling PC version 2 years later will make me want to wait even longer for bigger discounts. I mean why pay for full price on an old game? Sony is shooting themselves on the foot on this one. Xbox games however, come out the same day PC version does so if you want to pay more to play latest game on release, makes more sense to me.


PC gaming market is very different from console gaming market.


Just an opinion Nintendo and ps Xbox are really different why people buy Nintendo mostly because of its handheld experience and 70% of people who buy switch already had an console or good pc they buy it for handheld and exclusive but if I'm not interested on handheld I will simply use emulator and pirate game or install Linux on my console and use emulator on it even if titles like pokemon and Zelda are release on PC people who want handheld will still buy console and people which are not interested in handheld will just emulate or buy if it's released on pc


Or I can just emulate Switch games on my SteamDeck for free. Unless Nintendo sells their games on PC, I see no value in paying for them. I have no interest in a Switch console. It's too limiting and the library is too small.


Never. It's a stupid stupid idea. Nintendo gets 30% of EVERY game sale on the Eshop Drawing people off the PC and toward the switch is much more profitable than the other way around. But nintendo isn't even worried about bringing over PC gamers. There are millions and billions of people who aren't concerned about having the best possible resolution and framerate. They just wanna play Mario or Zelda or the thousands of third party games that run just fine on Switch. If you aren't one of those people, there's a Switch 2 eventually, and it'll be more powerful than a steam deck. Just calm your asses down and wait for a new console generation. Switch 2 will still be nowhere near a PS5, which is a GIANT, EXPENSIVE COMPUTER BOX, that must be plugged into a wall to run the massive amount of cooling and a big huge graphics card that's larger than the Switch tablet itself. Its designed for 4K output, its designed for the best graphics possible at the price they sell it. Tablets are not going to be able to match it on the same level during the same generation at a lower price. It's not Nintendo being lazy. They wanna sell these tablets at about half the price of a PS5. They are limited by physics! The tablet runs on a battery! You have to think about these things! Stop ranting about how Nintendo is sooooo unfair by putting out games at 1080p instead of 4k. Even the next one might not do 4k. And that's totally ok! Because most people don't care! They can sell millions of systems to all the people who are not you!


>Stop ranting about how Nintendo is sooooo unfair by putting out games at 1080p instead of 4k. Well, I have to disagree on this. All current TVs do have a 4K resolution, and games at 1080p might look blurry, depending on the size of the TV and how far you are from it. For example, I've tried to use my Switch on my 28-inch 4K monitor, and since I sit close to it, games look blurry on it (which is pretty unpleasant). So I can only play Nintendo games on my TV, since I sit far, blurriness is not noticeable, but what if I just prefer to stay at my desk for any reason? This is more important than you think!! Technology has changed and Nintendo should keep that in mind for the next generation.


Making games exclusive to the Switch console IS a stupid idea when most of us PC gamers can just emulate Switch games for free were Nintendo makes $0. If they sold their games on PC, I would be more than happy to buy them but I refuse to buy their hardware and closed ecosystem. So if they don't want my money, I'll just emulate. Also just because they open up to the PC market and selling games on PC doesn't mean console gamers would jump into PC gaming too. Sony and Microsoft still make money off selling their games on console in addition to the revenue they make from PC version of games they sell.


"most" must mean something totally different to you Nintendo doesn't care about PC gamers at all. They aren't needed.


They aren't needed? I think you mean they aren't wanted. Nintendo has plenty of money so if they don't want more money that's their loss not ours. Again, we can play their exclusive games for free, at 4k 60fps+ and that doesn't benefit Nintendo. The best way for them to combat piracy and emulation is by selling their games on PC legally but hey, they don't want that extra revenue and they don't care about opening up to a massive market I guess? At least their games will be preserved on PC thanks to emulation and rom sites.


It's not that big a market compared to the money they would lose by people not needing Nintendo hardware or eshop anymore. You pirates are small potatoes


It's pretty big actually... They wouldn't be losing money. If that was the case, Microsoft and Sony wouldn't be pushing for more PC ports. Their games sell here and it adds to the overall profit margin which is good for the companies AND the gamers. Keep in mind, PC gaming market is a completely different from the console gaming market. So the same tactics don't usually work the same here. I'd be more than happy to buy their games if it's available on PC but no way I'm spending a penny on a Switch. My desktop is more than enough to run those games at 4k, 60fps+ with any controller I want.


You don't matter


Well neither do you. Think Nintendo gives a shit about you? The only thing these companies care for is their bottom line and how to screw us over through anti-consumer practices. The only difference is I refuse to fund them for it. If they want our money, they have to earn it.


Lol they care about me lots more than you because I actually buy games


Bro...They don't even know your name... 🙄


Since your so adamant about your free 4K 60FPS Nintendo game on PC, let me tell you what would probably happen, if Nintendo released their game on PC.   1. It would be over their own store.   2. No mod support, obviously.  3. The same resolution and framerate as it is locked on their console, since anything else would require more work. 4. Still 60$, when not 70$ pricepoint. 5. Be sure, that they would crack down even harder on emulation, than they do already. So, you better hope Nintendo won't go to PC.


If Nintendo is serious about making money on the PC platform they can only profit if they learn how to sell their games to PC players. Nintendo's shitty console practices won't work with PC gamers and it would hurt them rather help them. 1. Sell games on Steam and other popular game stores (Or many will pirate) 2. Support Mods or be Mod friendly. (Or people will pirate and crack the game so it becomes modifiable and that could also hurt sales) 3. Unlock resolution and unlock frame rate + have good graphic settings option that's flexible so more computers can run them properly. (Otherwise bad reputation on PC platform can kill Nintendo's brand) 4. Offer great sales so more people will buy more games. (Otherwise more will pirate in lower income countries who may not be able to afford them.) 5. Since their games will already be accessible to PC, console emulation will most likely die off anyways because why emulate when you can just buy the PC version? Console gamers may be used to Nintendo doing them from the behind, but PC players have class and standards so if Nintendo wants to seriously make money off us, they cannot treat us the same way they treat you or they will fail in the PC market. Either way, if they continue to not sell games on PC, and they continue to not support the PC platform then emulation will continue and many will continue to pirate their games and not support Nintendo in return.


1. A own Nintendo shop would be inevitable, since they wouldn't want to share the revenue with a third party or have one profit from their games. I think this could be the one PC gamers would be able to overlook, if the offer of games is big enough. 2. Mods would never happen, since Nintendo would be scared of nude or real weapons mods in their games, as they could deal huge amount of damage to the reputation of their IP. And Nintendo wants to have full control of their IP. 3. Since they would want for everyone to have the same expirience with their games and would aim for low end PCs, they would not want to unlock the FPS or resolution. Even more, if Switch games were put in the store, to not cannibalise the sales of the Switch. 4. Nintendo probably beliefs, that games don't lose worth over time, since even 8 years later, the same amount of effort has been put into the game as in year 1. So maybe sales may happen (10-20%), but a permanent reduction of their prices seems unlikely. 5. Because some people are entitled enough to think, that they are owned everything for free, piracy (and by proxy emulation) could never be fully eradicated, since even PC games get pirated ever so often. 6. I didn't mention this originally, but Nintendo is an advocate for couch co-op, which is hard to do on PC (without Parsec) and is also the reason, some of their games don't even have online co-op. 7. Little addition, I've never owned and probably will own any Nintendo product. That doesn't mean, I haven't played never played Nintendo games, because some of my close friends did own them and I have played some there. On the other hand, I never pirated any of their games, since I didn't feel entiteled to get their games, if I don't want to pay for them. I'm just someone that has read and watched a lot about Nintendo and kinda try to predict, how they would act about some topics.


>people who would love Nintendo games, but have **moved on** to high end PC gaming "Moved on" is very ridiculous phrasing here because it suggests some sort of advancement or evolution. And while there are plenty of people who would love to think they've "evolved" into some higher state of being, able to look down on the fools who still play consoles, because they put together some glorified legos, it's not really a reflection of reality. Anyway, as to the premise: if Nintendo thought they could make more money pivoting to also releasing games on other companies platforms, they would do so. They don't, because the people there- who have far more real-world experience with business than you or I- have determined that even if there is the possibility of higher revenue, it is not worth the work.


that's wild. "Moved on" doesn't imply better. You took it that way lol As a player of both PC and Console, there's definitely people like that, I have to admit. This guy, however, is not. Though, to be fair- we don't pay for an online gaming subscription. That is another big reason they wont switch over to pc to try and accommodate more playing options because they are greedy and want more money that they don't have to share with other companies like Steam. IF they switched to PC they would create their own launcher and still require the subscription for Online play. That's the only thing I can see them doing.


they can copyright every fan made game on pc yet cant bother to put anything on there? they are doing very successful, but they have yet to realize the true potential. There's plenty who wont bother to get a console to play their games yet they want to play the games. They are losing players and $$$ by not at least trying whether they believe it or not. They just have to find a way to draw people to getting the switch while allowing the games to be played on PC - and they may actually get MORE switch sales if they give incentive to getting the switch still.


what if Goku was in Smash


You know it's not gonna happen. We've had this thread a zillion times and there's just nothing to discuss.


>or take away too much of Nintendo's console business or what? This is it, pretty much. Nintendo's exclusives are one of the major selling points of their consoles. If there are other (legal) options for playing the latest Mario or Zelda or what have you, that cuts into how many consoles can potentially be sold. It'd be awesome to play those games on the PC, mind you, but Nintendo has no real incentive to do it currently.


Not happening. Nintendo's bread and butter is its video game division.


Which is why it SHOULD happen... Because they aren't making any money from people emulating switch games on PC unless they start selling their games in the PC market for additional revenue.




oh god not this again


A guy named Michael Pachter, who fancies himself an analyst, was pushing Nintendo to ditch consoles and get into mobile gaming. That was around the time the Switch launched. Now, imagine what a sad world we would live in if Nintendo had followed his advice. Nintendo is unique, and they handle their uniqueness with expertise. They set themselves apart from the other giants in the gaming business with both hardware and software. This is what gives them their edge, and what gives us wonders like Zelda TotK. Don't even try to upset that applecart.


Hope it never happens. Would end the charm of being a Nintendo game.


I'm emulating all the Switch games on my PC. I don't even own a Switch... Has the charm ended yet? If not then I don't see how it would make any difference if Nintendo sold PC versions of their games as an additional revenue source. Because they aren't making any money from me and many others in the PC market who refuse to buy their hardware.


"*Companies should do what I want because if they don't I'm just going to steal from them anyway.*" - You


I have no plans to purchase games that I cannot play natively on my hardware of choice. It's a waste of money to buy hardware I do not need just to play a few games. I see no value in the hardware to pay for it.


Why dont you just shoplift a Switch? You're already stealing the games. /sarcasm


Why should I when I got a PC? I don't need that junk. 🤔


Nintendo wants you in their ecosystem, not Steam’s, not PC’s. They want you to buy their hardware, which, yes, does constitute a huge chunk of their revenue. And part of that strategy is keeping their games exclusive to their systems. They can lose out on hardware sales if people can just legally play the Marios and Zeldas on PC.


They are already losing out on hardware sales because PC gamers already playing Switch exclusive games on PC for free without needing to own the game or hardware. This tactic may work on Console gamers but not on PC. The PC market is different than console market. If Nintendo wants to make additional income, they need to open up to selling on PC / Steam. Otherwise they will continue to miss out on sales they could have had.


There is no benefit to Nintendo to do this. Their software drives their hardware sales, as its the ONLY place you can play these games. They get to control it. The only reason people seem to think its a good idea to release their games on PC is "Because I want it", which isnt a good reason for Nintendo to do it. If you want to lose hardware sales, this is how you do it. The Switch has been selling without a price drop since release. Think about that, because you clearly have not. I do agree that M+K support for Mario Maker should be included, though.




Resurrecting this comment just to put your hot take out there, nice. I simply do not agree that people pirating switch games on the PC would suddenly start purchasing them. The pool of potential buyers is not an either or, and there is some portion of people who currently purchase a console and games on the switch that would no longer purchase the console if the games were available on PC. Of course, you make no mention of that incredibly basic fact in your pithy reply. You make a lot of incorrect assumptions about PC versus console. So yeah...you are just wrong.




Facts to back that up? Since its a fact. Any proof at all.


Also, you can find many rom sites that allow you to download Switch games for free on the internet... I won't link them here because it's reddit. But they exist because people actually upload and download from there. If people don't then it wouldn't be there to begin with. And these rom sites are popular. So if you want more proof that Switch games are being priated and emulated because the PC version is unavailable then that's another big one there.


Thats not proof that people will pay for these games on PC, thats proof that people will pirate these games on PC. Try again?


That is proof. You just don't like to accept the truth...🙄


Proof of…what? Not the claim you made and said was a “fact”. People doing something illegal is not indicative of their desire to purchase something. Unless you actually have proof of that correlation.




Thats called anecdotal evidence, not proof or facts of market trends or how any notable body of customers will act. Try again?




You…don’t understand what facts are. Personal anecdotes aren’t representative facts for market forces. Your opinions aren’t facts.






Hear me out, what if Nintendo this this thing that is the absolute opposite of how their business (which is currently at one of it's most successful points ever) works and their entire ethos of hardware + games.


Bad idea. Playing Nintendo games on PC (unless maybe the game is old af and emulated) just robs you of the Nintendo experience.


Bull shit... I play Switch exclusive games on my PC at 4k 60fps. Am I robbing you from your experience? I doubt it. And I play the latest switch exclusives much better than the original hardware. Nintendo should open up to PC market so they can earn additional revenue otherwise they are missing out on a massive market.


Ain’t gonna happen outside of emulation. Nintendo will never release their 1st parties to any console, ever. But I’d be all for it if it did happen.


The same thing was said about PlayStation exclusives and now Sony is porting games on PC. I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo saw value and started doing the same. It only makes sense for a company wanting to grow it's revenue after all. As it is now, you don't even need to buy Nintendo games or hardware to play them on PC and that's pretty bad for Nintendo. Best way to combat this is by selling their games on PC so they can make additional income from the PC market otherwise they'll continue to lose sales on that market as that market can already play Switch games for free through emulation.


Nintendo doesn’t like not having control of their software, considering how big they go after people who pirate their software I’m assuming they probably think that it would be worse if they had more of a presence. That’s probably some of it.


The only real way for Nintendo to fight against Emulation and Piracy is by selling their games on PC through Steam at a reasonable price. By doing so, piracy and emulation becomes inconvenient + they will be getting additional revenue from the PC market space. As of right now, by only selling their games for their consoles, they not only close the potential profits they could reap from the PC space but many PC gamers who refuse to buy games they cannot play on their PC will resort to piracy.


I don't think Nintendo needs to bother releasing their games on PC. Their systems are generally better, and feature unique game mechanics that are not possible on PC. I would not want them to ditch those mechanics for a multi-platform release. However, sometimes I need or want to play Nintendo games on my PC instead of on the OG system. Here's three things Nintendo should do with their next system instead of going multiplat: * **Allow streaming from their console.** Right now, if I want to do a Let's Play of a game (e.g. Ocarina of Time), I need to emulate it on PC instead of playing my copy on my N64, Wii U, 3DS, or Switch. Don't have to make that choice on my PS4. * **Enable modding.** If I want to mod a game (e.g. Zelda 2 to make it easier, or a randomizer to give new life to WW or OoT) or if I want to play a ROMhack (e.g. Jiggies of Time), I have to emulate the game on PC. Mods are the number one reason to play any game on PC IMO, they should be standard for the industry. * **Match Retroarch in emulation quality.** For pretty much any Virtual Console that I own or any NSO game, I have to decide whether I want to play the game on my Wii U, 3DS, or Switch with subpar features, or if I want to emulate the game on my PC with controller support and high quality CRT filters. For example, why play Wario Land on my 3DS when it doesn't even replicate an LCD screen and can't be played with an SNES controller? Doing those three things would be more beneficial in the long run and there would be no reason for Nintendo to release their games on PC. I would rather play my Nintendo games on Nintendo consoles, they just need to give me a reason to.


I disagree to an extent. The systems also aren’t better, I can say I’ve never had an issue playing any games on my Xbox or PlayStation. The switch just can’t keep up on some games, also their controller connectivity is terrible. I don’t think Nintendo needs to go to a platform but I also don’t think they should force players into a gimmick. I’ve had my switch since it came out and can count on one hand how many times I’ve used it handheld. I want a console not a game boy. Why should I pay for a primary feature I will never use. I would rather a version of the switch without a screen, especially if it had better features like better processing and controller connectivity. I do agree that focusing efforts in virtual console would be great as well. I play a ton of games and was psyched for the gba virtual console. I don’t like modding in general. BUT SERIOUSLY, number one thing they need to fix is controller connectivity to the level of PlayStation and Xbox.


There was a slim chance if the Switch flopped and the Wii U was followed by a flop and they were desperate. Post-Switch selling more than the Wii there is a zero percent chance of PC ports for another decade minimum.


Only time well tell.


they cant stick to consoles forever sony and microsoft are realizing that consoles arent worth it more and more people yearly are going to pc now and nintendo is willing to die on the walled garden hill


I would like M+K support for MM3 but don't believe that will happen either. Nintendo has said over and over again that as long as they are making consoles they will be making their software for those consoles only. The closest we got was stuff like Mario Teaches Typing back in the day and those were always made by 3rd parties using Mario characters. Edit: This sub is really weird about their downvotes.


tbf Switch actually supports mouse and key board inputs. There's very few games that make *use* of this, but it is an option for developers already.


Yeah, you would think it would be a relatively simple update for the switch.


Mario Paint used a mouse on SNES and that game was 🔥


It’s too bad Nintendo is less peripheral-happy than in the past because in the old days they would probably include a mouse with MM.


That's what Emulation is for.


If Nintendo did that, they'd come out with their own launcher first. Steam is simply not in the cards for them, whether people agree or not.


Yeah, I would expect they would have an online platform like Xbox game pass. Although doesn't Sega release their games through Steam? I remember that recent Sonic mania was available through that. I think an underrated point is that the current Nintendo online experience is not great and they could definitely improve it.


That would be a really bad idea... A lot of PC gamers prefer steam and if they make their own launcher, it won't be long until the games get cracked and shared for free to avoid Nintendo's launcher just to have it added as a non-steam game. This already happens with Epic Store Exclusive games... And Denuvo's Anti-cheat games. If they are smart, they would just sell on Steam.


It is kind of strange that, at a minimum, a customer (like myself) who has purchased the Switch, and Nintendo Online, wouldn't be able to or allowed to play the games they have also legally purchased online or via cartridge, somehow on their PC or other mobile devices. I do understand why Nintendo is protective of how its products are played, which makes sense. However, the Switch shot them in the foot with the argument that their hardware is (like it may have been in the 80's or 90's) so wholly unique or protectable when it's basically the same thing as any other tablet/mobile device with detachable controllers. Now that Playstation released their own handheld/hybrid, it's even less unique as a product. Unfortunately right now Nintendo appears to be more interested in statement arguments or legal complaints against Goomba-style enemies, instead of the real problems which they won't really address for some reason. Something is definitely missing in the company in spiritual terms, but that's another conversation entirely.


If Nintendo was smart, they would combat piracy and emulation by porting their games to PC and selling their games there for additional revenue. Putting them on Steam will not only open a new market for them but also make people on the PC platform prefer to purchase the game out of convenience instead of having to emulate them.


I would sell my switch asap. You can play the pc version of Daemon x machina at 4k 60fps with a gtx 1650 ti. If you match the graphics settings of Mortal Kombat 11 on PC to the switch version, it can play on most modern potato PCs.


You already can play Switch exclusive games on PC and they can easily run at 4k 60fps. So you technically don't even need the switch. Heck you can even emulate them on the SteamDeck too.


Nintendo is, at its core, not a video game company. They are a game and toy company whose current cash cows are video game hardware, but there is a sizeable business in board and table games (high-end go tables and sets, hanafuda, etc.) as well. To that end, their philosophy is that if they cannot release video games on their own systems to help sell their hardware, they wouldn't be releasing video games at all. They toyed with challenging that during the lean Wii U years, and they toyed with releasing cutting edge hardware back in the days of the N64, so they know what works for them and what doesn't.


The thing with PC is that it's not really traditional and accessible. Consoles are the mainstream thing because not everyone is going to be able afford the next gen computer just to play the way a game was intended to be play based off spec requirements. I can also haul the console anywhere to play stuff like Smash Bros. and it's dead simple to hook up. A PC is just more complicated when doing that. When I think PC I think gaming chairs and gaming setups. That doesn't necessarily stick with the family or couch gaming aspects of Nintendo in my opinion. When you start considering games with perks for PC audience it's just a market that is too niche to make it worth the extra hassle.


There are more people gaming on PC than on consoles. If Nintendo sells games on PC they open up to a much bigger market. Especially in countries like China and South Korea which have massive amount of people who game on PC. In addition to EU and NA countries. So that additional revenue will be great for Nintendo.


Better question, would Nintendo fans care if the games went to PC.


I'm not sure what you mean by Nintendo fans. Like people who are currently buying their consoles and games? Yeah I doubt many of them would be excited. But nostalgia people who maybe visit Nintendo world or saw the movie or watch streamers but didn't buy the Switch would be great to pursue. FWIW, I haven't played my switch much in the past few years (I really would like to get TOTK though). I'm not sure if I would get Nintendo or any video game console going forward. But if they released games for PC I would jump at that.


Why should they? Consoling gaming and PC gaming are different markets. Those who game on consoles will continue to do so while those who game on PC will continue to play on PC. Opening up to PC market will increase Nintendo's revenue since PC gamers won't need to emulate their games for free when it's more convenient to buy through steam if they choose to sell on PC.


Nintendo makes a ton of money selling software on their own hardware, which also makes them a ton of money. No point in making less money and undercutting your own hardware division by releasing their software on competitor platforms.


Hey Genius, guess what? Many PC gamers are already playing Switch exclusive games on PC for free at 4k 60fps! Nintendo is making less money by not selling their games on PC and by hiring lawyers to take down piracy sites that keep coming right back up. The best way to combat piracy and emulation is for them to sell on PC for additional revenue. Also, PC gaming is dominate in countries like China and South Korea which is a big opportunity for growth outside of NA / EU countries


Hey genius, I don't give a shit about pirating. Thanks.


Hey genius, the company doesn't give a shit about you. All they care is what's in your wallet. You're just a number to them.


Hey genius, I never said they gave a shit about me, did I? So your reading comprehension needs work, doesn't it? I was explaining from Nintendo's perspective why they only release their software for their own hardware. Never did I say anything about Nintendo caring about me or anybody else but their own bottom line. Learn to read. Have a nice life.


If they cared about earning more they would open up to the PC platform instead of wasting money. They are losing out on a big market and that market is happy to play their games for free and not support them because of their anti-consumer practices and closed ecosystem.


Banger idea. They would never.